


After series of curses from Hakyeon,they walks out of the lift and go into the office.As soon as they enter the office,all of that women turn to glare at them and

Taekwoon quickly hides behind Hakyeon scared of the intense glare.Hakyeon just rolls his eyes at him then turns to the women back “I’m sorry if you don’t have

appointment you can meet him.” He announces to them.All of that banshees laugh and one of them say to him “Who are you to order us like that huh.” “That’s Woori”

Taekwoon suddenly say to him from behind.Hakyeon smirks at her before answers with full of sassiness “Well I’m Taekwoon’s secretary and boyfriend at the same

time.” Woori and the others glare at him then another girl say to him “Did you think you’re the best?” “Minah” Taekwoon once again introduce his ex-girlfriend “I don’t

know about that but one thing I know is I am better than you since Taekwoon had choose me over all of you.” Hakyeon say while smiles smugly.All of the girls look

like they’re going to explode but before they can do anything,a feminine manly voice say “What is happening here?” Hakyeon and Taekwoon turn to their back and

shock to see Jaejoong stands there looks hot, sassy and pissed “Why are you girls here?” he say in cold voice.They girls flinch at his cold voice and Minah try to be

a brave there say “We’re just want to see Taekwoon’s beloved ‘boyfriend’ that Narsha told us.For what I saw he’s nothing except just ordinary man that is working as

secretary and try to be gold digger.” After she finished,she smirks at Hakyeon.Hakyeon fist his hands tightly “Yeah really someone is curious about how to eat rice

with a straw.Shall I fulfills your dream then?” Hakyeon say in his mind “You’re wrong about him being a gold digger.” Taekwoon suddenly walks in front of him and say

to Minah.Hakyeon looks at the back of his head blankly;what’s wrong with this alien? “From what I remembered all of you’re the gold diggers.I had dated him for about

two months and I had only spent for him a cup of Hazelnut ice blended and a slice of Tiramisu cake which is only 5% from what I had spent for all of you before.Looks

yourself in the mirror first before you talks bad about my boyfriend.” All of the girls,workers,Sohyun,Jaejoong and Hakyeon look at Taekwoon with shock. “Now if you

don’t mind,can all of you girls out from my company by yourself or you want me to call guards to you out.” Taekwoon say coldly while shows the door.The girls

stomp their feets and then walk out of the office while glare at Hakyeon.But Hakyeon being sassy just smirks smugly at them “Well I did knew that I’m y and all of

you are my fans so don’t look at me like that.I’m faltered…” Hakyeon say in full sassiness.The girls look at him with disgusted faces,Taekwoon smiles with

amusement while Jaejoong shouts “That’s my boy!Looks he’s more sassy than all of you added,freaks”. “Omma..”Taekwoon say then walks into the office to avoid

his weird Omma.Jaejoong skips happily to Hakyeon and hugs him then walks together into Taekwoon’s office. “You did great my son!” Jaejoong shouts happily after

he and Hakyeon enter the office.Taekwoon just rolls his eyes “Omma what are you doing here?” he asks Jaejoong that sits in front of him while Hakyeon just stands

besides the table “Oh yeah I came here to tell you that your Uncle Changmin invites us to his house this weekend.” Jaejoong tells him carefully and Taekwoon’s face

immediately darken “Omma you know right that I will never go there again.” He say coldly while glares at Jaejoong and Jaejoong just sighs heavily “Taek please not

now.Not in front of Hakyeon.” Hakyeon fidgets at his place when he heard his name “I don’t care and what I know, I will never go there!!!” Taekwoon shouts at his

Omma angrily.Jaejoong slams his hands at the desk “Can you please stop being immature!That had happened a long time ago,why you still can’t forget about it?”

Jaejoong shouts at him.Hakyeon gulps down when he watches both of them fight and the tension that is rising around them.He never thought that the happy-go-lucky

Jaejoong can be angry “As long as my heart still hurt,I will never forget what she had done to me.She doesn’t deserve my apology!” Taekwoon say while grits his

teeth then walks to Hakyeon and pull him out of the office.Hakyeon just lets himself being drag by Taekwoon and just watch the pissed Taekwoon from behind “Why

is he so angry and who is she?” Hakyeon say in his mind.



In Taekwoon’s office,


   Jaejoong sits on the chair and just massages his head then suddenly someone calls him “Uncle Jaejoong…” and Hakyeon turns to the voice and smiles at Sohyun 

who is standing besides him.Sohyun smiles back at him while massaging his shoulder “Don’t be sad.I’m sure that he will forget about that soon.Believe in him and

also Hakyeon…” she say and Jae just smiles “I really hope that will happen Sohyun.He needs to let the past go if he wants to see the future.I’m really afraid that he

will breaks down if he just keeps the feelings”.Sohyun nods at him while smiling “Hakyeon is there to help him.Let’s believe on Hakyeon.”  




Meanwhile in Taekwoon’s car,Hakyeon grips on his seat belt tightly with his eyes closes and his heart keeps prays that he will still alive after this crazy drives from

Taekwoon.Taekwoon just keeps presses the pedal and increases the speed of the car without cares or even realize about Hakyeon.Hakyeon opens his eyes a little

bit to look at Taekwoon;he’s still angry and you can see his tightened jaw and his muscles reflex under his shirts.Out of the blue,Taekwoon slams down his break at

the side road and Hakyeon nearly thrown out if not because of his seat belt “ARGHHHHHH!!!!WHY!WHY!” Taekwoon screams while hits his handle continuously and

Hakyeon can just watch him let out his anger timidly from beside.After Taekwoon is done let out his anger,he slams his head back to lean against the seat and

closes his eyes.Hakyeon sits up back slowly and opens up his seat belt slowly then leans to Taekwoon “Taekwoon…are you okay?” he whispers slowly.Taekwoon

turns to him and glares “Do you think I’m okay!!!” he shouts at Hakyeon and Hakyeon flinches to the back and looks at him with fear.When Taekwoon saw the fear in

Hakyeon’s eyes,his anger slowly residue “Hakyeon…I’m sorry.” He try to reach for Hakyeon but Hakyeon moves away from him and Taekwoon becomes more

miserable at Hakyeon’s response.Taekwoon retreats his hand and whispers slowly “I’m sorry” before his tears flows out.Hakyeon that was surprise by Taekwoon’s

shouted just now immediately soften when looks at Taekwoon’s cries “Hey it’s okay,I’m not angry.Don’t cry.” He say and leans closer to Taekwoon to hug

him.Taekwoon hugs him back tightly and brings Hakyeon to his lap at the driver’s seat before sobs in Hakyeon’s embrace.At first Hakyeon was shocked by his

sudden action but then he calms down and runs his fingers through Taekwoon’s hair softly to coax him and lets him cry on his chest.Taekwoon continues to cry out

his heart in Hakyeon’s embrace and Hakyeon be the best secretary try to sooth his sadness “What did you experienced Jung Taekwoon that you’re so vulnerable and

fragile right now?” Hakyeon whispers softly so that Taekwoon doesn’t hear him but he’s wrong.Taekwoon heard him and just tightened his hug instead of answers


I'm sorry for the late update.My computer had problems,I'm so sorry...

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊