Chapter 7

Skool Luv Affairs

       Jimin growled in frustration as beads of sweat dripped off of his forehead, he’d been in the dance studio of BAA for hours now and he still couldn’t seem to get this one move right. Even Hoseok had tried to help him but nothing was working.

He was just about to start up again when he felt a tap on his shoulder, making him turn around and stop.

“Jagi.” Jimin had known it was Suga before he’d even spoke from the familiar scent.

“Suga.” Jimin smiled turning around to hug him,” How long have you been in here?”

“About an hour. You were working so hard I didn’t want to bother you, but I can see how frustrated you are so I figure it is time to take a break.” Yoongi leaned in to kiss Jimin’s cheek but stopped himself, and just let himself enjoy Jimin’s hug.

“I’m sorry I didn’t even notice you come in.. There is just this move and I can’t seem to get it right…” Suga hushed Jimin and handed him a towel, knowing full well that this meant Jimin’s time for dancing was up because Yoongi said so.

Not that Jimin minded, but while Jimin was in the shower he couldn’t help but think about what happened between the two at the park.

It had been two weeks since then and Jimin found himself thinking about it every time he was alone. Yoongi hasn’t kissed him or… touched him since then and Jimin was growing impatient. Then again another part of Jimin wondered if Yoongi might be bored with him now. Doing to him what he’d done to Taehyung. Jimin shivered at the thought. No. That can’t be right, Jimin and Yoongi just started dating, he can’t be bored yet. Can he?

Jimin sighed and leaned his head against the shower wall, turning the warm water off and stepping out, changing into a clean set of clothes.

Jimin slipped his hand into Yoongi’s and he just allowed Yoongi to drag him to his car.

The couple drove home in silence, but Jimin’s head was anything but silent, mind racing with thoughts.

Nothing has changed between the two, except that their group dance project was over and Yoongi had gotten a part time bartending job that took up most of his time. He’d been living off of some money he saved up for a while and needed to get a job to start paying his rent once that money ran out.

When the two pulled into Jimin’s driveway, Yoongi squeezed Jimin’s hand before letting go and waving goodbye. Jimin huffed; there was no way he was having that.

“Suga.” Yoongi looked towards Jimin with raised eyebrows and Jimin leaned in, kissing Yoongi tenderly before leaning back, studying the look on Yoongi’s face.

Jimin received a close-mouthed smile and another wave. Jimin had to admit, this lack of reaction was really getting to him emotionally, but he decided not to say anything about it, and got out of the car.

When he reached his bedroom he was biting his nails, cursing to himself as he his stereo at full volume trying to drown out his thought and plopped down onto his bed, covering his head with a pillow.

Maybe he was thinking about it too much, Maybe Yoongi is just tired and busy and Jimin just needs to be patient. Even so, Jimin didn’t like it, he felt like Yoongi was shutting him out and he didn’t know why.

Jimin thought of the look on Yoongi’s face as he pleasured himself at the park and he groaned throwing the pillow at the wall and covering his burning face in hands.

“This stinks!” Jimin screamed, but his words were drowned out by the sound of blaring music.

Jimin was worn out the next day; he’d been up thinking all night and hadn’t gotten an ounce of sleep. He would have stayed home, but he knew for certain that his hyungs and a certain younger boy would be banging his door down in the middle of the day asking questions about why he wasn’t at school, questions he didn’t want to answer. He’d rather just go to school and throw out a half assed ‘I’m just tired’ and leave it at that.

When lunch rolled around, Jimin wasn’t hungry; he just laid his head down on the table until his more comfortable hyungs came for him to lay on.

He smelled his honey scented boyfriend as soon as he sat down and lifted his head up, noticing now that now everyone was sitting at the table.

“Jimin? What’s wrong? You don’t look so good.” Jin asked, concern lacing his tone.

“Jimin looked at Yoongi and pouted, voice dripping with aegyo,” Suga oppa…” Jimin sighed laying his head on Yoongi. Wrapping his arms around his waist and falling asleep instantly.

Yoongi relaxed, wrapping his arm around Jimin’s waist hesitantly and pulling him closer.

“What’s wrong with him?” Hobi asked, head tilted to the side.

Yoongi shrugged and gazed at Jimin with worry on his face.

“Did you call you? Suga oppa?” Namjoon chuckled and Yoongi shot him a look that made Namjoon’s face distort,” What? It’s adorable.”

“He usually only calls me that at home. Something is wrong..” Yoongi put his hand on Jimin’s forehead and noticed he was running a bit of a fever,” He’s a little warm..”

Jimin cuddled into Yoongi more, a bead of sweat now perfectly visible on his temple.

When Jimin woke up he discovered that he wasn’t in his own room, he sat up quickly and jumped as the wet cloth sitting on his forehead fell on to his arms, scaring him because he didn’t know it was there. He coughed a few times before looking over to see a sleeping Yoongi sitting is a chair beside the bed, head resting on Jimin’s lap.

“Suga.” Jimin mumbled with a few coughs, shaking his Yoongi awake.

“Mmm.. Ah- Jimminie you’re awake.”

Yoongi yawned and removed the rag from Jimin’s arm, dipping it and water but shuttering at how cold it’d become.

“I’ll go get some fresh water, stay here, do not move.”

Yoongi came back several minutes later, now fully awake. He repositioned the bowl and the rag on Jimin’s head, helping him to lean back down.

“How did I get here?” Jimin coughed.

“You passed out during lunch so I carried you to the nurse and she confirmed you had a fever and I offered to take you home, but I don’t know the passcode to your house, and I didn’t want to wake you up so I just brought you to my house.”

“I’m sick?”

Yoongi nodded,” Jimin how did you get so sick all of a sudden? You were fine when I saw you last night.”

Jimin shrugged his shoulders and frowned, he knew it was probably from his lack of sleep.

“You’ve got to take care of yourself, Jagi.” Yoongi sighed.

“I’m sorry I burdened you, hyung.”

“Stop that. Don’t call me hyung when we are dating, I like Suga, Yoongi works. but I'm not Jin or Namjoon you don't have to say hyung with me.” Yoongi climbed into the bed with Jimin and got under the covers, cradling him.

“You’ll get sick..”

“Don’t care.”

“You touched me…” Jimin smiled to himself.

“Huh?” Yoongi was now confused and looking at Jimin.

Jimin felt tears in his eyes as he cherished Yoongi’s touch, caressing his arm,” I initiate all of our touching these days. You don’t touch me anymore.. Do you tolerate me? Like you did with Taehyung?”

Yoongi sighed loudly and pulled Jimin into his chest,” You’re so stupid, Jimin, what kind of weird things have you been thinking up by yourself? I thought that was what you wanted.”

“You thought I didn’t want you to touch me? Why?”

“Because you told me not too.”

Jimin thought back to the park when Yoongi had reached for him and Jimin had told him not the touch him, and gasped.

“Suga, I was angry then, and if I remember correctly, forgave you really really fast, like.. In that next few minutes fast! You’re the stupid one, did you think I meant don’t touch me ever again?”

Yoongi was silent.

“That is what you’ve been thinking this whole time?”

“I just didn’t want you to be angry at me for touching you, If you wanted to touch me.. well then fine. You touched me because you wanted too. I don’t want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable.”

Jimin laughed in disbelief and clutched onto Yoongi tightly.

“You can touch me,” Jimin muttered into his clothes,” You can touch me whenever and wherever you want..”

Yoongi smiled and planted multiple kisses along Jimin’s forehead causing him to giggle and then cough, reminding both of them of Jimin’s sick state.

“Go to sleep, Min.” Yoongi said with a yawn.

Jimin nodded and obeyed, allowing himself to become comfortable in Yoongi’s arms, and quickly fell back into slumber, Yoongi following after him.

It took 3 days for Jimin to get over his cold. Yoongi had caught a cold too, just like Jimin warned him he would, but he recovered at a surprisingly fast rate for someone as lazy as Yoongi.

It was one week after Jimin’s illness, and Jimin was annoyed. Why you ask?

“Suga!” Hobi called waving to him as they entered the dance room. Jimin’s eye twitched. Jimin had made the mistake of letting his pet name for Yoongi slip in front of his friends in his drowsy, sickly state, and now everyone was calling him Suga. Yoongi smiled at the cute angry pout that sat on Jimin’s face and waved back to Hoseok.

“Do you like it when everyone calls you Suga?” Jimin muttered, leaning his head against his boyfriend.

“I don’t really mind it, but it is your name for me, so if you want me to tell them to stop calling me Suga then I will.” Yoongi his hand through Jimin’s hair.

“That is my nickname for you, hyung… It doesn’t feel special when everyone calls you that..”

“Then I’ll fix it. I promise.” Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin’s head and told Jimin to wait there for him while he went off to change into his dance clothes.

“So that is why you can’t call me Suga.” Jimin puffed out his cheeks, kicking his feet under the lunch table because he wasn’t tall enough for his feet to touch the ground. He felt really childish for being upset because everyone calls Yoongi Suga, but that is his name! It is special.

“Aww. We’re sorry, Jiminnie. We thought it was just cute. We won’t do it anymore.” Jin nodded, his juice pouch.

“You look like a little kid, hyung.” Jungkook said to Jin, sneaking his juice pouch away from him to take a sip.

“You are a little kid, Dongsaeng.” Jin snatched his juice box back and continued to take a sip. Namjoon tapped his fingers against the table seemingly like he had something to say,” Sug- Yoongi. When is the last time we went to the studio?”

Yoongi thought for a moment,” Probably since we finished our last song. Seems like it has been a while, hasn’t it?”

Namjoon nodded and pulled out his notebook, scribbling something down,” We should go today. We finished some stuff and we should get it recorded.”

Yoongi nodded and Jimin looked at him.

“What, Min?” Yoongi said, affectionately rubbing his thigh.

“What is the studio?” Jimin asked placing his head in his hands.

“The recording studio, Namjoon and I try to go once or twice a month to record songs we’ve finished for our audition tapes.”

“Audition tapes?”

“I want to be a famous rapper, so does Namjoon. We’re graduating soon, we have to get our audition stuff together.”

Jimin nodded and poked his kimbap with his chopsticks and puffed out his lips, before eye smiling at his boyfriend,” Good luck at the studio, Suga.”

Yoongi smiled and ruffled Jimin’s hair, earning him a muffled ‘stop it’ before Jimin was pushing his hands away playfully.

“Do you want to come listen?” Yoongi asked, knowing very well that this would please the younger.

Jimin perked up,” I-“ He looked over at Namjoon, as if for approval and Namjoon nodded, giving Jimin the go ahead to come along,” Sure!” Jimin was beaming with happiness.

“It’s been so long since I’ve heard your rap! I’m so excited!” Jimin was practically bouncing in his seat with glee and Yoongi laughed,” If I knew going to the studio would make you this happy then I would have brought you sooner.”

Jimin wiggled in his seat as if he were happy dancing,” This is soo exciting!”

“You said that already, kid.” Namjoon laughed.

When school was over, Jimin hopped out of dancing class and practically all the way to Yoongi’s car.

“Settle down, Jagi.” Yoongi cooed as he got inside, Namjoon was already in the back pushing buttons quickly on his phone.

“I can’t settle down! It has been so long since I’ve gotten to listen to you rap, we’ve both been so busy. We don’t get to hang out together as much.”

“I know. I’m sorry my schedule is so stupid.”

“Not at all! I don’t mind, I know your rapping is important to you so you need the time you and Namjoon spend writing, and you need to go to work to keep your house. I get it. You make plenty of time for me, Suga, and you give me treats like this!” Jimin eye smiled wiggling in his seat.

“You think this is a treat?” Yoongi smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as he pulled out of the school parking lot.

“Of course! It is always a treat to hear you rap. It is like an entirely new side of you and it’s kind of hot.”

“Yuck, brooding best friend, still in the backseat. Just saying.” Namjoon pretended to gag, but didn’t look away from his phone.

“Who are you texting, hyung?” Jimin asked curiously.

“None of your business.” Namjoon said with a playful attitude and Jimin rolled just his eyes.

“And by the way, why didn’t you sit in the front seat?”

“Your precious, Suga wouldn’t let me. Said that seat is reserved for his ‘Minnie’.” Jimin laughed and shook his head at Yoongi, who just shrugged and continued to drive.

The studio wasn’t very big. It was a tiny room with a panel of buttons that had an old dusty office chair in front of it, one raggedy couch in the corner furthest way from the sound panel and it was conveniently facing the recording booth.

Yoongi pulled a worn out notebook that Jimin had actually never seen before out of his backpack and walked into the booth, setting it on the stand as he adjusted the headset onto his ears. He flipped open to a page and let Namjoon settle into the panel chair. Finally, Namjoon gave Yoongi a thumbs up and after a few beats Yoongi’s heavenly rapping filled the room. Jimin covered his mouth the keep his girly squeals from spilling out. He brought his knees up to his chest and stared at Yoongi. Jimin was dazed when Yoongi was finished, not even noticing when Yoongi and Namjoon started talking to each other.

“Was it good?”

“That was great, but lets do it a few more times just to make sure?”

Yoongi held his finger up, leaving the booth and coming out to Jimin, who was still dazed until Yoongi kissed his forehead.

“Hm?” Jimin looked up and him and smiled ear to ear.

“Did you like it?”

“Of course I did!” Jimin threw his hands up.

“Good, I’m glad.” Yoongi smiled, I’m going to do it a few more times and then I’ll be back out here when it’s Namjoon’s turn, okay?”

Jimin nodded and Yoongi ruffled his hair, walking backwards into the booth without taking his eyes off of Jimin.

Jimin was just as effected by Yoongi’s voice the three more times that he and Namjoon ran through them, and Jimin found himself daydreaming about how great Yoongi’s voice would sound mixed with his moans, bouncing off the walls of his spacious bedroom as the ed. Jimin shook his head, eyes wide, as he blushed, trying to wrap his head around where such a dirty thought came from.

“Jimin, It’s Namjoon’s turn.” Yoongi said, breaking Jimin out of his thoughts. Yoongi patted his thigh and Jimin rushed over the sit on his lap making sure he was in a comfortable position side ways so that Yoongi could still see the buttons, a confused look on his face as his eyes trailed over all of the buttons on the panel.

“You can look but don’t touch anything.” Yoongi instructed, bringing his arms through Jimin’s so that he could reach the buttons.

He pressed a few buttons, the only one Jimin could understand was the volume button and gave a thumbs up to Namjoon, Who proceeded to rap.

Namjoon’s parts filled the gaps where Yoongi’s voice wasn’t, adding an adlib to Yoongi’s part every once and a while, but Jimin found himself captivated by Namjoon. Jimin didn’t know what it was about rappers honestly, but he loved the sound and he could never tear his eyes away from the person spitting out lyrics. Namjoon wasn’t Yoongi, however, his heart wasn’t shaken and he wasn’t in a daze, but he enjoyed the sound and found himself smiling to Namjoon.

Namjoon recorded many different versions of his voice, just like they’d done with Suga, and was fully sweating by the time he walked out of the booth.

“Namjoon, hyung! I don’t think I’ve ever heard you rap before! You’re amazing!” Jimin squealed, he hopped off of Yoongi’s lap and rushed over to Namjoon.

“You think so?” namjoon brightened, it might be the happiest Jimin has ever seen Namjoon.

Jimin nodded aggressively,” Yeah! Can I listen to you rap more often, hyung?”

Jimin suddenly felt himself being pulled back, and arm wrapped around his chest.

“I’ll take you home now.” Yoongi said grabbing Jimin’s wrist and pulling him towards to door.

“Ah! I don’t want to go home yet, wait!” Jimin shouted, trying to pry his wrist from Yoongi’s hand.

“I’ll be back in a bit Namjoon, just do some editing while I’m gone.”

Yoongi pulled Jimin out of the studio and successfully got him into the car, pulling off befire Jimin could protest.

“I wanted to hear you guys rap more…” Jimin pouted, crossing his arms.

Yoongi said nothing, driving as fast as he could without it being dangerous, not even bothering to pull into Jimin’s driveway once they got there.”

“I’ll text you later.” Yoongi finally said and Jimin huffed.

“Don’t bother, if you’re going to be grumpy about it.” Jimin mumbled, slamming the door as he got out, Yoongi sped off, not waiting to see if Jimin made it safely inside of the house or not.

“What is his problem?” Jimin snapped, stomping into his house.

Jimin had spent that entire night sending texts to Yoongi, angry that he didn’t receive a single reply to any of them, and we was fully prepared to make it known how angry he was as he stalked through the halls of the vocal building, looking for his stupid boyfriend.

When he heard a familiar melody coming from one of the practice rooms he’d never been in, he pushed the door open and walked towards Yoongi, who was leaning against a piano flipping through his phone. Namjoon was standing next to Yoongi by the piano, and there were a couple other people in the room that Jimin didn’t recognize, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him, not today.

“Min Yoongi!” Jimin screamed, stomping towards him, an obvious look of anger on his face. Yoongi jumped, dropping his phone on the piano, causing a crashing sound to resonate through the small space. All eyes were on the couple by this point, but Jimin had some stuff he need to get off of his chest.

“Glad to see your phone is working.” Jimin snapped,” What happened to ‘I’ll text you later’ after you dragged me home last night?”

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his neck,” Sorry, Something came up, can you stop causing a scene? People are staring.”

“Something came up for an entire night? You couldn’t even text me back before you went to bed? It’s really not that hard-“

“Jimin, go back to the dance building, please.”

“To just send me a quick text saying ‘hey I got your messages but I’m a little busy.' I was worried because you weren't texting back, that is all I-“

“JIMIN! Go back to the dance building!” Yoongi snapped.

Jimin was silenced, and honestly taken aback. Yoongi had never raised his voice at him ever and Jimin didn’t like it. He his heals, not knowing if he wanted to be angry or crying at that moment, but all he knew is that he was done talking to Yoongi.

“You didn’t have to yell at him.” Namjoon said, you could tell from his voice that he was judging Yoongi.

“Shut up, Namjoon.” Yoongi said, exiting the still silent room, not wanting the feel the questing stares of his peers any longer.

Jimin stormed into the locker room of the dance building, grabbing his bag and not caring if he was skipping out on the rest of his classes for the day. He bumped into Jungkook when he turned around, and apologized immediately.

“What’s wrong? You look… scared?” Jungkook said, pulling his best friend into a hug, Jungkook wasn’t usually the one to give out hugs but right now it looked like Jimin needed it.

“Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it right now, but thanks, Jungkook. I’ll see you later.” Jimin walked past Jungkook and out of the locker room doors, feeling the tears finally start to prick at his eyes, and he quickly wiped them away.

Jimin spent the entire walk how trying to wrap his brain around what he’d done to make Yoongi so mad at him, but he couldn’t think of anything and that frustrated Jimin to no end.

Jimin ended up missing the next two days of school, not wanted to deal with anyone, his 5 friends had been calling and texting him constantly, asking him what is wrong, but the one person he’d been expecting a call or text hadn’t and this only left Jimin crying.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting