DEBUT ?! But ..

You Belong To Me
The response for the new drama was exceptionally good, especially Jaebum and Jinyoung's character since one of them present great emotions and another passion in dancing. The audiences even requested for their official debut so they can see more of Jaebum and Jinyoung. PD had no choice but to debut the two of them first as a project group and carry on with his plan in debuting 7 people after that, of course including the two of them. 

PD went to the dance studio where they were practicing and announced the debut. "Jaebum and Jinyoung, you both got overwhelming response in your drama and you both will debut in May.

Jaebum and Jinyoung jaws dropped as the notice was like so sudden and they are not mentally prepared yet, since its already March now. But that moment only lasted for a second. Jaebum and Jinyoung quickly turn and look at Mark, Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom's expressions. 

"DEBUT?! BUT WHAT ABOUT US!" Jackson blurt out as the thought of no debut for them horrors him. He threw his cap on the floor and started  his lips nervously. Mark quietly walk away, Bambam was speechless and Yugyeom started crying. 

Because from the start of their trainee period, PD already told them they will all debut together so they already build a close bond. They are worried that Jaebum and Jinyoung's debut would make the rest of them lose the bond and also because they all trained hard and gave up many things. For example, Mark left LA on his own and has to maintain his diet so he can fly easily. Jackson left being a national fencer and continued dancing and flipping despite 80% of his ankle ligament is damaged. Yugyeom fell during Martial Art Tricking Practice and had a trauma. Bambam travelled on his own to Seoul when he was only 13-14years old.  

Before the PD could say anything , Jinyoung tried to calm Jackson down. "I guess we will just debut first or maybe debut differently? There will be a chance for you all, dont worry."  

When Jackson heard this, he got more angry and grabbed Jinyoung's shirt. "Yeah! It's easy for you to say , because you are debuting soon, isn't it ! " 

"What... I just want to calm you all down.. I didn't meant anything" Jinyoung tried to take away Jackson's hand but he is holding on very tightly. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Jackson tried to walk away but Mark grabbed his wrist. "What are you guys doing? Have you forgotten the promise we made ? We will never use our fist as a solution! 

Hearing this from the eldest , they all bowed down feeling guilty..  

The PD was standing aside watching them and then opened his mouth to speak. "The 4 of you don't worry. We all remembered that from the start, we had already promised you all that you will debut as one group. But due to overwhelming responses, we had no choice but to debut them first. However, They will just be debuting as a project group. After we found the last member, they will debut again with you all.

Knowing this, they let out a sigh of relief. They all gathered for a group hug and promise this is the first and the last time they will fight. No matter what happens, they will calming solve it.   

While preparing for JJproject's (Jaebum and Jinyoung) debut, the other 4 practice with them, support them. They also try to joke with them, knowing that they would be very nervous. They made a common goal, to train hard so that one day, they would be able to stand on stage together. 

Of course as the leader, Jaebum had to lead and take care of Jinyoung, but Jinyoung felt otherwise. He feel that Jaebum treat him more than a dongsaeng. Jinyoung start to have feelings for Jaebum but he was unconfirmed if it's true love or just appreciating Jaebum's care. However, Jinyoung is glad that since they both are debuting together, they are able to spent more time with each other.  

On May 2012, Jaebum and Jinyoung debut as JJproject with their single Bounce, and host JJ diary on their own.



How was this chapter? Please do give suggestions so that i can improve better!
Chapter 5:
But after debuting, it wasn't as good as Jinyoung thought. He was dissapointed... 
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Chapter 15: :( so short~~~
Chapter 15: No! It's too short. >< please update more authorr
yeoljamxing0727 #3
Chapter 15: Woah. I still can't figure out whatbwill be the pairing in this. But thanks for the update authornin!
Chapter 14: one, two, three, and i dunno how many times i need to read this ^^ i like how author imagine the character of them. kkkkk~ please, jinmark is ending yah. kkkkk
Chapter 14: My jjp feels are strong rn lol
What is the pairing for this story??? Is it JJP????
Chapter 12: Got7 are such cuties lol
Chapter 11: Hah Jackson ruined the cake.
Chapter 9: Poor Jinyoung :(
Chapter 8: Yes realize your feelings JB!!!