

Right after Jaejoong excused himself to call Yunho,Hakyeon slaps Taekwoon's head hard *slap* “Ouch why did you hit my head?”Taekwoon say while glaring at 

furious Hakyeon besides him. “That’s because you’re being stupid and to remind you that you’re a human from Earth and not alien from Pluto.Have you ever heard the

word ‘please’ before this? Is it really killing you to say that word to me if you really need my help so desperately to be your ‘boyfriend’” Hakyeon hisses at

him.Taekwoon just smirks smugly before say sarcastically “I did asked you just now.” “How did shoved someone on the desk and hovered them means you did asked

for the help!!Oh My Ken did you really graduated from States because how you can be so idiot!!!”Hakyeon shouts at him not so loud at Taekwoon.Taekwoon leans

against the couch and messaging his aching head while Hakyeon just keep sending glares and huff angrily at Taekwoon. “Ok looks I really need your help.Omma

which was that man just now, is busy searching a wife for me but I don’t want to get marry yet because I want to concentrate at the company.Plus I think a marriage

is just useless and wasting time.” Taekwoon explains to Hakyeon and Hakyeon stops his anger for a while then looks at him “But why me?You can still look for a

better woman out there;which is more pretty,white and slim and not like me ugly,black and fat.” Hakyeon say to him.Taekwoon stares at him “Because you’re my

secretary and I trust you more than the random woman that I doesn’t know.One more thing don’t ever think you’re ugly,no one in this world deserved to be called

ugly.” He say casually.Hakyeon blushes when heard the indirect compliment from Taekwoon. “Taekkie…your father will come back later and oh Hakyeonie why are

you blushing? Did this bastard did something on you?” Jaejoong suddenly enters the living room after excused himself just now to call his hubby Yunho(Taekwoon

rolled his eyes at this).Hakyeon blushes more and stutters “No” while Taekwoon just face palms his face.Sometimes Jaejoong can be shameless and ert (The

result from living with Yunho for more than 20 years) and every time this happen Taekwoon can’t help but to pretend like he didn’t know Jaejoong. “Omma *sigh* Can

you stop you being ert? And I didn’t do anything to him okay.” Taekwoon say lazily.Jaejoong flick his head then walks to sit beside Hakyeon “So Hakyeon what

are you doing now?” Jaejoong asks him excitedly “Uhmm…yeah I am…Taekwoon’s secretary.” “Oh that’s mean you just date him two days ago,Taekwooniee?”

Jaejoong asks weirdly at his silent-watching son “No we dated for a long time already but he works as my secretary only two days ago” he say casually at his

Omma.Hakyeon almost slaps Taekwoon when heard how that man can just casually say that things even though none of that are the truth.Okay the secretary things

are right but the dating things are nonsense. “Oh maybe because Hakyeon get worry that you will cheat on him so that’s why he decided to work at your

company.See Taekwoon you should listen to me when I asked you to stop being a playboy before so that Hakyeon will not get offends by your behavior.” Jaejoong

say while caressing Hakyeon’s hand soothingly and Hakyeon just smiles awkwardly at him. “Mom I’m not a playboy.”Taekwoon protests “Yeah right and I’m not

pretty and diva enough!” Jaejoong spats at him.Taekwoon pinches his nose bridge and shakes his head at his Omma’s weird way of thinking.Then a maid comes to

them to tell that the lunch are served and without Hakyeon can say anything,he gets drag by Jaejoong to the table that is filled with foods.Taekwoon just silently

walks behind them and takes a seat besides Hakyeon “I’m home!” someone with a husky voice greets and Jaejoong that was busy placed every dish on Hakyeon’s

plate immediately stops and runs to that person.He jumps on that masculine person then kisses his lips.Hakyeon just watch them with wide eyes and mouth while

Taekwoon just sighs “Why is the world is so cruel?” then closes Hakyeon’s mouth with his hand and forces his head to not look at them.Hakyeon looks away from

that quite inappropriate scene and turn to Taekwoon to ask him “Are they really your parents?” “Don’t ask me.For the 24 years I kept asked myself whether are they

really my parents or not.” Taekwoon answer while taking a spoonful of vegetables to his plate then eats it. “Yah Jung Taekwoon why are you eating already?You have

no manners.”Jaejoong scolds him after finish kissing? Yunho and now walking to the table while holding Yunho beside him.Taekwoon rolls his eyes “Yeah right say

the one who just kissed openly in front of stranger.” Taekwoon say to Jaejoong that is sitting in front of him and Yunho that is sitting at the side of table just sighs

then say “Both of you please not now.At least not in front of this young man.So mind to introduce him to me Taekwoon?” “My boyfriend” he say dryly and receives a

slap on the arm by his Omma “Can’t you be more cheerful when introducing your boyfriend.Hakyeon don’t mind his action just now okay,he’s always like

that.Lifeless! ” Jaejoong say to Hakyeon and Taekwoon just sighs then looks at his watch.After that he announces “Omma,Appa we need to go now.The lunchtime

almost finish.Let’s go Hakyeon.” And Hakyeon who just took two bites just blankly looks at him “Taekwoon can you wait for a while.Hakyeon just only took two

bites.” Jaejoong say to him but Taekwoon just ignores it and quickly pull Hakyeon that is drinking the orange juice.Hakyeon curses him in his mind when Taekwoon

just carelessly pull him and Jaejoong also seems to be in the same mind with him because he scolds Taekwoon “Yah you! Don’t just carelessly pull him when he’s

drinking or he might chokes” but Taekwoon ignores it and bows to him and Yunho before drags Hakyeon to the front door.Hakyeon clumsily bows at them then allows

himself to be drag by Taekwoon.Taekwoon unlock his car and then opens up the door for Hakyeon before walks to the driver’s side.Hakyeon goes in the car while

scowls at Taekwoon and after that they drive away out of the mansion.They just stay silent during the drive.Hakyeon looks outside the window while his hand is

clutching his hungry stomach “Ahhh…I’m really hungry and it’s all because of that alien from Pluto.” He say in his mind while pouting and Taekwoon who is driving

besides him just watch Hakyeon clutched his stomach and pouted. “He must be hungry.” Taekwoon whispers and then he thinks of an idea to do at the hungry

Hakyeon.Hakyeon watches outside the window and just waiting for them to arrive quickly at the office so that he can eat the biscuits that he brought this morning as

emergency supplies.However,Taekwoon just drives past the company and drives straightly “Sir! You just had passed the company.” Hakyeon shouts at him and

Taekwoon just ignores him.Then they arrive at a coffee shop two buildings away from the company.Taekwoon parks the car then goes to Hakyeon’s side before opens

up the car for him “Come let’s get something for you to eat but we might have to take it back to office.” Taekwoon say to him after he gets out from the car.Then

Taekwoon suddenly shoves a cap at him.Hakyeon looks at him weirdly but Taekwoon just say “Wear it and believe me it will be your savior.Hakyeon wears the cap

and follows him go inside the shop then to the counter to order.The girl at the counter flustered seeing the famous business man Jung Taekwoon and stuttered when

asking their order “Welc-ome Sir.Your or…order please.” She say while staring at Taekwoon and Hakyeon that is watching from under the cap just laugh softly at her

reaction “Oh he’s quite famous among the girls” Hakyeon whispers softly to himself. “One Americano and cheese cake.Hakyeon?” Taekwoon say his order then asks

for his order “Hazelnut ice blended and tiramisu cake” Hakyeon say to the girl at the counter and the girl just nods without spares any glance at Hakyeon.Hakyeon

scoffs then turns to look around the shop and get flustered when he sees the girls are taking pictures of Taekwoon.Hakyeon turns back to in front and stiffly standing

there while keeps adjust the cap.Now he knows why did Taekwoon gave him a cap. “Just act like usual and don’t mind them.” Taekwoon suddenly say to

him.Hakyeon looks at him;he doesn’t look uncomfortable at all around the cameras that are taking his picture and acts like natural. “Here’s your orders Sir.” The girl

comes back with a bag filled with their order.Taekwoon takes the bag and gives it to Hakyeon before gives his credit card to pay the orders.The girl takes the card

with shaking hands and swipes it clumsily on the machine then asks Taekwoon to sign on the machine.After Taekwoon signs and takes his card,he flashes a smile

at the girl before holds Hakyeon’s hand and walks outside the shop.Hakyeon swears he saw from the corner of his eyes that the girl at the counter faints right after

Taekwoon smiled at her.They walks out of the coffee shop and are greeted by flashes of cameras outside the shop.Taekwoon immediately hugs him closer to his

body and try to walk through the reporters that are busy asking questions to Taekwoon “Sir who is this?” “Is this your fiancée?” “Are you planning to get marry?”

Hakyeon are feeling dizzy with the crowded reporters and fans(how can he have fans when he’s not an idol!!!).Taekwoon tightened the hug and keeps pushing the

reporters away from them while keeps holding Hakyeon.When he arrives at his car,he unlocks it and opens the passenger side for Hakyeon to go in.Hakyeon dives in

the car and looks outside while pants then Taekwoon enters after that at the driver’s seat.He starts the car and drives away quickly from the reporters.After they are

quite far from the shop,Taekwoon glances at Hakyeon “Are you okay?” he asks the quite pale face Hakyeon.Hakyeon just nods soullessly and gives back

Taekwoon’s cap.Taekwoon takes the cap and throw it to the behind seats. “Why are the reporters so interested in you?” Hakyeon suddenly asks him and Taekwoon

just shrugs his shoulders.Hakyeon scoffs “So that’s mean along the play I will need to face them every time I goes out?” and Taekwoon looks at him while smirking

“So you are going to help me…” “Hahaha funny..what you want me to do then as you were already stupidly introduced me to your parents as your ‘boyfriend’”

Hakyeon glares at him.Taekwoon just chuckles then say “Don’t worry every time you’re with me you will be wearing that cap.Your face will be hidden from the public.”

“But I want a raise”Hakyeon say to Taekwoon and Taekwoon just nods.After that Hakyeon looks back to the front and waits for them to arrive at the company.Starts

from now he will be facing a lot of problems and challenges and he can only hopes that he will not get into troubles by agreeing to help Taekwoon.But he’s so damn


Another updates and thank you to all my subscribers and upvoters...Like usual comments what you think

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊