Chapter 7

My Life, Your Life, Our Happiness


The music was damn so loud. All people were dancing, laughing, chatting or anything do blend with the party. A bartender served red liquor into the glass for the fifth time for a same guy. He swallowed the content in one go and in a second was ready for asking another one.

A pretty girl came approaching the already drunken man.

“Siwon-ah, let’s come and join us, we’re going to have a game!” she said cheerfully, pointing a spot in the corner.

He directed his gaze to the girl pointed hand and saw his other colleges were gathering in the same spot. Including that stupid face who’s now waving his hand towards him, eagerly to have him participate in that stupid game.

“Hyung!”  he yelled loudly like Siwon had a deaf ear.

He gave Changmin his mid-finger and mumbling a curse.

“Come on Siwon!” Jessica tried again to pursue him, tugged his sleeve.

“Yah get lost, Jessica! I don’t feel like I want to join with that stupid game!”

Jessica pouted and stomped his feet leaving Siwon alone.

In a far, Siwon still can heard Jessica said, “Let that idiot by himself! He is on his period!”

Siwon just ignored the words. He snatched his glass and hand it to the bartender.

“More please…”

He finished the new glass just in a blink of eyes.

Having his head spinning around, he placed his head in the table.

The conversation with his boss in this afternoon was flashed through his mind.

He remembered when he was in his boss office.

His boss tried to drag him to converse about Jaejoong; which is his love, his life, his world.

“So, how is Jaejoong”

He gulped.

“He’s doing fine”

Siwon couldn’t understand himself, how that answers spilled out from his mouth.

Jaejoong was run away from him. Siwon tried to call him for the umpteen times but came to no avail. Probably Jaejoong changed his number. He lost contact with Jaejoong since then. And there is no way for Siwon to get an update of him.

The older man leaned his back to his chair.

Eyes stared the ceiling.

He smirked.

Obvious he imagined something and Siwon couldn’t dare to figure it out. Or in fact he wouldn’t dare.

“I wonder how does it feels … ”

A tap on his shoulder brought him back to a present time.

It was more like a hit than a tap. He felt a little sore on his shoulder.

“Hyung-ah, I can’t believe it! You drunk already huh?!” Changmin exclaimed.

“Gosh, Min! I… I was…” Hiccough.

In a second he dropped his head to the table and fell asleep.

“No way!”

Changmin let out a sigh.

“Damn, Hyung!”

He carried Siwon with piggyback.

“Argh! I told you to not drink too much huh?! But you never listened to me… “

Changmin headed himself with Siwon on his back to the exit door. He looks in trouble and almost got slipped for several times.

“Yah hyung, you owe me a lot!” Changmin practically talked to himself because Siwon has just let a snore out.



Jaejoong open the door. It’s already midnight. Having thought that Yunho was already slept he walked in silence while entering the room. Tried to minimize the sound, he walks slowly. But when he almost reached the dinning room, he saw the light was still lit.

And he saw Yunho, sitting in the chair holding his baby blue mug.


“Ah Jaejoong, you’re home”

Jaejoong came approaching him.

“Still awake?”

“Hmm… Yeah, you see…”

He snatched a magazine in front of him.

“Reading a magazine in the middle of the night?”

“Well, yeah just tried to get some inspiration”

Jaejoong mouthed an O form.

“If it’s about the project, then we need to do it together right? But it’s already late Yunho, and tomorrow is weekend then you shouldn’t push yourself to engage with the project, we can do it by anytime. So just take some rest”

Jaejoong didn’t wait for Yunho answer he leads himself to his room.

He put his bags in the corner, right beside the closets.

Jaejoong loosen up his shirt. His body and his mind begged for some rest, and he just wanna threw himself to a comfy bed. But he knew that the sore that he feels in his body couldn’t be compared with the pain in his heart.

Jaejoong was about to shed a tears when he noticed that Yunho was staring at him in front of the door.

Leaned his back to the sills door, hand was hide in his pocket.

He was there for God knows, observing Jaejoong movements since he came.

Jaejoong was startled.

Yunho moved toward him.

He didn’t say a word but his hand was slowly moved from his pocket.

Gently, he placed it to Jaejoong cheek, caressed it.

Jaejoong was surprised by Yunho sudden move.

“Did you cry again?”


Yunho was smiled by Jaejoong reaction.

He ruffled his hair.

“Wash your face, you look ugly!”

He grined.

Right before he leaved Jaejoong’s room, Jaejoong was shouted, “Yah, Jung Yunho, I’m not ugly!”

Yunho chuckled and turned his head around.

He found Jaejoong was putting his pout in his face.

“Hahaha… you looks soooo ugly!”

And he run, leaving the mad Jaejoong alone.





Well how was that?

Pls tell me what's your thinking minna-san...

and thank you for keep reading my fic.

i know my english is horrible, but i hope you guys can deal with it, hehehe...

i tried my best to keep updating it.

love yaa.....


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Chapter 17: I've just read all chapters in one go,please, don't give up and keep writing! !
Please continue, this is awesome!
yunjaemrcnn #3
@ yunjaemrcn: haha.. well, i've been busy for some stuff, i'm glad you still read my fic. thx, it means a lot for me :)
yunjaemrcn #5
waaah!! yunho to the rescue!!=DD<br />
i hope they'll be a lovebirds soon..ahe^^
Hmm~ Okay, so it isn't Seungri, it's GD d: OKAYY, YAYY, YUNHO IS HEREE!!! <3<br />
<br />
*Puts on kick- superhero music*<br />
Dan Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-DANNNN!!!<br />
<br />
MiszCJung #8
Yunho came to rescue... :) <br />
Hara?? As in Go Ara? <br />
Ermmmm... Whats TOP gonna do?? I expect more action. <br />
And more difficultiesss! :D TOP, dont soften up that easy! :D <br />
yunjaemrcn #9
yay!! u finally updated :)))
*Smacks TOP* Imma stealing Seungri away from you >:(<br />
Yunho go! Yunho go!<br />
<br />
And-haha, it's my habit to stay up late and wake up late (I'm like an owl *Hoooot*)