Chapter 5

Skool Luv Affairs

  “So that’s it?” Jungkook was sitting Indian style on the large floor of Jimin’s dance room, while Jimin counted out steps with no music.

Jimin stopped dancing and looked at Jungkook with a pout,” What do you mean, “that’s it.” Jimin crossed his arms.

“I mean, so that’s it? You haven’t tried to talk to him, maybe you should ask him if Taehyung was upset because of you instead of just assuming.”

Jimin huffed and went back to counting out steps when J-Hope walked down the stairs.

“Hi, hyung.” Jungkook waved with a big smile, only for it to be returned.

Jimin took the time to wave at J-Hope as well but made sure that it didn’t throw off his counting.

“So how did your talk with Taehyung go?”

“You talked to Taehyung, about what? OHHHH is this about why you think it was your fault Taehyung was crying?”

“Taehyung cried?” Hoseok frowned.

Jimin stamped his foot and looked over at the two.

“I’m trying to dance! Did you guys come over to dance or talk?!”

The two boys looked at each other and then back at Jimin,” Talk.” Hoseok took a seat next to Jungkook.

Jimin sighed and followed, sitting in front of both of them.

“So how’d it go?”

“Great, actually. He told me that it was okay that I liked Yoongi, and sort of gave me his blessing. I think.” Jimin smiled at Hoseok,” He told me he likes you, hyung, but I didn’t tell you that!” Jimin quickly added.

“He likes me?” Hoseok put his hands on his chest indicating himself and Jimin nodded.

“You told, Taehyung, hyung’s boyfriend, that you Yoongi hyung?” Jungkook’s mouth fell open,” Are you out of your mind?!”


Hoseok laughed at how quick Jimin was to answer,” So then did you tell Yoongi?”

“Yeah.. I did.”


“We went on a date.”

Ohs could be heard from Hoseok, causing Jimin to laugh when he started poking him.

“So how’d that go?”

“It didn’t.” Jimin huffed.

Hoseok looked confused so Jungkook decided to fill in the details,” As soon as they got to the restaurant, Taehyung called Yoongi hyung crying and Yoongi brought Jimin home before they could even order anything.”

Hoseok face palmed,” What an idiot.”

“I know right.” Jimin crossed his arms.

“No, not Yoongi, Taehyung. Why didn’t he call me.. I’m the one he talks to when he is upset.” Hoseok genuinely looked hurt.

“I’m sure he has his reasons, Hyung.” Jungkook patted his back.

The doorbell rang and Jimin cocked his head to the side.

“Are we expecting someone else?” Jimin asked curiously. The doorbell rang a few more times.

“I don’t think so.” Jungkook said hopping to his feet,” but I’ll get it.”

Jungkook disappeared up the stairs, only to return a few seconds later.

“Hey, Jimin, Hoseok and I are going to be upstairs for a little while, come get us later when you’re ready to dance.” Jungkook grabbed Hoseok’s arm and hoisted him up off the ground.

“What, why are we leaving?” Hoseok pouted. Yoongi came down the stairs slowly, pausing at the bottom and looking at Jimin.

“Oh.” Hoseok looked at Jimin from Yoongi,” Ooohhhh. Let’s go upstairs.” The pair rushed past Yoongi, up the stairs.

Jagi.” Yoongi leaned against the wall by the stairs, crossing his legs. Jimin shivered.

“Hi, hyung.” Jimin walked towards him, stopping close in front of him, but leaving enough space to feel comfortable.

“Are you still disappointed?”

“Of course! Our first date…” Jimin looked down at his feet.

“I’ll make it up to you.” Yoongi leaned up and pulled Jimin into his arms, surprising him.

“So… Was it my fault hyung was crying?” Jimin resisted the attempt to touch the patch of skin you could see under Yoongi’s collar.

“Well.. Yes and no. He called me because he wanted to break up with me, but he was crying because he was having a really hard time letting go.

He didn’t have to let go, hyung you’re his, I told him I’d give up on you I need to talk to him-“ Jimin tried to pull away from Yoongi, but Yoongi expected this and just held on tighter, pulling him back.

Jagi, listen.” Yoongi said sternly. Jimin stiffed at the use of his nickname, but relaxed back into Yoongi,” We were ready, but you have got to understand that Taehyung and I had dated for a really long time, we’ve never had anything but each other for a long time. It just took Tae more time then he expected, but we worked it out, he told me he’d slept with Hoseok more than once and that he was sorry for wrecking our relationship, but that it was time to break up.”

“Is he okay? I feel terrible..”

“You shouldn’t. I was going to break up with him this year even if you didn’t come alone. You’re like a cute addition.”

“You think I’m cute.” Jimin said with a smug smile.

Yoongi laughed,” Don’t get cocky.” Jimin laughed and Yoongi bit his lip, captivated by the scene,” Jagi.” Yoongi’s voice was serious, Jimin stopped laughing and stared into Yoongi’s eyes, gasping slightly and an unexpected arm s around his torso. Yoongi leaned in and Jimin stayed put, closing his eyes, as Yoongi’s face became closer and closer. When their lips touched Jimin let out a slight whimper, opening his mouth instantly to let Yoongi in. Jimin placed one of his hands into Yoongi’s hair, slowly realizing that Yoongi’s hair might be one of his favorite places for his hands when they are kissing. Jimin’s leg wrapped itself around Yoongi’s as he deepened the kiss, pulling Yoongi in closer.

“Mmm- Jimin.” Yoongi tried to say between kisses, but still didn’t appose when Jimin hushed him with more kisses, until Jimin’s hand was resting on Yoongi’s waistband.

“Jimin.” Yoongi chuckled; pulling Jimin away from him lightly and admiring the needy look on Jimin’s face as he whined.

“Why’d we stop?” Jimin said with aegyo, laying his head on one should and lightly beating Yoongi’s other shoulder with his fist.

“Because you have guests upstairs, and wildly getting it on in your basement wasn’t the first think I wanted to check off my list of things to do with you.”

“But it is on the list right?” Jimin said innocently, and Yoongi almost kissed him again then and there.

“We can add it to the list, I guess.” He managed out, pulling Jimin further away from him to resist the temptation. Yoongi laced his fingers into Jimin’s and Jimin sighed, enjoying the feeling of Yoongi’s warm hand in his own. He let Yoongi guide him up the stairs to tell the other two boys that they were finished talking.

“Yo-“ Yoongi stopped when he opened the door and heard a loud thud, followed by two ‘ows’ and looked down to see Hoseok and Jungkook sitting on the floor.

“We didn’t even hear you guys coming up.” Jungkook said brushing the imaginary dirt off him as he stood.

“You were eavesdropping?” Jimin rolled his eyes.

“No. More like getting the information before you told it to me anyway.” Jungkook shrugged.

“That is still eavesdropping.” Jimin laughed.

“So you and Taehyung are finally done, huh.” Hoseok said standing in front of the three boys.

“Yeah, but Hoseok-“ Yoongi stepped forward drawing his arm back and punching Hoseok square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Jimin and Jungkook rushed to Hoseok’s side.

“Hyung! Are you okay?! Oh my god!” Jimin glared back and Yoongi who was casually rubbing his knuckles now, and the back at Hoseok.

“Yeah yeah, I’m fine,” The two boys helped Hoseok sit up as he clutched his face,” I deserved that. I should have seen that coming I’m okay.”

“Hoseok. We’re cool. I have forgiven you for a lot of . But sleep with boyfriend, and I will kill you.”

“Ugh, ouch.” Hoseok touched his lip and looked down at the blood on his fingers.

“I’ll go get you some ice!” Jimin rushed down the hall and disappeared into the kitchen.

“I mean it, Hoseok.” Yoongi growled.

“I know I know! Geez, Jimin’’s cool but I don’t want to him! It is hands off, I get it, I like Taehyung anyway..” Hoseok muttered.

Hoseok finally got up off the ground as soon as Jimin rushed back in with a baggie full of ice wrapped in a towel and a damp rag to wipe the blood from his lip.

‘Sit, hyung. Sit down.” Jimin lead everyone in the living room and practically pushed Hoseok onto the couch, climbing next to him and beginning to dab at the cut with the cloth.

“Ouch! Jesus, Jimin, what kind of water is that?!”

Rubbing alcohol. Now stop and let me clean it.” Jimin smacked Hoseok’s hands away from his face and continued to dab at the cut, ignoring the hissing escaping from Hoseok’s mouth.

“Is he always this.. Motherly?” Yoongi chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe.

“Usually, but I feel like he is being extra motherly because he probably feels like he is the reason Hoseok got punched.”

“It’s cute, kinda makes me wish I had a cut so he could dress my wound.” Jimin slowly placed the ice down onto Hoseok’s lip, placing Hoseok’s hands on the bag of ice to hold into place. He climbed off the couch and stomped over to the pair in the doorway.

“HYUNG!” Jimin shouted, startling both of the boys.

“Jagi.” Was Yoongi’s reply, leaning towards Jimin. Jimin’s anger was temporarily lifted once he heard his nickname, but he quickly regained it.

“You didn’t have to punch him! A competitive game of kickball would have sufficed!”

“Kickball?” Yoongi chuckled.

“Anything but violence!”

Yoongi shrugged,” I needed to get it off my chest. If I didn’t punch him I’d still be angry.”

Jimin huffed and went back to Hoseok’s side. Hoseok’s face where the punch had landed, trying to sooth it. To be honest, it made Yoongi a little jealous.

“How about we don’t dance today and we just hang out, okay hyung?”

“You can dance if you want to Jimin, don’t let me stop you.”

“Nah it’s fine. I can take a day off.”

Jungkook and Yoongi joined the two on the couch. Yoongi attempting to snuggle into Jimin only to be pushed denied by Jimin pushing him away with a cute pout.

“Are you guys always this cuddly? Even before you started going out?”

“We aren’t “going out.” That arrangement was never made.” Jimin said checking Hoseok’s face to make sure the bleeding had stopped.

“Are you being serious right now, Park Jimin? What is it going to take.” Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temple, annoyance clear in his voice.

Jimin frowned,” I want you to take me on a date and not leave before it starts. Sorry that is so much to ask.” Jimin took the damp cloth from Hobi’s hand and took it back to the kitchen.

“Wow. You’re having a lover’s quarrel and you aren’t even dating yet. How impressive.” Jungkook joked looking towards Yoongi.

“Min, What did you expect me to do? We broke up. It isn’t like he called me to go on a stroll in the moonlight.” Yoongi fought back, Jimin entered the room once more, bringing a fresh towel to wrap around Hoseok’s ice now that the old one was soaking wet.

“You didn’t even put up a fight. Oh, I’m kind of busy,” Jimin mimicked,” Oh okay I’ll be there.” Jimin threw his hands up in the air,” Well, gee, okay. Just like that leave during out date because it was Taehyung calling. That makes me feel really good.”

“Yeaaaahhh, I’m gunna go now.” Jungkook said standing up from the couch.

“Yeah same, let’s go get some food.” Hoseok added, they both flew out of there before Jimin could convince them to stay.

“Great.” Jimin snapped.

Jagi. Calm down.” Yoongi’s vice was so smooth and Jimin felt like his gaze was hypnotizing him,” Come here.”

“Y-you can’t do that! Every time I’m mad you can’t jst throw out Jagi and a-and”

“Come here.” Jimin didn’t think it was possible for Yoongi’s voice to become smoother than it already was, but the deep voice resonated in Jimin’s stomach. Yoongi’s arm was extended, welcoming Jimin whose feet disobeyed him and stepped toward Yoongi.

Jimin settled into Yoongi’s lap and snuggled into him sighing at the familiar honey scent that he loved.

“Stop sniffing me.” Yoongi chuckled in his low voice, leaning his head onto Jimin’s and kissing his forehead lightly.

“I can’t help it..” Jimin mumbled,” I never get to be this close to you. You’re like Sugar. I might start calling you Suga.” Jimin laughed at his own corniness.

“Call me whatever you want.”

“Don’t think that I’m not still mad at you just because you called me Jagi and let me cuddle with you.” Jimin said, but his words were muffled into Yoongi’s neck.

Yoongi huffed and tapped Jimin’s thigh with his hand,” You’re still mad?”

Jimin nodded. Yoongi slid his hand up Jimin’s waist, slightly cold fingers trailing farther and farther up until they stopped at his chest. Jimin muttered a “stop it” before moving to straddle Yoongi. Yoongi cupped Jimin’s in his hands and squeezed it, deciding that this might be one his favorite parts of Jimin and he can’t wait to see it bent over the-

“Hyung? What are you thinking about, you seem like you’re off in space.” Jimin asked, but it didn’t seem like Yoongi was listening. He leaned into Yoongi’s ear, biting playfully at the soft skin, down his neck and dipping into his collarbone. Yoongi growled and Jimin smirked, knowing he’d successfully regained Yoongi’s attention.

“What are you doing?” Yoongi said playfully, looking into Jimin’s eyes.

“I asked you a question. You didn’t answer me.” Jimin slipped into his Busan accent nibbling on Yoongi’s ear once more,” I don’t like being ignored.”

Yoongi pushed Jimin back on the couch and began kissing him, rubbing Jimin’s thigh with one hand one hand tanging into his hair and Jimin moaned into Yoongi’s mouth putting his hands beside him to keep out of Yoongi’s way.

Jimin heard the garage door lifting and pushed Yoongi’s face away. His shove was a little too hard because Yoongi ended up falling to the floor with a thud.

“! I’m sorry!” Jimin helped him up but then straightened his clothes and hair. He adjusted Yoongi’s clothes with nervous fingers.

“Jagi, Calm down. What’s wrong?” Yoongi wrapped his hand around Jimin’s not letting go until the shaking stopped.

“Nothing. It is just.. My parents are here and they don’t know you and we could have gotten caught kissing you on the couch and they would have been left with a bad impression of you and that isn’t what I want because you are –“

Yoongi gave Jimin a quick kiss and smiled,” Stop worrying.”

Jimin smiled back and jumped when his parents walked through the door.

“Chim Chim!” His mother called, she heard her keys hit the bowl they belong in by the door and her heels clinking along the hardwood of the long hallway.

She stopped when she saw the two boys in the living room and smiled brightly at her son.

“Hey, Mom. You’re home super early.” Jimin said walking to give her a hug.

“It has been a while since all of us have sat down and eaten dinner together so I told your father to take an hour or two off so we could have a proper family meal.”

Yoongi looked at Jimin who seemed really happy to be able to have dinner with him family, and it warmed his heart.

“And who is your friend?” She asked walking towards Yoongi.

“I’m Min Yoongi, Noona.” He bowed 90 degrees to her.

Jimin’s mother laughed loudly and engulfed Yoongi into her arms with a warm hug,” I like him, he is respectful.”

Jimin smiled,” He’s my Sunbae, Mom.”

“Well, welcome to our home. I assume you go to BAA with my son?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Well any friend of my son is good enough for me.” She winked,” Stay for dinner.”

“Thank you.” Yoongi smiled.

Jimin’s mother her heels and looked at her son raising her eyebrows and motioning towards Yoongi with her eyes. Jimin tapped his nose. Jimin and his mother had always had this type of secret language when they want to communicate without anyone knowing. His mother smiled and gave a thumbs up, causing Jimin to smile.

“Did I miss something?” Yoongi asked.

“Oh no dear.” She looked back at him,” Now you boys wash up and help me make dinner.”


Yoongi is always telling Jimin to calm down. T.T You guys asked for it, So next chapter there is a bit of TTT be excited. I'm excited. Yoonmin is exciting. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed! Make sure to leave lots of comments so I know if you are enjoying it or not!

- Author-nim <3


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting