Searching for you

Angel Of Darkness

I was on my way back to the fabric shop when I heard howls of a few creatures. I quickly hid myself so I could get a closer look. I looked around a corner to see a pack of creatures. They looked alot like Hell Hounds that I was told about in heaven. They were creatures that did alot of biddings for Lucifer but I never thought I would meet a pack now. I watched as they began to sniff the ground around the fabric shop. They were hunting. I watched as they got really close to the shop. I had the gun I used on the winged creature before in my hand as I waited. One began to howl again. They had found a scent. I was ready to pull the gun on them and start shooting till they began heading down the street. The caught my scent from earlier. That was better then the alternitive but still not good. They would soon trace it back here again. I watched as they began to go further. I sighed and looked at the fabric shop. Barely sticking her head up, I could see Dara looking out the window to see if the pack had left. She was safe but then I noticed another hell hound. He was sniffing around and spotted Dara through the window. It waited till she moved then began to growl. I pulled the gun out and aimed then heard a growl behind me. I turned to look to see another hound. The hound but the shop howled and so did the one infront of me. I could hear Dara leave the shop and begin to run. Pulling the trigger I began to shoot the hound. It cried out but more shots could be heard. Survivors. That spirit Hwang Mae Hee was correct. They were indeed closer then we expected! I began to run after Dara but she was out of sight. I could hear more gun shots. Every bone in my body was chilled to the bone in fear. I paniced, letting my mind imagine every possiblity.

"JAEJOONG!" She had called out. She was alive. I quickly ran toward her voice. More hounds. I began shooting, killing a few but continued. She didnt call out again so I shouted out.

"DARA?" I waited and then she shouted back.

"JAEJOONG!" I quickly ran in the direction of her call.

"JAEJOon-mmmmm!" Her voice went silent! It sounded like she was muffled. My body began to fill with rage. Something was terribly wrong.

"DARA! DARA~???" I continued to call out. She didnt call back out to me. I then tired to follow the gun shots but they were all over the place. I felt completely lost. I couldnt find her. Another hound attacked. I then realized I would have to get myself to safety and later try to find Dara. I fened myself, fighting off the hound before I took my gun and shot it twice. It went down. Without linguring I left the area. It was not safe. Too much attention had been drawn here. I headed back to the graveyard, knowing that the smell of the dead did not sit with the creatures of Hell. So I took off in that direction again, my heart breaking that Dara was gone and my body filled with bloody rage as I knew it wasnt because she was killed but taken against her will. I knew that if I find her, I would make sure her captives paid for taking her from me.


I had found my way back to the graveyard to find Hwang Mae Hee giggling with delight. This spirit was not one to play with. I approached her, finding she enjoyed my missery. I reached out and grabbed her by her neck. She smiled, not carring that I had pinned her by her neck with my bare hands to a tree. My eyes were glowing blue which hadnt happend in a while.

"Haha I see have found them, well they found her that is!" She laughed. I could feel my nails grow as my hand gripped her neck tighter. She enjoyed it more.

"You knew they were here. You knew they would take her!" She continued to laugh but she shook her head.

"No being, human, spirit or angel could tell they would take her. But it played out so well. Like a tragic play!" She continued to laugh. She took pleasure in pain hers and others. I tossed her to the ground, knocking the breath of death from her laughs. I stood over her as she looked at me playfully.

"You know I like it rough!" She cooed. I grapped her hands and held them over her head. She wanted to play, we would play. I picked her up by her wrist and pinned her to the tree again. I then began to chant words only spoken in heaven. She looked at me confused as golden ropes wrapped her around the tree. As soon as they touched her skin it burned her spirit.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? OUCH! MAKE IT STOP!" I continued to chant, ignoring her cries till she was wrapped around the tree. She was now comletely unable to move and her soul was being burned for her sins. She cried in pain, no longer laughing. Then the pain stopped. She took deep heavy breaths between her cries. I then rose her face up with my hand and looked at her sternly.

"Now you will tell me everything you know now without your little games." I told her. She looked at me and nodded. I snapped my fingers and the ropes let her go. She fell to the ground, her spirit weak and wounded but not enough that she wouldnt beable to walk. I pulled her up by her neck and made her stand. She told me everything she knew. How she been sending other spirits in her yard to watch the humans. She came to learn about one group that seemed to be building itself an army by taking over other groups. She explained how it had taken over a new camp and expanded it. It was big enough to see from the sky now. She explained how they came to the city in huge groups and moved like military. They used their fire power to make everyone follow them as well as use them to fight off the creatures from hell. Hwang Mae Hee had shared all she knew and then some. She even shared that my message had been sent and the replying message was no more then a plea to stay safe. I turned to Mss. Hwang, she was still breathing hard. I pushed her against the tree again.

"You will show me where they are!" I told her. She laughed.

"You know as well as I that I can not leave this yard." She stated. I smiled. I chanted another chant and I felt her tense up. A chain came out of the ground and lached onto Hwang Mae Hee's leg. She tried to shake it off to no avail.

"What is the meaning of this?" She asked.

"Your right you can not leave the yard. But this tree that sits on your yard also has roots that reach out past the edges of your yard. You can lead me to them using the roots till you reach the end of your rope or root I should say." I shared. She looked at me and spat infront of me. I shook my head at me.

"That isnt very lady like."

"I am no lady! Just a Courtasant." She lead me down the end of the roots which happened to reach out to the end of the city. Lucky enough that the graveyard sat on a hill that the roots of the tree went down it till the end of the city. She pointed out a direction which I looked too. There was smoke, not much but enough to notice if you were looking.

"There! Thats where the humans that were here came from. That is where your woman will be." She stated. I looked at her seeing the disgusted in her eyes as well as hearing it from her voice.

"Thank you for your help!" She snarled at my thanks.

"I did this against my will. No need to thank me if you forced me." She uttered. She was right I did force her but I was despreate. I looked at her seeing that this spirit was hurt and still suffered from it.

"May I ask how you died?" She looked at me and laughed but then went silent before she answered.

"I was like any other courtasants living in the house with many others. We had to find ways to please our clients more then ual. The more ways you can please them the more they will come to pay to be in your company. I had a skill for singing and I used it. Of course I enjoyed singing more when I was alone in the gardens. One day this noblesman noticed me and everyday he came to hear me sing. He came back wanting to hear more till one night he wanted me for the night. This didnt sit well with one of the other courtasants, he was her regular till he heard me sing. After a year he only came to see me and so did many others but every night he would come to lay with me. One day I was out in the garden, singing to pass the time till she came, and murdered me. She dug a shallow grave and burried me. The tree, is the only tomb stone I have ever known. It sits on top of my shallow grave. I am sure my bones have become nutriants for it to grow." She shared. I could feel her pain in her voice. I snapped my fingers and her chains were gone. She looked at me confused.

"You are free to go! When the light returns, retire your spirit to the heavens. I am sure your voice would be cherished well up there." I stated. She smiled. For the first time this woman gave a geuine smile. She then faded into dust leaveing me alone on the hill where I looked down where Dara could possibly be.


I waited outside the camp. I watched from a distance so to stay out of sight but keep an eye out for Dara. I could see many people some who were carring guns, tormenting the others in the camp while those being tormented let them out of fear. I could see something was not right here. I continued to watch findng those who were military status could do what they wanted. I even saw a few taking young girls to their tents, against their will. My blood began to boil. The sight of this made me want to run in there and tear the place apart but seeing the people who could do nothing was the only reason I didnt. They seemed to need these people even though they did not agree with the terms with living with them. I then noticed a man carring a woman in his arms. She was unconscience. I watched untill I was able to see her face. My whole body froze.

"Dara!" I watched the man carry her to a tent. Another man came out, looked at her with concern and had the man bring her in. Once he left her in the tent he left and went on his way. I didnt know what they had done but my body was tighting up, blood boiling as I gritted my teeth. I decided I would get a closer look. I slowly made my way in darkness toward the camp. I stayed out of sight so not to get caught. I came to a tent which was three tents away from where Dara was. I looked around me to see how I was going to get her out of here. I then heard a man pulling a girl to a tent that was next to me. She screamed, begged him to let her go but he did not. This was my chance. I followed him into the tent and knocked him out. He fell to the ground. The girl looked at me, scared. I raised my finger to my lips, telling her to keep quiet.

"I am not here for you! You can leave but you can not tell anyone I am here." I told her. She nodded and quickly left. I waited, slowly peaking out of the tent to see how I would move further in. I saw another military man come out of a tent ahead. He had come out to take a leak. His back was to me. I looked around and saw no one looking. Using my speed, I quickly appeared behind him and knocked him out. grabbing his body and set him up as if he fallen asleep drunk instead of being knocked out. I moved into his tent waiting for the next oppertunity. It took a while till I noticed an old man. He was carring dishes of half eaten food. He was knocked down by one of the men and left on the ground. I found that if I got him out of the way, I could use his job to get closer. I waited till the man got closer. Once he was infront of the tent, I grabbed him and pulled him into the tent. He raised his arms up in defence but I quickly calmed him down.

"Its alright sir. I am not here to hurt you. I need your help." The old man looked at me.

"Y-your not from h-here are you boy?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I need to know about that tent across from here!" I pointed out. He looked and turned to me.

"That's the tent for patients. They carried a girl in they found out in the city. She was out cold." He shared. I sighed in relief. I was just about to ask the man for help when someone walked into the tent and saw me talking to the old man.

"Who are you?" The man asked. I quickly grabbed the tray from the old man and smacked the other man in the face and took off running. I had been seen so stealth was not something I had now. I was now out in the open. Men came to meet me, throwing punches and others came at me with blades or blunt weapons. I fend them off. Working my way to the tent. Just as I was in arms reach I was pulled back and knocked onto the ground. I was then gained up on by many. They began to kick me, punch me. They beat me till I was unable to fight back. A man showed up and called them all off. I was wounded, bleeding and possibly had broken bones when I looked up at the man who called them off. There a man stood with the pack that Dara had took with her. In his other hand was the coat she was making. I glared at him as I knew he was responsible for everything. I began to stand up but men grabbed me and held me back. He looked me up and down, curious as to how I was able to come in so far unnoticed.

"Take him to my tent, and tie him up. No reason to have him running around beating up all my men." He stated. He then left as the men carried me away. I looked back at Dara's tent. I was so close but unable to reach her. Now I was being taken away, away from her. I knew they wouldnt hurt her, atleast not yet. I would stay in the camp till she was awake and I would then make my way out of here with her.

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It still amazes me how this story still gains fans even after 3 years! I am happy to provide you all with a story to enjoy. Thank you all for reading my story!


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It will be my first time reading Jaedara fanfic.. Hwaiting!
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 51: This one's a really good read. It's a series of well-knit twists and turns. Technically, I must be honest that it needs a lot of editing to pass as a literary piece. But since I'm beyond nitpicking on bits of technicalities and have learned to 'read by ear', I say that you got a story-teller's imaginative mind there. Kudos!
jennypish2012 #3
Chapter 51: Daebak! You're a good writer authornim.. Thank you.. Hope you write more..
Chapter 51: What a great story that I experience a heartbreak! Good work, I can't wait to read another story from you.
jhazza_min #5
Chapter 51: what a beautiful story! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing this to us. you're a great author. u didn't disappoint me at all. hope u'll write more jaedy/ jaedara fics.
jhazza_min #6
Chapter 51: what a beautiful story! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing these to us. you're a great author. u didn't disappoint me at all. hope u'll write more jaedy/ jaedara fics.
jhazza_min #7
Chapter 51: what a beautiful story! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing this to us. you're a great author. u didn't disappoint me at all. hope u'll write more jaedy/ jaedara fics.
Chapter 51: i don't know if i would hug you or pummel you
this one great ending !
and i tell you i hate sad ending!
Mirume #9
Chapter 22: Wow ! Authornim i don't know that your an Otaku like me.. amazing ! I love every chapter of this story..
mihyun84 #10
Chapter 51: Great story. I hope u write more jaedara stories