August 13th

Young Spies

Kibum looked just as puzzled as Jinki did when he looked at the family picture his husband had on his desk. There was their daughter, Jinki's father, his parents, Jinki, Minho, Taemin and Yoogeun.

    "Maybe it has something to do with Yoogeun?" Kibum asked.

Jinki stared at Kibum unsure then looked back at the paper before it clicked.

    "I'm so glad you're here to help me when I can't see the obvious." Jinki kissed Kibum's lips again before helping him to his feet.

    "It's all in a wife's day." Kibum still blushing madly.

    "You look so cute when you blush." Jinki smiled dumbly.

    "Well you would look a whole lot handsomer if you put everything back the way it was before you messed it up." Kibum returned, trying to get the blush to go away.

    "As you wish." Jinki pecked Kibum's cheek and began to put papers back into the correct files.

    "We have to talk later." Kibum walked towards the entrance of the study.

    "I'm busy later, can we save it for next week? Jinki asked, while sorting files.

Kibum stood at the doorway for a couple of seconds, seriously wondering if his husband will ever listen to him.

    "I love you." Kibum suddenly said.

Jinki looked up from what he was doing and looked at him.

    "I love you too." Jinki returned with a genuine smile.

Kibum sadly smiled before leaving to find Amber, to rant. Taemin was laying on his bed, trying to clear his head, while Minho was watching soccer in the living room when Yoogeun walked into his parent's room.

    "Umma, can I ask something?" Yoogeun walked towards the bed.

    "Sure." Taemin responded, sitting up in the bed.

    "I haven't been at H.Y.U.N in a while and I just want to know if I can go next week?" Yoogeun made a cute face.

    "Um, I think you can go with your father, I'm going to be busy with paperwork next week." Taemin ran a hand through Yoogeun's dark hair.

Yoogeun nodded and quickly left the room before his mother mess up his hair even more. Taemin didn't think much of it, just a son wanting to go to his parents workplace, still thinking Yoogeun is an angel who wouldn't hurt a fly. For Yoogeun it was the perfect time to start putting things in order, what things you may ask? No one knows, not even Jonghyun, only Yoogeun knows and he's not reveling anything any time soon. He pulled his plan out from a drawer and began to sketch until he passed out. Jonghyun appeared and was able to look at his nephew's plans, he couldn't believe his eyes. Yoogeun was planning on executing everyone on his way into the building as he made his way to the roof. He expects his uncle, aunt, cousin, and parents to try and stop him there, so he can easily kill them. Jonghyun put his hands on his head and backed away from the desk, what has he done?! By talking to Yoogeun he's started that incident over again. Taemin could very well end up killing his own son or by how he sees it, Yoogeun could kill his parents. Jinki and Kibum could go over board again and Jinbum could hurt herself trying to stop her cousin. Yoogeun rose from his chair and looked at Jonghyun, scaring him even more.

    "Now that you've seen my plans, I want you to disappear until the 13th. Only then may you show your sad face again. If you disobey my order, I will give my uncle your diary." Yoogeun growled.

Jonghyun was at a loss at words because of the dark look in the young boy's eyes. He did what he was told and disappeared, he can't do anything without that child exposing his secrets. After that night, no one has seen Jonghyun and it concerned Jinki because Jonghyun would always bother him. He drummed his fingers on his desk waiting for Jonghyun to appear but he didn't, which was confusing.

    "Jonghyun?" Jinki called.

There was no answer which made him stare at the door. Kibum knocked on the door, letting himself in because he knows his husband wasn't busy at the moment.

    "Jinki, I was looking at new sofas and I was wondering which one you would like." Kibum looked through a catalog.

Jinki hummed catching Kibum's attention, he noticed Jinki wasn't paying attention and was just staring off into space. He slammed the catalog on the desk, making his husband jump.

    "Did you hear me?"


Kibum groaned and rolled his eyes.

    "What's up? You seem a spacey lately." Kibum stared at the CEO.

    "I'm sorry, it's just... Lately Jonghyun hasn't appeared to bother me." Jinki sighed.

    "Are you serious?" One of Kibum's eye twitched out of annoyance, "You're down because Jonghyun hasn't bothered you, unbelievable."

    "It been a week since I've seen him and at one point he was my friend, Bummie. He used to distract me a lot and even now he did but... I don't know."

    "So he distracts you from your family, that's nice to know." Kibum fiddled with his hands.

    "You know I'll never pick him over you and Jinbum. Now what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

    "It's not important." Kibum walked towards the door.

Jinki got up from his seat quickly and blocked the door to keep Kibum from leaving.

    "I'm serious, I want you to talk to me." Jinki pleaded.

    "We can discuss it later. Right now I can clearly see you're missing Jonghyun." Kibum hissed.

Jinki hugged Kibum and chuckled, while Kibum tried pushing him away.


    "Please don't be mad at me, Kibum. I don't like it when you're mad at me." Jinki pouted.

    "Then listen to me!" Kibum pushed Jinki away.

Jinki cupped Kibum's face and kissed him softly.

    "I'll listen now." Jinki smiled.

    "I'm-" Kibum started.

Just then there was an explosion in the distance, making Jinki run out of the room and Kibum curse under his breath. Jinbum ran out of her room to see if her parents were ok and was relieved when she saw them.

    "What happened?!" Amber ran towards them.

    "I don't know but it doesn't look good." Jinki looked solemn as he stared out the window.

    "Was it near here?" Kibum saw the cloud of smoke in the distance.

    "No but I have an idea where it came from."

    "Today's the 13th..."

Jinki was about to run down the hall when Amber grabbed his shoulder.

    "Where are you going?" Amber asked.

    "I have go check and see if Taemin and Minho are ok!" Jinki exclaimed before pulling away.

    "Go with you father and make sure he doesn't do anything reckless." Kibum pleaded to their daughter.

Jinbum nodded and hugged her mother in case she didn't come back before following Jinki. Yoogeun watched people coward in corners as he walked through H.Y.U.N. He still can't believe it came down to this, he blames his mother for being stubborn. Jinki and Jinbum arrived at H.Y.U.N and noticed there were two cars burning in front of the building.

    "Did Yoogeun do this?" Jinbum covered in shock.

    "I really hope not." Jinki exited the car.


I'm sorry I haven't been updating D: I'll update sooner this time, I promise!^^ 

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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?