


 “I will not do that! I am not going to marry her ever!!!” Taekwoon shouts at his Omma after Jaejoong tells him about their plan to save Eunji.Right after he sends

Hakyeon home,he immediately goes back home when he receives call from Jaejoong.He already gets a bad vibe when he enters the house and when Jaejoong tells

him about the plan,he thinks his world has crushed down. “Taekwoon please…You needs to help her.Don’t you feel pity on her or maybe at Uncle Changmin and

Daehyun?” Jaejoong say softly while Yunho and Hyuk just watch him persudes Taekwoon.Taekwoon turns to glare at him then spat coldly “You’re supposed to ask

that questions to Eunji not me.Doesn’t she feels pity of herself and to his father and brother.I am your son Omma not her but why I feels like I am adopted son here!!!”

“Jung Taekwoon!” Yunho shouts at him.Taekwoon pants heavily cause of his angers while glares at his parents “I will not leave Hakyeon and marry her.I rather die

than marry her Omma…” he say sadly before dashes out of the mansion.Hyuk tries to stop him by pulls his hand but Taekwoon snatches his hand away and

whispers to him “I think you will support but I guess I am wrong then.I’m disappointed with you” then he walks out and drives out of the mansion.Hyuk turns to look at

his parent “Great now he’s upset.I hope you’re happy Omma,Appa…” he say before he also walks out of the mansion leaves the crying Jaejoong and Yunho that

is soothing Jaejoong.



  “I am okay Ravi,don’t worry so much.I am not a child you and it’s supposed to be you that take care of yourself as you’-…*dingdong* *dingdong* Hmm…

Ravi I will call you back.Someone is at the door” He say to Ravi then ends the call and walks to the door.The bell keeps ringing non- stop and Hakyeon feels irritated

with that so he nags along the way to the door “Wait a second!!!Don’t keep ring the bell,I am coming.Oh my why are you so stupid,can you ju-…” his nag is cut off by

someone crushes him into a tight hug.Hakyeon freezes while the stranger is hugging him and cries on his shoulder.After a few minutes then finally he recognizes the

stranger “Taekwoon?Hey…why are you crying?” he asks Taekwoon that is still crying on his shoulder while his hands are rubbing Taekwoon’s back softly.Taekwoon

doesn’t answer him and just keeps cries so Hakyeon thinks it is the best if he just let Taekwoon cries and only asks him again if he’s calm down already.After 15

minutes they stand there hug at the front door,finally Taekwoon has calms down from his cries.Hakyeon slowly detaches himself away from Taekwoon and looks at

him “Hey why don’t we go outside first so you can sit on the couch while I make a hot chocolate for you.” He whispers softly to Taekwoon and pulls him slowly to the

couch.After he makes Taekwoon sit there,he goes to the kitchen and makes two mug of hot chocolates for them then walks to the still quiet Taekwoon.He holds out

one of the mug to Taekwoon “For you drinks it…” and Taekwoon looks up at him before takes the mug “Thank you” he say softly to Hakyeon.Hakyeon smiles at him

before takes a seat beside him and takes a sip of the hot chocolate.Both of them drinks the hot chocolate in silent for 5 minutes before Hakyeon decides to ask him

“Hurm…so care to tell me why you came here then cried in front of my house?” Taekwoon sighs heavily before answers “I…Omma…Appa are forcing me to get marry

with Eunji” Hakyeon stiffs at this news “But I doesn’t want to marry her.I love you Hakyeon and I can’t live without you.” Taekwoon say while stares into Hakyeon’s

eyes.Hakyeon’s mouth wide open while he stares at Taekwoon with shocks “Wh-…what?” he stutters and Taekwoon scoots closer to him then holds on Hakyeon’s

hands “I love you…” he whispers before leans closer to Hakyeon.Meanwhile Hakyeon feels like he has been paralyzed just watches Taekwoon comes closer until he

feel a warm and soft lips on his lips.Taekwoon kiss him softly and Hakyeon slowly kisses him back.From innocent kiss they go further to the passionate kiss and

involves tongue,Hakyeon shocks when he feels the wet muscle explores inside of his mouth.So because of the shock he lays on the couch and brings down

Taekwoon together with him but their mouth are still connected.They pull back from each other after their lungs burn because of lack oxygens,Taekwoon puts his

forehead on Hakyeon while he hovers Hakyeon on the couch “Whoa…that’s amazing” Hakyeon say and Taekwoon just chuckles.They stay on that position and stare

to each other until they fall asleep with a same mind;hope that the time will stop and tomorrow will never come.



   Hakyeon wakes up by the rays of sunlight come from his window and something heavy on his body.He groans and tries to rub his eyes but he feels that his hands

are trap by something.He opens his eyes slowly and almost screams when he sees the calm and cute Taekwoon sleeps on his chest.He stares at the face before

something clicks on his mind and he feels that his cheeks are burning “We kissed yesterday…Oh My Ken! We kissed yesterday!” he’s cheering like crazy fanboy in

his mind. “I knows that I am handsome Hakyeon but can you please control your excitement sees me clear and near.” Taekwoon say with his eyes are still

close.Hakyeon flustered and pushes Taekwoon off from him with blushes on his cheeks“Get up you pig.Oh my I thinks that my bones are breaking already” he shouts

to cover his embarrassment then walks quickly to the kitchen .Taekwoon chuckles while watches the flustered Hakyeon walks clumsily to the kitchen “Well you

didn’t seem like you’re bothered by my weight yesterday” Taekwoon shouts to Hakyeon and then he heard Hakyeon gasp loudly and curses him in the

kitchen.Taekwoon just laughs and lays back on the couch then takes a deep breath.He feels like at home right now in Hakyeon’s house,how this house gives calm

and comfortable feelings to him.However he thinks it’s not because of the house but the owner of the house,Hakyeon is the one that gives him happiness and

calmness when his family are giving him suffers and tortures.He closes his eyes in sadness when he thinks back what he argued with Jaejoong yesterday.Then

Hakyeon that is already finished brushes his teeth and face walks to the living room and sees Taekwoon is laying there with troubled and sad face and he knows what

is the reason “Hey don’t sleep back!Can you come and helps me here after you washes up?You can use the toothbrush at the cabinet in the bathroom” Hakyeon

slaps Taekwoon arms softly and pushes him to the bathroom before he walks to the kitchen.He is cutting the kimchi when Taekwoon enters the kitchen after washes

up “I calls the office to inform that we will not come today and what can I do?” Taekwoon say to Hakyeon. “Oh okay…Can you help me to cut the 2 mushroom and 

half of the cabbage?” Hakyeon say to Taekwoon while cuts the meat into slices.Taekwoon wears the pink apron and then starts to cut the mushrooms and cabbage

“What are you making and are you good in cook?” Taekwoon asks “Hey don’t look down at me okay.I am good in cook and plus I’m in charge in makes dinner for me

and Ravi.Once you eats,you will addicted with it” Hakyeon say proudly and Taekwoon just scoffs.Hakyeon turns to him and narrows his eyes at Taekwoon “You just

wait until you eat my food and then only you will regret for not believe in me.” “Okay…” Taekwoon say to Hakyeon.After finish cook,they eat the breakfast that they

cook and Taekwoon has to admit Hakyeon’s food is quite delicious “At least he has one criteria to be a good mate for me.” He thinks while eats and watches

Hakyeon eats happily.

To all my readers relax.I feel scared when I read all of the comments,all of them are so scary.Don't worry this story is happy ending and I will ensure you that none of my story will be sad ending

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊