Xq28 Gene
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Over the past week, the students had learned more about the history of the skandalon, dominus and the four basic elements of the power. Now, class had started and it seems like two groups of boys are destined to be with each other.

The twelve boys mentioned were placed in one class. Although they are all in different age, all first year students were placed in the same class. There are 4 classes of new students and the twelve boys were placed in the first class. Luhan, who was seated next to Suho, that are seated next to Kyungsoo, seated next to Chanyeol and the latter was seated next to Kris and Tao had his eyes on the boy two rows in front of him. The said boy are seated next to Baekhyun, who Luhan had frequently met in the bathroom and he is fond to called Baekhyun as his bathroom friend, and were playing a hand game with a tan boy called Jongin or Kai.

Kai? Who the hell want a nickname like Kai? What does it even mean? Apparently, the Kim boy, as what Luhan called, didn’t think it’s weird to be called Kai. Sehun felt like there someone burning a hole at the back of his head and when he turn around, his instinct was right. Luhan was still staring at him, his linked hand with Kai to be exact. Sehun find it amusing that the pretty boy didn’t realize at all that he’d been caught staring.

Sehun is not a good boy. More far from the-boy-that-didn’t-like-teasing. When he noticed that Luhan had been staring, he immediately closed the gap between him and Kai, throwing his arm to the tan’s boy shoulder. Unknown to him, there’s another boy that was planning his dead on Luhan’s row. Do Kyungsoo. Before the doe-eyes boy could plan any worse way to kill his new classmate, their teacher enters the classroom.

“Alright boys! Listen up. My name is Kim Kibum, you can call me Mr Kim but I do give extra marks to those who called me Key. I am not much older than you guys, I’m 22 years old for skandalon’s sake. I will be teaching you guys fashion.” Upon hearing the subjects, all the boys had their attention throws to their new teacher or Key. “Fashion?”

A boy, seated on the last row asked. “Uh-huh, fashion. You really would think that Duke Academy will produce students without fashion sense? No! Duke Academy won’t tolerate fashion crime. It is the highest crime ever in this school’s ground. Well, at least for me. Anyways, I won’t start teaching yet today but I want to see how you wear your clothes, what type of fashion are you fond of, your name, your family’s background and your ambition. Now, start with you boy.” He pointed at the boy seated in the first row.

“Good morning, err gentlemen. My name is Lucas Kim and I’m from the Brooks neighborhood.” All the other boys nodded in understanding and the next boy proceeded to introduce himself. Once the introducing part had reach for the third line, all head turn towards the boy. Apparently, the next boy that’s going to introduce himself had made his name quite popular among the new students.

“My name is Kim Jongdae and you can call me Chen.” Before Baekhyun was able to stand up and introduce himself, Key cut him off. “Chen? I like that name and you have great fashion sense. Well done boy! Next!” and the introducing segments went on and on until it stops to Luhan.

“You have such a pretty face Luhan. I wonder if I’ll be able to meet your parents later.” Key said. “As much as I want you to meet my father, I would be glad if you were to meet him for good reasons only, Key.” Luhan said back and Key wave him off “with of course my boy”.

Then the introduction part was over, fortunately. Really, in all things students hate the most, it would be the ‘introduce yourself’ part whenever new teacher came in. Then, a student from the second year most probably walk in and give Key a piece of paper. “Huh, interesting.” He said to himself before scribbling something on the paper and dismissed the student.

“Alright guys, I have some news for you. Since this class contains new students that doesn’t possess skandalon yet, you guys are bond to learn history. History of skandalon, powers, how to possess the skandalon up until the highest level of history, the EXO powers. You guys are lucky to have the principal to tell you these histories and he had asked me to tell you that he will be meeting you all after this outdoor. On your way here, did you notice the lake with beautiful flowers and gardens?”


“Then good, I don’t have to show you the way. Principal Lee will meet you guys there. Now off you go. Class dismissed for today!” Key called off the class diva-like, much to Baekhyun’s and Jongdae’s liking. They walk in groups, all walking near to each other fearing that they might be lost on their way. On their way there, they saw most of the seniors are practicing their powers. There’s fire against water, wind combine with fire and there’s so much that they could just stand there and watched in awe. But, the sound of their principal chuckling breaks their thought.

“You will be able to do all of that when you had stay here longer like they did. Now, come over here so that we can start telling histories.” The students walk towards the ground their principal was standing despite grumbling over the fact that they are going to listen to histories. HISTORIES. Who the hell like histories? It’s like the most boring thing in education but yet it’s still the most im

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I left this story for so long 😪


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296 streak #1
Chapter 19: what they will face later??
I hope they're okey~~~
more HunHan please~~~
can't wait for the next :)
296 streak #2
Chapter 18: She know everything about them, because she's a vampire,,the immortal..
and Alpha waiting for them? Who is the alpha?
updates soon please~~~~
296 streak #3
Chapter 17: hahahaha they're fighting each others :D
really, thats not really a fighting :D
296 streak #4
Chapter 16: poor baby Tao, they're tainted his pure brain :D
296 streak #5
Chapter 16: waahhh HunHan have 2 big wolves :D
296 streak #6
Chapter 15: they're will protect each other, the twelve of them
296 streak #7
Chapter 14: Poor Jongdae,,,
296 streak #8
Chapter 13: Yayyy HunHan~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3 finally their relationship started :D
their first and thats hot <3