Heart Cheater

Finally, I can fulfill my own promise...So, here we go...:-)



“Listen to me, Seohyun!”

“I don’t want to…”

“She is my…”

“I hang up…”

“She’s my grandmother!!!”, Yonghwa quickly said, makes Seohyun startled and silence between them immediately. She tried to think clearly what Yonghwa said and just sweated so much after realized that she had humiliated herself already, and…again. was opening wide, but couldn’t utter a bit of sound. Slightly she whispered scolding herself, but unfortunately Yonghwa heard it.

“Pabo….”, and she pressed the button to end the call.

“Yeoboseyo?”, Yonghwa called her but got no answer instead of rejected sound from Seohyun phone. He tried twite, thrice, and more. Still, she didn’t want to picked it. She let her phone on the bed beside her while buried her head between pillows, hope it can reduced her ashamed feeling.

“Pabo Seo Joohyun…Pabo Jung Yonghwa !!!”, she muttered more.



“Tch… What’s wrong with her ? Even I didn’t explain yet, but she… Reject my calls?”, Yonghwa told to himself and shook his head knowing his wife attitude. He thought that Seohyun would angry or mad to him, but then he remembered the last word she whispered before hang up the phone.

“Or… She feels ashamed because of her thought that I spend times with any girl when the reality she is my grandmother?”. He started to smirked, then smiley, and finally laughed so hard like a fool.

“Seo Joohyun sincha… “, he can imagined what happened to Seohyun now. And it would be hard for stopping him laughed out loud. Seems like it would be hard also for him sleep properly.



“Halmeoni, why did you not wake me up? I want to go there together with you…”, Yonghwa whined to his grandmother who just arrived after visited her daughter graveyard. She left him earlier and back when Yonghwa just woke up.

“I have no heart to wake you up, Yonghwa-yah… You were sleeping so soundly, did you went to bed pass after midnight? Aigoo, don’t blame me or yourself, of course you wouldn’t wake up early”, his grandmother shook her head saw her grandson behavior. Yonghwa was just shrugging his shoulder, no other options for him, but went to the graveyard alone.


“After visiting eomma, I will back here for a moment before go back to Seoul. Please don’t go anywhere, halmeoni, you must preparing delicious cake or cookies for me”, Yonghwa joked to his grandmother who chuckled at his wish. She knew how much his loving for her cake and cookies. Of course she will make them for him.

“Don’t you worry. I’m not old enough to forget what is your favourite”



“Hhhhhmmm…”, Seohyun opened her eyes and took a pillow which was covering her face for long time enough. She exhaled morning air and looked for her phone to know the time. Instead of the time, she got more surprised because of 13 missed calls from Yonghwa. She didn’t know that he called her many times last night. Still stuttering and hesitating, finally she decided to call him, at least it wouldn’t be so obvious that she tried to hide her ashamed feeling. A minute called him, still no answer there. She started to hesitating again, should she called  again or not?



Yonghwa’s grandmother was still preparing some ingredients when she heard a sound from a room. She knew exactly that it was cellphone ring, but not from her phone. Slowly she reached the source, and found Yonghwa’s cellphone on the bed. It’s sure Yonghwa forgot to bring it. She looked at the caller name : Seo Joohyun? Who’s that? Was the call so important? Was it okay if she answered it?



“Yeoboseyo?”, Seohyun greeted first. After three times, finally Yonghwa picked his phone.

“Ne, yeoboseyo?”, a woman voice was heard in other line. Seohyun pulled her phone to looked at number she called, ‘Am I calling wrong person?’

“Sorry, but… Is this Yonghwa’s number?”, she asked carefully.

“Ah, ne… This is Yonghwa’s phone. He forgot to bring it and leave it here. I’m his grandmother. Can I know who is this?”, Yonghwa’s grandmother asked although she knew already who was the caller from name which was out the phone.

“Oh… Annyeonghaseo… I’m sorry, halmeoni… I don’t know that you will pick my call…”, Seohyun got surprised that the older woman who picked the phone and will have conversation with her.

“It’s not problem, dear… Yonghwa was so in rush this morning. You’re not answering me yet, can I know who you are? I mean what relation with Yonghwa? Are you his friend? Or business partner?”, Yonghwa’s grandmother asked the girl whom she thought has a soft and polite voice.

“Ne?? I’m Seo Joohyun, I’m… I’m his wife”, it was the first time for Seohyun introduced herself formally to Yonghwa’s family. Even she has not time for formal introduction to his other family, like his father or step mother. So no wonder if she was so nervous now, hope the grandmother would give positive respond. And thanks God, she received what was she wished.

“Omooo… My grand daughter in law? Mianhae-yo, Joohyun-ah… I really don’t know my own grandson wife’s name. Can you forgive me, dear? Please…”, halmeoni pleaded to Seohyun made her laughed softly. Although Seohyun didn’t met her lively, but she knew already that this old woman was full with aegyo.

“The one who should ask your pardon is me, halmeoni… I’m sorry I’m not introducing myself properly”

“Hmmm… I think all of these are Yonghwa’s fault”

“Ne???”, Seohyun little bit surprised heard what she just said.

“Of course this is his fault. If only you come here too with him. How could he has no planning to bring you to his mother. Aigoo… That boy!”

Seohyun started to think what halmeoni said. Yonghwa’s mother? What was that mean? Was she passed away for years ago? Confuse and wanted to know more, Seohyun asked halmeoni.

“His mother, halmeoni? I can’t catch what halmeoni said before. Can you explain it, halmeoni? I’m sorry, because I really don’t know…”

“Didn’t Yonghwa told you about his travelling purpose to Busan, and what is date today?”, halmeoni was confused too. Seohyun shook her head though it wouldn’t be saw by halmeoni.

“No, halmeoni…”, she answered weakly. Then she heard a sighed sound from other line.

“Yonghwa, jeongmal… I hope you can understand him, Joohyun-ah… I know that today date is the most bitter day for him, for me too actually. Today is the day when his mother, my only daughter, was took away from us, by God…”, halmeoni voice was heard so sad, Seohyun can felt that. Even though Yonghwa’s mother had passed away years ago, for people who love her so much, it would be hard to forget.

“I’m sorry halmeoni, I don’t know this very important occasion”, Seohyun only can said that. She felt guilty to bring the sadness for halmeoni.

“Don’t blame yourself, my dear… Actually I disappointed more because Yonghwa didn’t tell you about that. I think it will be better if a husband shares all of his feeling, happy or sad, all of his life story to his wife. I believe you can accept them and walk out from the sadness, bring him with you”

Seohyun has an urge to cry, blame all to her sensitive pregnancy hormone. But what halmeoni said was true. Although she didn’t know, would this was true also for her and Yonghwa? Could she brought him out from his sadness?

“Joohyun-ah… Are you still there?”, halmeoni called her after not hearing a sound from her.

“Ne, halmeoni… I’m sorry…I…I just try to understand what did you said. I know that I’m not good grand daughter in law, but I must try do your advice, right?”, Seohyun knew it was the right words to say. Even though Yonghwa didn’t said or did anything showing his sadness, she knew he felt that. Maybe not being a good wife, but being a good house mate would be nice for them. And slowly, he showed her that he was good man through his good attitude, right? So, nothing go wrong to accept Yonghwa’s grandmother advice in the future.

“Thank you, Joohyun-ah… If only you were here now, so we can have more time to talk. Are you okay if someday I will call you, you know to chat more?”, halmeoni asked her.

“Of course, halmeoni. I can’t promise you to come there soon, but for call or message, I will”, Seohyun was excited too.

“I’m so happy talk with you, dear”

Then they continued chat about everything, even halmeoni knew about Seohyun’s favourite food and planned to make some goguma cake and cookies. Of course, Yonghwa who will bring them for Seohyun.



After lunch time, Yonghwa went to train station to came back Seoul. If when his arrival to Busan he just brought one bag, looked at him now. Halmeoni begged (actually a bit of forced) him to brought some bags filled with gouguma cake and cookies. Yonghwa wanted some of them, but just usual cake or cookies, not goguma’s. It was not he didn’t like them, but it was too much. No other options, he knew already who’s someone will gladly eat them. Imagined her expression later, Yonghwa just could rolled his eyes.      


At evening, Yonghwa was arrived to his house. He decided to fetch Seohyun tomorrow, because he was so tired and didn’t inform her yet about his arrival. After took a bath and drink coffee to refresh himself, he heard the door bell ring. He looked at his watch which showed that it was 8 pm. Who would came to his house at this time? Seohyun? Impossible, she has their house key, no need to ring the bell. He peeked from the door hole, a woman with white blouse and skirt stood there. But he didn’t know her, even can’t remember if they met once or not. Slowly he opened the door, fear if there was another person with that woman and planned some criminal maybe.


“Oh, annyeonghaseo…”, the woman bowed slightly and greeted him.

“I’m sorry, but… Is this Seo Joohyun-ssi house?”, the woman asked the still silence Yonghwa.

“Ne… But she’s in her parents house now. Can I know who you are?”, Yonghwa showed his curiousness.

“Ah, I’m sorry once more. I’m Kim Taeyeon, a gynecologist. A week ago Seo Joohyun-ssi checked her pregnancy, but she forgot to bring this. So I want to give it now”, Kim Taeyeon lifted a small paper bag in her hand.

“Is that so? You can give it to me, tomorrow she will go home and I will give it to her”, Yonghwa pulled his hand to take the paper bag, but Taeyeon pulled it back swiftly.

“Nooo… I mean I’m sorry but this thing is impotant. It’s record of her pregnancy from ultrasonography checking. I can’t give this to wrong person”, Taeyeon explained to him seriously.

“What? Wrong person? For your information, Kim Taeyeon-ssi, I’m Seo Joohyun husband!”, Yonghwa started to lose his patience. This unexpected guest, really…

“Ne??? Oh my God, so you are Mr. Jung? I’m so sorry, I don’t know about that. Of couse you can take this record”, Taeyeon smiled apologetically and gave the bag to Yonghwa.

“If you want to watch it first, just do it Mr. Jung. And please tell to Seo Joohyun-ssi that she must come to checking again next month”, Taeyeon said again.

“Okay, thanks for this. I will tell her”, finally Yonghwa smiled to her knowing that his guest will go from his house. When Taeyeon just stepped toward her car, she turned back and shouted a bit.

“It will be better if you come also accompany your wife, Mr. Jung! Your son will excited too!”, then she bowed and walked again.

“Son?”, he said to himself.



Yonghwa sat on the couch in living room. He hold a CD which was in paper bag Taeyeon gave him before. Is it really okay if he watched the record first before Seohyun? But curiousness filled his mind, he wanted so bad to know. Finally he decided to watched it.


At first or second minute, it showed a black and white only picture which he didn’t know what is that. Then the record focused to one thing which is like thick cotton with amorph shape. Something like ribbon connected the cotton amorph shape to a wall. He tried to understand what he looked at now, but still didn’t get the answer until an explanation words appeared there.

“Ah… Finally”, he sighed and read the explanation.

“Omo… The cotton amorph shape is the baby? Where’s the head, hand, and leg?”, he started to worry, how can his child didn’t have proper part of body? Then his question got the answer, it was explained that for five or six month pregnancy, formation of body was still in progress. He nodded his head like got a lecture. More he watched, more things he knew about pregnancy.

But his favourite part is when the baby move  a little. Slowly he reached his laptop monitor to touch it, touch the baby picture exactly. His fingers move followed the baby moving. He smiled at what he watched.

“Between a lot of people in this world, why did you choose me as your father? Am I worthy for you?”  




I know that there's no Yongseo interaction in this chapter, but I will try to be better and could satisfy all of my reader...

See you next time...:-)


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GogumaStar #1
Chapter 24: No update since :'(
Hai authornim hope you will continue this beautiful story :)
Ironcatnguyen #3
Author, do you remember me - The loyal reader, and i still read this fic until now? What's happned with you? why did you postpone this fic long long time? I miss you so much! Please update soon!
seohyunsnsd #4
Chapter 24: Update pleaseeeee
Hi authornim, please continue this story T,T thank youu so much
rinyyulia #6
Chapter 24: update please authornim
julie-61 #7
Hai author, I really love and miss this story so much.
Please you can continue to update this story.
Hope you can consider it please....
Thanks for your time to read my comment.
specialtha #8
Chapter 24: Authornim,,,,, please update this one
I want more yobgseo interaction, wanna know how they'll fall each other
Please continue this story
Thank you
widifishy #9
Chapter 24: update pleaseeee
widifishy #10
Chapter 24: update pleaseeee