The memorial garden

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Onew POV

It's getting on for half 4 now and we still haven't found him. We had met 2pm and Super Junior, they said that Minho and Key had let them go and were looking around all Taemin's favorite places which was a good idea. So me and Jonghyun stayed with just randomly looking so we didn't miss anywhere. I'm so tired but I can't give up.

"I hate this," Jjong snarled "Why couldn't it of been me? I would of just died so then you didn't have the fear of me dying again."

I thought he was being insensitive but I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug.

"I think you need a rest." I pulled him over onto a bench.

We sat there for a few minutes i silence. I felt something cold and wet drop on my face. I looked up, the beautiful stars that had been there were replaced by heavy grey clouds.

"We need to keep moving" Jjong whispered feeling the rain aswell "The sooner we find him the better!"

Minho POV

It felt like we had been to all the places around that Taemin had ever been to.

"Gah! Where else would he be?" I howled a howl thickly laced with sleepyness.

It started to rain a bit.

Key shut his eyes and traced out some figures with his finger, like a check list. He was stood there for 73 seconds... I don't why I counted but time seems important at the moment and we have to keep track of it. His eyes shot open.

"YAH! I'm such an idiot! Why didn't i think of it earlier?"


"Gawd it's so obvious... Oh come on... the park!"

"But we looked there!" I argued

"Yes we looked in the kids park, but we didn't look in the nature park!" (note I have no idea if there is a  nature park anywhere near but it is a story after all! :3)

"Why would he be there though?" I am so confused now. Last time we went somewhere like that Taemin fell asleep on a bench.

"Because that's where his grandmother's tree is. I went there with him once to put down flowers." Now it makes sense!

"Let's go then!" I said and started sprinting towards the nature park feeling a bit bad for Key who wasn't the fastest runner.


Damn Minho and his long legs. I ran round the corner to se him stood outside the gates, he had barely broken a sweat and here I was red faced with my head between my knees. The rain was qui

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This will be going on hold for a little while sorry guys


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Astronomer #1
Authornim! Your edit pic was so great! Youre such a senpai
emmyrose #2
Chapter 21: what...nooo come on there has gotta be more to this....taemin...i need to know what's gonna happen to my bias....plzzzzzzzz update!
Chapter 21: omg omg omg what happened!?!?!?!?!?
Cliff hanger~~
Chapter 21: OMG!! What happened to Taeminnie?! He was so close to getting out!!

I really love these updates~ They are amazing!
Chapter 20: Omg, you're back! Yay!
I loves this update.
Your story gets mysterious by the chapter~!
Update soon <3
Chapter 20: Waah!! An update! Thank you so much for updating~ And I hope Youngmin will be okay when he wakes up! I wonder who that man is and if he will be important later.. Hmm :T
Chapter 19: Omg!!!
You've finally update!
Omg, the reminds me of 'The Slender Man' hahahaha well that's the image I got LOL
Chapter 19: YAAAAAAAY!! You are back! But if that guy hurts Taemin.. I will be SO angry!! Update soon author-nim~ I am really glad you are back~ ^^