Chapter 15

Skool Luv Affairs

“Gukie!” Jimin called from down the hallway, running towards him. Yongguk turned around and smiled a toothy smile and Jimin stopped once he got to him, not nearly as winded as he should be.

“Do you know where Jongup is?”

“No I don’t, why?”

Jimin was silent for a moment before he sighed and looked up at Yongguk,” Do you know anything about that picture of us that was sent to Yoongi?”

“What picture?” Yongguk was crossing his arms and staring down at Jimin. Jimin didn’t know if Yongguk was pretending to know nothing about the situation or was genuinely clueless, but he decided to explain the situation anyways, A picture of us, seemingly in your bed was sent to Yoongi from Jongup’s phone, telling Yoongi that I was over him and to move on, I want to know what is going on, right now.”

“Jimin I don’t know anything about any picture, I’ll text Jongup and ask him to meet us somewhere besides the lunchroom during lunch, okay?” He rubbed Jimin’s head.

“Thanks, Hyung.”

“Did you talk to Yoongi about anything else?”

“I broke it off for good… I told him I just can’t be with him if he’s going to continue to have feelings for Taehyung while he is with me.”

“This is good for you, Jimin just remember that.”

“I.. I don’t know, but I hope so..”

Yongguk pulled Jimin into his arms and Jimin held him back, feeling somewhat releaved to have Yongguk here for him right now.

Yoongi on the other hand, couldn’t breathe, his drive was gone and he couldn’t even stand on his feet. He sunk to the floor, head in hands.

“Jimin… Please.. I love you, Min..” Yoongi was sick of putting up a front, this was bull, but he knew he had to let Jimin go.

“Hyung..” Jungkook sat down next to Yoongi, patting his knee awkwardly.

“Jungkook, I really really don’t need you telling me how much of a up I am right now. I already know okay. It is over, Jimin doesn’t love me, I get it.”

“That isn’t what I’m here to tell you.”

Yoongi looked over at Jungkook, who was staring off into space, not really focused on anything in particular.

“Then what is it?”

“I know Jimin loves you, Hyung, but you’re a real up and I don’t know why he loves you, but… Jimin hyung needs you. I’ve never seen him smile, or become so emotional over a person before. You bring out the good and the bad in him, and Jimin used to be so timid but he has made so many friends and come out of his shell and I think that is thanks to you.”

“And? I ed Taehyung. I ed up Jimin. I don’t deserve him.”

“Oh enough with the ing guilty trip, you could have Jimin if you really wanted him.”


“I happen to know that there is no one in this world that Jimin wants more than you. You need to really prove to him that he is the one in your heart and not Taehyung.”

“How do you know I’m not still in love with Taehyung?”

“Because as soon as Jimin “officially” dumped you, you were a wreck and you didn’t go running back to Taehyung with the awesome news. You dumped Taehyung for Jimin. I’ve seen how throughout your relationship you pamper him and you’d do anything for him. I can see that.”

“Then why can’t he?! Why can’t that idiot Jimin just see how much I really care about him? I’m so jealous all the ing time, and I want to keep him close and not let anyone have him, and I love him so much it hurts, and I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. , Kook, I would never rap again if it meant I could be with Jimin, that is how much he means to me. When I saw him with Yongguk in that picture… I went crazy; I literally think I might of lost my marbles. So I resorted back to all of the bad decisions I made before I met Jimin, I because the ty person that I was before, the person I was when I dated Taehyung, and probably the reason he cheated on me to be honest with you, but I’ve changed, that isn’t me anymore. Jimin is everything to me. I love him.”

“So say that to him, He needs to know, Yoongi.”

“I can’t. No matter how much I want him, he’ll never take me at this point, Kook. I’ve just got to accept that.” Yoongi lifted himself from the floor. Leaving a sighing Kookie behind.

“Jongup, why the did you send that picture to Yoongi?!” Jimin snapped at him. They were standing in front of the vocal hall and they’d asked Yongguk to leave them to talk alone.

“Look, Jimin. I know it was really ty what I did to your relationship, but Yoonguk is my best friend, and I’ve never seen him happier than when he is with you, okay? I just wanted to mess up things with Yoongi a little bit, but I did it with good intentions.”

“Good intentions?! You’ve got to think of everyone involved! I’m hurt, Yoongi is hurt, and Yongguk is going to be hurt because-“

“Because you don’t love him, because you love Yoongi. Now you understand why I tried to crush what you had with him. If you don’t love him then there is no problem.”

“ it, Jongup! There is no explaining to you! I understand you did it for Yongguk but you weren’t a very good friend to me in the process.” Jimin thought for a moment,” Who else is involved in this?”

Jongup didn’t answer but scowled and crossed his arms.

“WHO?” Jimin snapped.

“Everyone.. Even Yongguk knew.”

“Yoongi warned me about you guys, and he was right! Was it fun to play with my feelings like that?”

“Jongup smirked,” you, Jimin. You don’t know anything, but I’ll protect my own, and you are not my own.”

Jimin huffed and stormed away from the vocal hall to get away from Jongup.

“Jimin are you okay?” Yongguk was waiting for him in the main building.

“Don’t talk to me. You’re just as guilty as the rest of them. Don’t act all innocent.” Jimin snapped, walking away from him into the lunchroom, but Yongguk just followed him.

“Jimin, I knew, yes, and I’m at fault because of that too, but it wasn’t my idea!”

“Oh and that makes it okay?” Jimin screamed, the cafeteria stopped what they were doing to look at them, including Yoongi, Jungkook and the others.

“Listen, Jimin-“ Yongguk placed his hand on Jimin’s shoulder, but Jimin slapped his hand away and pushed Yongguk, resulting in Yongguk being on the floor with Jimin towering over him in rage,” I trusted you! All of you! You.. You… USELESS PIECE OF !” Jimin growled and walked out of the cafeteria shouting,” Just leave me alone!” behind him.

Yongguk sighed and brushed off his pants as he stood up. The whole cafeteria was focused on just him now and he scowled, causing everyone to go back to what they were doing before the scene that just happened.

“What do you think that’s about?” Jin muttered, peaking around Taehyung’s head that seemed to be in the way.

“Jimin is probably finding out the hard way that Yongguk and his buddies aren’t the best company..” Namjoon added, everyone at the table looked at Yoongi, who was too focused on poking his rice with him chopsticks to notice.

“I… better go check on, Min..” Jungkook excused himself from the table and scurried out the door Jimin had exited from.

“Jimin!!” Jungkook ran after him. Jimin stopped and sniffled turning to meet his friend.

“hey, hey, Stop crying..” Jungkook pulled his best friend into his arms and squeezed him tight. Jimin allowed his tears to fall, extending his arms out around Jungkook’s waist.

“This isn’t fair, Kookie. I love Yoongi, everything is just so messed up right now! Why can’t he love me like I love him? Even Yongguk has lied to me. It’s like I can’t trust anyone anymore! I’m so sick of this!”

“Minnie.. Let me come by your place later, yeah? I have something to show you.”

“Kookie I really don’t feel like watching one of your homemade music videos today I just-“

“No.” Jungkook chuckled,” It isn’t one of my low budget music videos. It is important. I just don’t’ think we should talk about it now, okay?”

Jimin sniffled once more and nodded to his friend.

“Let’s get you home, Min, Here’s some money for the bus-“

“No it’s okay. I’ll walk. I want to walk.”

“Jimin I don’t think you should walk home right now..” Jungkook chewed his bottom lip.

“I’ll be fine, kid.” Jimin shot his a weak smile and ruffled his hair.

Jungkook nodded and walked Jimin to the main gate. Waving him off as he left.

Jimin’s walk home was clouded by tears, he wasn’t sure how long it had taken him to get home or which way he’d taken, but somehow he had gotten there. He pressed the code into the keypad and opened the door wiping his face with his sleeve.

He went up the stairs, untying his tie as he walked towards his room. He walked in and sighed, tossing his tie on the bed and sitting down to untie his shoes.

“Jimin? Is that you?” He heard his mother call from the hallway.

“.” He muttered under his breath,” Yeah mom it’s me.”

“Jimin.. Sweetheart.. Why are you home so ear- have you been crying?!” She rushed up to him and quickly wrapped his arms around her son.

“Mom… How did you know you loved dad?” Jimin asked breaking down into tears all over again.

“Well… We’d been dating for a little while, and I knew I really liked him., but after we dated for a few years he wrote me a song, and then he told me that one day he was going to become something and with all the songs he wrote for me, get rich and take care of me for the rest of my life. At first I thought he was crazy, and I never thought he’d actually do it, but I didn’t care. I realized then just how much I loved your father.” She smiled brightly and Jimin couldn’t help but smile with her because of how happy she looked.

“I like that dad still looks at you like he loves you. Mom, I really want to find love like that..” Jimin wiped his cheek with his sleeve.

“What happened, baby, talk to me.”

It was then that Jimin explained everything to his mom; she listened to every word he had to say, not interrupting him once. When he was finished speaking, he studied the expression on his mother’s face and let the silence filled the room.

“Honey, I know it may seem bad right now.. And Yoongi may have really hurt your feelings at the moment, which.. Don’t tell your father by the way, but I can really sense how much you love him, and the way it sounds he really cares about you too Jimin. Maybe you should just wait it out, give it a bit of time.”

Jimin sighed and leaned against her, ”I do love him, mom.”

“Well from what you told me it seems like you blame a lot on Yoongi sweet heart, It takes two people to keep up a relationship. You can’t just keep counting on Yoongi to fix things for you. You need to listen to him more and be more forgiving, you can’t expect him to know how to fix everything by himself.”

“But it is always his fault mom! He’s always yelling at me and being over jealous and controlling and I hate it! And I’m not the one who slept with Taehyung, so why should I apologize for it!” Jimin crossed his arms.

“Oh, Jimin… Have you ever thought about it? How hurt and inadequate Yoongi must feel? If anything I think it shows how much he actually cares about you. He’s so scared of losing you that he is over protective and overly jealous. He doesn’t believe that he himself is good enough for you to not want to leave him.” Jinhye sighed.

“But if he cared about me he wouldn’t have slept with Taehyung, mom, but this is my fault. I should have never started liking Yoongi in the first place. He wasn’t available to be liked by me and I should known that wasn’t going to change.”

“He is lucky to be liked by you Jimin, and I know you’ll find a way to make up with him. Just be patcient.” She smiled,” I’ll be downstairs making dinner if you need me. Thank about it a little bit ChimChim, and please text Yoongi.” With those final words, his mother was out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Jimin sighed and flopped back on his bed, He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and stared at it before finally unlocking it and attempting to start a text to Yoongi. He bit his lip, unsure of what to say to him.

Just then he received a call from Yoongi, as if he was reading his mind.

“Um… Hello?” Jimin answered hesitantly.

“I’m standing outside your house, let me in.” He said calmly.

“Yoongi what the hell are you doing outside of my house?!”

“Just let me in Min, Please. Just let me in.”

“…Fine.” Jimin hung up the phone and quickly trotted down the stairs to the front door, opening it with a click as Yoongi rushed into the house hoping Jimin wouldn’t slam the door in his face.

“Mom.. Yoongi is here.. We’re going upstairs.” Jimin had said, as the two boys temporarily stopped in the doorway of the kitchen.

Yoongi bowed as Jinhye turned around and she smiled,” Okay boys. Play nice..” She continued on with what she was doing as the pair left the doorway to the kitchen and slowly proceeded up the stairs to Jimin’s room.

Once they got there Jimin shut and locked his door, leaning against it with crossed arms as his eyes bored into Yoongi.

“Why are you here?” His voice sounded nastier than it was meant to be, but Jimin really didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, especially not Yoongi.

“Min, I know we’ve had this conversation a dozen times in the last few weeks but… Just hear me out, just listen. Kookie told me to basically stop being such a ing and go get what I want and I want you! I can’t do it. I can’t let you go. No, I won’t let you go. Listen Jimin I.. I love you. I love you so much that I don’t know what to ing do with myself, I don’t care if you think I love Taehyung, Jimin. Nothing about my past with Taehyung matters. I want you, I want you so bad Jimin. Let me start over okay? Let me take you out on a first date to a ty fried beef resturaunt, Where I won’t be interrupted by Taehyung and I won’t drive you home early, and I want you to shower at my place and wear my clothes because all of the clothes you borrowed I still haven’t washed and I know that sounds super creepy but they smell like you and it’s like you’re there when I miss you, and teach me how to dance again because I still and you’re still the most beautiful, amazing, talented dancer I have ever seen, and I want to see you blush every time I make a erted comment because it is the most adorable thing I have ever seen, and I want to eat pizza and watch movies in your room and fall asleep on top of each other in the closet, and I really want to see you smile when I walk into a room again because that really REALLY makes my day and I want to hold you because you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt. Let me make love you, because well.. I haven’t yet and , do I want too. I want to know ever inch of you, Min because I really ing love you. I love you. Okay? Not Taehyung, not anyone, but you. And this whole speech has been corny and I know you probably think I am still a stupid , but I had to come say that because.. Because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I knew I let you slip through my fingers. Min why haven’t you said anything? Please say something..”

Tears were flowing down Jimin’s face again which he is really surprised is possible because he just cried for an hour talking with his mom because he was so touched.

“Yoongi you’re a stupid ..” Jimin sobbed covering his face with his hands.

“I know..” Yoongi stepped closer to Jimin, intertwining their fingers.

“But… I love you too.. and I forgive you.. For everything… can we please start over?’

“Seriously?? You forgive me?!” Yoongi questioned.

Jimin just nodded and wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s waist,” Yes, stupid . I forgive you.”

“Oh my god. Oh my god.” Yoongi hugged Jimin tight, never wanting to let go.

“Suga..” Jimin muttered into Yoongi’s shoulder.

“Yes, Min.” Yoongi smiled, rocking the two back and forth.

“Kiss me…” Jimin blushed, mumbling a little bit, but Yoongi heard his just fine.

“Of course..” Yoongi leaned down and pressed his lips against Jimin’s.

Jimin missed the feeling of Yoongi, he didn’t realize just how perfectly the pair fit together until this moment, and he wanted more he wanted all of him, he needed him now.

Jimin broke away from their shared kiss and Yoongi whined cutely as Jimin locked the door. Jimin smiled, he’d never heard Yoongi be so needy for him before. Jimin took Yoongi’s hand leading him over to the bed.

“Jimin your mom is downstairs..” Yoongi said, but enjoyed the kisses Jimin was leaving along his neck.

 “So? She won’t come up here.” Jimin said between kisses.

“I really don’t want to be caught by your mom, Min.” Yoongi said skeptically, continuing to peek at the door.

Jimin rolled his eyes and slipped his shirt off tossing it on the floor next to the bed, he leaned back on the bed and stared at Yoongi,” Fine, We don’t have to do anything then.” Jimin ran his hand over his own torso.

Yoongi gulped,” .”

Jimin slid his hand under the waistband of his shorts and hissed, Yoongi was trying not to focus on the fact that his boyfriend was himself right in front of him.

Jimin’s cheeks were tinted pink with embarrassment as he spoke,” I’ll just have to do it myself then.”

Breathy moans escaped from Jimin’s mouth and Yoongi clenched his fists together, drinking in the sight in front of him.

It was the last straw for Yoongi when the head of Jimin’s peeked out from under the waistband and he was on top of him in a heartbeat, replacing Jimin’s hand with his own, and placing sloppy kisses along Jimin’s collarbone.

Jimin let out a victorious giggle that soon turned into loud moans as Yoongi’s skilled hands pumped harder.

Jimin gripped desperately at Yoongi’s shirt and quickly tore it away from the boys body. He took a moment to appreciate Yoongi’s milky white skin, running his hands over ever inch before diving back in for an impatient kiss.

Yoongi pulled Jimin’s shorts completely off of his body using his free hand, tossing them to the side without ever letting his hand leave Jimin’s member.

Jimin shuttered at the cold and wrapped his arms around Yoongi pulling him in closer, huffing with a pout,” Why am I always the first one ?”

Yoongi chuckled, My apologies, princess.”

Yoongi removed his hand from Jimin’s , sliding his hand up as slowly as possible, making Jimin whimper with desire.

Yoongi struggled with the buckle of his belt, it was beginning to frustrate him, and jimin just gave a sigh, grinding up against Yoongi’s jeans for some needed friction, before assisting Yoongi in taking off his pants, undoing the belt and the zipper much quicker than Yoongi’s attempts.

“Hyung.. You’re shaking, what’s wrong?” Jimin says in a worried tone, running his fingers along Yoongi’s jaw.

“I’m nervous.” Yoongi mutters, kicking his pants off of him and trying to focus on anything that wasn’t Jimin’s face.

“There is no reason to be nervous… You’re not the one losing his ity.” Jimin chuckled.

“I’m nervous because I love you and it’s a lot of pressure knowing it is your first time and I don’t want to hurt you and god Jimin do you look much better than I do and I’m just-“ Jimin pulled Yoongi into a quick kiss, shutting him up momentarily.

“You’ll be fine, Suga. I trust you. You won’t hurt me and..” Jimin glanced down and smirked, looking back up to Yoongi’s face,” You look damn good .”

Yoongi snorts and goes back in for another kiss with Jimin, hooking Jimin’s left leg over his shoulder, hands firmly around Jimin’s leaking member once more.

“S-Suga I’m..” Jimin was a breathy mess under Yoongi, and Yoongi smirked.

“It’s okay, you can come, Jimin.”

Jimin shook his head cutely,” Wanna.. I want to come with you..” He half moaned, leaning into Yoongi.

Yoongi nibbled Jimin’s ear and chuckled before breathing into Jimin’s ear in his accent,”Then I’ll just have to make you hard for me again, Jagi.”

Jimin’s vision blurred as his hit him, he tried to gasp for air but he couldn’t breath and his hips pushed up into Yoongi, a pained whine was all that could escape as Yoongi milked him for everthing he had.

When Jimin was finally coming down from his he took hug gasping breaths, as if he’d been holding his breath for hours.

“Open your mouth.” Yoongi ordered in a low tone, Jimin obliged, opening his mouth slightly. Yoongi placed his fingers inside and Jimin closed his mouth, humming around them. He , grasping Yoongi’s hand to push his fingers farther into his mouth and closed his eyes, tasting himself on Yoongi. His pink little tongue darted out and over Yoongi’s knuckled before again. He didn’t really like the salty taste, but the look that Yoongi had on his face, was reward enough.

“, Min. You look so beautiful right now.

Jimin really doubts that, he was sweaty and submissive and still really ing .

“Hng.. Hyung.” Jimin opened his legs wider and Yoongi got the hint, chuckling.

“So impatient, I needed you to because we don’t have any lube. I don’t want it to hurt..” Yoongi kissed Jimin’s inner thigh.

Still disoriented, Jimin pulled a bottle of lemon lube out from under his pillow and Yoongi raised an eyebrown,” When’d you get that.”

“A-after we almost had the first time.. I asked Namjoon hyung to help me… He said you liked this flavor s-so he helped me buy two bottles. I kept one in my backpack in case we did it at your house and one under my pillow so it was easier to reach..”

Yoongi snatched the bootle from Jimin’s hand and kissed his harshly, distracting him while he poured some lube onto his fingers.

“Open your legs a little wider, Min.” Yoongi said, placing kisses down his neck.

Jimin’s legs opened and his face turned a deeper shade of red.

Yoongi slipped a finger inside and Jimin tensed, hissing at the sensation.

“Relax, Jagi. Let me take care of you.” Yoongi, wrapped his hand around Jimin’s once more, and Jimin jolted at the sensitivity, but soon began to relax, only focusing on the pleasure he felt from Yoongi’s hand.

Yoongi took this as an opportunity to slowly slide his finger in and out of Jimin, subtly adding the second without Jimin noticing, by the third Jimin definitely noticed cringing as the fingers went in and out of him. Jimin scrunched up his nose as he felt Yoongi’s fingers moving oddly and craned his head to the side.

“Hyung w- .” Jimin shouted, practically flying up from the bed, but Yoongi held him down smirking.

“I found it.” He slammed his fingers back into that spot and Jimin screamed in pleasure, rolling his body shamelessly down onto Yoongi’s fingers.

“Hyung, I’m going to come!” Jimin barely got out between moans. Yoongi shook his head and clamped his hand hard around the base of Jimin’s ,” Don’t come until I say you can.”

“Jimin groaned, and tried to push Yoongi’s hand away from him but failed,” Hyung. Please. Please.”

Yoongi shushed Jimin and continued to abuse his prostate.

“Please, Please.” Jimin’s breaths were heavy and his voice was hoarse from begging, but Yoongi wasn’t finished yet.

‘What do you want Jagi? Tell me.” Jimin looked so desperate, grinding himself down onto Yoongi’s fingers lewd moans falling from his mouth.

“Please more.” Jimin whimpered, pulling Yoongi into him.

“What do you want Jimin, I need to know.” Yoongi curled his fingers into Jimin’s prostate and Jimin screamed once more tears of pleasure rolling down his face.

“ me. Please.. P-please I need you inside me, please. Please.” Jimin’s pleases turned became quieter, turning into whispers as he runs his nails down Yoongi’s back, causing Yoongi to hiss in pleasure.

“Okay, Jagi. I’ll give you what you want.” Yoongi retracts his fingers and Jimin whimpers once more at the loss.

Yoongi grabbed the bottle of lube once more and put a disgusting amount on himself, before lining up with Jimin’s hole.

“Deep breaths, Min, okay?” Yoongi cooed, Jimin just nodded.

Yoongi pushed in slowly, watching Jimin’s face contort into one of pain, and more tears slid down his face. Yoongi leaned down and kissed the tears away,” I’m sorry, baby, it will feel really good soon.” Jimin choked back a sob and nodded.

When Yoongi was completely in Jimin, he stopped, noticing how tight Jimin actually was. He waited for a moment letting Jimin ajust and waiting for his tears to stop before he moved.

“Okay, you can move. I’m okay.” Jimin wrapped his hands around Yoongi’s waist.

Yoongi goes slowly at first, still realizing how tight Jimin was and Jimin relaxes, pleasure starting to creep up his spine.

“Faster.” Jimin sighs.



Yoongi understands and withdraws, slamming back into a Jimin a choked moan in his throat.

Yoongi got into a rythem, quickly finding Jimin’s prostate again and smirking when he heard that glorious scream of pleasure.

“t-there hyung! More” Jimin moans, Yoongi slams himself back into Jimin, causing another Scream to rip from Jimin’s throat.

“You’re so sensitive, Jagi.” Yoongi chucked one of Jimin’s s.

“Haaa….hngg..” Jimin couldn’t get out any legible words as his prostate was abused my Yoongi, Jimin accidently opened his legs wider, allowing Yoongi access to plunge deeper into him and his eyes are rolling into the back of his head.

Yoongi drinks in the sight, letting himself feel the pleasure of being deep within Jimin.

“…Come… Su-ga.. come..” Jimin whimpered.

“Say it properly, baby.”

“Please.. please let me come, I can’t hold it anymore please it hurts.” Jimin whispered. Yoongi peaked down at Jimin’s bright red dripping with precome.

“Okay, Jagi lets come together okay/” Yoongi’s s picked up and Jimin let out a drawn out moan.

Yoongi breathed heavily,” okay, come, Jagi. Come!”

Jimin let out one last scream as his took over, Yoongi’s following close behind with a low grunt, Jimin’s back was once again arched of the bed, face turning redder from the lack of oxygen.

When Yoongi felt his was over he pulled out of Jimin rolling onto off of Jimin and onto his side, looking at him.

“Baby, breathe.” Yoongi rubbed circled into Jimin’s chest, Jimin gasped for air, finally allowing himself to breathe and looked over at Yoongi.

“Hyung..” Jimin breathed.

“Yes, Jagi?”

“I can’t feel my legs.” Jimin’s voice cracked, and Yoongi laughed.”

“You’re going to have trouble going to class tomorrow.”

“, is it going to hurt?”

“We went at it pretty hard, you probably won’t be able to sleep for a week.”

“God. It was so worth it though.”

Yoongi smiled,” Come on, I’ll help you shower.”

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting