Chapter 1

Skool Luv Affairs

        Beeping could be heard through the upstairs of the Park household as Jimin rolled in his sleep. He groaned, covering his ears with his pillow as his door opened, pushing in a welcomed cold breeze on this hot day.

“Minnie, honey, wake up. It’s your first day of high school.” Jimin felt the slight weight of his mother sinking down into the bed next to him, the beeping from his alarm clock coming to a stop as he felt her warm hand his shoulder and he smiled. Jimin had worked so hard to get into Bangtan Arts Academy. Practicing for his audition day and night, dancing until every muscle in hos body hurt, he even practiced singing with the time he had left after dance practice, focusing on one more talent to help him get in.

Jimin threw the covered off of himself, feet curling as he stretched and shot up in his bed with a smile on his face mom.

“Mom!” Jimin jumped into his mother’s arms, hugging her tight, leaving her laughing and hugging back.

“What is it, Jimin?” She said as her laughter died down.

“I got into BAA.” Jimin said matter of fact. He jumped out of bed in fluid motion dance, moon walking to his closet.

“I know dear, I’m happy for you. You worked very hard.” His mother smiled,” Your father is making breakfast. I’ll see you downstairs when you’re finished getting ready, okay?” His mother had gotten up from the bedside. Jimin noted how his mother was already dressed and ready for work, purse in hand.

Jimin chuckled and shook his head, he knew his mother was probably late for work as they spoke, but always wanted to be there to wake up her son.

“Mom, shouldn’t you be at work by now.” Jimin stated, pulling his outfit out of his closet.

His mother ignored his comment,” See you downstairs, young man.” Jimin smiled at her fake stern voice and began to strip the minute he heard the door click behind him, he was on his way into his bathroom, setting his IPod down into the doc and cranking it up before he turned the water on, stepping in and sighing as the warm water covered his body. When he was finished, He stepped out of the shower, grabbing his towel and drying his hair, It needs to be as dry as possible for him to style it the way he wants too, but he didn’t wake up in enough time to blow dry it. Jimin jumped around to let his body dry off, Jimin has always loved the feeling of air drying apposed to the rough feel of towels. He just couldn’t find one that was comfortable to him.

He was eager to receive his uniform, so eager that he found himself giggling like a child as he slid his clothes on, but he settled on his usual style of clothing, black tank top, blue jeans, He styled his hair up in it’s usual flipped fashion. He checked his hair once last time before picking up his backpack and heading down the stairs.

“Morning, Dad!” Jimin said, setting himself down at the table. His father looked extremely tired but still managed a closed mouth smile at his son.

“Well hello there, my son.” His father was placing food down on the table. No matter how tired he is he’ll never stop providing for his family.

“Well what are you waiting for boy, eat up. You too JinHye, you’ll be hungry all day if you don’t eat enough, I know. He gave a knowing look to his wife and she rolled her eyes. Jimin smiled through bites of rice, He always admired the loving relationship his parents had, and sometime secretly wished that for himself.  It was no secret the Park Jimin was gay, his parents know it, his best friend Jeong Jungkook knew it, but Jimin had never had a real relationship before. Just looking at his parents made, him ache for one.

The doorbell sounded and the Park family leaned out, looking towards the front door. Jimin shoved a few full bites of rice into his mouth before muttering ‘I’ll get it’ through a full mouth of rice and rushing from the table. Jimin opened the front door to be greeted by Jungkook, texting on his phone.

“You didn’t answer my text.” Jungkook snapped, letting himself into the Park household.

“Good morning to you too, Kookie.” Jimin ruffled Jungkook’s hair, causing him to receive a glare, but afterwards both boys began to laugh.

“Jimin! Come finish your breakfast, Ah, Kookie you too. Come have some breakfast.” JinHye said, motioning both boys to the table.

“No thanks, Mrs. Park, I already ate back at my house.” Jungkook stuffed his cell phone into his pocket.

Jimin was stuffing his face full of rice and eggs, trying to finish as quickly as he could so he could leave for school. Once he was finished, he kissed his mother and father good bye and ended up on his way to school, hands in pockets.

“Aren’t you excited, Jimin? We got into BAA! This is like our dream we’ll finally have our change in the music industry that isn’t your dad’s.” Jungkook practically shouted, he’d turned somewhere in the conversation, walking backwards in front of Jimin.

“That is your dream Kook, I just want to dance.” Jimin shook his head, but had a smile on his face nonetheless.

“Oh hush, you love dancing, but you enjoy singing too.”

“You’re right.”

The school wasn’t that far from the two boys’ home, the walk took a relatively short time as the found themselves walking through the gates. You couldn’t separate the freshman from the upper classmen, considering each year everyone got a different color. Freshman wore white, moving up to sophomores who dressed in gray, juniors wore Navy Blue and the seniors wore black, but since no one had received their new uniform yet, everyone just seemed to blend together.

“Kookie…. Do you know where the auditorium is?” Jimin asked looking in multiple directions.

Jungkook shrugged and shook his head, eyes focused on the map that they printed off.

“You must be freshman.” A sweet voice could be heard from behind them. Both Jungkook and Jimin turned to find the source of the voice. A taller boy, who seemed to be their senior, was standing behind them.

“We don’t know where to go! Can you show us please? Oh! I’m Jungkook, by the way, this is my best friend, Jimin.” Jungkook smiled, bowing to the unfamiliar boy in front of them. Jimin glanced at Jungkook, envious of how open he is with people when he first meets them. Jimin is an open, fun guy too, but he wasn’t comfortable talking to his seniors. Especially such a handsome senior… Jimin quickly released he hadn’t bowed and formally bowed to the boy,” I’m Park Jimin. Nice to meet you..” He muttered averting his gaze.

Jin chuckled and ruffled both of the boys hair,” Cute.” He glanced behind him momentarily as he heard his name and waved at some girls passing by with a smile. He turned back to the two and bowed himself,” I’m Jin. I’m sure I can find some time to show you where to go.”

Jungkook’s smile beamed as the senior walked past them, guiding with his hand to follow.

Jungkook kicked Jimin in the leg receiving a hushed ‘ow’ from the older.

“Seriously hyung, you’re so awkward.” Jungkook whispered to Jimin, and walked away, following behind Jin.

“I’m sorry I was born that way. Ow, Kookie. Seriously!” Jimin whispered back, limping after the two. Jin just smiled to himself shaking his head at the two younger boys.

The auditorium was packed with people when they went in. Jimin’s mouth hung open, as he looked at all the different types of students that lined the auditorium. Jimin bumped into Jungkook, not realizing that he and Jin had stopped while he was distracted.

“The line for freshman to get their schedule is over there, It is in alphabetical order so don’t get in the wrong line or you’ll have to wait all over again. When you are finished getting your schedule, go get you’re your uniforms from over there,” Jin pointed over his shoulder to a lady frantically handing out bangs of clothes, She looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks,” All the grades get their uniform from the same place. When you’re done completely. Follow the signed for freshman open house. Come find me in the cafeteria when you’re done. I’ll introduce you to my friends.” Jin smiled.

“See you later okay? Remember to make some friends in your own focus, they will help you out in the long run.” Jin shouted over his shoulder, he was already walking towards what Jimin assumed to be the senior line for schedules.

“He was nice!” Jimin said, as soon as Jin wasn’t in ears distance.

“Most people are if you just introduce yourself, hyung. I’m worried you won’t make any friends.” Jimin and Jungkook were walking towards their alphabetical lines as they spoke.

“I don’t need anyone but you, Kookie.” Jimin said, aegyo heavy in his voice as he pinched Jungkook’s cheek.

Jungkook playfully smacked Jimin’s hand away and smiled,” Gross.”

The scheduling line was excruciatingly long due to the class size of freshman; it had been an hour before Jungkook had made it out of the line, even longer for Jimin because Park wasn’t exactly the least common last name in Korea.

Jimin sent a thumbs up to his best friend as he walked towards him, schedule in hand. They made their way to the uniforms counter; mostly every student had gotten their schedules and uniforms and were already at the stage for orientation.

The woman at the counter looked worn out by the time they got there, her hair was standing up in different directions, and she was sitting in a chair,  posture showing fatigue.

“Um.. excuse me?” Jimin said sweetly, trying not to stress the woman old any more than she already was.

“Oh, hello, yes. Honey what’s your name?” She shuffled around multiple stacks of papers in front of her, trying to clean up, but failing.

“You seem tired, ma’am. I can find our uniforms for you and you can just rest, we’ll take care of everything. If that is okay!” Jimin said, eye smile stretching from ear to ear.

“Oh no sweet heart it is okay, I’ll take care of it, but you’re so kind.” She said with a tired, but genuine smile.

“Oh.. Okay. Well my name is Park Jimin, and this is Jeong Jungkook.” Jimin added, looking down at the papers as if he’d magically find his name for her in the mess.

“Ah yes.. Okay.” She shuffled through papers once more, finding what she was looking for she marked two names of two separate papers and stood reaching at the shelf to get their bags of uniforms.

“here you are dears, Now hurry along so you don’t miss your orientation speeches, okay?” Jimin smiled once more and nodded.

“One more thing, what subject do you teach?”

“I’m the librarian, dearie.” She answered proudly, pushing her glasses up on her face.

“I love to read! I’ll stop by sometimes and help you out okay?” Jimin held a thumbs up as Jimin tugged his arm,” hyung, we’ll miss it.”

The librarian smiled and waved at the two boys, sounds wonderful, dear.” She waved as the two boys walked from the counter.

The two had finally taken their seats when the lights dimmed for orientation to start. A young man walked across the stage and stopped at the podium, clearing him throat.

“Is that Jin hyung?” Jimin nudged Jungkook. Jungkook squinted and nodded, awe on his face.

“Hello new students.” Jin began,” My name is Seok Jin, and I am the class president here at Bangtan Arts Academy. Now, I want you all to take a look around and see whom you are sitting next too. Every student in this room had the talent and potential to be selected into our fine school and I want to remind you that even though you’re here for your art focus, you’re also here for an education, Grades are just as important and your paint brushes or dance moves. We have high expectations here, and certain grades have to be maintained. Now I’m not trying to scare you,” Jin smiled,” BAA is the best school you’ll every attend, and you will have the time of your life here from the moment you start your first class to the moment you walk across that stage to receive your diploma. I assume that by now every student in this room has received their school uniform. Wear it with pride and maintain the good image that this school works hard to obtain. I believe in all of you and have a good school year, Thank you.” Jin bowed and exited the stage as students clapped. At this point, Jimin had zoned out as the dean joined the stage. Jimin didn’t want to hear about rules he wouldn’t break, and regulations that didn’t pertain to him. He slipped a headphone into his ear and imagined steps he could use for his next routine.

One orientation was over, Students exited the auditorium, shuffling towards the large cafeteria. Jimin didn’t know what to do with himself in a place like his, He gawked at the high ceilings and chandeliers, he took careful steps on the tiling, the look of it was so elegant he was afraid one wrong step would crack the whole thing. Jimin was awestruck as Jungkook dragged him into the room.

“Jin hyung!” Jungkook cried out, waving his arm like a madman.

Jin turned around at his table and waved to the boys, motioning for them to come over.

“Hey, little ones. Make any new friends?” Jin asked motioning for them to sit down with his hands.

“The librarian..” Jimin mumbled, not meaning for it to actually be heard but Jin had heard it anyway and laughed.

“Well, that is a start.” Jin placed his elbows on the table and looked forward at an orange haired boy, raising his eyebrows.

“Babies?” the orange haired boy asked Jin, and Jin responded with a nod.

The strange orange haired boy chuckled in a deep voice and bowed his head slightly,” Hi, babies! My name is Taehyung! Who are you?”

Jungkook spoke first,” I’m Jeong Jungkook, I’m a freshman it is nice to meet you!”

“Ah… Park Jimin..” Jimin said bowing slightly. Causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

“Excuse my friend, He’s not usually this boring he is just weird when it comes to meeting new people.” Jungkook flicked Jimin’s nose, causing him to rub it.

“You guys must be close.” Jin said, taking a swig from his water bottle.

“Oh yeah! Minnie and I are both from Busan! Our families moved here when we were young because our fathers work together and their business moved to Seoul. We’ve been together forever.”

“I see, you’ll fit in well here. We’re all a mix of different places.” Jin answered.

“What about you Jin? Are you from Seoul?” It was Jimin who asked this time, trying to join in on the conversation.

“We’ll I’m-“

“HYUNG.” The 4 boys heard loud as can be as a male came flying towards the table.

“Yes, Hoseok?” Jin said with a sigh.

“I’m so jealous of you, hyung! All the freshman this year are so adorable and you get to meet them all!” Hoseok pouted pulling his arms up to his chest.

“Oh yeah that reminds me hyung, why didn’t you tell us you were class president? Kookie and I were surprised when we saw you on the stage.” Jimin said, leaning forward to look at Jin.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry It slipped my-“

“BABIESSS!” Hoseok flew away from the table and back again only he was in front of the two younger.

“I’m Hoseok, Hi!” He smiled. Jimin leaned away from the happy male, slightly terrified.

“Hobi you’re scaring them.” Jin warned.

“Oh.. I’m sorry.” The boy virtually calmed down.

“I’m Hoseok. I’m a junior and a dance focus.”

“Dance?” Jimin’s ears perked up, a glisten in his eye that only appears when he is talking about dancing,” You’re a dance major? Me too!” Jimin smiled from ear to ear.

“Here we go.” Jungkook laughed, leaning against his hand.

“What types of dance are you into, hyung?”

“Lots! But I have to say that Hip-Hop is my favorite.”

“ME TOO HYUNG!” Jimin shouted, standing up.

“Jimin, shut up, geez, you’re screaming.” Jungkook tugged on Jimin’s arm, pulling him back down into his seat.

“Hyung, let’s dance together sometime, okay!” Jimin grabbed hoseok’s hand.

Hoseok grabbed Jimin’s hand and agreed vigorously,” Of course I will dance with you, Um..”

‘Jimin! I’m Jimin!” Jimin patted his chest and smiled.

“Alright, Jimin! We can dance whenever you want too!”

“Wow, Jimin. This is the most energy I’ve seen out of you all day!” Jin laughed.

“I love dancing, hyung!” Jimin threw his hands up in the air.

I can tell!”

Jimin and Hoseok continued talking about dance, while Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin all got into the line to buy lunch for everyone.

Once they got back to the table. They set down the trays and the 5 boys began to dig in.

“Hyung, where is Yoongi?” Taehyung said between bites.

“Probably wherever Namjoon is - stop eating so fast!” Jin answered sternly.

“I miss him, I didn’t see him all summer because he got that internship in Daegu.” Taehyung pouted.

“He’s probably where he always is. He never leaves that room in his free time you know that.” Hoseok said, stealing some of Taehyun’s soup.

“Who’s Yoongi?” Jungkook asked curiously.

“My boyfriend!” Taehyung proclaimed, giggling as he did.

“You’re gay, hyung?” Jimin smiled, he was feeling closer to these people already.

“Yep! And my boyfriend is Yoongi! He isn’t here right now.. but he never really eats lunch with us. He’s always working.”

“He’s a rapper, but his focus is vocals since a rapping major doesn’t exist, although I wish it did for Namjoon and Yoongi’s sake.” Hoseok added, picking through his food.

“What about you guys?” Jin leaned in, his eyebrows were raised and he was looking straight at the two youngest.”

“M-me?” Jimin answered.

“Oh I haven’t had a girlfriend in a long time, but Jimin here, is full of experience.” Jungkook patted his shoulder.

“Wow but you’re so young.” Taehyung added.

“Does it hurt?” Hoseok asked with a smirk.

“Does what hurt?" Jimin side eyed Hoseok," Don't just assume I'm gay, but I am so.. I suppose you assumed correctly. and I.. I’ve never actually done it.. I think I like a guy but then it turns out I just wanted someone to cuddle with and I never really liked him at all. I wouldn’t really call that experience..” Jimin was embarrassed. He wasn’t expecting his previous relationships to be broadcasted so quickly.

“Soooo, you like men?” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.

“Oh yes,” Jimin smiled,” very much.”

Everyone at the table had laughed at this. They continued on conversations until lunch is over, taking care of their trays and then exiting the cafeteria as a group.

“Usually this is when upperclassmen can leave, and the little ones find their classes, but I guess we can stick around for our new friends today.” Jin smiled. He had been walking behind the other boys.

“This school is so big, and there are so many buildings. We’re bound to get lost.” Jimin groaned, staring down at his schedule.

“Well focuses usually have classes together. Theatre focuses together, Vocals together, It is just how it has always been, it makes it easier for scheduling.”

“Easier for people to form clicks more like it. We busted that stereotype though. I’m the only dance major, and Jin is the only Theatre major, but Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung are all Vocal majors. We didn’t want to settle for what’s the norm around here.” Hoseok was still talking when Jimin tuned out; He had heard music coming from the room they were passing and stopped to listen., he seemed to be the only one who had heard it.

“Hey, Jimin. You coming?” Taehyung asked.

Jimin looked at them and waved his hand,” You go on ahead I’ll catch up.”

“Okay, don’t dance to hard without me.” Hoseok winked. Jimin rolled his eyes, entering the room. The room had a little hallway connected too it, multiple rooms were connected to this hallway, but the lights were only in one, where the music was coming from. The lit room had a tiny bit of wall that stuck out by the door, it was probably a constructional error but it gave Jimin the perfect spot to peak in.

There were two boys in the room, one of which was sitting up against a wall, drinking out of a bottle of water. Jimin’s eyes were focused on the one standing in front of the mirror, his hand was placed in front of his mouth as if he were holding a microphone and he was rapping, words were spilling out of his mouth so fast Jimin could barely understand him, but he was dazzled. Every lyric flew beautifully from his mouth and he never missed a word. Jimin couldn’t see the face of the boy very clearly, but he didn’t need to, Jimin would be just fine if he could hear this voice forever.

Jimin’s hand came up to his lips as if to silence noise that wasn’t come out as he stared from behind the wall. When the music stopped, panting had filled the room and the boy turned to look at his friend who was sitting on the floor, Jimin in a breath. His features were flawless, a bandana was placed into his hair, bangs falling over it, and his earrings gleamed under the bright lights. He seemed to have this unspoken dominance about him that Jimin loved.

“How was it?” He asked to his friends.

“It sounded exactly like it did the last 5 times you did it.” The boy said getting up off the ground.

The rapper sighed and picked his stuff up off the floor,” I’ll practice more a little later. Let’s go find the others.”

They began walking towards where Jimin was standing and Jimin began to panic. He looked left to right before finally realizing he should run through the door. He rushed out of the door, backpack clunking against his back and ran as fast as he could from the room and down the hallway, praying he runs into his friends.

His prayers were answered when he see’s them not far from where he’d left them bumping into Jungkook to stop.

“What the hell?” Jungkook said flying forward.

“Sorry…Jungkook…” Jimin breathed hands on knees.

“Why are you so out of breath, little one?” Hoseok laughed, hand on shoulder.

“I um.. Had to catch up with you guys.” Jimin laughed awkwardly.

“Alright then weirdo.”

Taehyung pulled his cell phone out and practically squealed.

“Yoongi is looking for me. I gotta go. See you guys tomorrow, Okay?” Taehyung waved goodbye and was on his way down the hallway.

“Where were you really at, Minnie?” Jungkook crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

, Jimin had forgotten how good his best friend was at catching him in lies.

“The truth.”  Jimin bit his lip, fiddling with his fingers.

Jin and Hoseok leaned in and crossed their arms, mimicking Jungkook.

“I… heard music, and I went into the room… and I saw this guy… and his voice… Um.. What is the chance of your vocal focus friends knowing who that boy was?” Jimin said, a blush creeping up on his face.

“ohhh does Minnie have a crush.” Hoseok purred, moving closer to Jimin. Jimin pretended to vomit at the sound of Hoseok’s sleazy voice.

“It isn’t like that! I just.. I want to hear him again..” Jimin smiled shyly to himself.

“Well did you introduce yourself?” Jungkook asked, you could hear the hint of impatience in his voice.

“Of course not! I was eavesdropping I’d seem like a creep!” Jimin exclaimed.

“You are a creep. That’s not news.” Jungkook rolled his eyes.

As the day went on and the older boys showed the new students their classrooms, questions continued to fill Jimin’s ears about the boy he had seen in one of the music rooms, until the day was over and Jimin returned home with his best friend Jungkook.

“Hyung, lets go to my house since your parents aren’t home yet.” Jungkook offered, on their way home, Jimin nodded in agreement. Jimin had always liked the Jeong household, it was warm and inviting, Jimin’s house was warm and inviting as well, but there was a certain calmness to Jungkook’s house that Jimin just needed sometimes.

Jimin plopped himself down onto Jungkook’s couch and propped his feet up.

“Hey, Mom.” Jungkook said as she entered into the living room.

“Hey Jungkook.” His mother answered back and he smiled at her,” How was your first day, boys?”

“It was awesome! We met so many friends mom!” Jungkook plopped down onto his couch next to Jimin.

“I’m so proud of you, boys!” His mother answered,” Did you meet any friends in your focus?”

“Only one. His name is Hoseok, and he is weird, but he’s nice.” Jimin answered for them.

“See any cuties around school.” His mother winked sliding into the love seat next to the couch.

“Why is everyone so interested in crushes today.” Jimin whined and his hands flew up to his face.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Spill.” Jungkook’s mother squealed.

Jimin loved Jungkook’s mother, she always tried her best to involve herself into her son’s life and try to relate to the younger boys as much as she could, and she was damn good at it.

“HE ISN’T A CRUSH! He’s just a guy I saw rapping earlier and I liked his voice.” Jimin shrugged.

“Don’t let him lie to you mom, he blushed when the other hyungs and I asked about him.” Jungkook tattled.

Jimin glared at Jungkook and hopped off the couch sprinting towards the door,” Well well, look at the time mom and dad are home hahahahah. BYE!” Jimin had never attempted to exit a house so quickly,” I’ll see you early tomorrow so we can dance before class, Jungkook!”

“OKAY!” He answered.

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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 18: This is such a wonderful story but what bout vhope?? WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?!?! I love these too so much I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Fantastic job btw :))))
SugaChim95 #2
Chapter 18: I love the story of Yoonmin but I so want to know what happen to vhope (;-;) that is my other favorite ship.
Chapter 18: Poor taehyungie T.T
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 18: " Dont be such a " by kim namjoon lol
Chapter 18: What happened to hoseok and taehyung??
Chapter 18: I hope there can be a little something about vhope :( huhuhu, yes I think it was kinda rushed but I understand that you want to focus on something new now, hwaiting author nim! ^^
Spring125 #8
Chapter 18: Um.... I think u should fix the first two paragraphs becuz I was thrown off when u wrote Jungkook instead of Jimin...
chanyeolexo27 #9
so good fighting