The Forbidden Room

Young Spies

 The office was dusty as he looked through the books on the bookshelf. Normal CEO stuff, no big deal. He accidentally hit a box and many things fell down. He cringed at the loud sound knowing his parents are going to run in there and drag him out. He looked at the items on the floor and saw they were DVD's with files scattered on top of them. Luckily he hadn't taken his backpack off and put some of the DVD's and files in his bag, making sure it wouldn't be noticeable, he was curious. Yoogeun looked at the desk and saw a picture frame. He picked it up and noticed it was his mother and someone else.

    "Who's this?" Yoogeun asked himself, looking at Jonghyun.

He stared at the image for a long time and felt his eye twitch. The door opened and he quickly put the picture frame down.

    "Yoogeun, what are you doing in here? You know you're not allowed in in here." Minho said.

    "I-I know. I just came in here to get my pencil that went through the bottom of the door." Yoogeun lied.

Minho rolled his eyes and told him to get out. Yoogeun can already here the "you got caught," being sung by his cousin.

    "Appa, who's this in the picture next to Umma?" Yoogeun asked.

    "Uh...What's that? Ok I'll send him right away." Minho avoided, looking in a different direction.

Yoogeun frowned and quickly put the picture frame in his bag.

    "Your mom wants you." Minho said.

    "Alright." Yoogeun said, walking out of the room.

Minho shut the door and Yoogeun walked towards his mother.

    "Yoo why don't you go home? Your father and I are going to stay to finish paper work." Taemin said, putting his hand on Yoogeun's shoulder.

Yoogeun looked at his father with a suspicious look and nodded.

    "Fine but if I get hit by a car while you two are "busy" with work, I'm blaming you." Yoogeun said, pointing at his father.

Minho chuckled and Taemin cleared his throat.

    "Nothing bad will happen to you." Taemin said, hugging Yoogeun tightly.

    "Make sure you get to bed early for school tomorrow." Minho said.

    "Yes father." Yoogeun said.

Yoogeun left his mother's embrace and exited the building. He rode his bike home and sighed. They have a separate place to live other than the building, no way was he living in a building full of computers. He locked the door once he walked in and put his bag down. Immediately he opened his red backpack and pulled out the DVD's and files. He ran to his room, locking the door once again.

    "I wonder what's on these DVD's." Yoogeun wondered.

He put the disk in the DVD player and pressed play. He sat on his bed and the television, he probably should've done that first. The screen displayed a birthday party, his mother's 6th birthday. There he was, the person from the picture, standing next to Taemin. Taemin tried blowing out his candles but couldn't get them all so the other person helped him out. Taemin cheered and hugged Jonghyun, calling him hyung.

    "Is he my uncle? I thought Jinki was my only uncle." Yoogeun wondered.

Yoogeun was about to switch the DVD's when something happened. Taemin's mother walked into the room with some plates for the cake when she..he?..she tripped over thin air, falling to the ground. The plates shattered and laughter was heard, but it was only from one person. Yoogeun also laughed for some odd reason, he normally never laughs when someone gets hurt, well he never sees people get hurt. Young Taemin got up from his chair to help his mother up while the guy behind the camera, Yoogeun is assuming to be his grandpa, scolded the laughing boy. Upon closer examination Yoogeun spotted a tripwire, it was almost invisible.

    "Clever, did he set it up?" Yoogeun questioned, looking at his young uncle.

He watched two more DVD's, Taemin's choir recital, and his uncles birthday party. Someone always got hurt in the videos, mostly his grandparents. Yoogeun's never laughed so hard in his life only when one of the adults fell or got hurt. He's watched almost all of the DVD's he took, except for one. He popped that into the DVD player and smiled. This time the scenery was different, it was outside for sure but the video was shaky.

    "I didn't mean to! Is it ok?!"

Yoogeun looked confused. The camera focused on a puppy laying on the ground, it didn't seem to be moving and Yoogeun hoped it was asleep.

    "It doesn't look ok.

    "Why am I so clumsy?!"

The camera moved and focused on a crying boy.

    "Uncle Jinki?" Yoogeun exclaimed.

Indeed the boy in the video was Jinki, young Jinki. Jinki and Jonghyun were friends? The camera zoomed out and the unresponsive animal was poked with a stick.

    "Don't do that!"

    "Relax its dead."

    "Nooo! Don't say that!"

Yoogeun has never seen his uncle in that state and it's kind of embarrassing just watching.

    "It kind of cute when it's dead. Wanna play catch with it?"


Jonghyun, that's his name. Yoogeun heard the front door open and he quickly shut off the DVD player and television, climbing into bed. He felt different after watching that video, his eye twitched and he smiled. How do you play catch with a dead animal? His door was opened and he quickly shut his eyes. Taemin looked at his sleeping angel and smiled. He shut the door and went to his room. Minho took his tie off and Taemin yawned.

    "I'm tired." Taemin said, laying on the comfy bed.

    "I am too. Is Yoogeun asleep?" Minho asked, taking off his blazer.

    "Yes, he looks like an angel while he sleeps." Taemin said.

Minho smiled and climbed into bed with Taemin. He wrapped his arms around Taemin and kissed his forehead.

    "He gets it from you." Minho said.

    "I'm glad. He doesn't snore when he sleeps you know." Taemin said.

    "I don't snore." Minho stated.

Taemin gave him an icy glare and Minho sighed.

    "Ok maybe a little." Minho said.

    "Maybe a lot." Taemin giggled.

Minho pouted and let Taemin go. Taemin refused being let go and clung to Minho.

    "No, I will die if you let go." Taemin said.

    "I'm pretty sure I would've died if you hadn't pulled me up." Minho remembered.

Taemin buried his head into Minho's chest, not wanting to remember killing his brother. Minho sensed that and didn't say anything else about it.

    "I love you Taemin." Minho said.

    "I love you too Minho." Taemin said, tiredly.

The next day, Kibum roamed the halls of F.I.S.H, feeling like he's being watched. He saw his daughter go to school and Jinki hasn't gotten up yet. He was alone while other employees were arriving for work. He reached the training room for some morning practice when he saw something on the floor. It was a present wrapped with pink bow and a note attached to it. He walked over to it thinking it was from Jinki but was sorely mistake when the handwriting was nowhere near close to Jinki's. It was more like his and it scared him even more. Carefully he undid the bow and opened the box. Inside was a picture frame, and he looked surprised. The picture was of him when he was five and...his older brother? He dropped the box and stepped back.

    "No, he died before I was born. That can't be him. He's dead." Kibum said.


Forgive me for this chapter >~<


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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?