Chapter 3

Skool Luv Affairs

       Jimin was already dancing in the studio when Jungkook got there, Jimin could see him setting down his dance bag and wait for the song to end before approaching the sweaty, panting Jimin.

“Why are you here so early?” Jungkook asked, sitting down on the floor by Jimin’s feet, Jimin decided to join him.

“I needed to think, and I didn’t get to dance in the morning yesterday so I needed to make up for lost time.

Jungkook nodded,” What were you thinking about?”

“If I should just avoid Yoongi until I don’t have a crush on him anymore or if I should just defeat Taehyung in a fight to the death of Yoongi’s love.”

Jungkook looked at Jimin, Jimin doing the same and the two started to laugh.

“Well if you go with option two, you’ve totally got this, you’re a muscular dancer and Taehyung is a scrawny singer.”

“Yeah. I think both of those options wouldn’t work though, I just play it cool and find someone else to have a crush on. Maybe I’ll visit the vocal department and fish around a little bit.”

“You’re no catch, so good luck with that.”

Jimin punched his best friend in the arm playfully and they both laughed,” Come on, let’s dance.”

The two boys danced until it was time to get ready for class.

Once lunch rolled around Jimin was debating on if he should eat in the cafeteria. He decided that he should eat lunch with everyone else, remembering that Yoongi and Namjoon never really eat lunch with the others in the first place.

Jimin walked into the cafeteria and groaned when he saw the two boys sitting at the table. He took his time getting his lunch try and walking over to the table, Hoseok of course had to note it as soon as he sat down.

“Well you sure took your sweet time today, Jimin.” Hoseok was joking, but it still effecting Jimin.

“Oh.. yeah. I’m not in a rush.” Jimin glanced at Yoongi and Yoongi waved, Jimin waved back.

“Min! You should have come to dinner with us last night!” Taehyung said, clinging onto Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi just nodded in agreement.

“I didn’t want to be a third wheel on your date.” Jimin tried to joke, even though the truth was there behind his voice.

“No it would have been no problem at all! We could have invited more people and turned it into a big dinner!”

Jimin looked at Yoongi who was staring at him, something in his eyes was unreadable, and Jimin didn’t like it.

“No, it’s okay really. I was already going to meet up with Jungkook for dinner anyway.” Jimin chuckled looking over at Jungkook to help him out, Jungkook caught the hint and nodded,” Yeah. My mom was making dinner for Jimin and I.”

“You guys should come over to my house, we’ll have a party!” Taehyung said, changing the topic slightly.

“Your house is tiny. Where would we party in that place?” Yoongi chuckled taking a drink of his water.

“Your house is no bigger!” Taehyung stuck his tongue out at Yoongi.

“Why not Jimin’s house?” Jungkook added.

All heads at the table turned towards Jimin and he looked around,” I suppose my house is large enough to host a party… but I’ll have to ask my mother.”
“Really?” Jin asked, intrigued.

“Sure.. Why not.” Jimin mentally face palmed, how did him trying to avoid Yoongi turn into Jimin inviting him into his house.

“Cool.” Namjoon smirked, ending that conversation there.

Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi walked to dance class together. Where the boys spent time working on their partner dances.

“Hyung..” Jimin said touching Yoongi’s bare shoulder, he should have been repulsed by how sweaty Yoongi was, but he found it oddly y and inviting. Jimin shook his head, trying to remove that thought.

“Yes, Jimin.” Yoongi’s hands were perched on his knees and he was breathing heavily, but Jimin wasn’t even winded.

“You’re in really bad shape, hyung.”

“Yes, Jimin. Please tell me about it. I can’t feel that my lungs are on fire.” Yoongi said sarcastically.

“And your dancing isn’t very good either, hyung.” Jimin leaned forward in front of Yoongi to look at his face.

Yoongi sighed and leaned up, stretching his back,” Yeah, I know that too.”

“We should practice more. I can make you an amazing dancer.” Jimin smiled.

Yoongi smirked,” Oh? Can you now?” Jimin caught on to the tone of Yoongi’s voice and rolled his eyes,” Don’t make that more ual than it needs to be, hyung.”

“I’m just joking with you, little one.” Yoongi ruffled Jimin’s hair.

“We should practice after school.”

“Are you asking me on a date?”

“No, I’m asking so you don’t flunk out.”

Yoongi puckered his lips and nodded,” Alright Jimin we can practice after school, but only if we stay later because I still have to rap.”

Jimin shook his head,” I don’t mind hyung, I l-“

“Like my voice, yeah I know.” Yoongi smiled.

Jimin smiled back, and nodded blushing.

The weekend rolled around and Jimin was ready to have “his” party. His parents had given him permission, so long as it was only the 7 boys who came for the night.

“-And make sure you clean up your messes-“

“Gotcha, Mom.” He was pushing his parents out of the door as quickly as he could without seeming rude.

“And no in our bed, son.” Mother added.

“Got it. No - Wait, ugh, Mom! We’re just friends! What kind of party do you think this is?”

“Son you were conceived at a party, a lot can happen between two friends.” His father mentioned, winking at his wife.

Jimin covered his ears,” GROSS! Stop talking! Goodbye!”

He finally managed to get his parents out and he sighed, covering his forehead with his hand.

“You’re not getting laid, your crush’s boyfriend is going to be here.” Jungkook said, he was sitting on the couch, eating a cookie.

“Can you stop saying crush, like I’m a 12 year old girl? How did you get in my house? Who let you in here.” Jimin grumbled, going to sit down next to him.

“No one, I let myself in through the side door.” Jungkook took another bite of his cookie and laid back on Jimin’s couch.

“And I don’t want to have with Yoongi.”


“I won’t steal away Taehyung’s boyfriend.”

“But you could.”

“Weren’t you telling me literally yesterday how I should leave Yoongi alone?” Jimin snapped.

Jungkook shrugged,” It’s up to you.”

Jimin’s doorbell chimed and he hopped off of the couch to go answer the door.

“Hoseok and Jin were standing there waving.

“Hi, come in!” Jimin stepped out of the way and let the two boys into his home.

“Jimin your house is massive. You never said you lived in a gated community.” Jin said, he looked around but his eyes stopped on the crystal chandelier, high up in the living room.

Jimin shrugged,” It never came up. Make yourselves comfortable.”

Jimin plopped back down on his couch right as his doorbell chimed and he groaned.

“I’ll get it, Min.” Hoseok skipped over to the door and opened it, revealing the last 3 to arrive to the party.

“How did you all get here at the exact same time?” Hoseok questioned.

“We car pulled, Yoongi is the only one with a car.” Namjoon stated as if it were obvious.

“Oh yeah.” Hoseok answered.

Jimin and Jungkook moved to the floor, so their hyungs could sit on the couch.

“There’s drinks and food in the kitchen. If you guys wanted to drink alcohol I hope you brought your own because there isn’t any here, my parents don’t drink.” Jimin told everyone, pointing in the direction of his kitchen.

“Why don’t you give us a house tour!” Taehyung clapped his hands together; everyone voiced their agreement for a house tour.

“Well.. I guess I can do that.” Jimin stood up and waved his arm, telling his hyungs to follow him. He showed them around the downstairs, showing them where the kitchen and bathroom was, and then showing them rooms like the tv room and his parents room.

“Upstairs is kind of for me. It have a bathroom, an arcade, and my room obviously. There are two more bathrooms on this floor.” Jimin showed where the bathrooms are first and then moved to the arcade leaving his room for last. He pushed open the door and the boys filed in.

“That’s about it. There are more rooms like my parent’s offices and my mother’s craft room. The basement is a studio, it’s where I dance I can show you that too if you want to see it.” Jimin shrugged.

Taehyung and Hoseok plopped down onto Jimin’s bed, sighing when they felt how soft it was.

“Jimin… what do your parents do again?” Jin asked with interest.

“My dad is CEO of Park Music Industries and my mother is Chair woman for Shinhye cell phone company.” Jimin answered.

“PARK INDUSTRIES?!” Everyone in the room screamed, except for Jungkook.

“Yeah?” Jimin jumped at the sudden noise.

“Jimin! You say that like your dad doesn’t own the top Music Company in the country!”

“Well, yeah. He may be Chairman Park, but he’s my dad first.”

“Your mom is Park JinHye?” Jin asked, stepping towards Jimin.

“Yeah, She makes good phones. I don’t really know a lot about what she does.”

Hoseok huffed crossing his arm,” Next time you should introduce yourself as Prince Jimin. You’re the son of royalty.”

“We aren’t royalty.” Jimin laughed, perching himself in this swinging chair.

“What are you doing at a school like ours?” Yoongi asked, everyone turned to look at him; it’d been the first thing he’d said since he got there.

“What do you mean, I need to go to high school?” Jimin questioned.

“You could go anywhere. Bangtan Arts Academy is good, but there are private schools out there that are ten times more accelerated then ours.”

“But they aren’t arts high schools.”

“But you’re a company successor.” Yoongi snapped.

“I don’t care! I didn’t want my dad to pay my way into a fancy expensive high school. I wanted to get there by myself! I got into BAA with my talents alone and not my dad’s money, WHICH is why I go to a school like ours. I’m proud of where I am. Why aren’t you?” Jimin snapped, shooting daggers at Yoongi.

The room was silent, but Yoongi nodded,” That’s honorable. I’m sorry I assumed things.”

Jimin’s heart still did a flip to Yoongi’s voice, even if he was mad at him.

“It’s okay.” Jimin assured.

“Well… Since we got that argument out of the way..” Hoseok said trying to lighten the mood,” LET’S PARTY!”

Jimin picked up a remote from his nightstand and the music. The room came alive as the boys all started dancing.

Yoongi and Taehyung danced together and as soon as Jimin looked over at them he wasn’t in the mood to dance any more.

He sat down on his bed and laughed as his awkward limbed hyungs danced around his room.

“Jimin! Don’t you sing?” Taehyung asked.

“I do sing.. But I’m not very good.”

“Nonsense!” Taehyung went and sat on the bed next to Jimin,” Sing for us.” Jimin felt like Taehyung was trying to embarrass him on purpose these days, even thought he knew that was just him being paranoid because he liked Yoongi.

Jimin sighed as all the boys sat on the floor around him, including Yoongi, and he became nervous.

He started to sing Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang, his voice wavering at first but gradually becoming stronger as he saw the smile on Yoongi’s face. He only sang a little bit before he stopped and blushed.

“Yeah you’re right you .” Jungkook joked, Hoseok punched his arm and shot him a look.

“You were great, Jimin. Don’t listen to Jungkook over there.” Yoongi said, leaning back on his hands.

“Thanks.” Jimin smiled at him.

The boys danced and played and ate until they all sat down to have a movie. Jimin wasn’t paying attention while they picked the movie, or even while the movie was going because all he could focus on was Taehyung snuggled up to Yoongi. His arm was wrapped around Yoongi’s holding his firmly in place and he was curled to a ball, head resting against Yoongi’s arm.

About half way through the movie, most of the boys were asleep except for Jimin and Yoongi. You could clearly see that Yoongi was awake, but Jimin looked as if he were to fall asleep any minutes now.

Yoongi smiled at Jimin, even through tired lids Jimin was still watching Yoongi carefully and he smiled back, his head rested on the edge of the couch.

Yoongi carefully slid the sleeping Taehyung off of him, Taehyung rested against Hoseok’s leg and Jimin swore he saw Yoongi’s eye twitch. Yoongi walked over to Jimin and lifted him off the floor by his arm.

Jimin in his sleepy state seemed a little confused, and just let hiself be led down the hall and up the stairs by Yoongi.

“Hyung.. Where are we going?” Jimin muttered, rubbing his eyes.

“Just somewhere to talk where we won’t wake the others.” Yoongi answered.


Yoongi led Jimin into his bedroom and closed the door behind them. They both got comfortable on the bed, but Jimin was to tired to mentally note how excited he was to be alone with Yoongi.

“So Jimin.. I just wanted to say I’m sorry, for how I called you out earlier.” Yoongi twiddled his thumbs.

It’s okay, hyung. You didn’t know.”

“But still, I shouldn’t have done it.”

“hyung.” Jimin looked directly into Yoongi’s eyes.

“Hmm?” Yoongi found himself blushing and was grateful the room was dimly lit.

“Can I lay on you, hyung?” Jimin asked boldly.

Yoongi chuckled,” There is a whole bed here you could lay on.”

“I know but I want to lay on you.” Jimin rubbed his eyes once more.

“Well okay. Hold on.” Yoongi laid back, his head touching the pillow, and held his arm out for Jimin.

Jimin laid back, and Yoongi’s arm instantly wrapped around him, pulling him on so Jimin was nestled to his side.

“Hyung, can I tell you something?” Jimin said, he placed his head on Yoongi’s chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.


“It kinda having a Chairwoman for a mom and a CEO for a dad.. I never see them, except at breakfast right before I go to school. It’s been a long time since anyone has held me like this and I’m usually alone. So I’m very grateful to you right now, hyung.”

Yoongi made a closed mouth smile and ran his hand through Jimin’s hair,” Anytime, Min. You can always call us now. You’ll never be alone.”

Jimin hummed his response and fell asleep in Yoongi’s arms, setting a mental note to wake up early tomorrow, so no one would catch them in this compromising position.

The next day, Jimin and Yoongi had agreed to start meeting everyday after school to dance everyday, and it started a chain of events that led to the two boys just hanging out all the time. They would meet in the studio, Yoongi would begin with rapping, and he’d rap directly to Jimin, enjoying the gleam in Jimin’s eyes every time his voice hit a specific octave in his rapping. Jimin would dance for Yoongi, and then they’d end up dancing together, Jimin correcting Yoongi’s arm placement, and drilling to make sure he was going over steps at home when they weren’t practicing. They did this for weeks, rehearsing together every night until 10, something even later. When Jimin and Yoongi weren’t together, they were texting each other. They didn’t use all their time after school practicing though, they’d take breaks and get something to eat, playing games, or just sitting and talking. Yoongi and Jimin became great friends, best friends, and Jimin was beginning to realize how bad this was for him. He really likes Yoongi, but he’s been setting himself up for failure, and he can’t believe he’s in this deep.

“Jimin, I can’t dance anymore.” Yoongi groaned, lying on the floor.

“Just a few more times hyung you’ve almost got it. Jimin leaned over Yoongi to make sure he was okay, but Yoongi pulled Jimin to the floor and began to tickle him.

“Hyung no stop!” Jimin cried out in laughter. Yoongi continued to tickle him.

“Please! Hyung please!” Jimin roared with laugher, he rolled away from Yoongi in an attempt to get away but he was pulled back and ended up on Yoongi’s lap.

Yoongi eventually stopped and the two were laughing together. Yoongi s his arm around Jimin’s waist and Jimin went silent, blushing bashfully to himself.

“Hyung..” Jimin started.

“I think I like when you beg, Min.” Yoongi said, letting his Daegu accent out to make sure his words had almost the same effect on Jimin as his raps did.

Jimin shivered at Yoongi’s voice, he was speechless, as he looked into Yoongi’s eyes the room completely silent.

Yoongi leaned in, closer and closer until Jimin could feel his breath on his lips, and then Yoongi kissed his, and Jimin immediately melted into the kiss, gripping at Yoongi’s shirt, one hand snaking into Yoongi’s hair and pushed him back onto the floor so he was laying down. Yoongi’s back his the floor and he let out a muffled ‘ommf’ but never broke the kiss. Yoongi smirked and deepened the kiss too. He wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction out of Jimin but since he’d gotten it, he was going to claim his dominance. He flipped them over and held Jimin down, a whimper escaping from Jimin’s lips for the second their lips were disconnected, but Yoongi attacked Jimin’s lips once more, Jimin’s bottom lips to tell him what he wanted. Jimin opened his mouth, letting Yoongi in and groaned as their tongues met, battling for dominance.

Jimin moaned as Yoongi’s hand slid up his torso, the noise almost instantly reminding him of what was going on. He pulled his face away and pushed Yoongi off of him, covering his mouth as he realized what he’d done.

“Oh my god…” Jimin croaked, He looked over at Yoongi,” Oh my god.”

Jimin felt the tears burning at his eyes.

“Jimin-“ Yoongi began, but Jimin wouldn’t let him finish.

“Oh my god what have a done, I’ll never be able to look Taehyung in the face again. I’m a terrible friend. What have I done, oh my god.” Jimin let the tears fall, his voice cracking as he spoke.

“Jimin, you didn’t do anything. This was all me, I kissed you.” Yoongi tried to reassure Jimin, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Jimin shrugged his hand off of his shoulder and stared at Yoongi,” Yeah, but I wanted it! But I kissed you back…. I’ve been a bad friend to Taehyung since before I even you, oh my god.”

“Wait what does that mean?”

I have to go, hyung.” Jimin stood up from the ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Wait, Jimin we need to talk about this.” Yoongi got up from the floor as well and reached out towards Jimin.

“There is nothing to talk about, hyung nothing happened.” Jimin shook his head and walked towards his bag, he slung it over his shoulder and tried to walk past Yoongi, but was stopped.

“Jimin, listen to me. You can’t just pretend nothing happened! We-“ Jimin pushed Yoongi’s hands away.

“Yoongi..” Jimin had never said his name before, surprising Yoongi, but causing his breath to hitch in his throat,” You are dating my friend… We can’t do this, I’m sorry.”

Jimin rushed past Yoongi, leaving him alone in the practice room.

The next day, Jimin packed his lunch and skipped out on morning practice. Yoongi knew when he liked to dance and would probably come looking for him. He went straight to his first class and laid his head down. He hadn’t got any sleep the night before and his headache was blaring.

“Where the hell were you this morning?” Jungkook sat down next to him.”

Jimin winced at how loud he was being,” Can you speak a little more quietly?”

“You weren’t dancing, you weren’t sitting at the table with everyone today, what is up with you. You never skip out on dancing unless you have too.”

“I just wasn’t up to it today.” Jimin shrugged.

“Bull. Spill. What’s up with you?” Jungkook crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

Jimin closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing his temples. Jungkook wasn’t helping his headache any,” Okay, if I tell you, then you can’t tell anyone. Got it?”

Jungkook nodded,” Best friend’s honor.”

Jimin looked around and bit his lip leaning in to whisper to Jungkook,” I may have made out with Yoongi… Last night…”

Jungkook’s eyes almost bulged out of his head,” Jesus Christ, Jimin! Where, How, Why?”

“Um.. In the dance studio… With our lips? I don’t know he just kissed me, it just happened!”

“Wait so he kissed you first?”

Jimin nodded.

“I can’t believe it…” Jungkook huffed.

“Yeah, who are you telling.” Jimin rolled his eyes.

“So… What about Taehyung?”

“What do you mean what about Taehyung? Nothing. Me and Yoongi are nothing and I made that very clear when I stormed the hell out of there.” Jimin rubbed his face,” I have to tell him.”

“Jimin. Are you serious with me? Stop playing games, you can’t do that.”

“And why not?”

“Because Taehyung loves Yoongi and he will hate you!”

“And that is okay because I deserve it.”

“Jimin, you’re not even the one who kissed first.”

Jimin chuckled,” And you think I didn’t kiss back?”

“Tell me you didn’t…”

“He’s such a god kisser, Jungkook. Oh god.” Jimin covered his face in shame.

“To much information.” Jungkook added.

The teacher began to speak and the class became quiet.

“So what should I do?” Jimin whispered.

“I don’t know, Minnie. I don’t know.” Jungkook replied. A girl in front of them turned around and shushed them, given them an angry glare before turning back around.

“.” Jimin and Jungkook mouthed to each other with a smile.

Once classes were over, Jimin told Jungkook he was going to eat in the locker room, and waved goodbye.

“Jimin!” He heard behind him and turned to see Yoongi standing behind him.

“Hey, look time for me to go, bye Min.” Jungkook turned and sprinted as fast as he could. Jimin would make a note to yell at him for it later.

“Hey.” Yoongi smiled at Jimin. Jimin found him self almost smiling back but stopped himself.

“What do you need, hyung?” Jimin said, trying to keep the emotion out of his voice.

“We need to talk.” He said, seemingly desperate.

“There is nothing to talk about, hyung.” Jimin forced a smile on his face and walked past Yoongi towards the locker room.

“Jimin, I’ve seen you smile enough to know that smile was fake.” Yoongi followed after Jimin,” Where are you going? This isn’t the way to the cafeteria.”

“I can’t eat with you guys today.” Jimin walked down the stairs and into the locker room, settling against the wall and fished his lunch out of his bag.

“Seriously? You’re going to eat alone in a dirty, smelly locker room just to avoid me?”

“I’m not avoiding you. You’re here aren’t you? I’m avoiding Taehyung, don’t flatter yourself.”

Yoongi sighed and slid down next to Jimin on the floor.

“Just listen, Jimin. Taehyung and I… aren’t doing well. He cheated on me with Hoseok last year.” Jimin’s head snapped to the side to look at Yoongi.

“Are you serious?!” Jimin thought for a moment,” Oh.. I get what I am.. I’m payback.” Jimin released a disappointed laugh.

“I did want to get back at Taehyung for a while, I liked him a lot, and I was pissed off for a long time, but I got over it. Taehyung just wanted to repair our relationship after that, but I just.. Tolerate him, I suppose, but I know I don’t love him. I’m starting to think I never did. Jimin, you aren’t payback. You’re just nice to be around. The way your eyes light up when you talk about dancing, and listen to me rap. You’re refreshing, Jimin and I like you.”

Jimin huffed,” This doesn’t change anything, even if you and Taehyung break up, you’ll still be his ex and off limits.”

“I’ll talk to him. He’ll know it is time to let me go. I’ll mention that I like you, and that I want this. I know Taehyung.”

“What if I don’t want to be with you?” Jimin crossed his arms.

“I know you like me.” Yoongi made sure his Daegu accent was thick,” Hoseok told me long before we even started hanging out.”

Jimin groaned, he hid his face in his knees,” How embarrassing.”

Yoongi laughed,” It was cute. One of the new babies liked me.”

“Ugh!” Jimin covered his ears,” Don’t call me that after we made out!”

“You don’t like being baby. Got it. Maybe babe? Or Jagi?”

“Jimin shivered and Yoongi took that as an opportunity to wrap his arm around Jimin. Oh how smooth.

” Stop talking in your accent!” Jimin snapped, leaning up from Yoongi, but Yoongi had him trapped.

“Why? Do you like it, Jagi?” Yoongi smirked.

“It makes me hard. Stop it.” Jimin muttered and blushed.

Yoongi let out a boisterous laugh and nodded,” Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’ll stop. For now.” He glanced at Jimin out of the corner of his eye.

“People are going to get suspicious that both of us are gone..” Jimin realized he wasn’t going to be able to break free from Yoongi’s embrace, so he just cuddled into his side, accepting defeat.

Yoongi laid his head on top of Jimin’s and sighed,” Let them be.”

“Don’t get to comfortable like this, because it is the last time.”

“Of course it is.” Yoongi said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

“Don’t get so smug.” Jimin smiled. He nestled his face into Yoongi’s uniform. He smelled sweet, like honey, and Jimin had to turn his head away, knowing he’d become addicted to it.

“What’s wrong?”

“You smell sweet… I like it.”

“What else do you like about me?”

Jimin glared at Yoongi, and he smiled his devious smile,” Jeez you’re no fun.”

Jimin smirked, two can play at this game,” Trust me, Yoongi,” Jimin’s Busan accent heavy on his tongue,” You don’t know how fun I can be.”

“, Jimin, I was not ready.” Yoongi said looking at Jimin lustfully.

Jimin shook his head and smirked right as the bell sounded around them.

Jimin hopped up while Yoongi’s guard was down and stretched.

“I didn’t eat lunch cause of you.” Jimin pouted.

Yoongi stood up from the ground, a serious look on his face as he walked towards Jimin.

“H-hyung?” Jimin was a little frightened by just how serious Yoongi seemed to be. Jimin backed away from Yoongi, he whimpered as his back hit the locker indicating that he had nowhere left to go. Yoongi’s hands slammed on the lockers next to Jimin’s head and he attacked his lips, Jimin melting into the kiss, just like the first one they shared, but as soon as his lips came they were gone, leaving Jimin dizzy and wanting more. Yoongi’s voice was low and rough matching well with his accent,” Don’t play around with me, Jagi.” Yoongi’s hands were gone from the locker by his hands and he walked over to his own locker to change for dance.

Jimin slid to the floor, at a loss for words, as students began to trickle in to change.

“Jimin, are you okay?” Jungkook said, bending down next to him, but Jimin could not hear. His eyes were focused on Yoongi, brain rattling to try and process what just happened.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting