

*knock* *knock* “Can I comes in?” Taekwoon asks the person in his guestroom. “Come in.”the lively voice answers.Taekwoon enters the room and looks at the

woman that is busy packing her bag “Oh Taekwoon why are you here?Aren’t you supposed to be at the office right now?” the woman say after she notices of

Taekwoon at the door.Taekwoon smiles at her then walks to sit on the bed “I gets out for a while to see you as Omma say you’re going already.So…you’re really

going to go with him.” He say to the woman.Eunji turns to smile at him then sits beside him “Yeah I’m going to go with him and plus he promise to love me and take

care of me.Furthermore I already bored with your love as your love are always keep for him.” She say then elbows him playfully.Taekwoon laughs “Hey Taekwoon if

you meets him again,can you tells him that I’m sorry that I takes you away from him for two years?” She say to him and Taekwoon nods then pats her head softly

“And you also needs to do something to me.” “What?” Eunji say while tilts her head cutely.Taekwoon pinches her cheek “Promise to not do the stupid things that you

did last two years.You know what it looks so stupid and ridiculous for the brilliant and smart person like you.Take care of yourself and be happy with him.” Eunji pouts

“Hey I did said sorry for that.I know I was stupid before but now I regrets it okay.I has move on from your love and now I’m going to stay focus on Suho.” She say and

smiles when she remembers her boyfriend now which is also Taekwoon’s bestfriend(they have reconciled back).Taekwoon happy to hear that “I’m happy for you.If

there are any problems,you can see us.We will help you.”.Eunji thanks him “Eunji! Suho has comes already.” Jaejoong shouts from downstairs. “Yeah Jae Omma.I

think it’s time for me to leave.” She say and Taekwoon helps to bring her bags to downstairs.They walks to the downstairs and Suho is already waits for Eunji at the

living room “Hey man,how are you?” Suho greets Taekwoon and Taekwoon just nods his head.Eunji rolls his eyes “Don’t mind him.He’s just depress that Hakyeon is

still hiding from him.” She teasingly and Suho just laughs when he sees Taekwoon glares at Eunji. “Well it’s not my fault that he is so sassy.” Taekwoon whines while

gives out Eunji’s bag to Suho and Suho takes it “Your boyfriend is scary you know.There was once that my secretary forgot to tell him that the appointment between

my company with him needed to be cancel because Eunji was sick and my secretary received curses from him.I can heard him cursed from the phone and

conclusion is from that day my secretary will never forget anything regarding the BTOB company.” Suho say.Taekwoon laughs and both of Eunji and Suho also join

him after that.Suho looks at his watch then announces “We need to go now or we will be late Eunji.Let’s go.” Eunji nods and turns to Taekwoon “Taekwoon thank you

for your helps to recover me.Thank you also for accompanied me two years ago to the institution,without you maybe I will still be insane.” She say sincerely and

Taekwoon just smiles to her “You’re welcome.Suho please take care of her.” He say to Suho. “Of course I will.I love her since before…” he say while looks at Eunji

lovingly.Taekwoon rolls his eyes “Okay guys stop your disgusting cheesy love to you.Omma they’re going!!!” Taekwoon shouts to Jaejoong.Jaejoong comes out of the

kitchen with a black plastic bag and Yunho follows him from behind “Eunji this is the marinated meat that your father and brother asked.Make sure to give it to them

okay?” Jaejoong say while gives out the bag “Aish really why are they always troubled you.” Eunji scolds lightly.Yunho smiles “Because they’re both eater monsters.I

believes that most of your money are spend on the food.” He say and all of them chuckles.Eunji smiles at Jaejoong “I will give to them.Thank you Jae Omma.” She

say then hugs him tightly.Jaejoong hugs her and pats her back softly “You’re welcome and take care of yourself okay.”.Eunji nods then bows at Yunho before walks

out of the mansion together with Suho. “So when are you going to bring back my sassy Hakyeonnie?” Jaejoong asks Taekwoon.Taekwoon turns to his Omma “I will

catch him soon Omma,don’t worry.” He say before walks to his car.Jaejoong hugs Yunho while watches Taekwoon drives out of the mansion “Finally it’s time for his

happiness.He has waits for two years already.” He say to Yunho.Yunho nods and kiss the top of his head.



  “Hakyeon hyung!Faster or we will be late.” Sungjae colds Hakyeon that is still walks casually and slowly behind him.Now is their lunch hour and as they promised

Hakyeon follows Sungjae to meet with his boyfriend.They walk to the nearest restaurant from their office and when Hakyeon enters the restaurant,he almost turns

back when he sees the person that is standing and talking with Sungjae.But he still walk to their table and when the person turns to him,Hakyeon feels like he’s

going to faint “Sanghyuk…” he say softly.Hyuk smiles sweetly at him “Hello hyung.Long time no see.” 


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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊