

So this Lee Hongbin guy which is Taekwoon’s cousin is completely different character with Taekwoon.After they passed through the giggling squeaking fangirls ,they

arrived at the table and this Hongbin happily and cheerfully greeted him.Hakyeon was taken aback with his colorful bubbly character and greeted back at him after

Taekwoon nudged him.In just 2o minutes,Hakyeon feels like he had found his soul mate and Taekwoon feels like he want to bury himself in a hole.Seriously

Hongbin+Hakyeon=disaster,both of them are unbelievably very talkative and for the 20 minutes passed they had  unstop talking.The most annoying thing to Taekwoon

is their talks were mostly useless and nonsense(who the hell talk about how to use rice cooker!!).So most of the time,he just stay silent and watches both of them

talking(they’re talking about how to roll kimbap in perfect way now) but then suddenly a y woman comes to their table.Taekwoon looks up to woman while

Hakyeon and Hongbin that were talking just now had stop talks and also look at the woman.Out of the blue,Hakyeon is splashed with an orange juice on his face and

get a slap from that woman “So this is the one that you found to replace me Taekwoon?Oh my how pathetic is it your taste.” She say before slips her hairs

arrogantly. “Narsha wait.Not here,let’s talk at somewhere else.” Taekwoon say to her while pulls her to walk outside but Narsha just slaps his hand away then pulls

Hakyeon’s hairs. “Argh!!!” Hakyeon yelps in pain and try to pry away from the grip and both of Taekwoon and Hongbin also try to help“You listen here !

Taekwoon is mine and you has no right to steal him away from me!Furthermore looks at you,you’re so pathetic.You’re dark,ugly and acts like a !” Narsha spats at

his face and continues to pull his hair. “NARSHA!!LET HIM GO NOW!” Taekwoon shouts loudly and automatically Narsha releases Hakyeon and stares at him

sacredly while the restaurant becomes silent. “Op..oppa” she stutters while looking at the pissed Taekwoon sacredly “I wants you to get out now and never comes

back to see me.If I sees you hurts him in the future I will make sure you will be suffer.” Taekwoon say coldly while glaring at her.Narsha walks weakly to the door and

stares for the last time at Hakyeon and Taekwoon before walks out from the restaurant.Taekwoon looks at the Hongbin that is still trying to calm the crying Hakyeon

then he walks slowly to kneel in front of Hakyeon.He holds his hands and whispers softly at Hakyeon “Hey Hakyeon are you okay?Did you hurts anywhere?” 

Hakyeon  shakes his head and whimpers to Taekwoon “I wa-..nt..to..go home” and Taekwoon just nods agreeing and slowly helps him to stand up by slips his hand

around Hakyeon’s slim waist. “I will see you at home Hongbin” he say to Hongbin before walks to the door slowly with Hakyeon.Hongbin just stands there and

watches Taekwoon takes care of Hakyeon gently to the car while the customers inside the restaurant are busy take pictures and gossip with each other.Hongbin

smiles then whispers softly “Nice to meet you Mr Cha Hakyeon and I hope you will be the one that helps Taekwoon to forget her.” Before he walks to the counter and

pays for their lunch.




Meanwhile in Taekwoon’s car,Hakyeon just stay silent and stare blankly to the front.Taekwoon who is driving keep glances at him to make sure that he’s okay

“Hakyeon are you okay?” he asks softly and Hakyeon turns to him and smiles “I’m okay.Don’t worry,I’m just still in shock.” Taekwoon continues to focus back at the

road then suddenly Hakyeon asks him “How can you fall in love to that kind of woman?” Taekwoon glances at him weirdly “Why are you suddenly asks me about

this?” Hakyeon shrugs his shoulders while pouts “Well I never thought you had interest on the woman like her.Idiot,act pretty,high self conscious and most

importantly .” Hakyeon hiss at the end. “Do you know who is she?” Taekwoon asks Hakyeon.Seriously this kid really doesn’t afraid of anything and just say what

he wants.Hakyeon scoffs “Of course I know her.Narsha,the heiress for the B.E.G company and completely a flirty woman.She had coupled about 25 times including

you and all the men that she dated were either CEO or artists.” Taekwoon stares at him with wide eyes “You counts how many times she dated.Doesn’t that means

you admires her.” “Used to but now not anymore.She’s completely a .Anyway can I  go home early today?” Hakyeon say while inspecting his ruined office

attires.Taekwoon looks at him and agreed that Hakyeon looks a little bit mess up so he gives permission to Hakyeon goes home early.When they arrive at the

company,Taekwoon parks his car at his special parking then comes out from the car together with Taekwoon.Hakyeon follows Taekwoon from behind and when they

walk into the company,immediately all of the workers look at them.Even Sojin also looks at him weirdly,he look at Taekwoon to see whether is he feels the same or

not but that man just acts casually and doesn’t notice of the weird glances from the workers.Hakyeon walks closely to Taekwoon and they enters the lift.As soon as

the door closed,Hakyeon turns to ask Taekwoon but before he can asks,Taekwoon say to him without looks at Hakyeon “I noticed the weird glances and don’t ask

me why because I doesn’t know why.I has a bad feeling about this.” Hakyeon sighs heavily and looks at the screen that shows the number of floor.The lift stops at

the 8th floors with a ‘ding’ sound and when the door opens,Taekwoon immediately freeze there and Hakyeon just looks at him weirdly “Yah why you looks like that?”

he asks then looks at the front also and it’s his time to freeze next.There in front of Taekwoon’s office are 6 women that are acting like some crazy patient throw

tantrum and Sohyun is almost crazy to calm them down.Hakyeon watches them scold Sohyun then he say to Taekwoon “Don’t tell me that all of that idiots are your

girlfriends.” Then he turns to glare at Taekwoon and when Taekwoon looks back at him with please-help-Hakyeon face,Hakyeon immediately slaps his head and

curses him without cares that he is the mighty Jung Taekwoon or not.

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊