

  “Taekwoon” an angelic voice calls him plus with the soft hand that is caressing his cheeks softly.Taekwoon groans with satisfied and snuggles more to the warmth

body besides him on the bed. “Taekwoon wakes up”the same angelic voice calls him but Taekwoon has no plan to wake up in fact he snuggles more to the

warmness.Then suddenly *Plak* a slap land on his arm.Taekwoon jolts up from his sleep and whines when he sees Hakyeon besides him with a smug grin on his

face “Now you’re awake.Go to take a bath now because we need to go to Hyuk’s wedding.”Hakyeon then turns to climb off the bed but a hand circles his waist and

yanks him to fall back on the bed.He yelps when Taekwoon lifts him to lay on his body “Taekwoon don’t play around.We need to go to the wedding that will be held in

only an hour from now.”Hakyeon nags while wriggles to get off from him.Taekwoon shakes his head and tightens his hug more “I don’t want to go.I want to stay here

and cuddles up with you.”he say and then pouts.Hakyeon laughs at his childishness and then pecks that pouty red lips “We have the whole day tomorrow to do that

but now we needs to get ready to the wedding.Pwease…”Hakyeon say with aegyo.Taekwoon groans and kiss Hakyeon before puts him at the empty side then

climbs off the bed to take shower.Hakyeon smiles while watches the sleepy Taekwoon walks clumsily to the bathroom.While Taekwoon takes shower,Hakyeon has

changed to his outfit which is white jean and white suit and then tidies up the bed.Taekwooon that has just finished shower walks out of the bathroom with the perfect

view of Hakyeon’s bubble in front of him,he walks slowly to the oblivious Hakyeon then slaps that . “Yah!”Hakyeon yelps in surprise when he feels someone

slapped his ,he turns to his back to scold Taekwoon but then he blushes when he sees the half Taekwoon with only white towels around his lower region

and his hair that is dripping wet.He gulps down the lumps in his throat and tries to control his hormone “Control Hakyeon!Control!” while Taekwoon that notices of the

flustered Hakyeon decides to more.He walks slowly to Hakyeon then goes near to Hakyeon’s ear,he nibs on the ear lightly then whispers in hoarse deep

voice “I am gonna eat you up this night so hard that you will not be walking tomorrow and we’re gonna stay on the bed for the whole day.” Then he the ear before

retreats back and walks out of the room to his wardrobe room leaves the ually frustrated Hakyeon.He heard Hakyeon’s shout “YAH YOU STUPID ERT

BASTARD KID!!!” when he is wearing his black jean,he laughs while listens to Hakyeon’s nags in the next room.



     Hakyeon watches Sungjae walks back and forth in the room while wait for the wedding to start “Sungjae can you stop doing that?You’re making me

dizzy.”Hakyeon scolds and tries to make him sit which is difficult so Hakyeon doesn’t has any choice but to “Ouch hyung,why did you slapped my face?”Sungjae

say while caresses his face that has been slapped by Hakyeon.Hakyeon grins and shrugs innocently “Oh I just wants to do it.” He say then sits at the couch and

continues to play his game.Sungjae looks at him and then sighs “Hyung how if he suddenly doesn’t want to marry me?” Sungjae asks him with really serious

face.Hakyeon looks at him with are-you-drunk-or-what face but then suddenly he turns to serious mode “Yeah you’re right,maybe he is fed up with you and doesn’t

love you anymore.So now he’s planning to leave this wedding and leaves you alone later then looks for other hot y woman.They get marry and live happily ever

after with their kids”he say and slowly Sungjae starts to panic then suddenly he runs out of the room.Hakyeon leans back on the couch “Well that’s easy.Stupid

dramatic kid” and he continues back to play the game.After 5 minutes,Taekwoon comes into the room and asks him what has he done.Hakyeon pouts at him and

say innocently with aegyo as its topping “What?I didn’t do anything.” Taekwoon sighs and sits besides him on the couch “You’re really one of a kind.”he say to

Hakyeon then kisses his cheeks.Hakyeon giggles “So what happened?” he asks with proud.Taekwoon rolls his eyes “Well he barged into the room with tears eyes

while Hyuk is preparing and then mumbles something like “don’t leave me for the hot y woman”, “I love you” before kneels to hug Hyuk’s legs.” Hakyeon laughs

loudly as soon as Taekwoon finished tell him how Sungjae reacts to his evil tease plan.Taekwoon looks at him with amused smile and pecks his lips then watches

his beautiful wifey laughs happily.


     After the almost ruined wedding finishes with no accident or run away,Sungjae and Hyuk have come to him and slap his head for his evil plan “Yah that’s hurts”he

whines while glares at the just married couple.Hyuk rolls his eyes “Oh please hyung that’s nothing compares to your evil plan that almost makes my wedding

ruined.”.Hakyeon scowls at him “Well it’s not my fault that your partner doesn’t believe in your love.Both of you are just being dramatic.”he say sassily.Sungjae

groans “Oh my hyung,you’re worse.I hopes that your future children will not inherit your sassiness.” Hakyeon opens his mouth to reply back the sarcastic comment

but someone has cut it off “I hopes that your wish is granted Sungjae because two Hakyeon is nightmare to me.” Hakyeon glares at Taekwoon that suddenly appears

beside him “Hey you’re supposed to love them for what they are and not complaint about them,Taekwoon.”Hakyeon say sulkily.Taekwoon chuckles then leans down

to kiss Hakyeon’s cheek “I’m sorry my love.Of course I will love them for what they are and I will never complaint for their weakness.Just like how I accept you for

what you are because you’re my sassy beautiful wifey and not to orget your hot .”he whispers the last line to Hakyeon.Sungjae looks at him with oh-that’s-cute

face while Hyuk looks at him with disgusted face “Oh my,you’re really ert hyung.Let’s go Sungjae.”he say before drags his still oh-that’s-cute wifey.Hakyeon and

Taekwoon laughs at them but suddenly Hakyeon stops laughs and looks at Taekwoon “Are you’re serious when you say that you accepts our children for whatever

they are?”he asks Taekwoon.Taekwoon furrows his eyes “Of course Hakyeon.They’re my children,my flesh and blood.”he say to Hakyeon with curious face.Hakyeon

smiles then leans to whisper at his ear “Then be ready because there are small buns being baked in my oven darling.” Then he kiss Taekwoon’s face.Taekwoon looks

at him with wide eyes and mouth before he faints.Hakyeon panic when he sees Taekwoon faints and tries to help him while shouts for helps from the others.


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zulilala #1
Chapter 36: The ending is kinda cute >< thx for the wonderful story of NEO
zulilala #2
Chapter 26: Even though I know it’s happy ending but I still feel sad over this chapter
zulilala #3
Chapter 22: The lion is about to eat his meal but got interrupted
zulilala #4
Chapter 8: Hakyeon pls he is ur boss XD why did u slap his head lol
Dulanga #5
Chapter 36: Omg this story is wonderful... I love the way you write authornim
xandra_summer #6
Chapter 36: Sequel please......
khasabat #7
Chapter 35: Happy ending yeah-
Chapter 35: Happy ending ❤
Wow! I love their love's story. One of a kind. Kkk~
Can you making the sequel of this story? I'm so curious with Hakyeon's pregnancy and how Taekwoon handle it ^^
Chapter 35: Yeeaay~ finally, they're found the happiness \^^/. This is my 2nd times to read your fic, I really really like it. Thanks for fulfill my fantasy about neo couple. Looking forward for your next Neo Fanfics, Fighting!!!! ✊✊