Chapter 4

Skool Luv Affairs

Chapter 4

Jimin couldn’t focus at all during dance class; he kept being scolded by their instructor and messing up simple moves.

“Jimin, what is wrong with you today? You’re never this off.” Their instructor, Mrs. Kim, pulled Jimin off to the side of class to talk.

Jimin looked over her shoulder at Yoongi, whom was to busy trying to be taught a dance move by Jungkook to notice.

“I’m not feeling very well today, I’m sorry. I’ll try harder. I’m just.. Kind of dizzy today, that’s all.”

“Well, if you’re feeling to bad, make sure you sit down and take a rest. Think about your health before instead of your want to dance, that way you can dance beautifully in the future.” She smiled.

Jimin nodded and smiled back,” Yes, Ma’am.”

Jimin took a seat next to the stereo, watching the other students as they continued on with class. Jimin’s couldn’t focus on dance because he was too focused on his situation with Yoongi.

Jimin groaned and laid his head on his knees. Jimin watched Yoongi, and couldn’t help at laugh at his gangly body attempting each move and failing.

“This is why you should have spent your time dancing and not kissing me, idiot.” Jimin muttered.

“Jimin, you okay?” Hoseok asked, leaning forward to meet Jimin’s gaze.

“Don’t talk to me, I’m mad at you, hyung!” Jimin muttered with an angry aegyo.

“Aww, why, Minnie? I didn’t do anything.” Hoseok defended.

“You told Yoongi that I like him!” Jimin snapped in hushed tones.

“Oh, well don’t get mad. I knew he liked you too so I told him.” Hoseok shrugged.

“How could you have with hyung’s boyfriend!” Jimin snapped once more.

“Oh that… I like Taehyung. I know that isn’t a good reason, but I missed my chance with Taehyung. He and Yoongi aren’t doing so well, and everyone at the table can see you make Yoongi happy, even Taehyung can see it.”

“Hyung knows?” Jimin said in a sad tone.

“Yeah. He’s known that Yoongi likes you longer than any of us.”

“I don’t want to hurt Taehyung – wait us? Who else knows?”

“Everyone can see it. The little things Yoongi does for you, how much you guys hang out, how bright his smile gets when you walk into the room. Yoongi is really obvious about it. If Yoongi wasn’t so obvious none of us would have even guessed that you like him back.”

“Oh god, I have to talk to Taehyung and set things straight…”

“Maybe you should, and don’t let this thing with Yoongi beat you up. All of us had a crush on him at one point.”

“That’s weird, hyung.”

Hoseok shrugged and left to continue dancing.

Once the half block was over and it was time for some of the students to leave, Jimin told the teacher that he still wasn’t feeling well, which wasn’t a complete lie, and said he was going to go try and sing that way his whole afternoon won’t be wasted. The teacher agreed and gave Jimin a pass to the vocal department. He searched for the room that Taehyung was in and sighed when he found it. He didn’t know if he was ready to do this.

He opened the door and walked up to the vocal teacher.

“May I help you young man?” He said, placing down his music score.

“Yes. I need Kim Taehyung, please.” Jimin held up his note hoping the teacher didn’t ask to see the note.

“Alright. Taehyung!” The teacher called. Jimin took a breath of relief as Taehyung came over.

“Go with this young man.”

Taehyung looked at Jimin and smiled brightly, Jimin led him out of the room and into one of the vacant practice rooms in the area, locking the door behind them.

“What’s up, Min?” Taehyung asked skeptically.

“We need to talk..” Jimin said. He sat down on the floor, motion for Taehyung to sit with him.

“Okay, what’s up?” Taehyung said sitting down next to Jimin.

“Listen to everything I have to say, okay?”

Taehyung nodded.

“I kissed Yoongi. Okay, I didn’t kiss Yoongi, he kissed me, but I’m no better because I kissed him back. This has been eating at me since it happened because I like Yoongi and I’m such a bad friend to you and I feel terrible. I’m trying to stay away from Yoongi as much as I can, because I know he is your boyfriend and I know he is hands off… and well what I’m trying to say is I’m so sorry I like Yoongi, and I’m so sorry I kissed him back and I totally understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.” Jimin tried to get through that without crying, but he broke down in the middle of speaking letting his tears flow.

Taehyung sighed and rubbed the back of his neck; Jimin doesn’t think he’s ever seen Taehyung this serious before.

“Jimin, I know you like Yoongi. I could tell from the moment you met him.”

“I know… Hoseok told me, but I felt like you should hear it from my own mouth. I feel so guilty.”

“Don’t feel guilty.” Taehyung shook his head.


“Yoongi isn’t my boyfriend anymore, He holds the title yeah, but the emotion isn’t there. I missed that up when I got into a bed with Hoseok. He may have the title of my boyfriend, and we may try to act like it, but we haven’t had a relationship since last year. I know Yoongi tried to work it out with me, but I know I really hurt him that day, he forgave me, but he doesn’t love me.”

“Taehyung, I’m so sorry. My goal wasn’t to come between your and Yoongi’s relationship some more I just-“

“Jimin. It is okay. He’s happy when he’s around you and that is something I can’t do for him anymore. Yes, I may still really like him, but I don’t deserve him. Especially when I’m seeking the comfort that Yoongi doesn’t give me anymore from Hoseok.. I still sleep with him from time to time.”

“But.. Do you like him?” Jimin nudged Taehyung with his shoulder.

Taehyung laughed,” Yeah, I guess I do. I was so caught up trying to make up with Yoongi that I didn’t even realize how happy I was with Hoseok.. I guess you really ended up helping both of us.” Taehyung ruffled Jimin’s hair, and smiled,” But Jimin, If you kiss my boyfriend again before I can break up with him, I’ll kill you.”

Jimin gulped and laughed awkwardly,” Hyung that isn’t fair… I was trying to avoid you at lunch time but Yoongi wouldn’t leave me alone and... Well..”

“Okay. That doesn’t count.” Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose, now slightly annoyed,” No more after this, until I can break up with him, alright?”

Jimin nodded his head quickly, and hugged Taehyung.

“What is this for?” Taehyung hugged him back.

“I know it is really selfish of me, but I’m glad you like Hoseok. I really didn’t want to give up my feelings for Yoongi if I didn’t had too, but I would have if you told me too.”

Taehyung shook his head,” I should be so mad at you right now.”

“I know, hyung. Be mad. I deserve it. You can hit me if you want.” Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the blow to strike.

Taehyung laughed heartily,” Jimin. I’m not going to hit you, but I do need to go back to class.” He picked himself up off the floor and dusted off his bottom.

“I’m really glad we had this talk, hyung.” Jimin said, getting up from the floor as well.

“Me too, Jimin. I suddenly feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest. I don’t have to pretend with Yoongi anymore, we both can be happy.

Jimin escorted Taehyung back to his classroom and waved goodbye as he went to go sit in the locker room for the rest of the school day.

Once the day was over, Jimin was walking out of the school when he spotted Yoongi walking to his car.

“Hyung!” He hollered, running towards Yoongi. Yoongi and Jimin had agreed not to practice on Fridays because they both needed a day to relax afterschool.

“Jimin.” Yoongi smiled, greeting Jimin with a hug. Jimin smiled, knowing he could hug Yoongi without feeling guilty for it.

“It’s Friday!” Jimin shouted.

“It sure is.” Yoongi laughed.

“Do you want to play with me today?” Jimin asked, bouncing with excitement.

“Sure, Jimin.” Yoongi leaned in, seductively whispering,” Are we going on a date?”

Jimin nodded,” We can if you want. Come on, hyung, I need to change and so do you!”

Yoongi looked shocked as Jimin grabbed his hand, leading him to the parking lot. Jimin recognized Yoongi’s car right away from the amount of times he took him home after the rehearsed.

“Jimin you just asked me on a date.”

“I know! And we will never get to go on it if you don’t. Un. Lock. Your. Car. Doors.” Jimin said pulling on the handle. Yoongi unlocked the doors and the two climbed into the car.

“Why did you ask me on a date?”

“Because I like you.”

Yoongi smiled at this,” Yes, but I have a boyfriend, remember? Last time I even touched your shoulder you yelled at me.”

Jimin rubbed his arm and looked straight ahead,” I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I talked to Taehyung.”

“You what?!”

“Taehyung and I sat down and talked about you and I today.”

“, Jimin! You should have told me you were going to tell Taehyung about us!”

“There is no us!” Jimin snapped,” And that is why I needed to talk to him. I had to say something; I’m the only one who is hurting from your actions. Trying to pretend I don’t like you because your Taehyung’s boyfriend when I do! I like you a lot!”

“I like you a lot too.”

Jimin couldn’t stay angry after that and smiled, but tried to hide it from Yoongi.

“So what did he say?”

“He said he knew that I liked you, and he is okay with it because he feels like you can both finally be happy with other people instead of miserable together.”

Yoongi nodded and started his engine.

“So your place or mine, Jagi.” Yoongi said pulling out of the parking lot.

“Don’t call me that.. It doesn’t matter. Your place or mine, we both have to change anyways.”

“We will just go to my apartment. My clothes will fit you.”

“Hyung’s clothes…” Jimin mumbled, he blushed and smiled to himself.

Yoongi pretended he didn’t see or hear the younger but he smiled to himself anyway at how cute Jimin was acting.

When Jimin and Yoongi pulled into the parking garage of Yoongi’s apartment, Jimin followed Yoongi inside of the shabby building, Jimin sticking close to Yoongi, but once they got into Yoongi’s actual apartment it was small and cozy and smelled like honey.

“This is cute, hyung.” Jimin peaked around the corner of every door until he found Yoongi’s bedroom, hopping onto Yoongi’s bed and getting comfortable while Yoongi filed in after him.

“Can I shower first, hyung?” Jimin asked, as Yoongi took towels out of a closet.

“We could always shower together.” Yoongi smirked.

Jimin’s face turned bright red as he snatched the towel from Yoongi’s hand,” Not funny, hyung..” Jimin scurried into the bathroom and Yoongi chuckled.

“I wasn’t joking.” Yoongi rolled his eyes at his bashful little Jimin after he’d discovered that Jimin had locked the door.

Yoongi laid down on his bed and got comfortable, accidentally falling asleep as he waited for Jimin to exit the shower.

“Hyung..” Jimin called lightly, shaking the older. Jimin was out of the shower and looking for something to wear.

“Yah… Oppa.” Yoongi shot up and snapped his head to look at Jimin,” Oppa? Did you call me Oppa?”

Jimin chuckled,” Oppa, I need clothes.”

“Keep calling me Oppa and you won’t.” Yoongi looked Jimin up and down and Jimin suddenly felt shy in just a towel.

“You can wear whatever you want, Jimin. I don’t care. You choose.”

Jimin walked over to the closet first, picking out a pair or ripped jeans and a white button down, Yoongi fished out a wife beater from a drawer to go underneath it.

“Don’t you dare look.” Jimin warned pointing a finger. Yoongi smirked but grabbed his own towel and waked into the bathroom. When Yoongi came out wrapped in a towel, Jimin was fully clothed and applying a snap back to his head.

Jimin gulped and tried his hardest not to look at Yoongi in the state he’s in now.

“Jimin.” Yoongi purred and stepped closer to him.

Jimin didn’t answer and just continued to look at himself in the mirror.

Jagi, Look at me.” Yoongi’s Daegu accent was fresh on his lips as he took more steps towards Jimin.

Jimin whimpered, but stayed strong. Making sure not to take a peak at Yoongi in desperate fear of a hard on.

Slim fingers wrapped around Jimin’s wrist and he was pulled towards Yoongi in one swift tug, their chests almost touching.

“Hyung, stop you’re wet.” Jimin groaned, eyes still trying not to focus on Yoongi.

Yoongi’s hand brushed lightly against Jimin’s chin, pulling his face towards them so that they were eye to eye. Jimin’s arms wrapped around Yoongi’s neck in final defeat, their bodies pressed together.

“So now this wasn’t so bad, was it, Jagi?” Yoongi drew his face closer to Jimin’s but Jimin turned his head last second, Yoongi kissed his cheek.

“Jimin, what’s wrong. I though this was okay now?” Yoongi questioned.

“It is.. Well it will be. I promised something to Taehyung and I just can’t kiss right now. It isn’t permanent..” Jimin pulled away from Yoongi and Yoongi sighed, throwing on his own clothes, a plain black t-shirt, regular jeans and an army jacket, topping it off with a bandana in his hair.

“Ready to go?” Yoongi grabbed his wallet and his keys and shoved them into his pocket.

“Yes.” Jimin answered with enthusiasm, skipping out of Yoongi’s bedroom.

The pair climbed back into Yoongi’s car and strapped in their seat belts.

“Before we move, where do you want to go?” Yoongi reached for Jimin’s hand, grabbing it, and interlocking their fingers.

“I don’t know, but I’m hungry. I want to do everything with you!” Jimin bounced excitedly.

Yoongi laughed,” We have plenty of time for everything. We’ll go on more dates. I promise, but for now let’s eat.”

Jimin’s hear beat faster at the though of going on more dates with Yoongi, he smiled,” Can we have beef?”

Yoongi nodded, he pulled his hand from Jimin’s, Jimin releasing an ‘Ah’ followed by a pout.

“I’ll hold your hand again as soon as I start the car.” Yoongi assured, seeing Jimin’s pout from the corner of his eye. He did what he said and held Jimin’s hand again, pulling out of the parking garage.

The restaurant was fairly empty when the two got there, which Yoongi found to be peculiar seeing as it was Friday.

The inside of the restaurant smelled delicious and it was only making Jimin hungrier. They sat down at a little booth in the corner and waited for their order to be taken.

“So I’ve been meaning to ask you, what are we now?” Yoongi asked leaning forward into his hands.

“Nothing yet, hyung.. You’re still dating Taehyung. We aren’t anything.”

“But you like me right?”

Jimin’s face turned red,” Yes, I like you.”

“And I like you. So aren’t we two people, who like each other who are dating.”

“We are two people who like each other, on a date.”

“You’re so difficult.” Yoongi huffed.

“I don’t want you to say we’re dating until you aren’t Taehyung’s boyfriend,” Jimin’s eyes became dark and serious,” I don’t want to share. I don’t care if that’s selfish.”

“You don’t share me, I’m yours, Jimin.”

Jimin’s heart pounded hard in his chest and he sighed,” If Taehyung wanted too, he could still kiss you, and snuggle with you, and go on dates with you, because you are his boyfriend. I’ve been saying that all night. So can we talk about.. I don’t know. Anything else?”

“Sure.” Yoongi sighed. The waitress approached the table and took their orders, each ended up ordering water.

“So do you remember what you said to me at your party?”

Jimin thought for a moment, but shook his head.

“You said that you wanted to be held, because you’re always alone.”

“Oh.. I said that? How embarrassing. Jimin turned his snapback around so the bill was in the front and pulled it down in front of his face.

Yoongi took the hat off of Jimin’s head and turned it back around,” The reason I bring that up, is because I want you to know that I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone anymore.”

“Hyung.. I’m fine really.” Jimin chuckled.

“Don’t lie to me.” Yoongi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.


“If you’re ever feeling lonely just call me. If you just want to talk to someone I’ll be there, but don’t say your alone, you’ll never be alone as long as I’m here.”

“Hyung.. Thank you, but I don’t get lonely often. My parents love me, and yeah they work a lot but they always make time to eat at least one meal with me and my mother calls me every change she gets during the day. I can go visit my dad at work if I want too. Sometimes how big my house is just gets a little…. Over whelming.”

“Well when you are lonely, just call –“ Yoongi’s phone went off and he apologized for the noise to the table next to them while pulling out his phone. He sighed when he looked at the screen.

“Hey… Right Now?… Tae I’m a little busy at the moment…”

Jimin fiddled his thumbs.

“Fine. All right. All right! I’m coming. I have to do some things first, but I’ll be there. Just stop crying.”

Crying? Jimin looked up at Yoongi with curious eyes. I hope he isn’t crying because of me, Jimin thought.

Yoongi hung up the phone and sighed, rubbing his temples,” Jimin-“

“It’s fine, hyung. Take me home.” Jimin’s chair screeched as it was pushed away from the table.

“Jimin let’s eat first.”

“It’s okay, Hyung. I’ll just eat at home by myself.” Jimin said with more bitterness than he had meant too. He mentally smacked himself. He wasn’t really mad at Yoongi, he was just disappointed that his first date with Yoongi was interrupted by Taehyung, reminding Jimin of all the wring things he is currently doing. He knows that Taehyung said it was okay, but Jimin’s conscience is still beating him up. Before Yoongi could answer him, he started towards the car.

The car ride home was extremely quiet, Yoongi was scared of what to say to Jimin and Jimin just didn’t know what to say. Yoongi tried his luck and reached for Jimin’s hand, only to frown when Jimin pulled his hand away. It isn’t that Jimin didn’t want to hold Yoongi’s hand, or again, because he was mad, He just kept thinking about how Taehyung was crying because of him, and it kind of killed whatever mood Yoongi was trying to set from them.

When they pulled into Jimin’s driveway, Jimin was prepared to leave silently.

“Jimin.” Yoongi’s voice was so gentle in made Jimin shiver and he looked at Yoongi, practically paralyzed,” Don’t be mad..”

“I’m not mad. I’m disappointed.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“You know this is why I said we weren’t anything yet. If we were something.. Anything, you wouldn’t be taking me home early from our date, actually not even early, before it even started, because Taehyung called you crying.” Jimin opened the door, to get out.

“I’ll come back as soon as I’m done.” Yoongi grabbed Jimin’s arm to make sure he could say that before Jimin got out.

“No, hyung, stay with Taehyung. Make sure he is okay. I’m going to go.” Jimin pushed off Yoongi’s hand and got out. He entered the code to his house and pushed the door open without waving goodbye to Yoongi.

When Jimin shut the door, he peeped through the hole to make sure Yoongi had left before locking his door back and leaning against it. A few heavy breaths later, he was dragging his feet up to his room. He stripped off Yoongi’s clothes and changed into his own, not wanting to smell like Yoongi at the moment. Jimin looked around his dark room, burying his face in his knees and sighing.

“I’m lonely. Where are you? Stupid hyung.”

Jimin’s phone buzzed with a text and he only looked long enough to see that it was Yoongi, before turning off his phone and getting under the covers to sleep his worries away.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting