About My Brother

Young Spies

Kibum looked at the note and read it.

    "Hello little brother. I see you've done well in life without my guidance. -S"

Kibum dropped the note and looked around.


    "How did he get in here?" Kibum asked himself.

Jinki walked into the room and saw Kibum freaking out.

    "Kibum, are you ok?" Jinki asked.

    "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Kibum said, picking up the note and present.

    "What's that?" Jinki asked, pointing at the gift.

    "Oh it's something you gave me a while back." Kibum lied.

Jinki nodded and walked over to Kibum. Kibum tensed but stood his ground.

    "Did Jinbum leave already?" Jinki asked, reaching for something.

Kibum's eyes widened but relaxed when Jinki reached for Kibum's phone on the counter. He didn't even realize he put it there.

    "Yes, she left." Kibum said, gripping the box tight.

Jinki quickly shoved Kibum on the mat and pinned him down while he took the box from the diva. Kibum looked super surprised at the sudden attack and couldn't react until Jinki looked at the box.

    "A picture frame?" Jinki asked.

    "Yeah." Kibum said.

    "Who is this?" Jinki asked, pointing at the person standing next to his young wife.

Kibum stayed silent which only concerned Jinki.

    "Kibum, what's wrong?" Jinki asked.

    "Someone's been watching me now I get this gift and note. What if it's my brother?" Kibum asked.

Jinki hadn't thought of it in that way. Was he really alive? Would he come after them or try to reconnect with Kibum? There was so many questions in Jinki's head that he hadn't realized Kibum pushed him off.

     "I don't know what to think. He made it super obvious that he's my brother by the picture frame and the note." Kibum sighed, staring up at the lights.

Jinki laid next to Kibum and stared at the ceiling.

    "The question is," he paused, "Why were you told he was dead?" Jinki asked.

Kibum never questioned why his brother was dead because he was always told he died before he was born. Bad health was the excuse yet his mother wouldn't be a sobbing mess when she discussed it. He sat up and hit Jinki, catching him off guard.

    "We need to go talk to my parents!" Kibum exclaimed.

Jinki just stared at Kibum with wide eyes before the statement sunk in. He sat up and looked at Kibum.

    "Talk to your parents? You haven't had contact with them in years!" Jinki exclaimed.

    "I'm their baby, I'm sure they would forgive me." Kibum said, confidently.

Kibum got up and walked towards the exit.

    "You're driving, you know." Kibum said, disappearing form the room.

    "They won't take it lightly, you know." Jinki mocked, following the diva.

Taemin walked around the company and sighed. Minho dropped Yoogeun off at school and should've been back by now. Taemin went up to the fifth floor and entered Jonghyun's office. He smiled sadly and imagined when Jonghyun helped him with his homework.

    "See all you have to do is multiply."

    "But what does this have to do with history, hyung?"

    "This is history?"

He chuckled and looked at the pictures on the wall. All those good memories are masked by the bad ones. He looked at the at door and remembered when he sat in the corner while Jonghyun beat Kibum. He quickly closed his eyes and remembered hearing Jonghyun's yelling and Kibum's crying. Taemin felt the room spin and he held his head. He took a step back and fell. He could hear Jonghyun's yelling surround him. Never once did Jonghyun hurt him but it was too painful for Taemin to accept. He looked at his hand and saw a gun. It was all an illusion but it felt so real. He looked up and saw Jonghyun standing over Minho, about to send the spy to his death. He lifted his hand and Jonghyun turned his head towards him.


He screamed, Taemin broke down into a mess of tears. Minho had gotten back and was only a few feet away when he heard the scream. He quickly ran to the open office and saw his wife crying hysterically.

    "Taemin, I'm right here!" Minho exclaimed, kneeling down in front of the caramel haired man.

Taemin opened his eyes to look at Minho and hugged him tightly.

    "Jonghyun! He...and I...Minho!" Taemin hiccuped.

    "I know, I know. I won't leave you, Taebaby." Minho said, softly Taemin's hair.

Minho lifted Taemin up and took him out of the room. He wants to use that room for storage but Taemin won't let him. It's the only thing that he has from his brother, beside the company. Once Taemin calmed down, Minho gave him a kiss on the forehead.

    "You have to stop going in there. It's not good for your health." Minho said.

    "I can't help it. I miss him so much. I just can't accept all the things he did. I still can't believe it." Taemin said, looking down.

Minho lifted Taemin up to look at him and smiled softly.

    "Even after 16 years you still can't forget him." Minho said.

Taemin shook his head and Minho hugged him.

    "One day you will only remember the good times and forget about the bad times. One day, Taemin." Minho said.

    "I hope so." Taemin said, hugging Minho back.

 After school Jinbum walked her 13 year old cousin home and complained along the way.

    "And my mother keeps delaying my mission and I know I'm ready. My father also thinks I'm ready to go." Jinbum whined.

Yoogeun sighed and rolled his eyes. It's always the same with her. Complain about her mother, talk about how clumsy her father is, or talk about something embarrassing she did today. There's nothing new and he gets bored.

    "Hey Yoogeun are you ok?" Jinbum asked.

    "Hmm? Why do you ask?" Yoogeun asked.

    "Well it's because you were dying of laughter when someone got hit by a dodgeball. You never laugh at someone's pain." Jinbum said.

    "Oh no, I was laughing at dumb joke I remembered." Yoogeun lied.

Jinbum nodded and stopped when they arrived at Yoogeun's house.

    "I hate walking you home." Jinbum said.

    "I hate you walking me home." Yoogeun said.

They smiled at each other and Jinbum hugged Yoogeun before they parted ways. Jinbum arrived at F.I.S.H, to be greeted by her parents assistant, Amber Liu.

    "Good afternoon, Ms. Lee." Amber said.

    "Hello, Mrs. Liu. Where are my parents?" Jinbum asked.

    "They went downtown." Amber said.

    "What for?" Jinbum asked, taking her bag off.

Amber bit her lip and looked at her clipboard.

    "Your mother told me you're to be practicing the moment you returned so get to it." Amber said, walking away.

Jinbum looked confused at first then remembered her mother would kill her if she didn't practice. She put on her training outfit and started with push-ups. Over in Seoul, Kibum and Jinki were greeted with a worried mother and an angry father.

    "Oh Kibum, I'm so glad you came to visit us!" Sungmin exclaimed, hugging Kibum.

    "I'm sorry it took us so long." Kibum said, hugging his mother back.

Jinki stood awkwardly behind Kibum as Kyuhyun glared at him.

    "Is it business related? Shouldn't you talk to your father?" Kyuhyun asked, glaring at Jinki.

    "Um, I talked to him last night actually, but this visit isn't business related. It's actually family related." Jinki said.

Kyuhyun looked confused and Kibum pulled away from his mother.

    "Can we sit down?" Kibum asked.

    "Sure, come on in." Sungmin said, letting them enter.

They walked to the living room and sat on the couches. Kibum sat next to Jinki and Sungmin sat next to Kyuhyun.

    "What is it you want to talk about?" Kyuhyun asked.

    "Sandeul." Kibum said.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun looked a little surprised by the sudden interest.

    "What is there to talk about? You know he's dead, Bummie." Sungmin said.

Kibum pulled out the picture frame from his tote bag and placed it on the table.

    "Then explain this." Kibum said.

Sungmin's and Kyuhyun's eyes widened and Kyuhyun laughed nervously.

    "Well that's-" Kyuhyun started.

    "Don't lie to me. I know he's alive because he left me this note." Kibum said, putting the note on the table.

Kyuhyun bit his lip and Sungmin sighed.

    "Ok, you got us. Sandeul never died." Sungmin said.

    "I knew it!" Kibum exclaimed, standing up.

Jinki pulled Kibum back down and placed his hand on his shoulder.

    "Then why did you lie to Kibum by telling him Sandeul was dead?" Jinki asked.


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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?