



“Eunji” Taekwoon say coldly.How he wishes that he will not say that name ever and see that pretty face that used to be his favorite thing to look at.But now when he

sees that face,he will become angry and feel betrayed . “Taekwoon it’s been a long time I doesn’t see you.How are you?” the angelic voice asks him.Taekwoon grits

his teeth and balls his fist tightly;how dare she to ask how is he after what she had done “Better than before.More happy with my new life.” He say and Eunji just

smiles “Good for you.Oh I see you brings friends here.Why don’t you introduces your friends here?” She say while looking at Hakyeon and Ravi.Only then Taekwoon

realizes that Hakyeon was with him.He turns to Hakyeon that is smiling at him besides him and without he realizes he also smiles too.Eunji that is watching both of

them surprises to see the smile and not only her but also Jaejoong,Yunho,Changmin and Daehyun.While Hyuk is smirking while watches Eunji’s reaction “Oh…this

is going to be interesting.” Hyuk whispers softly.  “This is Hakyeon.My secretary and also my boyfriend.” Taekwoon introduces Hakyeon to Eunji and Hakyeon almost

laughs because he see that Eunji lost her smile and looks pissed.Yunho that is suspecting that there will awkwardness and tension between them immediately say

“Hakyeon why don’t you go to rest first with Ravi and Jaejoong will call you when its lunch.Same goes to you too Taekwoon.” Jaejoong just nods at his husband’s

words “Yeah right.Comes I will show you your room.Hyuk!Help them to bring their bags.” He say while directs Hakyeon and Ravi to the upstairs.Hyuk groans when he

heard his Omma’s order,he takes the bags and follow them but when he arrives at Taekwoon he whispers at him “You did great hyung.Keep it on.” After that he goes

upstairs. “Eunji goes to your room now!” Changmin say sternly to his daughter and when Eunji wants to protest Daehyun cut her off “Go to your room now!” he shouts

at Eunji.Eunji glares at Taekwoon before stomps off to her room.Taekwoon looks at his father,uncle and cousin “Don’t worry,I will be fine.” He say to them “Let’s go.I

will show your room.” Daehyun grabs his arm and drags him to the upstairs.When both of them is  gone,Yunho say to Changmin “I doesn’t think so that he will agree

with the plan, Changmin.You see his reaction when he saw Eunji just now;his eyes were full of hatred and betrayed.”.Changmin just sighs heavily “I know hyung but I

can’t do anything as she keeps forces me to marry her off with Taekwoon.She said she still loves him.” He say to his oldest brother. “You’re her father so that’s

means all of the decisions are in your hand not her.You needs to be strict with her Changmin but don’t be too overboard.I don’t want to sacrifice my son’s happiness

that he had found again after two years.You see it by yourself how he smiled when he looked at Hakyeon.I almost forgot how he smiled.” Yunho say to his

dongsaeng.Changmin massages his forehead and Yunho pats his back softly then hugs him “I will help you Changmin.Believe in me.” Yunho say to Changmin.




  After all that commotions,Hakyeon and Ravi are send to the guest room in the mansion by Jaejoong to get a rest.He and Ravi tidy up their clothes and after that 

decides to take a rest.When the clock shows 11:30,Hakyeon wakes up from his sleep and then decides to look around the mansion after takes a bath.The mansion

is so beautiful:it’s used the Japanese themed which is Hakyeon’s favorite and also there are many beautiful and amazing paints hand on the wall.When Hakyeon is

so immersed inspects the paints of a scenery,suddenly he feels a pair of arms around his waist.He stiffs for a while as he can’t see the person but then when a

familiar voice whispers “How was your sleep?” at his ear,he immediately relaxes “Taekwoon what are you doing?” he asks him while tries to pry away the arms but

fails as the more he tries to detach it away from him,the more Taekwoon tightens his grip “Don’t move,Eunji is watching us right now.” Taekwoon suddenly whispers

at him.Hakyeon naturally moves his head to look for Eunji but Taekwoon stops his movement by puts his mouth at Hakyeon’neck.Hakyeon shudders when he feels

the hot breath on his neck “Why you’re so stupid?Just don’t move and enjoys this.” Taekwoon say while smirks.Hakyeon just groans and whispers “You

byuntae!”.While they’re cuddling(or for Taekwoon keeps sniffling his neck) suddenly Eunji greets them “Woah,what is the lovely couple is doing here?” she say in a

really fake sweet voice.Taekwoon looks up from Hakyeon’s neck and turns to Eunji “Can’t you see we’re cuddling while look at the paintings.” He say before kisses

Hakyeon’s neck again.Meanwhile Hakyeon who is currently be the victim here is cursing Taekwoon in his mind “Really this byuntae.How dare he uses me and

molests me!”.Eunji that is dissapointed at Taekwoon’s answer say at him sadly “You have changed.You’re not the gentle and lovingly Taekwoon that I used to know

before.”.Taekwoon tenses and his grips on Hakyeon’s waist is tightens because of his anger “Well you are the one that changed me,Eunji.Have you forgotten?” He

hisses.Eunji looks at him sadly and Hakyeon almost feels pity with her “I still loves you Taekwoon and you needs to know that accident is not my fault.” She begs to

Taekwoon and Taekwoon just scoffs at her “Not your fault! Are you telling me that it’s not your fault when you fall in love with my best friend and you sleep with

him.You sleeps with my best friend,Eunji!” Taekwoon shouts at her and in the same time squeezes Hakyeon’s waist tightly until Hakyeon yelps in pain and tries to

push away from Taekwoon’s hug.Taekwoon’s anger immediately cools down and he gives all his attentions to the in pain Hakyeon “Hakyeon I’m sorry.I’m really

sorry,I doesn’t mean it to hurt you.Are you okay?” he asks worriedly at Hakyeon.Hakyeon nods at him while massages his waist and Taekwoon notices this

action.He takes away Hakyeon’s hands from the waist and replaces it with his hands.He massages the waist softly and carefully so that he doesn’t hurt

Hakyeon.Hakyeon watches him with shock “Why is he suddenly kinds to me?Is it because Eunji is here?” he say in his mind. “Does you still feel the pain?”

Taekwoon asks him and Hakyeon just shakes his head with a smile “No,it’s gone now.”.Taekwoon picks him up in bridal style and brings him to his room but stops

by Eunji “Do you love him,Taekwoon?” she asks with her tears flows out.Hakyeon feels pity at her and try to get off from Taekwoon but Taekwoon just glares at him

and that stops him from moves “He’s more worth to be loved than you.At least he know how to make me happy and appreciates my love.” He say coldly before walks

away from there with Hakyeon in his arms.Hakyeon watches Eunji kneels down on the floor and cries “I feels like a stealer and here” he thinks but then

Taekwoon say something that makes him feels better “Don’t ever think that you is a stealer.You’re not a stealer because she is no longer my girlfriend” Taekwoon

say while he is walking to Hakyeon’s room.Hakyeon looks up at him and smiles weakly “But you still loves her right.I can see it.” He say softly and Taekwoon just

silent.He doesn’t deny or admit it and that makes Hakyeon’s heart hurt and disappointed a little bit “You still love her then.” He say weakly.He wriggles off from

Taekwoon and walks to his room after say “Thank you” to Taekwoon.Taekwoon just watches Hakyeon walks away from him and he doesn’t know why but his heart

feels something weird like sad and pain.

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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊