Chapter 2

Skool Luv Affairs

         Jimin was already dressed and ready long before his parents were out of bed. He cracked the door to their room slightly and kissed his mother’s cheek causing her to stir in her sleep.

“Mmm- Jimin, honey. What are you doing up so early?” His mother asked, patting his face.

Jungkook and I are going to dance before class. I’m leaving first. Love you mom.” Jimin said, tucking her in further.

“I love you too, Jimin. Don’t tuck me in silly, I have to get ready for work.” His mother chuckled. They waved goodbye and Jimin was down the stairs and out the door.

“Why do you always want to dance so early?” Jungkook yawned, stretching his arm around Jimin’s shoulder.

“You didn’t have to come, Kookie.” Jimin rolled his eyes.

“I wanna dance too.” Jungkook pouted. Once they reached the school, Jimin took Jungkook to the practice room that he’d seen the rapper in earlier the day before.

When they walked in, they were talking, laughing and didn’t even realize that there were already people in the room.

“Hey!” An angry voice snapped at them. The two young boys jumped and stared towards the source of the sound.

“If you’re going to be loud then get the hell out. If not sit down and shut up.” A male said, head thrown over his shoulder to look at them.

Jimin had to rub his eyes to make sure it was real; the man standing in front of him was the rapper from the day before, and he was looking straight at Jimin. Talking to Jimin.

“S-sorry. We didn’t realize there was someone in here. We’ll go.” Jungkook began to walk back out of the room, but Jimin was frozen there staring back at the rapper.

“Jimin, come on!” Jungkook muttered quickly, pulling on Jimin’s arms and forcing him to move. Jimin finally snapped out of his daze and bowed to the older, rushing out of the room with Jungkook.

“Jungkook that was him, that was the rapper!” Jimin groaned, smacking the side of his face lightly as if he were punishing himself.

“You took us that guys practice room!?” Jungkook snapped, he face palmed and shook his head.

“How was I supposed to know he’d be there this early in the morning. I think I’m going to be sick.” Jimin grabbed his stomach and Jungkook kicked him into the shin and Jimin cried out in pain,” Get it together, Minnie! That was your chance! We didn’t have to leave, you still could have listened to him rap.”

“I don’t want to bother him…” Jimin groaned once more,” I don’t want to dance anymore, Kookie.”

Jimin pushed his bag up on his shoulders and headed off to the bathroom to change into his uniform.

“You don’t want to dance. I have never heard Park Jimin say he doesn’t want to dance. You must be sick. Maybe you should lay down!” Jungkook joked, following behind him. Once they were all changed into their uniforms, they headed to the cafeteria to sit until the first bell. They talked while more and more students started to file into the school.

“Well look at you our cute little babies in their uniforms!” Hoseok squealed, he was walking to the table along with Jin.

“You look handsome, hyung. You too, Jin hyung!” Jimin said to the two as they walked up to the table.

“Why are you boys here so early?” Hoseok asked as he took his seat at the table with them.

“Well we were going to dance but we ran into Jimin’s cru-“ Jimin slapped his hand over Jungkook’s mouth and laughed awkwardly.

“We just didn’t feel like dancing anymore, right, Jungkook?” Jimin glared at him, removing his hand from his mouth.

“Oh.. Yeah. We just didn’t feel like it.

After a few minutes of talking Jimin and Jungkook were off to their first class, Jimin was face palming as Jungkook yelled at him.

“Sooo why did we lie again?” Jungkook asked in an accusatory tone.

“I did not want to start my day with annoying questions about my mystery crush. That isn’t even my crush in the first place! I just like his voice!” Jimin answered.

“The fact that you’re trying to convince yourself that he isn’t your crush just proves that he is.”

“I’m trying to prove to you that he isn’t my crush, Jungkook. How could I have a crush on someone I’ve never met, whom I’ve literally seen for less than 5 minutes in a span of two days.”

“I believe in love at first sight.”

“Yeah well I don’t.”

Jimin and Jungkook were now taking their seats in their math classroom. BAA high school based their schedule around academics in the morning, that way students weren’t worn out from their focus’ and falling asleep in class, the two boys had all of their dance classes in the afternoon after lunch. Not that that’d help Jimin, He is bad at falling asleep in class in the first place. Dancing kept him energized which is why he liked to dance in the mornings before class started. He was particularly worried about today because he’d woken up early and hadn’t danced, and feared falling asleep in class on their first real day of learning.

“Jungkook, can you check on me every few minutes to make sure I’m awake, you know I’m not good at math and I need to be awake to take notes.” Jimin asked, pulling a notebook out of his backpack.

“Sure whatever, as long as you do the same for me in English.” Jungkook, groaned at the sheer thought of English. The two boys had 5 classes in the morning. History, English, Korean, math, and science, all of which passed by agonizingly slow when all Jimin could think about was dancing. Jimin and Jungkook had just finished their last morning class, Korean, when they were walking to the cafeteria to meet the others.

Taehyung waved as he saw the two enter, his excitement only building, as they got closer to the table.

“Babies!” Taehyung shouted, throwing his arms around the younger pair.

“Hello, Taehyung.” Jimin chuckled, patting his arm.

“You get to meet our missing two today! Yoongi and Namjoon agreed to eat lunch with us when I told them we had new babies added to our group.” Taehyung squealed.

“You must really like this guy, hyung.” Jimin smiled, they took their seat at the table along with Taehyung.

Taehyung’s body physically relaxed, as he leaned into his hand, a dorky smile on his face,” Yeah, Jimin. I really like him.”

Hoseok sat down at the table followed by a wary Jin as the conversation between the three carried on.

“I’m starving.” Jungkook groaned, rubbing his stomach, digging in to the plate in front of him.

Jimin was texting his mother on his phone and hadn’t realized when two other figures walked up to the table.

“Yoongi!” Taehyung yelled, jumping up to hug the boy.

“Hi, tae.” He laughed. The boy sat down at the table next to Tae, his friend filing in next to him.

“Hi to you too, Tae.” Namjoon put his hand over his chest, as if Taehyung had generally said hi to him.

“Sorry, Joonie! I haven’t seen Yoongi in so long I was excited!” Taehyung frowned.

“He’s just bitter cause no one missed him, Tae. Don’t pay attention to him.” Yoongi kissed Taehyung’s forehead.

“Oh? It’s you two.” This sentence caused Jimin to look up at the boy in front of him. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he looked at Yoongi.

“You’ve met?” Taehyung said excitedly.

“I’m really sorry!” Jimin finally said, bowing as much as he could for sitting down at a table,” We just wanted to dance and we didn’t notice anyone was in there! We didn’t mean to bother you. Sorry!” The table was silent as everyone looked at Jimin and Yoongi, until Yoongi started laughing and leaned forward towards Jimin,” You were right Tae, the new babies are cute.”

Everyone at the table began to laugh and Jimin looked at Jungkook.

Oh my god. Jungkook mouthed pointing towards Yoongi.

I know. Jimin mouthed back, a look of distress.

“I’m Min Yoongi, what’s your name?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow crossing his arms across his chest.

“Park Jimin.” He replied, trying his hardest not to stutter. Yoongi was even more beautiful up close; Jimin couldn’t believe that the boy he had seen rapping was Taehyung’s boyfriend.

“Hi, I’m Namjoon. You were in the room yesterday too, right? By the door while Yoongi was rapping?” The boy next to Yoongi had asked, staring directly at Jimin.

“I-I.” Jimin stuttered, he felt like his breath had been taken away.

 “Wait, Yoongi, is the rapper you saw yesterday?” Hoseok asked, a devilish smile plying on lips lips. Oh no.

“Well well, it looks like Yoongi has got a little admirer.” Jin teased, but Jimin felt like he was going to throw up.

“You heard my rapping? Did you like it?” Yoongi smiled, Jimin thought his heart was going to melt.

“I… I like your voice… It’s nice.” Jimin’s face turned bright red,” Excuse me, I have to go.” Jimin got up from the table as quickly as he could and dashed away from the others.

“Awww, hyung, you embarrassed him, It’s okay if he likes Yoongi’s rapping!” Taehyung said, looking towards Jin.

“, we have to dance later! Ugh! Jimin! Wait Jimin you have to eat something!” Jungkook picked up Jimin’s tray and his, dashing as quickly as he could after Jimin without tipping the trays.

Yoongi smirked to himself staring after the two boys as they left the cafeteria.

Jimin sat alone on the locker room eating the food that Jungkook had brought him, when he was finished he tossed his trey, assuming the school wouldn’t miss one, and began to change for dance class.

Jimin was so embarrassed as he changed into his clothes he brought for dance. He couldn’t believe his hyungs had embarrassed him so much like that. He slung his dance bag over his shoulder, walking out of the locker room when he bumped into someone knocking his backwards.

“Ow.. I’m so sorry.” Jimin rubbed his head before looking forward to see whom he’d bumped into. Yoongi was standing in front of him, rubbing his head as well.

“Sorry, hyung…” Jimin said looking down at his feet.

“Hey, Your friend.. Jungkook, I think is what Tae called him. He told me where to find you.” Yoongi said, returning his hands down to his side.

“Oh…” Jimin didn’t know what else to say to the older.

“Look, I know Jin and Hoseok gave you a hard time about liking me-“

“Your voice!” Jimin corrected, blush creeping back onto his face as he looked up into Yoongi’s eyes.

Yoongi chuckled and nodded,” Well don’t let their teasing bother you. It’s okay that you like my voice. In fact it makes me feel good, gave me a bit of a confidence boost for the next time I practice.”

Jimin nodded, still very much embarrassed about the whole thing.

“Good. I’m glad you understand. Now l have to go to dance practice, I’ll see you around.”

“Huh?” Jimin was now confused as he followed after his hyung.

“As much as I wish it wasn’t true, I have to take dance classes too.” Yoongi sighed; he put his hands in his pocket and looked towards Jimin.

“You dance, hyung?” Jimin’s eyes lit up.

“Yeah, I have too, for my scholarship. I hate dancing though.” Yoongi shrugged.

Jimin gasped,” Hyung! How can you hate dancing! Dancing is amazing I get lost in my dancing.” Jimin spent the next few minutes trying to convince Yoongi how great dance is, followed by Yoongi nodding and saying ‘Okay, little one.’ every now and again.

Once they got to the dance room, Jimin rushed over to see be with Jungkook, greeting him with a bro-fist.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” The two boys looked over to see Hoseok and Namjoon.

“This is our class.”  Jimin shrugged. The students spent the next few minutes stretching and waiting for the teacher to arrive.

The instructor entered the room, ready to begin,“ Alright class, gather round me please, quickly.” A woman said, clapping her hands. Jimin skipped over to the teacher excited to start.

“We have two freshman with us today, they rated so high in auditions that they got placed into the upper level dance classes, so I want everyone to take care of them, and hell maybe even learn from them.”

“So newbies.” Hoseok said crossing his arms,” Show us what you’ve got.”

“Now Hoseok don’t overwhelm them on the first-“

“My pleasure.” Jungkook and Jimin answered simultaneously, they looked at each other and smirked, low fiving each other before walking towards the stereo. The other students shuffled towards the front, to give the two boys some room.

Jimin pulled his IPod out of his bag and set it in the dock, pressing play, and letting the music fill the room. Jimin rolled his head back, letting the music flow through him as he went to greet Jungkook in the middle of the floor.

The pair began to dance, Jimin let the music take him, closing his eyes and feeling the energy flow through him. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as he hit ever step with precision, following the beat effortlessly.

When the music stopped the room was silent, all you could hear was the heavy breathing of Jimin and Jungkook.

Hoseok was the first to speak springing forward to hug the sweaty two,” You guys are amazing!” He laughed swinging the two younger in his arms.

Jimin chuckled and wiped his forehead as more students came up to talk to him. He looked towards Yoongi who was still leaned against the mirrors, looking straight back at Jimin. Jimin walked over to him, taking small strides, as he was still winded from his performance.

“Hyung..” Jimin said as soon as he reached him.

“Yes, Jimin.” Yoongi answered with a closed mouth smile.

“I got to see you perform, and now I performed for you too.. Sort of.. So, am I good? Did you like it?” Jimin was biting his lips, waiting for Yoongi’s response.

Yoongi huffed and leaned in next to Jimin’s ear,” I like how you dance. I think you just got yourself a new admirer.” He breathed into Jimin’s year. He shivered and let out an accidental whimper, he gasped and covered his now red face.

Yoongi laughed at his response leaning away from Jimin,” I’ll make you a deal Jimin, You can watch me rap as much as you want, If I can watch you dance as much as I want, deal?”

Jimin smiled his famous eye smiled and laughed out excitement,” Really hyung? I can listen to your raps?”

Yoongi nodded.

“Hyung you can watch me dance as much as you want!” Jimin clapped his hands together. Out of the corner of Hoseok’s eye saw Jimin and Yoongi talking. Are they… flirting?

“Okay, okay! Enough excitement. Jimin, Jungkook, thank you for performing for us but it is time to choose partners for our group dances throughout the year. Now, last year I ranked our two worst dancers, and this year I think I want to pair them up with someone… mmm fresh.” The instructor smirked.

“Namjoon, you’re with Jungkook. Yoongi, you’ll be paired with Jimin. Sooyoung –“ The teacher started naming off student pairs after that but Jimin wasn’t listening, he smiled at Yoongi, who was smiling back at him.

Yoongi and Jimin were the last to choose their song selection, the pair obviously going with hip-hop.  By the time they were finished, class was over for the students who weren’t dance focuses. Jungkook and Jimin said their goodbyes to their hyungs. Before continuing on with their dance practice.

By the time the school day was over Jungkook was spent, but Jimin was nothing but energized.

“Jungkook, You go ahead and go home first. I think I’m going to dance a little longer.” Jimin said, patting Jungkook on the back.

Jungkook shook his head, pushing his bag up on his shoulder,” You never stop do you?”

Jimin smiled and shook his head at Jungkook, waving goodbye as he left.

Jimin sighed in relief, happy to be alone to dance. He danced for about four hours before stopping to refill his water bottle at the water fountain in the hallway.

“Jimin.” Jimin turned around to see Yoongi with his backpack slung over his shoulder, cell phone in hand.

“Hey, hyung.” Jimin responded with a wave, walking towards Yoongi.

“What are you still doing here?” He asked, he typed something on his phone for a second, and then slid it into his pocket.

“I’ve been dancing, why are you here hyung?”

“I’ve been… rapping.” Yoongi smiled.

“We aren’t so different, hyung.” Jimin smiled back at him. They stared at each other, smiling for a long moment before Jimin broke their stare and cleared his throat.

“Don’t rap without me next time, okay? I want to be there for to hear it!” Jimin pouted.

“Well I don’t think that’s fair, you danced without me there to watch you.” Yoongi mocked Jimin by pouting back to him. Yoongi’s phone dinged and he fished it out of his pocket to answer.

“Hey, if your finished dancing do you want to come eat dinner with me?”  Yoongi asked, holding out his hand to push Jimin’s sweaty bangs away from his forehead, Jimin felt his heart flip.

“S..sure hyung. I need to shower though, can you wait?” He started walking back towards the practice room.

“Sure, I’ll tell Taehyung we’ll be there after you shower.” Yoongi looked down to text.

Jimin paused, mentally face palming himself as he remembered Yoongi’s boyfriend. Who happened to be Jimin’s friend, , Jimin groaned internally as he thought about how bad of a friend he is. Jimin turned around to look at Yoongi and waved his hand no,” I didn’t know it was Just you and Taehyung, I don’t want to step on any toes.”

“Oh it’s not a date.” Yoongi reassured him with a frown.

“No really it’s okay, you go ahead hyung, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

Jimin just nodded.

“Well, okay, but at least give me your number, we’ll get together sometime.” Yoongi held out his phone, Jimin quickly entered his number and handed it back to Yoongi.

“See you around Jimin.” Yoongi’s hand lingered on Jimin’s, before he pulled it away and walked down the hall, disappearing from Jimin’s sight.

Jimin grunted and pulled out his phone, texting Jungkook that he is coming over, then rushing back into the practice room to shower.

When he was finished showering he changed into fresh clothes and then began the walk back to his neighborhood.

He reached Jungkook’s house and knocked loudly on the door, trying to make sure someone would here him because they were all probably upstairs.

Jungkook came to the front door and let Jimin in, gripping his shoulders as he pulled him through the door.

“You like Taehyung’s boyfriend.”

“I LIKE TAEHYUNG’S BOYFRIEND.” Jimin confessed with a whine.

“AHHHHH!” The two boys screamed.

“Jimin! Not okay! How could you like Taehyung’s boyfriend?!”

“I didn’t know he was Taehyung’s boyfriend when I started liking him!” Jimin defended himself,” Before I came over here he asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him and I foolishly forgot about him having a boyfriend, and now I feel stupid!”

“Wait so did you say yes?!”

“No! Well.. Yes! I said yes, but then I found out Taehyung was going to be there and it was going to be just the three of us. My goal is not to block Taehyung!”

“Well good. Jimin, we just made new friends, we have 4 more years at this school don’t screw it up.”

Jimin instantly felt anger building up within him,” I didn’t ask for this Jungkook, you’re supposed to be on my side!”

“I am on your side, but you know that it’s wrong! Taehyung really likes Yoongi, Jimin.”

Jimin looked down at his feet, ashamed, even though he couldn’t control it,” I know.. but it isn’t too late to stop liking him. I’ve known him for less than two days, It isn’t like I’ve fallen too hard.” Jimin’s phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket.

“Who is that? No one texts you but me.” Jungkook raised an accusatory brow.

“It’s Yoongi…”

“You have his phone number?!”

“We’re friends!”

“Okay, You’ve got a point, but what did he say?”

“He said that Taehyung wishes I would have come to dinner with them.”

“Well then you should have gone.”

Jimin shot Jungkook a blank stare.

“What?” Jungkook shrugged.

“You were just lecturing me on why I shouldn’t go to dinner with Yoongi, and now you’re saying I should have?”

“Well if Taehyung is fine with it, then why not.” Jungkook walked into his kitchen. Jimin shook his head and followed behind the boy into the kitchen.

Later that night Jungkook and Jimin called Hoseok on the phone, to try and see if he knew what Jimin should do.

“Wow, Jimin, you like Yoongi?” Hoseok could be heard over the phone, practically yelling.

“Yes but I don’t want too!” He said, lowering the volume on the cell phone since Hoseok was on speaker.

“You know he’s dating Taehyung, right?”

“Yes, I’m perfectly aware. Look, I didn’t ask for this, it just happened.”

“Well, stop it. Yoongi and Taehyung have enough problems as it is.”

“What do you mean hyung?” Jimin asked.

“I uh… I have to go.”


The line went dead.

“Well, that was one-hundred percent not helpful at all!” Jimin snapped.

Jungkook just nodded in agreement.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting