
A Dream Come True

~hmmm.. What a comfortable bed ^^ Being on a plane for so long makes me realize how much I really miss my bed back home.~ I didn't really miss being home. The freedom felt nice and I got to spend it with my best friend which made it even better. Though, I did miss my bed with my heart shaped pillow that fit my neck just right and my giant duck that I received for Easter years back that sat at the foot of the bed. My grandparents even got me my own heated blanket to keep the temperatures perfect at night and I had my fluffy blanket that felt like a cloud on my skin. I always used to wake up happy and refreshed when I slept at home.
I put my arms up and brought them back in to hug my pillow and take a big deep breath. It smelt weird. Like old people and medications. I brought my hand up to brush my hair out of my face and I winced in pain. I realized that my head was bandaged and reality shot back to me. ~Wait. Where am I???~
I opened my eyes and shot up in sitting position to get a look around but just as fast as I got up, I got light headed and it grew into a shooting pain. I Closed my eyes and felt someone guide me back to a lay position. 
"No! You can't get up now! You're still week! ><" That voice sounded familiar. the thought was distant so I decided not to worry too much about it. Probably just someone who helped transport me to the hospital.
"Tasha, The doctors say you have a concussion that you have to rest for 24 hours." She didn't sound too worried. She actually had a hint of happiness in her voice which made me feel like she wanted me to be in the hospital but I thought about how stupid that was and slipped it out of my mind. Though I probably already knew the answer, with my eyes still closed I asked "Sarah. Who's with you?"
"OH! You'll never believe it! Open your eyes!!! xD" She sounded excited beyond belief and I realized that this person was someone really important. I took a minute to think about the different people that could be with us. ~Maybe its my mom..~ I thought but I knew very well that she would never come to korea. Besides the plane ride was too long. I thought again but nothing came to mind. I gave up and opened my eyes and right above me stood a tall handsome man way to familiar to me. She was right. I couldn't believe it.
Daesung stood above me smiling, glad to meet someone new and said"Annyeonghaseyo! Daesung ibnida!" and bowed showing his respect.
My eyes widened. ~ This is impossible..~ I was a huge fan of Daesung for years and always dreamed of seeing him. There was absolutely no chance of me actually meeting him but there he was bowing to me saying his hellos. I must of been the luckiest girl. I stumbled with my words feeling nervous and embarrassed. "Um.. I'm... er. Tasha." 
Sarah cut through and explained what had happened. "When you passed out on the floor Daesung picked you up and flagged down a taxi!"
Daesung looked at me apologetically "I would of rode in the taxi with you but I had a chauffeur waiting for me, but I came by to see how you were doing to make it up to you"
"Isn't he the sweetest!" Sarah gushed happiness.
~He picked me up? I knew I should of went on a diet.... How embarrassing. (///.\\\)~ I was 145 pounds. I've been wanting to go on a diet for a while but I lived in America the home of junk food. Even exchange students gained weight there... Going to Korea was my chance to loose weight. 
Daesung looked at me with concern "OMO! You're turning red! Do you have a fever! Are you okay??" Before I could answer he put his hands on my face. I felt like they were there forever. I started getting nervous then stupidly, I smacked them away...
"Wha.. What are you doing??" I asked holding my hand to my face where he touched.
"I was checking to see if you had a fever..." He put his head down in embarrassment.
I turned red again. ~Ugh. I must look like a tomato to him... What a stupid first impression...~
He looked at me and realized that it wasn't a fever that was getting to me and started laughing. "You're cute when you're red. ^^" He petted my hair as if I was a dog then went over to the mini fridge to get my a glass of water.
~Cute? He thinks I'm cute...?  ^^~
He came back and sat the glass of water on the stand then let me know "Well, it was really nice meeting you Tasha! But I have to leave to get to practice for the comeback... Message me and tell me how you're feeling! I put my number in your phone ^^" before he walked away I grabbed his wrist to stop him. He turned back around then I quickly let go and sat my hands in my lap. "What is it?" He asked. "Is there something else you needed?"
I heated up. My face was like an endless tomato. I looked up to him and asked in a small voice "Can you take a picture with me...?" 
He laughed again "Of course I can!" He grabbed my cell phone and gave it to Sarah then put my arm around his neck and picked me up out of the bed. I gave a little screech of surprise, he just ignored it. Sarah Held up the phone then counted down 3-2-1. Before she took the shot Daesung turned his head and kissed me on the cheek taking me completely by surprise. He chuckled then put me down not saying a thing just smiling. Next thing I knew he was out the door. 
I looked at Sarah with my hands up cuffing my cheeks. My smile grew wider and I made sounds of joys. She came over and sat on the bed next to me then giggled with excitement. ~This is a moment I will never forget. This is a miracle.~ 


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zhenzhen12 #1
Nice story^^