

 “Hakyeon what is wrong with you?Why you doesn’t want to go to that meeting?” Minhyuk asks Hakyeon that still sits at his desk doing works when he is supposed

to get ready to follow Minhyuk and Sungjae to the meeting with the LEO company.Hakyeon groans “Well I doesn’t bring any help to the project if I goes so it’s better

if I doesn’t go with both of you.Just go now or you will be late.” He say to Minhyuk.Minhyuk looks at him weirdly “You’re acting weird since the last phone call with the

LEO company and you realized right that you just cut off the line just like that without say thank you or even greets him properly.Luckily that the boss is so kind that

he just let it pass as he thought that maybe you’re just nervous to talk to him.” Minhyukk nags at him and Hakyeon just rolls his eyes “Oh My Ken just go or you will

be late.Sungjae has waits for you at downstairs for a long time already.” Hakyeon say while pushes Minhyuk to the lift then waits until Minhyuk enters the lift(while

nags) before he goes back to his desk to continue his works.Unfortunately it don’t work as he keeps thinks about the call five days ago “Is it really him?Argh!!!Why

did I bothered myself to think about him?Just forgets about him Hakyeon and stay focus on your works!” he say to himself then he emptied his mind from him and

continues his work.



     Three hours after that,both of them comes back from the meeting and Sungjae immediately goes to find Hakyeon that is drinking lemon tea at the pantry

“Hakyeon hyung!Hyung,do you know that the boss that I met just now really looks like your boyfriend when we met at the Japan.” Sungjae tells him and Hakyeon

spits out all of his tea to Sungjae in front of him “Aish hyung!!!” Sungjae whines while wipes off the tea on his face.Hakyeon quickly takes the tissues and helps to

clean Sungjae’s face “I’m sorry Sungjae-ah.I’m really sorry…” he mumbles while wipes Sungjae’s face. “No it’s okay I guess it’s also my fault because I’m suddenly

talks to you without greets you first.” Sungjae say but then he yelps in pain because Hakyeon has slapped his head “That’s for surprised me just now.It’s lucky that I

doesn’t choke or has heart attack you stupid kid!” He scolds Sungjae.Sungjae pouts at him “Why it’s my fault now hyung.I’m just shares to you that I saw someone

who looks like your boyfriend and oh yeah his secretary also I thinks you knows hyung.She is the woman in the picture on your desk.” He say to Hakyeon and tries

to remember back the name of the woman.Meanwhile Hakyeon is already in mental breakdown “Sohyun is secretary for Taekwoon?So that’s means that the LEO

company is Taekwoon’s company but then what happens to the VIXX company?” “Hyung!!!” He regains his mind back after Sungjae calls him “What?” Sungjae looks

at him worriedly “Hyung are you okay?Why did you this few days looks really unresponsive and not like yourself” Sungjae asks “Nothing just I’m a little bit

stressed.Don’t worry I’m okay.” Hakyeon say then smiles at him.Sungjae looks at for a while before say “Anyway hyung I wants to introduce to you my boyfriend this

Wednesday during lunch hour.He really wants to meet you hyung after I showed him your pictures.He say you’re beautiful and sassy.” Hakyeon looks at him with the

I-don’t-care face before puts the mug in the sink then walks to his desk. “Oh come on hyung.It’s just for a while,pleaseee…” Sungjae begs while follows him to his

desk.Hakyeon ignores him and continues to do his works,Sungaje sits on the chair in front of Hakyeon’s desk and continues to beg him “Hyung please.He really

wants to meet you and I doesn’t has the heart to disappoint him.Please….Okay if you go,I will do anything for you.Anything.” Hakyeon immediately looks at him

when he heard that “Really you will do anything if I goes.Anything and you can’t reject it.” Hakyeon say with scary smiles.Sungjae groans before sighs defeated

“Okay.Say it and I will do it for you.Only if you comes with me this Wednesday.” He say to Hakyeon. “Okay I will go!” he say happily.Sungjae scowls at him before

excuses himself to continue his work. “Now I doesn’t has to worry when Minhyuk asks to follow him to the next meeting with LEO company.” Hakyeon say happily

and for the rest of the day his mood is good or very extra good that even Minhyuk says that he’s having split personalities.



 “So it’s confirm that it is Hakyeon works with the BTOB company and he works as secretary for Mr Minhyuk.He already works at there for two years so that’s means

right after he resigned from the VIXX company.” Sohyun reports to the smiling young handsome man that sits on the arm chair in front of him.Sohyun looks at the

man and smiles “Are you that happy to meet him Taekwoon-ah?” she teases him.Taekwoon chuckles “You doesn’t know how much I miss to hear his voice,looks at

his face and feels his skin.” He say dreamily.Sohyun makes the disgusted face “Okay I think you really that happy.But why do I think that he’s avoiding you,I means

he cut off the line when he heard your voice before.” Sohyun asks curiously to him.Taekwoon scoffs “Well he’s flustered,that’s what happened.I also realizes that he’s

avoiding me but that’s okay.If he wants to play hide and seek then I will be happy to play together with him.Let’s looks for how long he is going to hide from me.”he

say while smirks.The game starts now.



    “You means that the Jung Family has come back to Korea.But hyung you tells me before that they moved to Japan to take care of Eunji.” Ravi says to him while

his hands are busy prepares their table for dinner.Hakyeon walks to the table with a pot of Kimchi Jigae “I don’t know and plus isn’t you supposed to know more than

me as you’re the one that keeps contacts with Hyuk.” He say before puts the pot on the table.He sits on the chair then takes his chopsticks before starts to eat their

dinner. “Yeah but I lost contact of him since last year when my phone lost last year.Don’t you remember?” Ravi say after takes a bite of the grill meat. “Ah right I

forgets.” Hakyeon say before continues to eat.Both of them eat in silent after that but after 15 minutes Ravi asks him “Don’t you miss him hyung?”.Hakyeon stops

eats and looks at his rice.Ravi looks at his stiff hyung “Hyung what will you do if you meet him?” he asks.Hakyeon smiles then say “I will slap his face first because

he left without said goodbye.” Ravi chuckles at him “Yeah makes sure to do that first when you meet him later.” Ravi say while laughs.Hakyeon also laughs with him

and Ravi watches his hyung laughs so lively for the first time in 2 years “Hyung don’t worry,you will get him back and also your happy and cheerful old self.” He say in

his mind.

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊