Chapter 8

Skool Luv Affairs

By the third day Jimin mustered up the strength to finally go to school, his muscles ached from not dancing for 3 days and his eye bags had never been deeper, but he still decided that he couldn’t miss anymore days this semester or his parents would be getting a call from the school.

“Park Jimin! Where have you been?” Jin hyung asked in a worried tone, hugging the boy when he saw the pathetic state that he was in. Jimin just sat down at their usual table they sit at before classes, laying his head against the cold tabletop, opting to say anything back to Jin.

Jin just sighed and sat in front of Jimin, rubbing his head in a motherly way,” it’s okay, Jimin. Whatever it is, it’s okay.” Jimin sighed, and enjoyed the affectionate touches of his hyung.

“Jimin.. You were assigned to be my partner in dance class. I knew there had to be a good reason you’d been missing school so I started our routine on my own, if there is something that you don’t like about it you can change it, okay?” Hoseok threw one of his famous aegyos at Jimin that would usually leave him giggling and eye smiling but Jimin just sighed, turning his head away from his hyung because today Hoseok’s aegyo was only making his headache worse.

“It’s best to just leave him alone when he gets like this.” Jungkook said to his hyungs.

“Is this about what happened with Yoongi on Tuesday?” Namjoon asked cautiously, the three boys looked at Namjoon, excluding Jimin, who just groaned at the mention of Yoongi’s name.

“I’ll take that as a yes..” Namjoon sighed,” Look kiddo, Yoongi is just as broken up about this whole thing as you, so maybe you should just try talking to him.”

“What happened with Yoongi?” Jin asked.

“Something is up with him, Jimin came to ask him why he didn’t text him back on Monday night and Yoongi went off on him, yelling at him and everything.”

“But why?”

Namjoon shrugged,” Beats me.”

Jimin didn’t want to hear people talking about him around him, so he got up, and left the table. Walking to his first class alone.

Jimin opted out of eating lunch with everyone today and decided to just take a nap in the dance room, resting his bag under his head and sighed at how oddly comfortable he was, and dozed off, knowing he’d be easily awoken by his classmates trickling in when it was time for him to wake up.

“Is Jimin not here again today?” Yoongi asked sitting down at the table, tray in hand.

“No he’s here.” Namjoon added.

“Is he not eating with us today?”

Jungkook snorted and continued to eat his soup.

“I wonder where he is.”

“Probably hiding from you, I would.” Jungkook finally snapped, standing up abruptly.

“Jungkook!” Jin scolded.

Jungkook brushed off Jin’s scolding and dumped his lunch in the trash, walking away from the table with an angry huff.

“No he’s right, Jin.” Yoongi tried to smile to reassure Jin but failed and just sighed.

“Why’d you yell at him?”

“I just yelled, people yell all the time. He was causing a scene so I told him to go back to class and he wouldn’t listen. I only raised my voice a little bit, I’m not going to apologize when I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But does Jimin see it that way?”

Yoongi was silent as he stared into his bowl of soup.

“Have you two ever fought before?”

“Well yeah, but we aren’t fighting. Jimin just needs to grow up.”

Jin rolled his eyes.

“You forcefully took Jimin home for no reason Monday night, You didn’t text him all evening, and the when he told you he was worried about you and asked you why you couldn’t just text him once, you said you were busy after we left the studio. You lied to him, when I know you were at home doing nothing as soon as we were finished at the studio. He just wanted answers from you because you were acting weird for no reason and you snapped at him. Did you see his face before he left? You hurt him. I’m sorry, man, but I really think you’re the one who needs to grow up and apologize to Jimin.”

Yoongi sighed and ended up leaving the table as well, mixed feelings of anger and regret in his mind as he went looking for Jimin. The first place he looked was the locker room, and then he started searching every dance room until he luckily stumbled upon the one Jimin was taking his nap in.

He walked towards the sleeping boy and sat in front of him, slowly shaking him awake and watching him stir in his sleep. When Jimin’s eyes opened he was groggy, and he didn’t expect to see Yoongi sitting in front of him.

He sat up with a jolt, rubbing his eyes and trying to focus on any patch of the floor that he could, as long as he didn’t have to look at Yoongi.

“Hi..” Yoongi finally said, Jimin didn’t say anything.

“I think I need to apologize to you.” Yoongi sighed,” Can you please look at me?”

Jimin shook his head and kept his eyes focused on the floor,” I was so worried, you always answer my texts. I was worried something happened to you.. You’ve never yelled at me before…” Jimin’s voice was weak, but Yoongi had heard it.

That’s when Yoongi realized why this had been such a big deal to Jimin, Yoongi’s voice had never gone an octave above kind and caring when he talked to Jimin, and Jimin must be scared out his mind now, thinking he’d done something so horrible that Yoongi finally raised his voice at him.

“, Jimin, I’m so sorry! I didn’t even realize. , It wasn’t even something I really needed to raise my voice about, , , !” Yoongi pulled his hair in frustration, but Jimin was still silent.

“Look.. I was feeling insecure.. And I took it out on you when I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry, okay? I’m really sorry.”

“Insecure? Why?” Jimin’s voice was still barely over a whisper, but Yoongi could read his lips enough to know what he was saying.

Yoongi was silent now and he covered his face, too ashamed to look at Jimin now,” You told Namjoon you liked his voice..”

Jimin finally looked at Yoongi and blinked, not understanding what this would make Yoongi insecure.

“It’s always been my voice you wanted to hear… You always liked my voice. When you told Namjoon you liked his voice and you wanted to hear it again, I felt this flash of anger and possessiveness. All I could think about that night was, this is it, Jimin is going to cheat on me with Namjoon, just like Taehyung cheated on me with Hoseok. I started thinking about all the things that must be wrong with me, what is it that I don’t have and I didn’t answer your texts because I was so mad! I regretted taking you to the studio so much. Then when you came to the vocal room, It made me mad that you were angry over me not texting you back when you had so easily moved onto wanting to hear Namjoon rap. So I yelled, and I realize now that this is stupid but-“

Jimin giggled and that caused Yoongi to stop and scowl,” This is funny to you?”

“I think it is funny how you think I could like Namjoon hyung.”

Yoongi was silent.

“Yeah, I like hyung’s voice, but it could never be yours. When I heard your voice I knew I liked you almost instantly. I didn’t even need to see your face to know I liked you. It isn’t like that with Namjoon. I want to hear his voice because I enjoy his rap style. You can’t be jealous of Namjoon, because you have something that he doesn’t have.” Jimin pulled his knees up to his chest and laid his head on one knee.

“What’s that?”


Yoongi’s heart raced and he found himself now smiling at Jimin.

“You’re my Suga oppa. Namjoon couldn’t ever be my Suga oppa.” Jimin sighed, he smiled to himself, pleased to know that Yoongi had gotten so jealous over him, but concerned because of just how insecure Taehyung has made Yoongi.

“That’s right, I’m your Suga oppa and don’t you forget it.” Yoongi smiled ear to ear, reaching out to hold Jimin’s hand.

“So we’re okay?” Yoongi asked cautiously.

Jimin nodded and rubbed his thumb over the back on Yoongi’s hand,” We’re okay.”

“I promise I won’t yell at you anymore, Jagi.”

“It’s not that you can’t yell. I was just surprised. I’ve done really stupid stuff in the past, but you’ve never yelled at me.”

“I know.. but I will talk to you first from now on before I raise my voice.” Yoongi pulled Jimin into a hug and Jimin snuggled comfortably into his hyung.


Yoongi looked at Jimin, but his eyes were closed,” I’m glad our fights don’t last long.”

“Me too.”

“And it makes me happy that you felt jealous because of Namjoon.”

“Oh really?” Yoongi smirked, shaking his head.

“Yeah, I’m always the jealous one. When people calling you Suga, and how much time you spend with Namjoon, and your relationship with Taehyung..”

Yoongi chuckled and Jimin opened his eyes, blushing,” I-it isn’t funny!” Jimin cried out, arms crossed.

“No it is cute. Don’t be jealous of mine and Taehyung’s relationship, because if you didn’t know, it crashed and burned, it is over.” Yoongi played with Jimin’s hands,” There is nothing to be jealous of.”

“But you have..” Jimin cleared his throat, his face flushing an even darker red now,” So many experiences with him.”

Yoongi really laughed now and ran his hand under Jimin’s shirt, causing Jimin to gasp,” Then let’s make our own experiences.” Yoongi bit Jimin’s ear and Jimin moaned, but then shook his head and pulled away from Yoongi.

“What is up with you and wanting to touch me in public places?!”

“You’re the one who told me I can touch when and where I want.” Yoongi smirked.

“Bu-but, I didn’t mean ‘there.’ Do that at home!”

“Fine, I will.”

Jimin face palmed and Yoongi just laughed.

The two bickered a little longer before they found themselves changing for dance class. Jimin was relieved when his friends told him that he looked much brighter now and he would sneak peeks at Yoongi when he thought he wasn’t looking, only to find Yoongi staring back at him, both of them smiling.

Yoongi waited for Jimin outside of the dance room that day, knowing that Jimin usually came out to fill his water bottle around the same time. He smiled when he was proven right when he saw his boyfriend exit the practice room; he grabbed Jimin from behind, startling the younger. Yoongi’s arms wrapped around Jimin and he kissed his neck, enjoying the reactions of the squirming boy in his arms.

“Suga, we’re in public!” Jimin decided he’d been saying that a little too much lately.

“So? A little PDA never hurt anybody.” Yoongi kissed his neck again.

“Why aren’t you in class?” Jimin giggled, and turned and gave Yoongi a quick peck, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s neck.

“Because I wanted to see you.”

“You could have seen me after class.” Jimin chuckled.

“That wasn’t soon enough.” Yoongi pecked Jimin on the nose.

“Well, I have to go back to class.”

“Hmm, come over to my place later, I missed you.”

“I missed you too, but I can’t I have a lot of homework after missing two days.”

“Do your homework at my house.”

“Now you know that if I go to your house I won’t be doing any homework.” Jimin side eyed Yoongi and he gave a sleazy smile.

“Yes you will I promise.” Yoongi gave Jimin puppy dog eyes.

Jimin sighed and finally nodded,” Okay, I’ll come over, but don’t you dare think that we are doing anything other than homework until I’m finished!” Jimin poked Yoongi in the chest.

Yoongi nodded and smiled, letting Jimin go to fill up his water bottle.

Yoongi felt like the minutes couldn’t tick by any slower as he laid, sprawled out on the vocal room floor, unused microphone in hand.

He did a deep sigh and furrowed his brows.

“What’s up with you.” Namjoon said in annoyance.

“I want to see Jimin.”

“Did you make up with him?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

Yoongi nodded.  Namjoon’s features softened and he didn’t look annoyed with the older anymore,” Good.”

“Why were you being such a in the first place?”

“Watch it, Namjoon. I’m still your hyung.”

Yoongi and Namjoon burst out into laughter.

“No but seriously, why?”

“I was jealous of you.” Yoongi puffed out his lips in a pout.

“And why is that?”

“Cause Jimin liked your voice. When Jimin and I started talking it was because he liked to listen to me rap.”

“I’m straight.”

“So was Hoseok.”

“So this is all about Taehyung.”

“No, It’s about Jimin.”

“But it isn’t though. You were jealous because you think Jimin is going to do what Taehyung did.”

Yoongi covered his eyes with his arm,” I don’t want to lose Jimin like I lost Taehyung.”

“First of all, you didn’t lose Taehyung, he chose to cheat. Jimin isn’t like that.”

“How do you know?”

“That kid is infatuated with you. Honestly, I think it’ll be you to break his heart.”

“Don’t say that!” Yoongi shot up,” I don’t want to hurt, Jimin.”

“So don’t. Stop being such a , don’t concern yourself with the past because it is only going to hurt you, and especially hurt Jimin.”

“You’re right. I’m just a chicken.” Yoongi sighed and laid back down.

“Just tell him how you really feel, these are things you should talk about.”

“When did you become the gay couple guru?” Yoongi huffed.

“When my best friend decided he was gay.”

Yoongi grinned.

Jimin has never felt pain, like the pain he felt now, Jimin thought he hurt after not dancing for three days, but that was nothing compared to this. His muscles were screaming, he could barely move. Once he’d stopped dancing, after dancing his heart out his body just collapsed once school was over and now he is just a puddle of goop on the dance room floor.

His phone rings and he groans as he lifts his noodle lips to answer it.


“Min, where are you? We are all going out for pizza.”

“Hyung I can’t move.”

“What?! What do you mean you can’t move?”

“I think I danced too hard.”

“Damn it Jimin! I keep telling you not to push yourself so hard!”

“I didn’t do anything I don’t usually do.” Jimin pouted.

“Hold on, we’re coming to get you.”

The phone beeped, indicating the call was over and Jimin let his phone drop by his face, closing his eyes, and waiting for the others.

“You’ve done it now Park Jimin.” Jungkook sighed, Jimin heard him tut.

“Jimin looked up to see 6 boys staring down at him,” Hey, what’s up guys.”

“Jimin seriously, with the dancing.” Jin shook his head.

“How was I supposed to know I’d end up like this?”

“Because this isn’t the first time it has happened, you goof!” Jungkook snapped and kicked Jimin in the leg

“Ow, ow. No don’t do that. Please don’t do that.” Jimin winced.

“Alright, so how are we going to do this?” Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck.
“I don’t know just be gentle. It hurts.”

“Jimin, can we just take a minute to acknowledge that you DANCED SO HARD. YOU LITERALLY CANNOT MOVE.”

“You’re angry.” Jimin thought he shrugged but his shoulders didn’t really move.”

“Yes! I am angry, because it is always me, dragging you home on my back, give me your arms.” Jungkook held out his hands.

“But you love me because you don’t leave me here to die.” Jimin said with a fake choked sob, he would wipe away a tear if he could move his arms.

“Shut up, and give me your arms.” Jungkook snapped, but he was grinning.

Jungkook managed to get Jimin onto his back in one swift motion, only receiving a few pained grumbles from the older.

“Wow Jungkook you handled that like a pro.” Namjoon said with awe.

“It happens a lot more than you think it does.” Jungkook rolled his eyes,” Jimin literally has his body trained to dance everyday and if he doesn’t dance for extended periods of time and then starts up again, well. This happens.”

Jimin gave a nervous chuckle,” It doesn’t happen THAT often. I dance all the time.”

“Yoongi hyung, you’re going to have to stop and get like 84 bags of ice. We don’t live that far from here so some of you can just walk with me and we’ll put Jimin in the car.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Yoongi still looked concerned,” Are you sure you’re okay, Jimin?”

“I will be. I know what to do when this happens. No sweat.”

“You say that but you can’t even move your head to look at me.” Yoongi crossed his arms.

“Okay, enough chatter. Let’s go.” Jungkook started towards the exit.

Once Jimin was settled and into the car, ice bags were bought and everyone was back at Jimin’s house, the able bodied boys began pouring ice into the large tub in Jimin’s bathroom.

“Don’t forget to add a little water.” Jimin laid facedown on the bed where Jungkook had left him.

“Jimin I know how to make an ice bath.” Jungkook snapped.

Once the bath was prepared, Jungkook placed a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder.

“Usually I undress him, but since you’re here you can do it.

Yoongi’s face went a little red, along with Jimin’s who was now sitting on the floor of the bathroom.

The 5 boys quickly exited, leaving Yoongi and Jimin alone in the bathroom.

“Um.. I can do it myself hyung.”

“N.. No. I don’t know why you’re being so shy. I’ve seen.. Everything before.”

Jimin’s face turned bright red,” No. I can do it.”

Yoongi didn’t argue with Jimin,” Okay. I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.”

Yoongi scurried out of the bathroom.

Yoongi stood leaned against the wall outside the bathroom, until he heard “AH!” and the sloshing of the water, indicating that Jimin had made it into the bath, only then did he go to sit down with the others in front of the television.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting