I'm Sorry

A Dream Come True

I woke up, squinted my eyes and brought my hand up to my head to find that there was a bandage wrapped around it. When I opened my eyes I found a very handsome and a very familiar man. Daesung was standing beside my bed looking down to me with tears in his eyes. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm so glad you're awake!" He said. I went to get up but a pain struck me and he guided back to my pillow. 

Sarah ran in with a giant stuffed panda sobbing and the bigbang members followed behind also bringing gifts. The members stopped by the door and placed their presents on the table while sarah went over and stopped on the other side of my bed "Tasha! You're okay!!" She hid her face in the panda and balled. I tapped her leg to get her attention then motioned for her to give me a hug. She hesitated "Aren't you in pain? Won't it hurt?" 

I smiled "Of course not! They put me on a bunch of medication. Can't feel a thing!" I lied. Right now all I wanted was my friends. She put the panda down and bent over to give me a hug. I wince in pain as she hugged me but I gave her a smile to show that I was okay. All pain thoughts away I asked her "So? What happened? How long was I out?"

Daesung grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes "When you got in the accident I ran by your side and held you until the ambulence came." He stopped getting ahold of himself. "I helped them get you into the truck then rode with you. I stayed by you until the doctors took you to the emergency room. You've been here for 3 days and 4 nights." He shook his head in disapointment. "I shouldn't have left."

I scowled at him and raised my voice "I don't EVER want to hear you say it was your fault. Okay?" It was weird. I was usually shy in front of him but since he was hurt and down, especially since it was my fault, I felt like I need to be strong. I sighed and brought my voice down "It wasn't your fault..."

He hesitated before nodding his head "Okay." He said sadly looking down to our conjoined hands.

I smiled up at him "Daesung, we've got to stop seeing eachother..." I gestered at myself with my one working hand. "Like this"

He smiled back at me watery eyed and laughed. "I hope our relationship isn't going to be made up of hospital bills." He said. My face turned red and for a minute it was just us staring into eachothers eyes. He looked around then cleared his throat while rubbing the back of his neck. at that moment I remembered that we weren't the only two in the room and with my red face I looked at everyone and awkwardly bowed thanking them for the gifts. They all looked kind of uncomfortabe, well, except for Sarah who stared with amazement. 

"Well." TOP coughed "We should let you rest." All the others argued explaining that I had just gotten up but TOP glared at them and pointed at the door to send them out. Sarah waved at us smiling before she left with them leaving Daesung and I alone. He put his head down and stared at the floor. 

"Are you alright?" I asked. 

"You really gave me a scare." He said still looking to the ground.

"Daesung. I'm sorry." I felt really bad. I arrived to Korea just 5 days before and I'd been in the hospital for all those days. He was always there for me. He must of been so worried. I reached over to grab the remote on my side table and I used it to bring the bed up to put me in a sitting position. Once I sat up I grabbed Daesungs wrist and pulled him to sit on the bed with me. When he sat down I put my good arm around his waist and pulled him in for a hug. He slowly brought his arms around me to hug me back careful not to hurt me. At that time, I let out my tears. He brought his band up to my head to my hair soothing my pain. For that moment all I wanted was to be with him and I never wanted to let go.

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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^