

 Hakyeon is washing the dishes when suddenly Taekwoon hugs him from behind.Hakyeon yelps in surprise and nearly slips off the plate that he is holding

“Taekwoon!!Don’t do that,I’m so surprised and it’s lucky that I doesn’t slip off the plate.What do you wants?” he say before slaps the arms that are circling his

waist.Taekwoon ignores his scold and continues to kiss and nibs softly the skins around Hakyeon’s neck.Then slowly the mouth goes down to the exposed shoulder

while one of his hand is trailing into Hakyeon’s large shirt.Hakyeon stops his work and moans softly when he feels the hand caresses the skins around his stomach

and slowly goes up to his chest.His head falls back on Taekwoon’s shoulder when Taekwoon bites on the sensitive spot on his neck and his hand pinches Hakyeon’s

.He feels like all of the hotness flow to his south and Taekwoon’s mouth and tongue do nothing better to help him.Taekwoon turns Hakyeon to face him then

kisses his lips hungrily.Hakyeon kisses him back and they fights for a while for the dominance but after a while Hakyeon gives up his dignity(as if there are still there)

and just lets Taekwoon explores and around his mouth.Then Taekwoon lifts him up on to the counter then breaks away from the kiss for a while to take off his

large white shirt before continues to kiss him.He kisses Hakyeon’s lips for a while before moves down along his jaw,neck,collarbone and finally to his two hardens

nubs. “Ahhhh…”Hakyeon moans when Taekwoon and tugs softly on his while the another one is being twirls and pinches.After satisfied with  state of his

left ,Taekwoon moves to the right one.While he is on the like a hungry baby,Taekwoon’s hand is busy palming the bulge inside Hakyeon’s

boxer.Hakyeon moans loudly because of the intense pleasure he feels right but suddenly Taekwoon stops and looks into his eyes before say in low deep y husky

voice “What do you think of the kitchen as your first time?”.Hakyeon bites his lips ily while his eyes are shining with lust before leans down to whisper at

Taekwoon’s ear “I can’t wait to moan your name loudly and screams out of pleasure while you pounds inside of me.”.The next thing he remembers is Taekwoon lifts

him up and slams him on the kitchen table then he becomes mess underneath Taekwoon that is pounding into him hardly.



   “Don’t laugh Taekwoon~I’m really in pain right now.If I knows that it will become like this,I will stop you just now.”Hakyeon whines while his boyfriend is laughing

besides of him.They’re on the way to the Jung’s mansion and Hakyeon feels like he is sitting on the cactus seat inside the car because of his sore .He fully

blames Taekwoon for his state so now he is pouting and whining to Taekwoon.Taekwoon stops laughs and takes Hakyeon’s hand before kiss it“Hey darling,I’m sorry

okay.Well you can’t blame me when you looked so tempting that I just wants to ravish you.Do you want to stop for while at pharmacy to get you  painkillers?”He

asks Hakyeon softly.He feels guilty a little bit after he sees Hakyeon is sitting uncomfortably on the seat and always hisses in pain when he moves.Hakyeon looks at

him sadly and nods his head cutely,Taekwoon smiles and ruffles his hair before drives to the pharmacy just a few metres away.He stops the car then turns to

Hakyeon “You sit here while I goes inside to buy your painkillers,okay?”he say before gets out of the car and walks into the pharmacy.After 10 minutes,Taekwoon

walks back to the car with a bottles of water and a small bag of painkillers.Taekwoon gives two pills of the painkiller to Hakyeon then the water for him to gulp down

the medicine “Thank you.” Hakyeon say to him before gives a peck on the lips.Taekwoon smiles at him before leans to kiss him also “You’re welcome my love.”he

say before continues to drive to the mansion.After 30 minutes,they arrive at the mansion and Jaejoong is the first person that welcomes them(he runs to the gate

when he sees Taekwoon’s car) “Hakyeonie!!! I miss you so much!” Jaejoong say before hugs him tightly as soon as Hakyeon gets out from the car.Hakyeon hugs him

back with smiles “I miss you too Jae Omma…” he say to Jaejoong and after that bows to Yunho that is standing behind his wifey. “Mom can you just wait us in front

of the door not gate.”Taekwoon say annoyingly to his Omma and steps back when he receives glare from Jaejoong “He’s right Jae.You should welcome them at the

door not the gate.Come on let’s go inside.” Yunho say but Jaejoong still be stubborn and doesn’t want to leave Hakyeon. “Jae Omma don’t worry I will come in later.”

Hakyeon tries to make Jaejoong goes inside first but Jaejoong just whines“I doesn’t want,I wants to wa-…argh!!” but before he can finishes whines,Yunho has lifted

him up onto his shoulder and brings him back to the mansion in that dangling position.Hakyeon looks at them with shock and only get his senses back when

Taekwoon calls him “Yes Taek…”he say to Taekwoon.Taekwoon smiles at him “Get in so that I can bring both of us to inside.” He say and after that they get inside

the car and drive the car to the parking car inside “Your father is really amazing.I never think that he will be that strong.Is he always do like that when your Omma

doesn’t want to listen?” Hakyeon asks curiously after he gets out of the car.Taekwoon chuckles “Yeah every time my Omma does his sassy and crazy things,Appa

will immediately lifts him up and brings him home and the next things I doubt that you doesn’t know about it.”Taekwoon smirks at him and he immediately slaps

Taekwoon’s arm to cover up his blushed cheeks. “Hyung we meet again.I miss you.” Hyuk say then runs to hug him but suddenly Taekwoon pull them apart “Wait are

you saying that this is the 2nd time both of you meet?”he asks to Hyuk.Hakyeon and Hyuk just look at each other then grins before holding hands and walks happily

into the mansion “Yah!” Taekwoon shouts when they just leaved him at the front door.He jogs slowly and pulls Hakyeon toward him then hisses at Hyuk “I doesn’t

care if you’re my brother.Don’t touch him.” And Hyuk just rolls his eyes “Hyung take a chill pill.I’m not interested in him and plus he’s not my taste.Ouch!!Hyung~”

Hyuk whines cutely and runs his stings arm that Hakyeon just slapped “You shall be thankful that it is just lightly and I will just think that you doesn’t want me not

because of I’m not your taste but because of you doesn’t want to cheat to Sungjae.”Hakyeon say sassily before he pulls Taekwoon to Ravi that is eating at the table

and after a few minutes,Hyuk shouts to him “HOW DID THIS MEANS LIGHTLY TO YOU HYUNG!! IT STINGS LIKE HELL!”.Hakyeon and Taekwoon just laugh at him

“Ravi why are you still here?Doesn’t you has work?” Hakyeon asks his brother before takes a seat in front of him;Taekwoon sits beside him.Ravi looks at him “I takes

a day off today hyung.” He say then continues to eat.Hakyeon just makes the ohhh sound then asks Taekwoon to pour him a glass of orange juice.Luckily that he is

not drinking the juice when suddenly Jaejoong hugs him from behind(or exactly pushes him) and he’s just only a few centimeters away from dips his face into the

soup in front of him(it’s hot as he just received it).But nevertheless he still hugs him back “Jae…”Yunho suddenly calls him and Jaejoong immediately lets him go to

run back to sit beside Yunho(Hakyeon just play innocent when he sees that Jaejoong is limping). “I’m sorry for the behavior Hakyeon.Jae just misses you so much

that he done that.” Yunho explains to him after his wife is pouting and sulking besides him.Hakyen just smiles “Don’t worry.I understand that.” He say but Jaejoong is

still pouting.Hyuk takes a seat besides Jaejoong and asks him “Omma Hakyeon-hyung said just now that he understand.Why you’re still pout?” and Jaejoong turns

to glare at the tried not to smirk Yunho before say annoyingly “You should prepare me first you ert.Now I’m in pain~”he whines at the end.After a few seconds to

absorb what he said just now,the room immediately in chaos;Hakyeon and Taekwoon chokes on their juice,Ravi spits out his coffee while Hyuk just slams down his

head on the table and groans “Why I has the most erted parents?” while Yunho and Jaejoong just smirk look at their flustered and blushed face.

sorry for the fail part hahaha...I'm still new to it.Anyway this story is near the end and I wants to thank all of the readers that supports me and sometimes gives me some advices,I appreciates it.Thanks also to my subscribers and the neo shippers.I am still a Neo shipper until right now but I am quite worry because I noticed that Hakyeon is not the same bubbly and talkative like before. but nevermind,I believed in Taekwoon to watch and take care of him. 

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊