Is This Real?

A Dream Come True

After the concert Sarah and I waited for the crowd to settle down and leave before we started to leave ourselfs. As we headed out the door I heard someone call my name. We turned around to find Daesung and the group chasing after us. "You're leaving already??" Daesung asked.

I answered him with a question "Did you want us to stay longer?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to have dinner with us." Gdragon answered

"Dinner?" Sarah and I said together.

"Have you eaten already??" Daesung asked looking disapointed.

My stomache started to growl. ~I haven't eated since breakfast o~o~ I looked at Sarah "Do you want to have dinner with them?"

She looked at me as if it were a stupid question. "Of course!!!" She winked at me. I glared back at her.

"Sounds good! Lets take our van!" Taeyang suggested.

We headed out to the van. Daesung opened to door and gestured for me to go first. I stepped in and sat in the back corner. Sarah went to enter next but Daesung put his hand on her shoulder to stop her and he got in to sit next to me. She looked shocked but didn't argue and sat next to Seungri instead. We started heading down the road. Four miles later my heart raced as Daesung scooted closer to me. My chest hurt and I instantly felt claustrophobic. "Pull over please!" I yelled. 

Everyone looked at me with concern. Once the van came to a stop everyone got out to let me through. I ran out and squated placing my hands on my knees taking big breaths of air. The whole group surounded me and started asking me if I was okay. "We should give her some air." Sarah said. I felt relieved to have her with me. 

Everyone backed up but Daesung decided to stay by my side and put his arm around me. "Seungri. Get a water bottle from the van." He comanded. ~His presense is making it harder for me to get myself together.~  When Daesung recieved the bottle of water he held it up to my lips so I could get a drink. It wasn't really necessary so I took the bottle from him and did it myself. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I took another deep breath "I.. I'm okay. Lets go." I answered as I started to get up and walk to the van. Daesung went to help walk me to the van but I brushed him off "I'm okay. Really." They looked concerned so I gave them a smile to assure them that I'm fine "Now lets go! I'm starving!" That seemed to make them feel better. We headed back to the van and drove off to eat.

When we arrived at the restaraunt we sat criss crossed on the floor in front of the bench. Sarah sat on one side of me and Daesung on the other. The restaraunt was small but had good service. People around us were chattering and pointing at us excited to see the famous Bigbang. This was all new to Sarah and I so we looked around aweing on how popular the group had been. "You guys ar so popular!" I observed. 

"Are you jealous of a little compotition?" Gdragon asked. 

My face turned red. "Wha.. what?" 

"Come on! It's obvious you have a thing with Daesung!" Taeyang said. 

Daesung blushed "Hyung!"

Sarah looked at me and mouthed "Wow..."

"So is it true?" The group asked.

"What? No! Of course not!" I didn't know what else to say.. All the attention was pointed at me and it made me nervous. 

Daesung looked disapointed. I hated to see him hurt.  "I mean you're an awesome guy! And you're so caring!" He forced a smile before dismissing himself. ~What am I going to do..?~ I stayed where I was and everone avoided eye contact and stared at their bowls nibbling their food. I needed my friend "Sarah can I talk to you for a minute?" 

"Um. Yeah sure." We headed to the bathroom. "Tasha, why did you do that...?"

"I didn't know what else to say.." I said cowardly looking away into the mirror. 

"You really like him. You should of told him the truth." 

"But, his friends were there and.. I don't know. I got nervous..." I looked back at her "Do you think we'll be okay...?" I asked talking about our relationship.

"Go talk to him and find out." She said smiling with encouragement. 

"You're right. I'll talk to him." ~I'd never thought I'd even meet Daesung let alone be with him. Is that what he wanted...?~ I felt my heart race again. I thought about my situation. ~Is this real?~

I ran out of the bathroom back to the group of bigbang members. "Daesungs not back yet?" I asked.

"Nope I think he went for a walk. I'm sure he'll be back soon though." TOP answered.

"Which way did he go?"

He pointed in the direction "He took a left"

"Thank you" I said to him before I ran out the door. I took the left like he told me to and quickely moved my head around to look for him but there was no sign. I kept going taking all kinds of turns, but still, no hope. Finally, I decided to give up and retrace my tracks walking back to the restaurant. ~Where did he go?~ I kept my eye out for him as I headed back until I finally spotted him on the other side of the street. ~Thank goodness!~ With no thought I ran across the street yelling his name. He looked at the road then looked back at me with pain and reached for me as if to grab my attention. I instantly knew what was happening and I turned to see a car coming my way. He honked his horn and slammed on his breaks but it was too late. I stopped and put my hands in front of my face hoping the horror that was to come would just be a nightmare but before I knew it my body crunched under his tires and I felt pain all through my body. The last thing I saw was Daesung running to me tears streaming down his face. I sent a silent prayer ~God. Please don't take me away from this wonderful man.~

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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^