Chapter 11

Skool Luv Affairs

Jimin stretched out on his bed as his alarm clock rang in his ear. He was too hot, but he didn’t have the heart to push his adorable cuddly boyfriend off of him. Jimin heard a knock on the door and he quickly panicked, trying to cover the lower half of his boyfriend before his mother could open the door.

“Mom, hi.” Jimin chuckled nervously. His mother raised an eyebrow.

“I see you had a guest last night.” She didn’t sound angry but she didn’t sound happy.

“Stop thinking weird things mom, it isn’t what it looks like.” Jimin groaned, but in truth it was exactly what it looked like.

“Jimin, honey. I can’t stop you from doing what you do in your spare time, but please, be.. safe about it.”

Jimin’s cheeks flushed red right as Yoongi stirred awake next to him.

“Mmm, good morning.” Yoongi smiled at Jimin.

“Good morning, Yoongi.” His mother answered first. Yoongi sprung up and fixed his hair, clearing his throat,” H-hi.” His face was now red too.

“Showers. Now. Don’t be late for school.” His mother glared at Jimin playfully, shutting the door.

“I love you mom!” Jimin shouted after her.

“That is an event that I could have gone my entire life without being apart of.” Yoongi sighed.

“My mom always comes to wake me up in the morning, I forgot..” Jimin chuckled awkwardly.

“I’ll shower first.” Yoongi said, getting up. Jimin’s eyes twinkled as he followed Yoongi’s bare bottom with his eyes and he disappeared into the bathroom. Once the two were dressed, and ready they made their way out to Yoongi’s car.

“I’m really glad my mom didn’t say anything about us around my dad.” Jimin breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why’s that. I mean, me too, but what would your dad do?” Yoongi gulped.

“He’s very protective of me when it comes to.. that. Who knows what he would have done if he’d caught us or if my mom told him.”

“So your dad may or may not kill me for giving you a . Wonderful.” Yoongi groaned.

Jimin smiled,” Yeah he might, but wasn’t it fun.” Jimin’s eyes lit up.

Yoongi laughed,” It was fun.”

“I’ll try to swallow all of it next time.” Jimin purred, running his hand up Yoongi’s inner thigh.

Yoongi swerved momentarily into the other lane and back,” Jimin! I’m driving.”

Jimin and Yoongi walked into the cafeteria hand in hand, turning a couple heads, Jimin had never noticed this before and looked weary as he sat down at the table.

“Why was everyone looking at us when we came in?” Jimin asked Yoongi, he never let go of Yoongi’s hand. Yongi just shrugged.

“You don’t hear the rumors?” Taehyung asked.

Jimin and Yoongi shook his head and Taehyung sighed,” They call you guys the power couple. Yoongi is the best rapper and Jimin is the best dancer. Most people are jealous of you two, but you hear a lot about people “shipping” you.”


“It’s like a fantasy pairing of you guys together.”

“But we are together.”

“Not so much fantasy.” Taehyung rolled his eyes.

“You guys are cute, we’ve told you that. You’re a popular couple and people like to see you together.” Jin added.

Jimin smiled, he liked the idea of him and Yoongi being a popular couple, but he also liked that it let everyone know that Yoongi was his and he was hands off.

“You guys don’t usually come in together, and in fact, Mom said you already left with Yoongi when I came to walk with you.” Jungkook narrowed his eyes.

“Oh crap, sorry Jungkook I completely forgot!” Jimin said apologetically.

“Spent the night, hmm?” Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows and elbowed Yoongi in the arm.

Yoongi rolled his eyes but smiled.

“Hey, Baby J!” The boys heard from across the room. Jimin looked around as if he were looking for someone, then smiled and waved when he saw Jongup coming towards them.

“Hey. The guys want to dance after school. Do you want to dance with us?”

“I can’t crump.” Jimin pouted.

“No problem, we’ll do it slow, just for you.” Jongup winked.

“Okay, cool, see you guys after school.”

“Later, Baby J.” Jongup waved.


Everyone at the table stared slack jaw at Jimin.


“Jimin.. I don’t want to parent who you hang out with, but Jongup and his friends aren’t very good company.” Jin said with a worried tone in his voice.

“Why?” Jimin asked, head tilted to the side.

“They… don’t like us, Min. We’re scared they are going to do something to you.” Yoongi said, biting his nails.

“No. They are nothing but nice to me. They don’t seem like bad people.” Jimin shook his head.

“Look min, I’m not going to tell you who you can and can’t hang out with, but just be very, very careful okay?” Yoongi kissed his forehead.

Jimin nodded and leaned his head against Yoongi. They stayed like that until the bell rang, signaling for them to go to class.

Jimin’s breathing was heavy as he stared Junhong in the face, hands on knees.

“How do you guys do this everyday?” Jimin stated, stretching out his arms.

“It’s easy. How do you do that normal weird dancing you do.”

“It isn’t weird!” Jimin stuck out his tongue, Junhong smiled.

“Try it again.” Yongguk said, positioning Jimin’s arms in the proper position. They began to dance again, Jimin tried to keep up.

“You’re really trying for someone who’s not very good at it.” Junhong snickered.

“I’ll never get better if I don’t try. Dancing is my passion, I want to learn whatever I can.”

‘You’re adorable, Baby J.” Yongguk ruffled Jimin’s hair.

“Hey, Jimin.” Yongguk says, taking a swig of his water. The seven boys were all sitting in a circle, cooling off after their dance session.

“Yeah?” Why do you hang out with Yoongi’s crew?”

“You know I’m dating Yoongi?.. Right?” Jimin answered cautiously.

“Yeah, but my question still stands, why?”

Jimin shrugged,” I like them. I like Yoongi.”

“But doesn’t it bother you? That You hangout with Yoongi and his ex?” Jongup added, pushing his hair back.

“I mean it makes me uncomfortable, but I can manage. I like Taehyung.”

“And your not suspicious?” Himchan smirked.

“Of what?”

“Of how he feels about Taehyung. I mean. They were together since middle school.”

“No.. Yoongi and I have talked about this. We both have concerns about our relationship and we’ve talking about them.”

“And does he want your money?” Junhong added. Jimin knew that Junhong wasn’t just badgering his like the others. He was generally concerned giving Jimin’s past.

“We talked about that too…” Jimin rubbed his arm.

Junhong looked skeptical, but didn’t say anything about it further.

When Jimin walked out of the building, He squinted when he saw Yoongi’s car parked out in the parking lot.

“Do you need a ride, Min?” Junhong asked, pointing in the direction of Yongguk’s car.

“No.. I’ll catch you later, alright?” Jimin was distracted as he walked towards Yoongi’s car. Noticing that he was leaned against it.

“What are you doing here?” Jimin asked.

“Waiting for you so I can take you home.”

“Why? You know I was dancing after school today.” Jimin crossed his arms.

“I know, but I was here, just in case. You know.

“No. I really don’t know. Those guys are nice people, Yoongi.”

“Jimin you barely know anything about them, and I didn’t keep you from dancing or hanging out with them now did I? I was just worried, I’m your boyfriend, Jimin, I’m allowed to worry.”

“When you do this I feel like you don’t trust me.” Jimin snapped.

“How many times do I have to tell you I trust you for you to believe me! I don’t trust them. From personal experience, I DO NOT TRUST THEM!” Yoongi realized he was raising his voice and took a breath, trying to calm down.

“They’ve never done anything bad to me, and Junhong wouldn’t let them do anything to me.”

Yoongi sighed,” Let’s go.” He opened up the driver’s door and got into the car.

The ride home was quiet, not because the two were angry at each other, but because they didn’t want to get to that point.

“Bye, Yoongi..” Jimin leaned over and kissed Yoongi’s cheek.

“Later, Min.” Yoongi said as Jimin climbed out of his car. When Jimin was safely inside he sighed and picked up Sugar Cube, carrying her with him to go fill her water bowl.

The next morning Jimin found himself being attacked by Junhong from behind, almost bringing both of them crashing down to the ground.

“Junhong!” Jimin smiled.

“Why’d you bail on me yesterday? The guys went out for food, it was fun you should have came.” Junhong said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“I would of.. but Yoongi-“

“Ahhh, Yoongi.” Junhong leaned against the lockers,” He’s so possessive, Minnie. It is weird.”

“He isn’t possessive, he just worries because he cares about me.”

“The guy who stood you up on your birthday cares about you? The guy who keeps you shackled to his hip whenever anyone tries to befriend you cares about you? I don’t know Jimin, that doesn’t seem healthy, or caring to me.”

Jimin’s heart ached; Junhong thinks Yoongi doesn’t care about me?

Jimin rubbed his arm,” Our relationship is just complicated, Jun. It began awkwardly and we are still trying to sort some things out.”

“Okay, Min. If you’re happy I’m not going to try to talk you out of it, but just think about what I said. It just doesn’t seem like he cares to me.” Junhong pushed off the lockers and waved at Jimin as he left to go to class.

Jimin sat in class, biting his nails. He was extremely nervous to talk to Yoongi after their brief argument last night and the things Junhong had told him were rattling in his head.

Yoongi was trying awfully hard to keep Jimin away for Junhong and the others, and giving reasons Jimin knows aren’t true like they’re bad people.

When lunch rolled around Jimin sat down next to Yoongi, placing his tray of food delicately down on the table so he wouldn’t make any noise and hesitantly grabbed hold Yoongi’s hand. Yoongi smiled at his and pecked his forehead. Jimin visibly relaxed.

“What’s got you so anxious, Jimin?” Jin hyung noticed, cocking his head to the side.

“N-nothing.” Jimin answered hiding his face in Yoongi’s shirtsleeve.

“You do seem tense. What is it, Jagi? Are you okay, did Yongguk hurt you?”

“Why do you always think they hurt me, Min Yoongi. Maybe it was you, don’t you ever think of that?” Jimin stood up and grabbed his tray, cringing as the plastic scrapped against the metal.

“Min, what’d I do?” Yoongi said desperately, as Jimin’s hand slipped from his.

“I’m eating with Junhong today.” Jimin said abruptly and left the table taking his food with him.

“Jeez, what’d you do to him?” Hoseok commented, stopping momentarily from shoving spoonfuls of rice into his mouth.

“Nothing! I don’t know what happened! We were fine last night? I think? I thought!” Yoongi defended with a groan.

“Well obviously you did something, fix it.” Namjoon said crossing his arms.

Yoongi gawked at him,” You are my best friend! Take my side! I didn’t do anything!”

“I am your best friend, but I will always take Jimin’s side because you’re a .” Namjoon huffled.

Yoongi scowled at him.

“Enough.” Jin shot daggers at Namjoon,” Recap. What could have happed from last night to now that made him angry at you.”

“Well last night we had an argument, but it wasn’t that big of a deal and we were over it by the time we got back to Jimin’s house.”

“Why were you with Jimin last night? He told me he couldn’t hang out with me because he was dancing with Zelo.” Jungkook pouted.

“He was dancing last night, I waited so I could take him home.”

“Did he ask you to take him home?” Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

“Well no, but I was worried.”

“I know why he is mad.” Jungkook rolled his eyes.


“Stop babying him. He can hang out with who he wants. If Yongguk and those other guys are bad people let him learn on his own. You need to trust him Yoongi, he hates not being able to do things on his own, just leave him alone.”

“I let him do things on his own. I didn’t storm into the building, I just waited outside to take him home.”

“You don’t trust him.” Jungkook reinerated.

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“Jimin we need to talk.” Yoongi pulled Jimin to the side when he came out of the dance room to fill his bottle.

“There is nothing to talk about, hyung.” Jimin said turned away from him but Yoongi just pulled him back.

“Yes there is. Look, I need to start trusting you more, and letting you do your own thing, but It.. it is just hard when I have bad experiences with Yongguk to let you hang out with him without being worried. I just care about you and I’m sorry I’m so overbearing so much, but I just want to keep you safe, because I just like you so ing much, Jagi.” Yoongi rambled.

Jimin smiled,” I know you just want to protect me, but I’m a big boy I can protect myself.” Jimin hugged Yoongi and Yoongi relaxed, curling his fingers into Jimin’s hair and breathing him in,” I’ll be okay. Stop worrying about me all the time. Yongguk taught me a new style of dance and it was cool. He didn’t touch me, or say anything rude to me. He’s nice to me, Yoongi. I don’t know why you guys are on such bad terms but he doesn’t have any problems with me.”

“Okay,” Yoongi breathed,” But just.. let me know when you hang out with him? And where you are, okay? Is that okay for me to know that?”

Jimin nodded,” I’ll tell you where I am and tell you when I come home, okay? Just please don’t babysit me.” Jimin pouted.

“Cute..” Yoongi said, kissing Jimin’s pouty lips.

“I sure am.” Jimin winked with a smirk.

“So we’re good, you aren’t mad at me anymore?” Yoongi said with a little bit of aegyo in his voice, causing Jimin to laugh.

“I wasn’t mad, just frustrated.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted.”

“I’ll see you after class okay? We can hang out.” Yoongi smiled.

“Actually… I have plans.. Jongup invited everyone to his house to hang out.”

Yoongi scrunched his eyebrows together and Jimin kissed away the wrinkles,

”I will text you the entire time, cause I’ll miss you.” Jimin puffed out his lips, and Yoongi showed a little smile.

“Fine, but you’re mine tomorrow, got it?”

Jimin bit his lip,” Yes sir.”

Yoongi smirked and gave Jimin one final kiss, before waving goodbye to return to his class.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting