
I Like You

A/N: This ended up being so long that I had to separate it into 2 parts. The second part will be up tomorrow I promise!



I felt like the whole world was falling out from underneath me. My breath causght in my throat and my heart pounded in my chest.

"Jr...look at me." I managed to choke out. I gently grabbed his chin and made him look at me. I was at a complete loss of words, so I leaned down and kissed him lightly. I pulled back, only leaving centimeters between our faces. Jr looked at me with so much love in his eyes. It was more than I ever saw from Ryan. "Come, follow me." I grabbed his wrist and lead him out of his room, across the hall, into my room. Leaving him sitting on the bed, I went and got the shoebox of memories. When Jr saw me holding the box, his lips tightened and he looked at me both annoyed and confused. 


"I need to tell you about Ryan. I met him in the 8th grade. He had just moved to my school and he was immediately a heartthrob. All the girls wanted his attention, but Ryan only had eyes for me. We didn't date till freshman year. But I already knew I loved him.

"He was everything to me. I had never had someone care for me like Ryan did. We were such a happy couple. Everyone said we were a prime example of the perfect couple. But in Sophmore year that all changed.

"He began hanging out with new people. He got into drugs and Ryan began paying more attention to Herion than me. But I still loved him with all of me." I began taking out pictures. Strating from freshmen year into sophmore. You could see Ryan's health deteriorating as the drugs began to take their toll, "He was a star football player. He failed a drug test and his parents shipped him off to rehab. But he only stayed half the time until he convinced his parents he was better. You can probably guess that wasn't the case. Ryan started using again, and the cycle repeated. He did this 3 more times."  I finally got to Ryan's laminated obituary. Jr had kept silent for all of my rrant, but at this he gasped. "Ryan overdosed on heroin in an abandoned lot at 16." I looked at Jr with a small sad smile. I felt weight being lifted from my chest. I was surprised to feel tears rolling down my face.

"I'm so sorry. Oh my god Andrea, I didn't know." He took both of my hands into his,kissing my knuckles.

"I love you too Jinyoung." He looked deep into my eyes, a grin spreading across his face. He kissed my hands again.

"You make me so happy Andrea."


Youngjae's POV

"Are you disappointed?" I glanced over to Jaebum. His face was impossible to read, but the scene that unfolded through Andrea's cracked door seemed to have made him tense. Gripping his upper arm, I gently lead him away from the door. "You shouldn't let it bother you." Jaebum nodded weakly.

"I know, I know." I knew he was lying immediately. My heart clenched. I had already known of Jaebum's feelings for Andrea, but a part of me hoped I was wrong. I kicked myself for getting my hopes up. 

"Yeah.." I let my words hang in the air. They were blatantly dripping with disappointment, but JB seemed to not notice.

"Let's get out of here." Jaebum grabbed the lone set of keys hanging on the hook next to the front door. He continued on without seeing if I would follow. I didn't like his tone of voice, but I knew he would just go without me. So I begrudgingly followed him out the door and towards the sleek Mercedes. Jaebum was already hadthe car started. I reached the passenger door, hand hovering the handle. I felt the hesitation in my actions. With a deep breath and swung open the door and got in. 

"Where are we going?" I questioned, looking at Jaebum's cold face. This was the JB of the past. The cold and firm leader from our pre debut days. He always had a horrible temper and wanted to go party every night. I knew this would be no different.

"Nickhun invited me to a bar." He muttered. We to the main road. I tried to push the fact that neither of us had licences to the back of my mind, I had bigger worries at the moment. 

"How are we going to get home?" Jaebum snorted.

"You can drive home. Unless you actually decide to let loose, then we'll get a motel room." He scoffed. It was true that I always was the one who stayed sober. Even Yugyeom and Bambam- who were still underage- got wasted whenever we went out. I chose to ignore his stab and leaned back into he lush leather, watching the city blur past.

I could either not drink, and be able to protect JB from his drunken self.

Or I could drink, and JB won't get mad at me for once.

Either way I would be on the receiving end of his abuse. Memories came in waves, JB could never handle his liquor and always became violent. It didn't help that he found my refusal to drink as disrespectful. 

 Disrespect was unforgivable in his eyes. But he always could forgive me after seeing my busted lip and black eye the next day.

I always told Choi and the others that it had been some stranger who beat me up.But both Jaebum and I knew the truth.

"Youngjae." I was dragged away from my thoughts by JB calling my name. 

"Huh?" I shook my head to try and jostle myself out of my daze. I felt a foreign weight on my thigh and was surprised to see that JB'S hand was the culprit. 

"Oh, sorry." He quickly removed his hand. I was disappointed but at that moment I realized we were outside of a bar.

"Are we here?"

"Duh." Jaebum reached over and undid my seatbelt then his. It was parental habit he always had. We got out and approached the doors in silence. The pulse of bass heavy dubstep could be felt through the concrete.

"I thought you said this was a bar." I raised an eyebrow; Jaebum shrugged.

"Bar, Club, Same difference." I sighed in frustration. We had just got here and I was already annoyed with him. 

Maybe I would drink afterall.

I glanced over at Jaebum, whose face was void of emotion. He caught me looking and grinned. But the smile didn't reach his emotionless eyes. I shuddered, hating to see JB like this.

"Are you okay Hyung?" I whispered, eyes searching for some true emotion. He winced and scratched the back of his neck. I quickly lowered my eyes, instantly regretting saying anything.

"I'll be okay as soon as I start drinking." He teased. I sighed stopping in front of the entrance. The door swung open and a drunk woman with barely any clothing on stumbled out. She tripped and latched onto my arm and pulled me down with her.She landed on top of me. I winced as a rock stabbed into my back. She sighed and the putrid smell of alcohol filled my nostrils.

"Get off me!" I groaned, pain ebbing across my back. She giggled and rolled off of me.

"Sorry cutie." She slurred, cheeks glowing pink. Jaebum snickered and wiggled his eyebrows.

"It's whatever. I muttered as I shouldered past her and quickly made my way into the club. I wasn't even fully in the club yet, and the air was still smothered with sweat and lust. Past the velvet ropes glistening bodies were everywhere, grinding and grabbing. Heavy dance music pulsed around shaking the floor.

I was soon stopped by a bouncer.

"Name?" He Said monotonous looking me up and down before smirking. Probably because I was in a simple tee and jeans.

"Im Jaebum." Jb voiced suddenly beside me. I jumped earning a chuckle from the bouncer.

"Ah Nickhun said something about you," He pointed at a door. "He's through that hallway, last door on the right." Jaebum nodded, slipping the bouncer 50,000 won.

"Did you just pay him off?" I snapped, pouting at JB. He snickered and pinched my cheek.

"No, I just tipped him. He's a hardworking man afterall." I swatted his hand away, earning a genuine smirk.

"Yah, get off me!" I grumbled.

"Ah, but I thought you liked it when hyung touched you." JB purred. I felt myself blush.

W-what? No! O-of course not!" I stuttered, trying to cover my face with my hands. Jaebum chuckled.

"Calm down. I'm just messing with you." I nodded furiously- quickening my pace- hoping that JB wouldn't see my blushing face. I finally reached the door and knock lightly. Jaebum came up beside me and opened the door.

"Why would you knock? He knows we're coming." He smirked, causing my heart to clench.

"Sorry for being polite." Nickhun noticed us and peeled himself off of Junho's hip.

"There's my boys! I started to think Youngjae had convinced you not to come." Nickhun teased, winking at me. I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Yah! I'm not that much of a straight edge!" I whined.

"Is that so?" Nickhun waved over a waiter holding a tray of shots, handing one to me and Jaebum before grabbing two for himself. "Then cheers!"

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priyankakumar1234 #1
Chapter 17: ill be waiting patiently ^.^
katelynlove144 #2
OHIO REPRESENT. XD I finally meet another Ohio fan.
dxmbest #3
andrea with jaebum please! i would really want to read a fic with jaebum as who the girl actually ends up with bc most fics are filled with either mark, jackson, bambam and the other members but rarely jaebum! :c
citriaokta #4
Chapter 2: Yes yes yes, markson please..
And andrea with jinyoung maybe, or jaebum..
Update soon!