

Hakyeon arrives at the company on the next day just the same like yesterday.He parks his car then enters walks in the company.He greets and smiles at Sojin but

she smiles back half heartedly “Sojin why you looks sad?Did you have problems?” Hakyeon asks her worriedly.Sojin just shakes her head and continues to do her

work and tells him to go to the office quickly.Hakyeon says goodbye to her and takes a lift to his office at 8th floors.When he arrives there,he feels the chill air around

him and all of his co-workers just stay quiet weirdly than yesterday and even Sohyun who is always smiling also just keep serious while doing her works.Hakyeon

walks to her to greet him but before he can someone shouts his name “CHA HAKYEON!! ENTERS MY ROOM NOW!” It’s Taekwoon and he looks more than

pissed.Sohyun just glances worriedly at him and mouthed “I’m sorry” and Hakyeon just can sighs heavily before smiles at her then walks to Taekwoon’s room.After

puts his bag on his table,he goes to Taekwoon’s room and knocks before goes in.As soon as he enters the room,a file is thrown to him.Hakyeon dodges the file then

glares at Taekwoon “What!! Are you angry that I threw that thing to you?Well you deserves it because that’s thing is a rubbish and just suits to be in dust bin over

there.” Taekwoon say to him while sitting comfortably behind his desk on his arm chair.Hakyeon takes a deep breath before picks the file up and walks to stand in

front of Taekwoon “Sir I didn’t understand what were you saying just now.I’m really sure that I did the best on this report as I already followed the example report that

you gave yesterday.It’s not like you will give me the wrong ones right?” He say while smiling.Taekwoon just glares furiously at then say “You have underestimate me

twice Mr Cha.” But Hakyeon reply quickly at him “Same goes to you Sir Jung Taekwoon.”.Taekwoon fumes in anger then he stands from his chair and walks to

Hakyeon.He grabs Hakyeon arms tightly before slams him on his desk that is full with files and papers.Hakyeon yelps in pain when his back was slam into the table

and he looks at the man that is hovering him “Si-r..what are you doing?” Hakyeon asks but Taekwoon ignores his question and just stares into his eyes.Hakyeon

swear that he almost die when that cold brown hazel eyes stares deep into his black crystal eyes “I needs your help Hakyeon.” Taekwoon suddenly say to him and

Hakyeon just stares disbelievingly at him “Seriously you acted like a just now only to ask for my help.Whoa you’re for sure one of a kind.Now can you please

moves away from me!” Hakyeon say while pushing Taekwoon off from him.Taekwoon steps back then looks at hakyeon with his arms folded on his chest “ So are you

going to help me?” he asks arrogantly.Hakyeon puts his hand under his chin and acts like he’s thinking then after five minutes pretended,he turns to Taekwoon and

say “No and never.Now I need to go out to finish my work.Excuse me!” Hakyeon walks pass the frozen Taekwoon to the door but get stops by a hand grabbing his

hand. “What makes you think you have a choice?” Taekwoon say angrily and Hakyeon just sighs then slowly prying away Taekwoon’s hand from him while saying “I

think I have choices because it’s depend to me whether to help you or not.” And right after the hand detached from him,he walks out of the office quickly.While

Taekwoon in the office just grits his teeth and tightened his fist “Aish he’s really annoying man.How can I even thought of making him to act as my boyfriend and bring

him home to meet Omma.Oh gosh his behaviors are the same level as Omma.” He nags to himself alone while walking to take a sit on his armchair.He sat on it

angrily and the chair creates a weird sound result from the force then he continues to do his work.But he can’t concentrates because Hakyeon’s perfume are lingering

around the air of his desk,he huff madly and opens up one of his drawer at desk then takes a lavender air fragrance before sprays it around his desk.After all the

scents are gone,he continues to do his work back and this time with full concentration.



    Meanwhile Hakyeon walks to his table while he’s nagging about Taekwoon “Seriously did he came from Pluto or what.Doesn’t he knows the word please?Is it

going to kill him if he say please to me if he really needs my help.Stupid arrogant spoilt kid” he say angrily before sits on his chair.He sighs heavily and then glances

at Sohyun who was watching him since he came out from Taekwoon’s office.She mouthed “Are you okay?” to him and Hakyeon just smiles at her then mouthed “I’m

okay.Don’t worry” back to her.She looks convince by that because she turns back to do her works.Hakyeon sighs once again before continues to read all of the

company’s information.While he’s reading about the shareholders of the company,suddenly Taekwoon walks out of the room.Hakyeon immediately stands up and

bows at him “Follow me” Taekwoon suddenly say to him.Hakyeon blanks and just stares at him “What?” he asks again to Taekwoon.Taekwoon sighs and then

repeats again “Follow me.I need you to go somewhere with me.” “Why me?” Hakyeon ask  “Because you’re my secretary you idiot!Now faster let’s go.Don’t waste

time anymore.” Taekwoon hisses to him before walks quickly to the front door.Hakyeon makes a weird face behind Taekwoon before tidy up his things and follow that

arrogant boss.He waves quickly at Sohyun before walks behind Taekwoon and they enters the lift together.Hakyeon steal a glance at him then asks him “Hmm..sir

where are we going?” but Taekwoon ignores him and just walks out of the lift when it arrives at the ground floor without waiting for him.Hakyeon pretends to hit behind

his back and mutters slowly “So now he’s deaf and mute already.” Before he follows Taekwoon and they are walking out of the company? “Sir why are we going out of

the company? It’s not even lunch time yet.” Hakyeon asks him from behind and Taekwoon just reply “Just follows and keep silent.”.He waves at the worried Sojin that

is standing at the front counter “Can you be faster?” Taekwoon say to him “I’m trying to be faster here.Why are you always get angry?” Hakyeon whines angrily with a

pout “Don’t make that face.” Taekwoon say to him and Hakyeon just do this face -.- to him “Why did you even care?This is my face so it’s depend to me what kind of

face I wants to do.”.Taekwoon glares at him and Hakyeon glares back but then Taekwoon smirks suddenly “You are quite sassy and brave aren’t you?” He say while

taking step by step forward to Hakyeon and automatically Hakyeon takes steps back while he’s holding out the pen as like the pen is a knife “You byuntae don’t you

dare to come nearer” he stutters to Taekwoon but Taekwoon just smirks smugly and takes more steps forward at Hakyeon until they’re just a few centimeters

apart.Hakyeon closes his eyes and waits for him to do something inappropriate at Hakyeon but after a few minutes waiting nothing comes.Hakyeon opens his eyes

slowly and looks in front of him;that idiot is already in the car at the driver’s seat and just smirks at Hakyeon through the window “Are you expecting something Mr

Cha?” and Hakyeon put his hand behind his neck before takes a deep breath then he smiles at Taekwoon and say “No of course not Sir.” After that he starts to walk

to the parking car but stops when Taekwoon calls him “Where are you going?” and Hakyeon reply “Take my car.” Taekwoon face palm his face then sighs before say

to Hakyeon “You’re going with my car so now comes in faster so we will not be late.” “No I’m more willing to take a car with a lion than ride together with you.”

Hakyeon say then turns to walk to the parking but then he get grabs by Taekwoon and Taekwoon drags him to his car and throw him into the front seat.Taekwoon

comes in later and they drives out to the main road.Hakyeon just keeps silent while secretly expecting the car “Woah luxury car is really comfort and good.” He say

in his mind while Taekwoon that is driving just amused to watch Hakyeon from the corner of his eyes secretly admiring his car.After that they stay quiet along the

journey until they arrives at a big luxury mansion which is Hakyeon think it is Taekwoon’s because that man push the small button on the handle and the door

automatically opens up.Hakyeon jaw drops when the car drives into the mansion and his eyes busy looking at the landscape of the mansion “Beautiful” he whispers

to himself.The car stops at the front porch of the mansion and Taekwoon turns to Hakyeon then say “I want you to just stay quiet and play along on whatever I am

going to do.” “Ehh..play along what?” Hakyeon asks him but Taekwoon had already out of the car and goes to Hakyeon’s side to open the door for him.Hakyeon looks

at him like Taekwoon had lose his head and Taekwoon just pull him out of the car.They walks into the mansion while the maids are bowing to them “You’re back Sir

Taekwoon!” they greets Taekwoon and Taekwoon asks them “Where is Omma?”.They almost answer it but got cut off by a happy shriek from their right side “Oh My

little prince Taekwoonie had back!!” and in the moment Taekwoon is crushed into a tight hug by a feminine looks man but Taekwoon just struggling to get out from the

hug “Omma please stop.We have guest here.” And Jaejoong immediately releases him and turns to the almost-panic Hakyeon.Hakyeon bows at him and greet “Good

morning!” but Jaejoong just laughs at him then pinches his cheeks “Omo he’s cute.Who is it Taekwoon?” he asks to his son.Taekwoon walks to Hakyeon then slips a

hand around his waist(Hakyeon jolts up because this) and pull him closer then introduce Hakyeon “Omma this is Cha Hakyeon,my boyfriend”.Jaejoong fangirling at

them while Hakyeon just glares at Taekwoon who just smirks smugly at him

Thank you for all your supports...hehehe another update for you all

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊