Chapter 12

Skool Luv Affairs

Helloooo, A/N There is some mentions of alcohol in this chapter. So if they makes you uncomfortable you probably shouldn't read this chapter! Enjoy! and sorry I couldn't upload this last night! I'm a college student, it's really hard to try and update every week T.T

- Author-nim


“Shuuuuuuuggaaa.” Jimin shouted, knocking on the door.

“Jimin?” Yoongi said, pushing open the door of his apartment, His sweatpants hung low on his waist and Jimin stared down, blinking a couple times.

“Hi, You look y.” Jimin said sloppily, falling to the side a little.

“Thanks? Jimin are you okay?” Yoongi said helping the boy inside his apartment.

“I’m fantastic!” Jimin threw his arms around Yoongi’s neck,” Kiss me.”

That is when Yoongi smelled the alcohol on his breath.

“Jimin have you been drinking?” Yoongi said pulling Jimin arms from around his neck.

“Just a littllleeee teeny bit.” Jimin giggled, holding up his fingers in a pinching shape.

Yoongi sighed,” Jimin-“

Jimin kissed Yoongi, hands around his waist, wasting no time to slide his hand into Yoongi’s sweats causing him to groan.

“Jimin. Stop.” Yoongi said breaking their kiss, he pushed Jimin’s hands away.

Jimin giggled,” Why?” Jimin was back on Yoongi and Yoongi did the same, pushing Jimin away.

“Jimin, you need to stop.” Yoongi said, exasperated.

Jimin pouted, taking his shirt off as he backed up towards the couch, sitting as soon as his calves touched the edge,” You don’t want me?”

“I do.. Just not like this Jimin, you’re drunk.” Yoongi sighed, running his hand through his messy hair.

“But..” Jimin laid back on the sofa, sliding his hand into his pants with dirty moan escaping his lips,” You like this right? When I touched myself last time, You liked it.” Jimin’s hand slid up his torso, tweaking his and he let out another moan.

Yoongi was aroused, yet he found his anger rising, and tried to cool off, remembering that Jimin was intoxicated and probably wouldn’t remember this in the morning.

“Jimin stop, let’s go. Now. It is time for bed.” Yoongi said, yanking Jimin up off the couch.

“Oh, you’re getting rough with me? I like it.” Jimin giggled, throwing his head back as

Yoongi dragged Jimin into the bedroom and placed him down on the bed. Jimin was asleep almost instantly when his head hit the pillow.

Yoongi rubbed his forehead, a headache threatening to arise. He fixed Jimin on his bed and slid covers over the boy, crawling in next to him, and closing his eyes to sleep.

Jimin woke up with a groan, His head was pounding, and his throat was dry, he really needed a glass of water.

Jimin tried to sit up but there was a weight resting on his waist, Jimin started to panic.

There is someone in my house! In my bed! Jimin though to himself, the person next to Jimin stirred and yawned Jimin stiffened.

“Jagi, are you awake?”

Jimin smiled and physically relaxed, pushing his body closer to the familiar boy,” What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy.”

“You’re in my house, Jimin.” Yoongi said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

Jimin sat up and looked around, definitely confused.

‘Why am I here?” Jimin asked Yoongi.

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“Why are you mad? I can tell by your voice, you’re mad.” Jimin pouted.

“Jimin do you remember anything from last night?” Yoongi leaned up.

“I was with Jongup and the others, Junhong handed me this really yummy juice, we played games and watched television and now I’m here.” Jimin’s face contorted, noticing these things didn’t add up.

Yoongi because angrier,” Jimin, Junhong got you drunk.”

“No way.. He wouldn’t do that.”

“Jimin, are you serious right now?! You just said he is the one who handed you “juice” and you most definitely disturbed me with your drunkenness last night!”

“You’re yelling at me…”

“Yes Jimin, I’m furious. I trusted you, and I told you I don’t trust them, but you still got hammered witht hem?! Who knows where you could have ended up last night drunk off your !”

Jimin recoiled, hiding himself in the blankets.

“I’m sorry.” Jimin whispered.

“Go take a shower Jimin, You can borrow one of my uniforms, you smell terrible.” Yoongi rolled back over away from Jimin.

Jimin got up and began stripping his clothes off,” It isn’t my fault, Yoongi..”

“Jimin, take a shower. I don’t want to talk about this right now.”

Jimin let the water run over his body for quite a while before actually washing up. When he got out, Yoongi was gone and he’d left a uniform out on the bed for Jimin. Jimin pouted as he got dressed and opened the door of Yoongi’s bedroom once he was finished, he walked out into the living room to see Yoongi leaned against the couch,” there is breakfast in the kitchen, take the medicine after you eat, I don’t want you throwing up today.”

Jimin nodded and silently sat down at the small dining table in the kitchen. He watched his boyfriend as he ate, Yoongi watched him. The whole situation was quite awkward, and Jimin can’t take this.


“Not now, Jimin. I already know what you’re going to say.”


“I don’t want to hear you defend them. You make your own choices to hang out with them. I have nothing to say about it. Eat your food.”

“Yes you do.” Jimin choked back tears,” Just because I want to do things on my own without you babying me doesn’t mean I don’t care about what you think, Yoongi! If you don’t like something you can talk to me.”

“When you got here last night you threw yourself at me! Jimin do you know how ty I would have felt if you woke up and you couldn’t remember your first time? You could have been taken advantage of by those guys, I already do not trust them, they could have done something to you and you were too piss drunk to even know what was going on!” Yoongi snapped, causing Jimin to wince.

“But they wouldn’t do anything to me like that, even if they aren’t good guys like you say, they aren’t rapists.” Jimin snapped back,” Besides, Junhong wouldn’t let that happen.”

“It’s always about Junhong.” Yoongi growled,” You’ll let him protect you, but not me?”

“I don’t need protected! I’m not saying he will protect me, I’m saying he knows what is right and he wouldn’t do like that.”

“If Junhong is such a great guy, why don’t you just date him instead? Better yet, just date all of them, since you like being with them so much.”

Jimin’s mouth hung open, Jimin couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Are we breaking up?” Jimin whispered.

Yoongi shrugged,” I guess we are.”

“Fine.“ Jimin snapped, He rushed into Yoongi’s bedroom and snatched up his uniform.

“I’m leaving first.”

“Let me take you to school.”

“No thanks, my backpack is at my house, and I’d rather walk with Junhong, or better yet, walk with all of them.” Jimin didn’t hold back any of the venom in his voice.

Jimin slammed the door behind him, and Yoongi growled, kicking the couch so hard it scraped across the wood floor as it moved.

Jimin screamed as soon as he entered his house, the walk from Yoongi’s to his house only made him angrier, he took several detours, until he broke down and began to cry, deciding that it was time to go home.

Jimin knew that Junhong was already at school, because now Jimin was late, and decided he just wasn’t going to go today.

“Where is Jimin?” Junhong asked, sitting down next to Jungkook.

“I don’t know, His mom said he didn’t come home last night.” Jungkook said, now beginning to worry.

“Yongguk dropped him off at Yoongi’s house, so where is he?” The question was directed at Yoongi.

“I dunno, he left early this morning and said he was going to walk with you.” Yoongi shrugged.

“I haven’t seen Jimin.” Junhong shook his head.

“He left early enough to make it home in time for class..” Yoongi said now worried as well, he may be mad at Jimin but he didn’t want anything to happen to that idiot.

“Okay, no one panic, we will look for him.” Jin said to calm everyone down.

“That idiot.” Yoongi sighed, rubbing his forehead.

“Why didn’t you just drive him this morning?” Jungkook snapped.

“He didn’t want me too.” Yoongi growled.

Junhong’s phone beeped and he pulled it out of his pocket,” Oh! It’s from Jimin.” Junhong smiled,” He wants me to come over to his place later, He must have stayed home today.”

Everyone at the table physically relaxed except for Yoongi,” Do me a favor and try not to get him faced this time.”

Junhong frowned,” That isn’t fair, I didn’t know there was alcohol in that stuff and neither did Jimin.”

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“Jimin was drunk? Jimin hates drinking..” Jungkook said, tilting his head.

“Yep. Your buddy here got him plastered and then dropped him off at my place last night.”

“I did not!” Junhong snapped,” That isn’t how it happened!”

“So Jimin wasn’t drunk last night?” Yoongi crossed his arms.

“Listen up, . Don’t blame your ing problems with Jimin on me, that kid really freaking likes you and you walk all over him. So can it, anything that happens with Jimin is your own damn fault!” Junhong got up and walked away.

“All of our Maknae’s have such colorful vocabulary.” Hoseok sighed.

“He learned from the best,” Jungkook beamed,” Now what did you do to Jimin?” Jungkook looked at Yoongi.

Yoongi ignored him getting up from the table and walking off.

Later that day, Jimin and Junhong, and the others were lying around in Jimin’s room.

“Hyung, apologize!” Junhong snapped, slapping Yongguk on the arm.

“I’m sorry we got you drunk without asking you guys first.” Yongguk muttered.

“No, it’s really no big deal, but you guys can do me a favor.” Jimin smirked, he looked so innocent with his legs swinging as he laid on his stomach.

“What?” Himchan raised an eyebrow.

“Pretend to be my boyfriend. All of you.” Jimin said, and Junhong laughed.

“All of us? Jimin what is wrong with you?”

“I want to get back at Yoongi, and make him watch what he says to me,” Jimin sat up and sat on his bed Indian style,” He told me that if Junhong is such a great friend then I should just date him instead, or if I like hanging out with you guys so much that I should just date all of you.”

“Jimin, I told you Yoongi is an !” Junhong yelled.

“I know, but I like that .” Jimin scrunched up his nose.

“And what is in if for us?” Yongguk asked, clearly interested in the whole thing.

“You get to piss of Yoongi. I know all to well how much you guys don’t like each other, it is the perfect opportunity to get under his skin.”

“I’m in.” Yongguk answered quickly, the others agreed.

“Great, make his as mad as you can. I’m talking kisses, hugs, slaps, I don’t care. Yoongi needs to know what is like to miss me.” Jimin crossed his arms.

“Miss you?” Jongup asked.

Jimin nodded,” We broke up..”

“Over some alcohol?” Daehyun huffed in amusement.

“It’s a little more than that but still.”

“If you broke up then that’s all the info I need,” Jongup smirked,” Don’t worry, Min, I’ll make sure he knows exactly what he’s missing.”

“Thanks guys.”

“Our pleasure, honestly.” Yonnguk chuckled.

“Why do you guys dislike him so much?” Jimin asked, truly curious.

“He moved out of no where and destroyed my rap scene and took my title.” Yongguk growled.

“I really liked Taehyung before Yoongi and him started dating..” Daehyun added, his tone was a little sad.

Jimin felt his heart ache for Daehyun just a little bit.

“But his goal wasn’t “ruin Yongguk’s rap scene,” He loves rapping and he heard about the battles and went to them, it wasn’t like he went in just to bring down the Yongguk empire.”

“Whatever, It’s done now, we don’t like each other. That’s the end of it.” Yongguk added sternly.

Jimin pouted.

The next day at lunch, Jimin had his game face on; he was 110% ready to take down Min Yoongi. Okay, maybe not take him down, but operation “make Suga jealous as hell” is a go.

He walked into the cafeteria and right past his usual table to get his food, on the trip back Taehyung spoke up.

“Jimin, Hi!” Taehyung waved happily. Jimin smiled and waved back and him but continued walking past their table.

“You’re not going to eat with us today?” Taehyung pouted.

“No, I think I’ll eat with Junhong today.” Jimin smirked.

Yoongi rolled his eyes,” Here we go.”

“Did you guys fight again?” Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Jimin cocked his head to the side.

“Jimin this really isn’t the time for this.” Yoongi snapped.

“He broke up with me yesterday.” Jimin shrugged, ignoring Yoongi completely.

“WHAT?!” The entire table screamed in unison, the cafeteria became quiet.

“Jimin!” Junhong yelled across the cafeteria, smiling and waving, while walking towards them. Jimin waved, just as Junhong got there to wrap his arm around Jimin’s waist and kiss his cheek. It was kind of uncomfortable for Jimin, but he let it happen.

“Eat with us.” Junhong shinned his award-winning smile, usually only saved for a girl he likes.

“I planned on it, I’ll be there in a second.” Jimin smiled at him.

“Really, Jimin.” Yoongi snapped.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jimin shrugged once more.

“Junhong?” Yoongi raised his voice,” Really?! We broke up a day ago!”

“I don’t see why you’re so upset.” Jimin set his tray down on the table and crossed his arms,” I took your advice, If Junhong is such a great guy, why don’t you date him instead.” Jimin slammed his hands down on the table, causing things to fall over and trays to clink together. His eyes narrowed,” Better yet, I started dating all of them, since I love hanging out with them so much.” Jimin spat. He snatched his tray up off the table and walked away to sit with Junhong.

The eyes of the 6 shocked boys followed Jimin, jaws dropped when Jimin placed his tray down and slid into the lap of Jongup, arms around his neck. Jongup smirked at Yoongi and planted a kiss right on Jimin’s lips.

“Jongup!” Jimin said, leaning by his ear,” Too much!”

“You said kissing was okay.” Jongup shrugged.

“But I thought you’d kiss my cheeks!” Jimin chuckled, Jongup kissed a spot on Jimin’s neck before joining him in laughter.

Five shocked boys snapped their heads to look at Yoongi.

That’s when Jungkook lost it and burst out into laughter.

“Do you think this is funny?” Yoongi snapped.

“Hilarious. I have never seen Jimin do something so devious in my life.” Jungkook continued to laugh,” You have created a monster.” Jungkook picked up his tray and left the table going to sit with Jimin and the others.

“You broke up with him.?!” Taehyung raised his voice,” You’re such a ing idiot!”

“Hey, stop it.” Hoseok cooed, trying to calm down Taehyung.

“No! I won’t calm down! He likes you! He really ing likes you, head! So much that when he told me he liked you, he broke down into tears and said he was sorry, because he hurt me, and he didn’t think there was a way for him to give up on you! And you broke up with him?! Why? Give me one ing good, logical reason you thought that was okay.”

“I.. don’t have one. I was really angry in that moment, and I didn’t mean too.. It just happened.” Yoongi slumped down into his chair,” You think I want to let go of Jimin? I was going to apologize today and fix it… but how am I supposed to do that when he is like this?”

“You did that. That is your fault.” Namjoon sighed,” Honestly, Jungkook is right, I didn’t know Jimin had it in him to be so devious.”

“Do you really thing he is dating all of them?”

“Of course he isn’t, He planned this obviously, of course they said they’d help cause they all hate Yoongi’s guts. Do you see how uncomfortable he was pretending? He’s only doing it to get back at Yoongi for breaking his fragile little heart.”

“Namjoon.” Jin warned.

“Well that is what you did. You broke up with him. You know he is dedicated to you, and it’s only been 3 months.”

Yoongi wasn’t listening; he pulled out his phone and texted Jimin. We need to talk. I’m sorry. Meet me after dance block 1?

It didn’t take long for Jimin’s response. That’s not how it is going to work this time, Suga.

“He doesn’t want to talk.” Yoongi pouted, tossing his phone onto the table.

“Try anyway. He’s just mad. FIX IT, Yoongi.” Namjoon threw his of food away, and got up leaving.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting