
A Dream Come True

After breakfast at our hotel Sarah and I headed out to walk around town. We come across a dress shop and decided to step inside to take a look. It was a beautiful two story building. The second story was filled with bridal gowns and the bottom with formal dresses. All of them seemed to cost thousands of dollars but it doesn't hurt to look. We looked around choosing dresses that we think would look beautiful for a wedding which was practically all of them. 

Sarah and I decided to go look at more shops and before we walked out of the store I spot a poster. I looked closer and saw that Bigbang was on the front of it. With my mouth wide open I tapped Sarah on the shoulder. She turned around "What is it?"

I pointed at the poster and said "Bigbang has a concert today... here in seoul." 

She read the poster then looked back at me "Tasha. We don't have the money for this... As much as We would love to go, its gonna take a miracle for us to get there."

A slim lady, who seemed to be in her late 30's, walked over to us. She wore a slim red dress and a fir coat with stiletto heals. ~How can people walk in those all day?~ Her hair was tied up in a pony tail and hung in loose curls. ~Who is this lady?~ She walked over and stopped in front of us. "Excuse me. But are you guys fans of Bigbang?"

I was the first to answer "Yes we are."

"Do you guys by chance want a ticket to there concert? Or do you already have one?"

~Ticket... Does this lady sell the tickets here?~ 

"We don't have tickets..." I answered.

She dug around in her purse then pulled out two tickets to the bigbang concert. 

I put up and waved my hands to stop her "Oh! no, ma'am! We don't have the money for tickets."

She laughed which made Sarah and I confused... "I wanted to give you these tickets." She said. 

Sarah and I looked at eachother in disbelief. ~Is she serious..?~ 

The lady continued "I have two daughters in middle school who love bigbang and they thought it would be okay to earn the money to buy tickets without my permission, so I'm giving them away."

~Wow. Tough life~ "Oh. In that case it would be rude of us not to accept them..." I bowed as I reached out both my hands to grab the tickets. "Gamsahabnida."

She then left leaving Sarah and I totally speechless...

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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^