
A Dream Come True

I didn't dream that night. I guess I was so tired that all my brain wanted was peace. My eyes fluttered open and saw Sarah in the corner drawing in her sketch book. 

She looked over at me "Oh! Morning sleepy head!" 

I squinted my eyes "Morning.." My head was pounding and my eyes were sore. I turned my body to get up and had a shooting pain in my back from sleeping on the floor. Sarah hurried to my side and helped me up. "What time is it?" I asked stretching to relax my muscles.

"It's 11:30. You slept for a really long time. Thats really unusual for you. Are you okay?" She was aways so caring of others.

I squated to stretch my legs and looked up to her "hm? Oh." Last night came back to me and I wondered if I should of told Sarah. "Yeah. Um. I'm fine. I guess it was the medication that the hospital had given me. Besides, we had a long trip here."

She looked curious but seemed to just let it go. "Thats true. Maybe a good breakfast will help you feel better!"

We got dressed and headed out of the room to the hotel cafeteria. I didn't realize how hungry I was until we smelt the aroma of toast and eggs. My stomache growled comanding me to hurry and eat. We walked down the hall and turned to the cafeteria. There was a counter in the back of the room with food and a door leading to the kitchen. They had a couple long tables for people to sit and eat. Sarah and I got our food and sat cris-cross on the floor in front of a table. We didn't talk which made it kind of awkward.Sarah decided to break the silence. "Sooo... Did you dream about anything last night?"

My heart started pounding as the memories flashed back. I put my head down as I ate my food. "Er. No. It was just pitch black."

"Really?" She had a look of humor. "I had a dream that you went out to meet Daesung!" 

My face went red. All of a sudden my food didn't look too appetizing. ~Maybe that was just a coincidence.~ I tried to put off a convincing smile "Really? Did we kiss? hehe.."

She stared at me in disbelieve "I don't know. I wasn't there."

~Crap. Busted.~ I looked at her apologetic. "I'm sorry! I was gonna have you go with me but you looked so peaceful! And I was coming right back!"

"Psh I don't care! You were with Daesung! You've been dreaming to be with him for years now!" She smiled waiting for me to explain what had happened.

I took a huge breathe preparing myself to tell her about my fairytale night. "I met daesung at Banpo bridge and he brought me flowers to congratulate me on my recovery then I cried because the night was a dream come true and he hugged me and told me he was sorry for making me cry."

She held for a minute trying to take everything in. When she let go she gave out a scream of excitement. "AHHHH!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!" People started looking at us like we were crazy. I got up and bowed apologetic to the people around us then grabbed my best friends arm to pull her back to our room. 

"Tasha! This is so amazing!!! I can't believe it!!!!" She started to wave her hands tward her as if she was going to pass out or cry. I couldn't help it. Her happiness is contagious. I burst into laughter and squealed like a little girl. Its not every day you meet the man of your dreams especially since this man was a celebrity.So I took part in her happiness and joy. 


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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^