That Time Of the Year

Maybe We Found Love [one-shots]
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Chapter 19: That Time Of the Year



“It’s so pretty.”

“Of course, you decorated that.”

“Always with the words.” Taeyeon smiled but her smile didn’t stay for too long as she pondered. “Do you think it’s not overly decorated?”

Baekhyun held his phone closer to his face to inspect the tree. It was still the crack of dawn when his phone beeped for FaceTime. Taeyeon had called him that night, telling him that she got to decorate the new tree she bought for her room at home in Jeonju. Apparently, the lights she put on her bed’s headboard weren’t enough so she decided to get a tree. It wasn’t a big one, just those miniature Christmas trees that you can place on your nightstand. And as seen from his screen, she definitely did put it on her nightstand.

The mini tree was adorned with glittery gold and orange ornaments. He guessed that’s her theme for this year. Last year it had been red and silver. The colored ornaments were balanced perfectly and the yellow light compliments the tree.

“I don’t think so. It looks perfectly good to me.” And that was the truth. “I’m excited thinking about how our tree will look once we get our own place. And our own tree.” The thought of them finally living together settled in his head again and he couldn’t help but love every bit of it.

“Really? You’ll let me do the decorating?” Her expression was pure bright and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“With some help from me of course. I’d even give you a lift so you can put the star on top…” He paused and cracked a teasing grin. “Or I’d put you on top since you’re already a star yourself.”

“Please, you’re a star too. And don’t be so cliché at this early morning… but, you’re definitely needed for assistance.” She winked.

“Glad to be of your service, milady.” He teased but a yawn followed. Heck, he’s still sleepy, that’s a fact. But being all cheesy with her this early morning is worth it.

“Alright now, prince charming. I’ll let you go back to sleep and just give me a call later once you’re fully charged. Is that okay?”

“No problem, honey.”

“Bye, sweetheart.”

Call ended. Baekhyun slept with a silly smile on his face.




“So how many lights do you plan on putting up here?” Baekhyun asked as his eyes dart from the tall tree to the stack of boxes that contained colourful lights to his all-too-happy girlfriend. She’d ask him to help her decorate their dorm since she’s pretty excited and her dorm buddies weren’t around to help, although Tiffany and Sunny were said to be buying more ornaments and will likely help in decorating once they get home. He thought Taeyeon went overboard in buying lights but heck, he’d buy her a whole truck of these twinkling lights if it meant to see her so happy. He knew she loves decorating and this is one season she’s excited the most.

“I’m not putting them all on the tree. The rest goes around the dorm and in my room.” She beamed at the last part.

“Alright then.” Baekhyun picked up a box and started hanging the lights around. After several minutes of putting them in their places, the two looked around and gave the room an approving look.

“Now let’s see how it looks in the dark.” Taeyeon suggested. But before she could turn the room’s lights off, everything went dark. Baekhyun heard Taeyeon groan in frustration the moment the power went out. “Well this .” He grinned in the dark knowing that she’s probably pouting right now. “Oh! I know!”


“Why don’t you use your superpower to turn the lights on? You know, you and lights and power-power stuff.”

He made a face that looked as if he tasted something sour and he was almost at the point of flailing his arms as if asking the universe to ban that superpower from their debut days forever. He’s just glad that his girlfriend couldn’t see his fact. Baekhyun had never been more thankful of the dark.




Taeyeon gazed at the beautiful Christmas tree in front of her as she sat on the couch with Baek. She rested her head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her, both of them looking at the tree with a serene atmosphere surrounding them. Her eyes moved to the star on top. She was busy admiring its golden beauty when a nose nuzzled her cheek and made its way to her jaw. She smiled and tilted her head to the side only to be met by a mass of fluffy hair that hid the sight of the nose’s owner.

“What are you doing?” She asked as he pressed a soft kiss on the spot behind her ear.

“Trying to get your attention.” He replied. Giving her a peck on the cheek and squeezing her closer to him. “You’ve been staring at the star for too long.”

“Oh stop whining.” She giggled and ran her fingers through his hair. Baekhyun let out a sigh of contentment as he pulled away just enough to see her face. Taeyeon will never get tired of looking into his eyes especially when he gives her a look that’s only meant for her.  “You have my attention everyday anyway.”

Her giggling was stopped when his lips made contact with hers. The kiss started slow and sweet until Baek decided to run his lips down her jaw and to her neck which made Taeyeon moan as she pulled him back only to bring him for another kiss. Before she could fall into complete bliss, he broke the kiss and gave her a knowing grin.

Taeyeon was about to protest when Baekhyun pulled her on his lap and leaned to give her another kiss. She closed her eyes, ready for another round…only to feel him kiss her forehead instead. So not what she was hoping for. She gave him a cute pout that made him laugh.

“You’re such a tease. I was just looking at the star and you had to distract.”

She didn’t know what happened but she was suddenly on her back. Her eyes met his playful ones and a smirk was on his face. “Oh, I’ll make you see stars.”

And he did. On that couch. In front of the tree.




“This is so unfair.”

“What are you talking about?”


“Oh stop. You look cute.”

Blush. “Whatever.”

“Aww come on. You really do look cute. I swear.”

“Said someone who didn’t even dress up.”

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byun_gogh #1
Chapter 20: No matter how.many times I read the Phonecall, i still could not get it
Chapter 9: /screams/ i love this couple so much
ravindi96 #3
Chapter 20: Thank you so much!!!! Great story! I am very grateful to you because you end your story with a happy ending.
I don't believe they broke up. Not because SME never confirmed that but I just feel it. I pray everyday that Baekyeon will last forever!!!!
Happy birthday to your friend too!!
WarmBraveHeart #4
Chapter 20: I always tell myself I should be happy if Taeyeon and Baekhyun find someone else that loves them, but I can't help but feel hurt at the thought. I am selfish, even if they might have broken-up, I still hope for them to be together and crave for more of them. Sometimes this makes me feel like I am a bad fan. Ah, I am such a fool, I can't even move on from a relationship that's not mine.

Thank you for this story. I am sad that it ended. But just how they say 'Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened'. It was one of the first Baekyeon stories that I read here and made me fall in love with them even more. People like you and your friend made me love Baekyeon so much.
You are sincerely a good author, I just love the way you picture their every emotion so beautifully. I'll miss your work.

Thank you! I am really grateful! Good luck with your life!
Chapter 20: It was confusing at first, but after the 2nd read it all made sense :) Anyway, thank you for writing such beautiful BaekYeon fics until now. This chapter was really wondeful way to end your fic. Wishing you all the best in your personal life, and I'll definitely read your future works if you ever do write on AFF again <3
dearsonexo #6
Chapter 20: Thank you so much authornim
Bannedd567 #7
Chapter 20: You did an amazing job with this fic, the characterization was spot on in every chapter. Hope to read more from you :)