

Yunho puts his tablet down then sighs heavily before looks at Jaejong that is sitting on the bed in front of him.Jaejoong looks back at him with worry face “Yunho-ah

are we doing it right?I am afraid that Eunji can’t accept this.” He say to Yunho.Yunho massages his temple then sits up straight before say to his worried Jaejoong “If

Taekwoon is happy,that’s mean that we’re doing it right.As for Eunji she needs to accept the reality that Taekwoon is not hers anymore.”.Jaejoong looks at his

husband “Yeah if Taekwoon happy then we can’t do anything anymore.Actually I am quite happy that Taekwoon is dating with Hakyeon because I really like

Hakyeon.” He say happily and Yunho just chuckles “You likes him because he is just like you.Diva and sassy y beautiful man.” And after that he dodges a pillow

that is thrown towards him.Before he can go jump on Jaejoong, “Miss Eunji.”someone shouts in the Changmin’s mansion from Eunji’s room.Both of them run out

quickly to Eunji’s room and when they enter the room,Jaejoong freezes at the door while Yunho slowly walks to Eunji that is laying on the bed. “Go and tell Sir

Changmin and Daehyun about this and after that ambulance.Go faster.” He orders the maid that is trembling besides Jaejoong.The maid immediately runs down to

call Changmin and Daehyun and also ambulance.Yunho climbs on the bed and picks Eunji up to his lap then taps her cheeks slowly “Eunji-ah wakes up.It’s Uncle

Yunho.Eunji-ah can you hear me?” he say while still taps her cheeks. “Yunho-ah” Jaejoong calls him sacredly then takes the bottle that is scattering on the floor with

its medicines “Why did she do this?” he asks while looks at the sleeping pills bottle.Yunho sighs heavily and tightened his hug at the unconscious Eunji “I am afraid

that both of us know the reason,Jae” he say softly while looks at the Eunji’s phone that is showing the hot news in Korea “Jung Taekwoon publicly introduces his




          Meanwhile at Korea,Hakyeon is driving to work after a day off yesterday.He is feeling fresh and happy to work as yesterday he spend the whole day slept “Ah

I’m feeling good!” he shouts in his car.After 10 minutes he arrives at the company but immediately stops at the entrance of his company.There in front of the company

are dozens of reporters with their cameras gather in front of the company “Yah what is this!” he shrieks.Then suddenly a reporter notices him and Hakyeon sees he

say to his fellow reporters “Yah!Yah!Looks that is the man.” And by a minute Hakyeon is surrounding with dozens of reporters that are flashing their cameras to

him.Hakyeon hides his face quickly while locks all the door then looks for his phone that is ringing.He picks up the call after finds the phone “Hello,who is this?” he

greets the caller “Hakyeon,where are you?” Taekwoon asks him.Hakyeon immediately shouts “Yah!What have you done,you brat!!!”.Taekwoon keeps his phone away

from him when Hakyeon shouts at him “Aish don’t shout.Anyway where are you?” “I am at the entrance of the company and surrounded by the hungry piranhas that

are swarming around my car.Seriously what are happening?”he asks and the line becomes silent for a while before Taekwoon clears his throat and say carefully

“Hmm…I publicly revealed our relationship yesterday.”.Hakyeon closes his eyes and huff angrily “You just stay at your office because I am going in to kill you.” He

hisses at Taekwoon.After that,he ends the calls and starts to drive his car to the parking.The reporters that is standing in front of his car don’t have any choice except

to move away.When Hakyeon parks his car and comes out,the reporters immediately surrounds him and attacks him with questions.Steps by steps Hakyeon’s

calmness thin out and finally he blows up at the reporter “CAN ALL YOU STOP ASK ME QUESTION.IF YOU WANT TO ASK QUESTION,YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO


the reporters stun by his shout and freeze there when Hakyeon walks quickly into his company. “Good morning Hakyeon.” Sojin greets him happily.Hakyeon greets

her back with waves before takes the elevator to the 8th floors.Right after the lift arrives,he dashes quickly to Taekwoon’s room without greets the shock Sohyun and

his office mates that he knows for a month already.He enters the room without knock and slams the door close “Jung Taekwoon!!!Explains to me!” he say sternly at

Taekwoon that is sitting on his armchair and looks at Hakyeon sacredly “Hakyeon wait.How about you sit first then I will explain to you.” He say and points at the

chair in front of his desk.Hakyeon sits on the chair angrily then folds his arms and looks at Taekwoon “Now explain.” “Okay actually I announced our relationship

because of my Omma’s decision.He said that it’s better to announce our relationship because he’s afraid that people will talk bad about you.So to prevent this,I

needs to do this.” He explains to Hakyeon and Hakyeon now looks no longer angry and calms already “Ha…it’s good that he is no longer angry.Oh my the angry

Hakyeon is a disaster.” Taekwoon thinks in his mind. “So starts from today,I will be your boyfriend and that’s mean that I will get approach by the reporters,right?”

Hakyeon asks him and Taekwoon nods.Hakyeon leans against the chair and whines “Oh My Ken the last thing I wants is I lose my privacy .”  Taekwoon looks at him

apologetically “I’m sorry but for sure after this you maybe will get less privacy about you life.The reporter in this country are so interested to write something about

myself especially about my love life.Do you need bodyguards?” Taekwoon asks while smirks at Hakyeon.Hakyeon rolls his eyes “Oh please a bunch of idiots that are

desperately want to write something about you will not stop me from live happily with my life.Anyway if there are nothing else,I needs to go out now to complete my

works.” Hakyeon say then stands and bows at Taekwoon before walks out of the room.Taekwoon just chuckles and continues to do his works but suddenly his phone

rings “Oh Omma,why you calls me?” he asks after picks up the call.Jaejoong takes a deep breath before say with sad voice “Taekwoon-ah can you comes to Japan

today?”.Taekwoon furrow his eyebrows “Eh…why you asked me to go there?I just came back two days before.” he say to his Omma.Jaejoong silent for a while before

say “It’s Eunji.She tried to suicide with ate a lot of amount of sleeping pills and now she’s in the hospital.”.Taekwoon blanks for a while before ends the call and

dashes out of his room to the lift without looks at Hakyeon who is calling for him.He takes the lift to downstairs and runs quickly to his car.He starts his car and

drives faster to the airport “Why did you do that,Eunji?Why you’re so stupid.” He say while speeds off to the airport.When he arrives at the airport,he immediately

goes to the counter and buy a ticket to Japan.Luckily there are still tickets to Japan that will depart in another 30 minutes.After 45 minutes,Taekwoon is sitting in the

plane that is going to Japan and hopes that he will arrive faster so he can see how is Eunji.Eventhough he always say that he hates her but his heart will always think

otherwise;he still love her and can’t forget about her.Only then he realizes that what is he doing now;he is playing with Hakyeon’s heart with all this boyfriend things

“What had you done Taekwoon…” he say to himself while rubs his face miserably.


At the company…


       Hakyeon tries to call Taekwoon but every time he calls it will reach the voice mail box “Aish this brat really stupid.How can he just ran away without told me

anything? Now what must I tells the clients that make the appointments today.” Hakyeon nags after the 24th times calls Taekwoon.He slams down his phone on the

table then massages his table. “Hakyeon are you okay?” Sohyun that is standing in front of his table asks him worriedly.Hakyeon face palms his face then whines

“No,I’m not okay because your beloved brat stupid boss ran away and now I’m doomed and confused on what will I need to tell the clients that make appointments

today.”.Sohyun rubs his back softly “Don’t worry,Uncle Jae called me just now.He said Taekwoon is at Japan because…” she hesitantly to continue the

sentences.Hakyeon looks weirdly at her “Because?” he asks and Sohyun sighs before continues “Because this morning Eunji tried to suicide by gulps down a lot of

sleeping pills after read about your relationship with Taekwoon.” She say softly. “What!” Hakyeon shouts a little bit loud with wide eyes.Sohyun bites her lips

“Hakyeon,I doesn’t mean to be rude but I’m just…just say my opinion.I think you need to stop your relationship with Taekwoon because…I am worry that you will be

hurt in the future.You can see clearly that he still love her.” She say carefully to Hakyeon then immediately regrets it after sees the dejected face of Hakyeon

“Hakyeon-ah..” “No,it’s okay.You’re right,I need to stop all of this.Hahaha…don’t worry I’m okay.Excuse me,I need to go to toilet.” Hakyeon say and walks quickly to

the toilet.Sohyun just looks at the Hakyeon sadly “Taekwoon-ah why did you must hurt Hakyeon’s innocent heart like this?” she say to herself before walks back to

her table.Meanwhile,Hakyeon is locking himself in a one of the toilet and crying out all of his hurt feelings “Stupid Hakyeon *sobs* can’t you sees that

Taekwoon*sobs* still love her huh.Why are so stupid to*sobs* think that he will love you.” He say while slaps his face then he stops immediately and cry out harder

than before. “Is this what Taekwoon feels when Eunji cheated on him.If yes,only now I can imagine how hurt is he that until he changed.” Hakyeon thinks in his mind.

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊