My Angel

A Dream Come True

We Arived at our hotel at 6pm and took our showers. They had great service and the people were very nice but the hotel itself was hard to deal with. We slept on mats that were placed in a closet  in the corner of our room and our bathroom was our shower. We were born in America so we haven't had much experience sleeping on the floor or waking up in the middle of the night to a wet toilet but it was cheap and it was right next to banpo bridge which made it cooler. 

We weren't staying for long. We decided to stay for 2 weeks to explore. It was our first time being out of America so it was very different for use to be away from our family and be off in a new world. 

It was 7pm when I got out of the shower. I changed into my Doraemon PJ's and layed on my mat faceing away from the already sleeping Pikachu Sarah. We had bought our Doraemon and Pikachu pajamas online before we went to korea. 

It felt like the night was lasting forever. I tossed and turned but my brain could'nt seem to fall asleep. The thought of Daesung kept fluttering through my head. ~I wonder if he's still at practice...~ I reached for my bag that was sitting beside me and got in the side pocket to grab my phone. I turned it on to check the time. ~9:30pm~ Before I put my phone down a message popped on my screen.

"Daesung 'I want to see you. Where can we meet?'"

I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. ~He wanted to se me?? Maybe he just wants to know if I'm doing better... He did help me.~

I texted him back "My Hotel is next to Banpo bridge."

"Good! Be there in 5 minutes! Don't you dare ditch! ^^"

I put on my over sized sweater and skinny jeans and made a quick check in the mirror. ~Ugh. I look like crap.~ I did a quick brush of my hair to pull it up into a bun and splashed water on my face for refreshment

Sarah's still sleeping ~Should I wake her up?~ I thought for a moment ~No, she looks too peaceful. Besides, I won't be gone for long."

I put on my shoes and headed out the door to banpo bridge which was just a few blocks down from where I was staying. 

Banpo bridge was so beautiful with its rainbow lights shooting from the side into the dark midnight water. It seemed as two different worlds collided as one. The night was calm. All you could hear was the distant sounds of city cars as they rolled to their destinations. All I could think of was how romantic this scene seemed to be and I was going to share it with the most amazing man. 

A car pulled up beside me and Daesung stepped out holding something behind his back. ~What is that...?~ I felt my heart pounding as if it was trying to dance to its partner. He walked twards me with his usual childish smile and gave a slight bow of his head.

"You look so much better!" He pulled a bouquet of red roses from behind his back. "Here! I brought you these to congratulate you on your recovery!"

Thats when I cracked. I felt my eyes weld with tears and drop down my red cheeks. People have brought me flowers but this person meant so much to me that holding in the emotion was unbearable. 

"OMO" Daesung looked shocked then this face filled with concern. "Gwaenchana??" He didn't seem to know what to do so he sat the flowers down and hesitated before embracing me in his arms. "I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry." 

I couldn't talk. The emotions took over and it felt like a pit had grown in my throat. ~He may not know it... But he's my Angel and I pray to always be with him.~

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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^