

 “Hakyeon hyung wakes up or you will be late!!!!” Ravi shouts outside of his door.Hakyeon groans and rolls around his bed and tries to block Ravi’s annoying voice but

then suddenly his phone’s alarm rings “Argh!!!Seriously why is everybody start to annoy me early in the morning!” he whines while wakes up and searches for his

screaming phone.When he finds the gadget,he turns off the alarm and then goes to the bathroom.After finishes showers and wears his office attires,he walks out of

his room “Hyung I’m going to office now and don’t forget to lock the door later.I’m going” Ravi shouts to him while wears his shoes “Oh Ravi what time you comes

back?” he asks him while waits for his coffee to brew “Maybe around 5 p.m and hyung don’t forget to make dinner!You know as you’re old already so I’m being a good

dongsaeng is reminding you” Ravi say before runs out quickly.Hakyeon picks his shoes and throws at Ravi but it doesn’t hit the target “Yah! I’m not old and ahjumma

you br-…” he stops shouts at the already escaped Ravi when suddenly he recalls back the past memories.No wonder the scene feels so familiar to him “The first day

I went to work at VIXX company” he whispers softly before looks around his quiet and lonely apartment.It’s the same place but everything feels so different to him,of

course because of that one particular person.Two years has passed since he woke up alone the next morning after he agreed to help Daehyun.Two years has passed

since he resigned from VIXX company on the same day Taekwoon left him.Two years has passed since he’s alone and rejects all of the confession from the others

people that fallen in love with him.Two years he missed that stupid brat.Two years he brings all the love to that stupid brat and not once he opens his heart to other

person(even Jackson).Two years since he sees him and he missed him so much.He breaks away from his mind when his coffee machine makes a noise to inform

that his coffee is ready.After he takes his breakfast,he drives to his new company(he already worked for 2 years) and when he arrives there Sungjae is the first person

that comes to greet him in panic and clumsily. “Hakyeon-hyung!” the boy shouts in grateful when he sees Hakyeon walks into the company.Hakyeon looks at him

and nearly falls down when the boy jumps to hug him “Uh-oh…yah!Why are you behaving like a kid lost his toy and stops hugs me.” Hakyeon say while pushes him

away then tidy up his clothes after  that tight hug.Sungjae looks at him pleadingly “Actually hyung I’m really a kid lost my toy except I still doesn’t lose it yet and it’s

not a toy but my job.Minhyuk suddenly announces that he wants to see my presentation about the project in Japan with the LEO company.Helps me hyung!”

Sungjae begs to him with sad eyes.Hakyeon sighs then just walks past him to the lift “Hyung!” Sungjae calls him but he just ignores it.Sungjae scowls and follows

Hakyeon to the lift then continues to call Hakyeon “Hyung!Hyung!Hyung!Hyung!Help me!Hyunggggg…..” but then he stops whines when Hakyeon turns to glare at

him. “How am I supposed to help you when we’re in the downstairs and our boss at the upstairs you idiot!So now shuts up until we arrive or I will never help you

again.” He say to Sungjae and Sungjae immediately silents.Both of them ride the lift silently and just wait it to arrive at the 4th floors.The company he is working right

now is BTOB company and it is smaller than the VIXX company but his job is still the same;secretary.Sungjae comes back to Korea from Japan just to work at his

cousin’s company which mean this company.His cousin who is also Hakyeon’s boss is Minhyuk,a strict but friendly boss.All the workers like him because he knows

how to different between the time to play and work.Hakyeon is happy to work under him and Minhyuk is completely different compare to him(stubborn,lion and

bastard him).After the lift arrives at the 4th floors with the ding sound,they walks out of the lift and into the office “Follows me” Hakyeon say to Sungjae then walks to

Minhyuk’s office.He knocks the door first and goes inside when he heard ‘come in’ from inside “Oh Hakyeon please don’t tell me that stupid kid whines to you about

the presentation.” Minhyuk stops doing his works when he sees Hakyeon enters with the silent Sungjae.Sungaje just glares at him unable to say anything as

Hakyeon still don’t give permission to talk(Hakyeon is so scary sometimes) “Oh come Minhyuk,if he is stupid that’s means you’re also the same as you’re his

cousin..” Hakyeon say before rolls his eyes.Minhyuk groans “Yeah right,well it’s not my fault that he is so stupid that he can’t finish the work but still can go date with

his boyfriend.” He say sarcastically to Sungjae.Sungjae shows his fist to him “You gave him the work two days ago and you expects him to finish by today.Don’t be

idiot Minhyuk,for this big and serious project,two days are not enough to present a good and amazing presentation.You will at least need a week for that.” Hakyeon

say sternly “But our client wants to see it by this Friday and today is already Wednesday.So before we go to present it,I needs to make sure first that all are okay”

Minhyuk say to Hakyeon but Hakyeon just gives him the I-don’t-care-so-just-postpone-the-meeting face.Minhyuk sighs heavily while Sungjae at behind is almost grins

when he sees that gives up face on Minhyuk,he knows that Minhyuk will always lose every time he argues with Hakyeon so that’s why he seeks for his help “Alright I

will give him time but only till the next Monday and you needs to call the client by yourself to inform that we will need to postpone the meetings.I will give you the

numbers later.Now continues your works and you idiot makes sure you finishes by this Saturday and sends me the file to my house directly into my hand.” Minhyuk

say to Hakyeon and grinning Sungjae.Hakyeon smiles at him “Okay,I will call them later.Thank you,don’t worry if he still can finish it,calls me.I will kill him by myself.”

Hakyeon say casually and Minhyuk just chuckles when sees the terrified face of Sungjae.Hakyeon and Sungjae walk out of the room then continue to do their works

after Sungjae thanks him.Hakyeon just nods and warns him to finish it by the time then continues to do his work which firstly to call the LEO company.He looks at

the numbers that Minhyuk sends in e-mail and immediately dials the numbers.He waits for a few rings before the line connects “Hello LEO company is here,can I

helps you?” the familiar woman voice from the other line greets him.Wait,why is this voice is so familiar? “Yes I’m from the BTOB company and I will like to inform you

that our company is sorry that the meeting this Friday needs to be cancel for a few reasons.” Hakyeon say professionally. “Ah you’re the BTOB company that is

working together with us for the Japan project.Well I’m sorry but I thinks you need to talk to our boss by yourself if you wants to cancel the meeting as he’s the one

that approves and plans everything.I just follows his orders.Wait a moment,I will connect you to him.” The woman say and before Hakyeon can protests the line has

connected to the boss “Hello” a very familiar voice rings in his ear and automatically his hand slams down the phone.He breaths heavily and he thinks that his heart is

beating so fast “No it’s impossible.It’s not him Hakyeon.” He tries to assure himself but he can helps to think that it it possible that it is him and now the fate has tries

to unite them back. “I am not so ready for this meeting” Hakyeon thinks in his mind. “I need to do something to avoid from meets with him.” He whispers to himself

and for the whole he is distracted with that problem until his work is affected and Minhyuk that comes to scold him for cuts off the line with LEO company also

retreats back after sees his troubled situation.

Okay remember this is happy ending story and don't kill anyone please(means me)...huhuhu the comments are still scary.Anyway thanks for the comments,I aprreciates it because at least I knows whether my story is still interesting or not.

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊