CHAPTER 1O: Good Morning, Indeed?

One and Only Kyu





I woke up early. I gotta prepare for school now, or I’ll be late again.










I remembered what happened last night. What Kyuhyun told to me was really shocking. I thought he had already forgotten about the subway meeting with the anonymous girl.








Okay, I know that it was me. I haven’t told it to him ever since I enrolled to the same school with him and finally got to meet him, again and befriended him. I still don’t know what to feel about what he just said last night, that he wants to see “The Little Girl” again. Why would he want to see “The Little Girl” again? I felt a little thud in my heart when he said that he still wants to see “The Little Girl”, which is me.







But I also felt sad, because I can’t tell him that I’m “The Little Girl” he met on the subway. And I don’t want him to know it.







I’m now contented with our relationship as friends, maybe if I told him that I’m the little girl he would feel betrayed because I kept it for a long time. Maybe this is what our fate wants us to be. I’ll just let fate do what it wants to do to us.







But on the other hand, I was really hurt with what I’m doing. Keeping all my feelings for him, and keeping a secret to him all this time that we are friends. Maybe I’m still lucky, because I got to meet him again and we became friends. Yes, I should just think that I’m still lucky, though.








All of the girls who have gone gaga over him are dying to have a date with him, but hey look at me. I just had a dinner date with him last night. Okay maybe he doesn’t consider it as a date, but for me it is. Maybe I’ve got full of myself now. But I’m still happy because last night was the first time he treat me like a lady, because naturally, he doesn’t. He would always make me miserable, in ways he didn’t know. Like I’m his brother, like I’m not a girl.








He’s very comfortable with me, I can say that, because I’m the only one who knows his secret. He told me not to tell Leeteuk oppa about his secret. But Leeteuk oppa knew it. I told it to him after Kyuhyun and I met on the subway, and when we enrolled and saw him, I also told to oppa that Kyuhyun was the little boy I met on the subway. Leeteuk oppa was also keeping my secret to Kyuhyun.








I heard the door bell ring, I know it is Leeteuk oppa outside. I grabbed my bag then went downstairs.



















I opened the door, and I was a little bit dumbfounded when I saw who were there.












Leeteuk's POV

I’ll pick up you on their house before going at the school, haha I know she had a good time last night. I just let her with Kyuhyun last night because I know she really wanted it. She has a lot of stories to tell to me.




While walking, I saw Kyuhyun walking at the same direction where I was going.



“Kyuhyun-ah!” I called him.



“Oh, hyung!” then he smiled and stop walking.



“Eodi ga?” I went near him and asked.



“Ah, I’m going to you’s house to pick her up” then he smiled.



“Whoa, I smell fishy here, why would you pick her up? I think it’s my duty” I told him, but it’s a joke of course. I’m very confused right now. Hmmm, what are these two up to? Are they couple or what? They just eat out last night and now he’s like this to you. you you’re very fast.



“Hyung, don’t look at me like that. It’s not as if we’re couple” Kyuhyun told me.

Okay, now I really want to laugh. Is he reading my mind? And he really looks pissed Hahaha.





“Algesseo.I’m just asking! Are you guilty on something or what? Hahaha changnaniya!” I told him, laughing.













We went to her house and Kyuhyun pressed the doorbell.













In just a couple of seconds, the door opened.












I saw you, and her reaction when she saw who was with me.











Kyuhyun’s POV


The door opened, and I saw you.









 She smiled to leeteuk hyung, but when she looked at me she was like… shocked?









Maybe because she was not used to seeing me in the morning, am I really that bad to ruin someone’s day?






 I decided to pick her up because I just like it. And also, she knows my secret, so I may as well guard her a bit. It’s not that I don’t trust her that much, I just want to reassure that she wouldn’t tell it to anybody. Leeteuk Hyung also picks her up before going to school. Hyung’s reaction awhile ago pissed me off a bit. I know better than to over-react and after all, it was just his intuition. He’s like a father to you that’s why he was like that, I understand it.











you saw who’s outside. Its Leeteuk and Kyuhyun.




you just stand there, unable to speak. She doesn’t know what to say because she was like spaced out. Seeing Kyuhyun at her door first thing in the morning is something unusual.










“Do you hate to see me in the morning?” Kyuhyun said coldly.








you's reaction to Kyuhyun’s words was like someone poured a cold water to her.







“A-aniya. It’s just that it was new that you’re here with oppa.”







“Kyuhyun and I decided to pick you up because you know, we were worried about what happened to you yesterday” Leeteuk said looking at Kyuhyun with a undescribable look on his face.









“Ah kuraeyo, thanks for the concern. I’m fine now. Kyuhyun-sshi thanks for coming here to pick me up. C’mon ka ja?” then she smiled both to Kyuhyun and Leeteuk.








“You don’t say that to me when I pick you up” Leeteuk said, with a sad look on his eyes and a sly smile on his face.
































They arrived at school. The girls are now whispering again to one another, why you was with Leeteuk and Kyuhyun. All of them are used to seeing Leeteuk and you together in the morning, but they were a bit perplexed when they saw Kyuhyun with the two in the morning.







“Even these people looked at me like I’m someone who doesn’t know how to pick-up someone in the morning” Kyuhyun said, you heard it.






“Mianhae” you said, then she smiled to Kyuhyun.





“Sorry for what? And why are you smiling like that?”






“Amugeotdo”, she looked away, because she knows that Kyuhyun was pissed off.







“I’m going now to my class oppa and Kyuhyun-sshi. Thank you again”, then she bowed to both of them. She looked at Kyuhyun but Kyuhyun was not looking at her, he was pouting.






Leeteuk and Kyuhyun went to their class also.






Sungmin’s POV




I went to school early.






I went to our room and put my bag in the chair. I went outside to see if my ideal girl already arrived. I want to catch a glimpse of her to complete my day.







I was reading a book while waiting. When suddenly, a girl near me whispered to another girl beside her, audible enough for me to hear.






“Oh, why are they with Kyuhyun this morning? I know only Leeteuk and you sunbaenim goes to school together, but why are they with Kyuhyun?” the girl near me whispered.





Then the other girl said “Molla. But the three of them are friends right? So it’s just natural. Why make big issue about it? ”







Then I saw the three that the two girls were whispering about.





Kyuhyun-sshi looks pissed off. Why is he like that? Hmmm really confusing.










I saw you. She’s really pretty, she’s blooming today. Hmmmm..









Ah no no no. It can’t be. She’s always with Kyuhyun-sshi so why would she be happy being with him? Maybe something cheered her up today.









I saw you waved to Leeteuk Hyung and Kyuhyun-sshi. After she went inside their room, I rushed to our room.













The bell rang. Its lunch time.







Leeteuk went to you’s room. He saw her fixing something.



you looked outside and saw Leeteuk. She smiled and brought her bag then went outside.






“Kyuhyun has been quiet today. Haha I really want to laugh. He’s so sensitive.”





“Speaking like he’s not” you said.





“Oh, so what happened last night. C’mon marhaebwa” then Leeteuk hooked his arms to you’s.




“Ah nothing, we just ate that’s all.” she said to Leeteuk, not looking at him because she’s searching for someone.






“Nothing? Why would he pick you up this morning if nothing happened last night? You’re lying to me, you just want to keep that all to yourself.” Leeteuk said, looking at her intently.



“Okay okay, ill just tell it to you later. Aissh.” you said, because she knows Leeteuk would just insist her to speak up.









They went to their  usual spot where they eat lunch. No one really dare to sit there when lunch time came, like it was reserved for the three to sit on.








“Its your time to treat me” Leeteuk said, smiling to you.







She knows what he meant, Leeteuk is the reason why Kyuhyun and her had a “date” last night.






“I will, you just protest early” she said, smiling to Leeteuk ,blushing.










After ordering, she went back to their table.









Kyuhyun hasn’t still arrived.







“Hmmm why is he not here. Im not used to not seeing him this time.?” Leeteuk said.


you just stay silent, maybe Kyuhyun is really pissed off because of her reaction this morning. Truly, she doesn’t know how to react, that’s why she looked spaced out because she’s thinking if he would smile on him or what. She always thinks before she acts toward Kyuhyun so that he would not be mistaken by her actions, or decipher her feelings for him. But this morning its like she had gone overboard. Its like she’s apreson with no feelings. She felt her heart crumble.








“Ya, gwaenchana? Is something bothering you? Geokjeong hajima, your prince will show up later, just wait you know.” Leeteuk said to her, with an assuring smile.







She just sighed, then gave Leeteuk a half baked smile.































Lunch time ended, but No signs of Kyuhyun showed up.

















you felt down. Leeteuk looked at her.








“Don’t worry, ill just ask him later why he didn’t ate lunch, okay? Smile now, I don’t want to see you like that. “ Leeteuk said to her while patting her back.










“A-algesseo..” she said with a broken voice.










































Tme passed by.






























































Dismissal time came.











The moment the bell rang, she quicly went outside to search for Kyuhyun.








She texted his oppa Leeteuk



“Oppa, mianhae. I can’t go home with you today. I have something to do at the library. Don’t bother to wait for me, I know you’re busier than me. Just drop by later at my house, 8pm if you still have time. Take care oppa.”







She went to every room, hoping to find Kyuhyun.










She also went to their room, the music room. She peeked at her room. Her eyes  caught someone playing guitar.











While that time, Sungmin was inside, playing his gutar.









you went inside then went near the boy playing the guitar.






“Excuse me.” She said, “Are you Kyuhyun’s classmate?” she asked.









She was a little bit intimidated to the cute, baby faced boy wearing eyeglasses. She saw him adjust his eyeglasses before looking at her.











The moment their eyes met, the boy’s expression was like alarmed.










“N-n-ne..” he stammered, then he sat up straight.







you saw the cute boy’s reaction. “Weird”, she thought.










“Ah, did you happen to see him? “ she said to the boy. She smiled at him.






The boy stared at her for like a couple of seconds before answering.


























“A-ah I think I saw him went to the rooftop.” Sungmin said.








“Gamsahamnida.” Then you bowed, he saw her rushed to go out of the room.








you ran upstairs.

















Meanwhile, Kyuhyun goes inside the music room. He went to the bathroom because he has a stomach flu. Its because of the foods he ate last night.






He doesn’t really mind who the person inside their room is. He sat on his chair, looking for his composition inside his bag. He saw the boy went outside the room. He just sniffed.






He pulled out his composition from his bag, then stared at the ceiling for awhile. He rubbed his stomach.  “Ah, apa. I shouldn’t ate too much last night. I feel hungry but I don’t like to eat. Ahh what’s happening to my digestive system”








you breathe heavily once she arrived at the rooftop. There’s no one there. Could it be that the boy was lying when he told that Kyuhyun was at the rooftop, or Kyuhyun went home and she wasn’t able to catch him up here? She felt the wind on her face. It was like slapping her.








She slowly walked downstairs.
























Kyuhyun went for the piano and played his composition.
















While you is walking, she walked past the music room. She heard a soft sound of a piano coming inside the room. She stopped for awhile to listen. Then she heard a familiar voice..




(play this while reading)








“Chakaun neoui..



































She felt her heart beat fast. She went near the door.









Whoa I made this chapter extra longer :)

Because my previous update was a bit short,

And I want to spoil my dearest subscribers kekeke~

Thank you so much for the positive comments! These made me more inspired to make the story interesting






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i will post the part 2 of The Savior Chapter when I already had 10 votes in the poll. ^^


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 17: update please..
Shagarin #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhh please update soon!! She should confess so that Kyuhyun will marry her!!
Chapter 16: I am wonder when will this Kyuhyun Oppa realize she the little girl
Chapter 14: KYUHYUN FTW! XD
Kyu's role makes me melt. If its okay with you I'd like to request more scenes with Kyuhyun. Thank you :DD
Chapter 14: hahaha another cliffhanger from you! XD
well I changed my mind! I guess it'll be much more interesting if it's Sungmin, then Kyu can go all crazily jealous for the whole day! Yippie! XD
I'm waiting for him to finally realize who's this little girl really is! <3
update soon I'll wait for it :)
Chapter 11: Nurse Shindong haha xD
Chapter 13: Updates finally! Been waiting sooo long for this! XD
Kyu is totally making me frustrated! But still he have my heart *sigh*
Well I wish it's kyu! It's time for him to start open up, before another competitor took his spot! XD
Can't wait for another updates! :)
GoSh!!! I'm an English Literature major! Haha!
kyulovewook #10
I hope you update soon... I'll be waiting :D I want to know what happens to Kyu and Kyulovewook!