Help Her

A Dream Come True

7:30am the group was still sleeping in the waiting room. Daesung was the only one awake, again, pacing. He looked older then what he was. His eyes had a hint of red and became droopy and his face was puffy from all the crying. He didn't sleep that night, instead he stayed awake waiting for answers. 

The female doctor walked out of the double doors and went towards Daesung. His eyes lightened and he went around tapping on everyones shoulder to wake them up. The group gathered around "We've done as much as we can." She said "She's on a lot of medication so she'll be out for a while. We estimate that she'll awaken in a few days but if not we'll have to take more tests." 

"Can I see her?" Daesung asked

"We'll be moving her to a room in a couple hours so you can stop by and see her then" She replied.

"I understand." Daesung and the bigbang membors bowed to thanked her.

"Well, that's good." Taeyang said "She'll wake up in a few days." He patted Daesung shoulder. "She's gonna be okay."

"Right... Just a few days..." Daesung replied shortly giving a slight smile. 

"How bout we go get something to eat, then we'll come right back." TOP suggested going over to his chair to get his coat. 

"Um... I'll wait here." Daesung pointed to the emergency room. "You know, in case the doctor comes back." 

"I'll wait with him" Sarah said walking over next to him. 

They gave a look of understanding "We'll get you guys some milk." Gdragon said. Then they waved and walked out the door, leaving Sarah and Daesung waiting.

Sarah sat down bent over with her head in her hands. Daesung went over to sit by her and patted her back "In a couple hours we can go visit her. We'll go in together so we don't have to be alone."

She looked up to him and smiled with watered eyes. "Thank you." It was quiet for a moment. They both drifted into their own thoughts until Sarah chuckled. Daesung looked at her confused and questioned whether or not she was still sane. She looked at him and said "You know, Tasha was a real fan of yours. She would always joke about how you guys would have a future together... And here you are." She smiled and made contact with him "Thank you so much for carrying for her and giving her happiness." The tears ran down her face and she put her head back down. Daesung blushed and smiled happy to hear that I cared for him as well. He pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his arms. 

The group came back with a bag of food. Seungri went through the bag and grabbed 2 bottles of milk and handed them to Sarah and Daesung. They bothed sipped from it not feeling much of an appitite. Everyone else chowed down on ramen and rice. 

When the two hours passed the doctor came back letting them know they could visit me but only one could enter at a time. Sarah and Daesung made eye contact and Sarah made a notion with her hand to let him know he could go first. He bowed to her to thank her then followed the doctor into the emergency room. The doctor stopped in front of a door and motioned for him to go in. He hesitatied thinking about the condition I could be in but then he thought about how lonely I would be laying in a hospital bed by myself and bravely stepped in. 

He put his hand over his mouth from shock and slowly walked toward me. My body was scratched. They put casts on my left arm and right leg and around my chest. My head was wrapped and blead through. I was a wreck. He stopped beside my bed and knelt down on the floor with his head in his hands "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." He kept repeat it feeling it wasn't enough. He lifted his head and held my hand in his saying "Come back to me." and kissed it. 

The days passed by and with each day Daesung would come and visit me and telling me stories about his life making sure I was never alone. He even brought me flowers to liven up the room and bring in sweet smells. On the third day he became anxious and just sat holding my hand. The hours ticked by and hope was beginning to fade. He looked up to the ceiling and gave a prayer to the Lord "Please God. Please help her find her way back to me.I don't want to loose her." He cried and brought his head down to our joind hands "I believe you brough us together for a reason, so please. Help her." He sat there for a while tears running down his face.

My fingers twitched and His heart skippd a beat. His eyes shot open as he went to look at my face. "Tasha? Tasha! Can you hear me?" My eyes squinted and I slowly brought my hand to my head "Tasha! Tasha you're okay!!" He ran out side the door yelling "Doctor! Doctor she's awake!" and went back by my side "She's awake". His smile widened and he kissed me on the forehead before looking up and whispering "Thank you."

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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^