

Right after they arrive at the Korea,both of Taekwoon and Hakyeon go straight away to the company while Ravi decides to spend the rest of his day off at Ken’s

house.Taekwoon takes his car at the airport parking and drives them to the company.When they arrives the company and enters it,most of the workers stare at him

and Taekwoon.Well Hakyeon doesn’t blame them as both of him and Taekwoon are wearing clothes that are not suitable for the office;Taekwoon wears a sea blue

Polo shirt and white jeans while Hakyeon wears the white shirts and black jeans.They take the lift together and go to the 8th floors.Once they walk into the

office,there are two mans stand there talk with Sohyun and Hakyeon assumes that the man that is wearing an expensive suit is the Mr Wang while the others is his

secretary which is also a man “I guess I’m not the only man that becomes secretary in this world.” Hakyeon say in his mind. “Mr Wang Jackson nice to meet you

here.I predicts your father is here but it’s looks like I’m wrong.” Taekwoon greets the man politely.Jackson stops talks with Sohyun and turns to Taekwoon “Oh

Taekwoon.Long time no see” he say and both of them shake hand then hug.Hakyeon smiles to the secretary “Hello,my name is Hakyeon,Sir Taekwoon’s secretary.”

He introduces himself to the man. “I’m Mark,Sir Jackson’s secretary.Nice to meet you.” Mark say with smiles “Okay they’re not brat like Jung Taekwoon…It’s a good

thing.”.After the introduction session,four of them go to continue the discussion in Taekwoon’s room. “So what are the problems in the Hong Kong’s project?”

Taekwoon asks as soon as they settled down at the couches in Taekwoon’s room “Well it’s not a big problem but if we ignored it,I afraid it will lead to the biggest

problem in the future.” Jackson say to Taekwoon while keeps stares at Hakyeon.Hakyeon fidgets awkwardly in his seat while Taekwoon is sending death glares at

Jackson “What is it?” he say with stern voice.Jacksoon looks away from Hakyeon to look at Taekwoon “Well the materials that are used in the project don’t reach the

quality that we want.Your contractors are using the materials that are low in quality and I guess that maybe you doesn’t about this.I think I’m not wrong,you really

doesn’t know about this.” Jackson say while plays with the ring at his finger.Taekwoon scowls “My contractors used low quality materials??Well I’m sorry for the

mistake Mr Wang.I guess I have been too nice to my workers that all of them start to lie to me.Don’t worry I will settle this matter.”.Jackson just nods then suddenly

he turns to Hakyeon that is sitting in front of him then smiles seductively at him “So who is this beautiful young man?” he say with the flirty voice.Hakyeon almost

throw his notebook at that man “Seriously you just told the bad news about the project and made this brat mad then now you’re flirting with me.” He curses in his

mind but he forces himself to smile and introduce himself while holds out hand at Jackson.Jackson takes the hand kiss it and Hakyeon who is surprise by the action

pull away his hand quickly.Jackson just smirks at him and his lips before say “You tastes delicious Hakyeon.”.Taekwoon glares at Jackson who is unaware

about the death vibe around the room and strain himself from kills the man.Mark who is sitting beside Jackson just shakes his head when watches his boss who is

also his bestfriend flirts with Hakyeon.He also realizes of the death glares that Taekwoon is giving at his idiot friend “Aish really this ert.Doesn’t he see the glares

that Taekwoon is giving to him.Surely the man has some relationship with Hakyeon.I am not going to save him if Sir Taekwoon kills him later” Mark nags in his

mind.He clears his throat then say to Jackson “Sir I think we need to go now as you has another appointment after this.”.Jackson looks at Mark with the why-you-are-

so-busybody-go-away face and Marks gives him I-will-kill-you  glare back.Jackson immediately timid by the glare and say nervously “Hurm…I think I needs to go now

as I has another appointment after this.Anyway thank you for the time Mr Taekwoon.” He shakes hand with Taekwoon and walks out of the room with Mark follows

behind.However,before he walks out of the door he turns back at Hakyeon and winks at him.Hakyeon dumbfounded and gasp after that while Taekwoon just growls

slowly “That man is seriously a ert.Doesn’t he know that Hakyeon is his boyfriend.” He say in his mind then remembers back.Right,he never introduces Hakyeon

as his boyfriend publicly “Maybe I need to that before more men like Jackson come.Seriously what do they see from this idiot?” he whispers quietly. “Eh what did you

said?” Hakyeon asks him suddenly.Taekwoon stutters “Nothing.Anyway let’s go home now,I am already tired and tomorrow you doesn’t have to come.I gives you

permission to take a day off.” Hakyeon immediately grins and say “Thank you” happily.After Taekwoon finish calls a few people and Hakyeon takes the file about the

Hong Kong’s project,they go home.Taekwoon decides to send him home and Hakyeon agrees right away as he thinks his body starts to break down of the

tiredness.Along the journey to Hakyeon’s house,both of them just stay silent as tiredness start to take over their body.Hakyeon say goodbye and thanks Taekwoon

then walks out from the car to his apartment when they arrive at his house.Taekwoon watches Hakyeon enters his apartment safely first before he drives away.He

picks up his head phone and wears it then he dials someone.After a few rings the line connected “Hello Himchan hyung,I need your help.” He say when he heard the

line connected “Oh Taekwoon-ah,what is it?”Himchan greets him.Himchan is his friend that works as writer at the newspaper company “I need you to save the front

page of your company’s paper for my story.Actually for my love story.” Himchan laughs when he hear Taekwoon “Yah your relationship is really serious this time that

you wants to introduce your partner.” Taekwoon rolls his eyes “Are you going to help me or not?” “Okay!I will help you.So now tell me your exclusive love story.”

Himchan say and Taekwoon can hear the click of his pen and paper being flips.Taekwoon takes a deep breath before starts to tell about him and Hakyeon.

sorry for the late update.I am quite busy lately but don't worry,I will try to update faster after this.Thank you to all that wait for this story,hope it is still interesting

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊