A Date To Remember

Young Spies

Later the two brothers almost started a food fight over what color the curtains in Minho's house should be, which made the wives awkwardly drink their beverages as the teens encouraged the fighting.

    "Well I feel like they should be a dark blue. Don't you think so, Bummie?" Jinki nudged Kibum.

    "Don't involve me." Kibum closed his eyes.

    "I think we're just going to stay with beige. Thanks for your opinion though." Minho looked towards the curtains.

    "Thank you for dinner Taemin but I think it's time for us to take our leave." Jinki got up from the table.

    "Are you sure you guys don't want anything sweet before leaving?" Taemin offered.

Kibum looked like he wanted to vomit after hearing the word sweet.

    "No thanks, I'm pretty full." Jinki politely declined.

Jinki kissed Kibum's head to get him to open his eyes to the world again.

    "Time to go sweetie."

    "Stop." Kibum cringed at the word sweetie.

    "My sweet fox." Jinki continued.

    "I have to use the bathroom before we leave, excuse me." Kibum quickly rushed out of the dining room, leaving Jinki confused.

Jonghyun reappeared after Jinki and his family left, only to be met with Yoogeun's glare. The boy mouthed Diary, meaning he had no choice but to help him and keep his parents informed at the same time. It really to be dead and a ghost, just ask Jonghyun.

    "Yoogeun, can you tell me what you plan to do next?" Jonghyun stood next to the teen.

    "I'll show you what's next." Yoogeun pulled a gun from under his desk and pointed it at Jonghyun.

    "Where did you get a gun!" Jonghyun backed away from his nephew.

    "I got it from the shed behind the "tool box." Yoogeun smirked.

    "Please stop all of this, Yoogeun. You're better than this and you know it." Jonghyun pleaded, trying to reach for the gun.

Yoogeun moved away from the ghost while putting the gun back in its hiding place without his uncle knowing where it was hidden.

    "If you try to take it from me or tell my parents, because I know you're a snitch, I will give uncle Jinki your diary and laugh at your embarrassment." Yoogeun threatened, "I'm going to be watching you."

Jonghyun shut his mouth in this difficult situation because he forgot to burn his diary before the incident on the roof. He found himself nodding to the threat and left Yoogeun alone, making the young teen smile. Yoogeun started to plan an assault for the day Jonghyun died (which is in a few months), at the same building his parents own, H.Y.U.N. He's going to shoot everyone who tries to stop him from reaching the roof, then wait for his family to arrive so he could kill them on the same roof they killed his uncle. Yoogeun's motive was once screwed up because Jonghyun keeps trying to talk him out of it, but now he was certain it's revenge for his dead uncle. Jonghyun felt conflicted as he sat on the roof of Taemin's home, thinking about how he was going to inform his brother while his nephew watched him like a hawk. He ran his hands through his hair and wished for this to be all over and everything back to normal, he shouldn't have talked to Yoogeun. Time flew by as Yoogeun finished his planning, finally working on how to set up everything, Jinbum went on more missions than just guarding the building and Kibum's issue was only barely visible. He groaned as Jinki was working on some paperwork in his study, making the CEO to look up at him.

    "May I help you?" Jinki put his pen down.

Kibum wore loose fitting clothes so his problem wouldn't be noticeable as he stepped into the room and sat down in a chair, fiddling with his hands.

    "Can we talk?" Kibum put a hand on one of Jinki's.

Jinki took his glasses off with his free hand, staring at his fox.

    "Sure, I need to talk to you about something as well." Kibum didn't like the sound of that.

    "Why don't you go first? It's probably more important than what I have to say." Kibum chuckled nervously because carrying a baby probably wasn't more important.

    "Since you insist, I've noticed you and Jinbum have gotten along a lot better."

    "Yes we have grown closer, is this concerning?" Kibum hesitated. 

    "No, I'm just glad you two are getting along better because that means we can try for another." Jinki squeezed Kibum's hand lightly.

    "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Kibum bit his lip.

Jinki rose an eyebrow, already know where this was going but to Kibum that was questioning.

    "You know that night when we fought then we made up, kissed and it got more heated?" Kibum trembled with fear that Jinki will be upset.

    "Yeah, what about it?" Jinki let go of Kibum's hand to write something down.

Kibum quickly grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.


Jonghyun appeared at the doorway, interrupting Kibum.

    "Jonghyun, what are you doing here?" Jinki asked.

    "I have a date for you to remember." Jonghyun said in a warning tone, his eyes were dark with fear buried in them.

Jinki froze in his spot and wondered what Jonghyun wanted because normally Jonghyun would float about but now he was standing in front of them, arms crossed with a serious expression.

    "I'm sorry Jonghyun, I'm taken." Jinki tried lightening the mood.

    "August 13th." Jonghyun spoke.

    "That's next week." Kibum pointed out.

    "August 13th." And with that Jonghyun disappeared.

Kibum looked back at Jinki while the CEO was thinking.

    "August 13th, does that date seem familiar to you?" Jinki looked at Kibum.

    "Uh." Kibum now looked confused.

    "I know it's not our anniversary because I have that marked down, it's not your birthday either, and Jinbum's birthday was last month. That date seems really familar!" Jinki got up and went to the files he kept in the room.

    "Yeobo, we were discussing something." Kibum kneeled in front of Jinki.

    "I'm sorry Kibum, but I have to know why he told me that date." Jinki looked through multiple files.

    "Jonghyun told you, so check his file." Kibum suggested, looking rather upset.

A lightbulb lit up in Jinki's head and he kissed Kibum, in happiness, leaving the diva blushing. He quickly found Jonghyun's file and began to search for that date.

    "Ah ha, August 13th is the day of... Jonghyun's death." Jinki trailed off, now looking puzzled, "Why would he want me to remember the date of his death?"


I just picked a date for Jonghyun's death^^;;

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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?