My Heart Hurts

You Belong To Me

The following day, Youngjae woke up very early. He accidentally woke Jaebum up, but Jaebum pretend to be asleep still, to see what Youngjae was doing in the room. When Youngjae left the room, he quickly jumped up and walk to the door to check what he is doing outside. He found Youngjae in the kitchen looking around trying to find something. Jaebum then came out and ask Youngjae what is he doing. 

"I'm trying to make breakfast for you all since it's my first time here but i'm not familiar with the different taste you all have and i'm not sure where you all place the pots and plates.. " Youngjae bowed his head looking guilty. Jaebum laughed and touched Youngjae's head. "Silly! Don't worry, I'll help you, since im awake." Youngjae heard and he was grining from ears to ears. He is glad someone is helping him so he won't make a mess. And to be honest, Youngjae can't cook at all. He can't even beat an egg properly. Jaebum and Youngjae had a lot of fun while making breakfast.

Jinyoung was standing at his room door when he witness this. He was up early to make breakfast for the members, as what mothers always do. But seeing this scene, he went back to his room. While sitting on his bed thinking about the scene he just saw, he felt jealous. He felt like that scene was from the TV when newlyweds make breakfast together. He thinks that Jaebum treats Youngjae better than him. He turned and he saw the big fluffy teddy bear Mark gave him, he decided to text Mark, even though they are both in the dorm. 


Jinyoung: Markeu Hyung, Have you woke up ?

Mark: Yeap , Jinyoung-ie ! I'm watching dramas in my room. Why ?

Jinyoung: I don't feel good.. 

Mark: WHY?! Do you need me to come over and accompany you? 

Jinyoung: No.. The maknaes are still sleeping. I don't want them to hear our conversation..

Mark: Okay. Then tell me here?

Jinyoung: I want to prepare breakfast for you all.. But this is what i saw...  -Send Photo-

Mark: No wonder.. How are you feeling now.. Are you okay?

Jinyoung: I'm not okay. I don't feel good inside.

Mark: Well, you want to go out and get some fresh air? 

Jinyoung: Ok.. 

Mark: Meet at the door at 9.20am.


"Hey ! Where are you all going? Youngjae made breakfast." Jaebum shouted when he saw Mark and Jinyoung at the door wearing their shoes. "Oh JB. We will be back for breakfast. Going out get some stuffs!" Mark replied because he know that Jinyoung didn't want to talk to Jaebum.

When they got out of the building, Mark noticed Jinyoung walking very fast, not waiting for him. He ran and placed his arm around Jinyoung's shoulder. " Don't worry Jinyoung, You got me!" Jinyoung smiled but it's still obvious that he dont feel happy. 

Mark thought of an idea. " Why not we try to make Jaebum jealous? Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth!

When Jinyoung was considering, Mark say the plan will succeed! 

They went back to the dorm and as they planned, Mark and Jinyoung stick closely to each other. They went into Jinyoung's room and stay there playing games till Bambam came and called them out for breakfast. Mark and Jinyoung wasn't suppose to be sitting together as they have their own seats but Mark chose to sit beside Jinyoung today and Jaebum has to sit at Mark's original seat, which was oppsite Jinyoung's. 

Jaebum has been staring at Jinyoung and Mark during the whole meal and he realised Mark and Jinyoung was really close. Even Jackson cant handle and asked what happened. " Hey Mark! I thought i'm closest to you. Why do i feel distanced today?

Mark turned and look at Jackson and laugh, putting his tongue out and turn his eyes back on Jinyoung. Jinyoung too, kept talking to Mark secretly by whispering into his ears, making everyone curious about what is going on. 



Jaebum and Jinyoung was asked to take their lunchboxes at the cafeteria and while they are on their way there, Jaebum can't control his curiousity and asked Jinyoung why is he suddenly so close to Mark. 

"Oh, I'm always close to Markeu Hyung. We text almost everyday!" Jinyoung replied in a calm tone, but inside him , he was jumping in joy. 

Jaebum was shocked and his jaws dropped. " What?! You all text everyday even though you see each other for 24/7??" Jinyoung nodded and fasten his speed, not wanting Jaebum to ask anymore. 


"When did they became so close.." Jaebum mummbled. Jaebum realised that......


Okay! Done with this chapter. Always limit myself to a certain word count so every chapter is about the same! 

How was this chapter? Jaebum really got jealous? I'm using this sentece as the start for the nect chapter. Stay tuned!

Do give comments or suggestions if i need any improvement. 

Pictures credit to owner. I own none of them.

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Chapter 15: :( so short~~~
Chapter 15: No! It's too short. >< please update more authorr
yeoljamxing0727 #3
Chapter 15: Woah. I still can't figure out whatbwill be the pairing in this. But thanks for the update authornin!
Chapter 14: one, two, three, and i dunno how many times i need to read this ^^ i like how author imagine the character of them. kkkkk~ please, jinmark is ending yah. kkkkk
Chapter 14: My jjp feels are strong rn lol
What is the pairing for this story??? Is it JJP????
Chapter 12: Got7 are such cuties lol
Chapter 11: Hah Jackson ruined the cake.
Chapter 9: Poor Jinyoung :(
Chapter 8: Yes realize your feelings JB!!!