Chapter 13

My Life, Your Life, Our Happiness


***Jaejoong’s POV***


No way.

God, please…

It’s him.

How am I supposed to do…

“Jaejoong-ah, you didn’t reply my regard, how are you?” he asked sternly.

I tried to say something but nothings came out.

He came approached me. Now I can feel his warm breath on my ear.

“Did you living a happy life Jaejoong-ah?”

I trembled.

I wanted to runaway but my feet couldn’t move even a single step.

He grabbed my chin, forced me to face his daring eyes.

“I… i…” I was stuttered, didn’t realized tears already flow in my cheeks.

“Shhhh…please don’t cry, it doesn’t suit on your pretty face!”

He wiped my tears.

I don’t know but I feel I need to get my self freed from him right away. His threatening words told me he definitely up to something cruel. His hand caressed my cheeks. Inquired no tears stained it anymore.

My heart screams for help because I couldn’t see anyone around.

‘Damn, how come no one here…’

Then I felt his hand held my nape, and I saw a handkerchief at his other hand. He put it on my nose. Ensured no air through my nasal cavity. I felt my lungs cried for some oxygen, but the strange scent on his handkerchief  forced me to forget the oxygen that I crazily demand. I struggled to release myself from him. But he just much way stronger. Soon I felt my body weaken and collapsed in his arm.

“Sleep baby…”


***End of POV**


***Yunho’s PoV***


I looked my wristwatch.

‘Was buying some onion took him this long?’ I asked mentally.

Maybe something held him a bit. But I couldn’t explain why my heart says something wasn’t right.

I dialed his number then found his cell phone ringing at his room.

‘Great!’ I mumbled myself.

Taking my jacket I decided to pick him up. He must be at the nearest grocery store.

I look around at the vegetable area but still couldn’t find him. I searched at another section but came to no avail.

‘Where the hell is Jaejoong gone?’

I searched to another store but still no sign of him. I kept on searching and asked some passerby around me but all gave me same negative answer.

I made my way home, wished Jaejoong was there when I came, but again… his presence was still unknown.

That night I couldn’t sleep well, I wonder where he’s gone. Did his abusive ex boyfriend force him to go back with him? Or did he decide to visit his friend? Then he should have contact me first to let me know right, so I wouldn’t this worry. , I worried him so much.


***End of POV***



The two lovers saw the big screen with the flight information in the airport. Yochuun mumbling some words that his lover couldn’t catch it. His lover just way to busy to himself so he didn’t pay attention to what the other said.


“Hmm” junsu replied it shortly.

“You looks great!”

He smiled gently.

Soon a very charming old woman came approached them

Junsu stood awkwardly. Yochuun held his hand softly.

“it’s ok baby, my mother wont eat you!” he chuckled.

Junsu slapped his boyfriend’s arm lightly.

“I’m so nervous Chunnie…” he pouted.

The older man kissed his lover forehead to calm him down.

Once she reached those two, she gave her son a tight hug. Showing how much she missed his only son badly. She poured him a hundred loving words. Yochuun felt so happy to meet his mother yet so guilty because this long hug makes his lover feel abandoned for awhile. He released the hug helplessly.

“Mom, this is my lover Junsu.”

“Please to see you auntie” Junsu greeted her.

Junsu bowed politely. Yochuun’s mother didn’t say anything. She eyed Junsu top to toe. Junsu felt his existence was terribly a mistake. And Yochuun too smart to missed it.

“Mom...” he tried to give his mom a reprimand.

“Nice to see you Junsu!” she smiled brightly. She hugged Junsu warmly. Junsu hugged her back awkwardly.

“You just as cute as Yochuun told me by phone!” she kissed Junsu cheek.

Junsu blushed furiously.

Then Yochuun smiled in relieve.

‘Maybe, I was just exaggerating to this. She definitely likes me!’ Junsu told himself mentally.

“So how’s the flight auntie?” junsu start a conversation.




Junsu walked happily to office. Threw smile for everyone he meet. Didn’t forget to say ‘good morning’ to them. He extremely felt so happy. A very nice meeting Yochuun’s Mom yesterday was a good start point for him & Yochuun. He could see how Yochuun’s Mom amazed with Junsu capability to cook. Even Yochuun never bored to give him praise and mumbled ‘love you’ each time their eyes met. Thanks to Jaejoong for his special training. Junsu was barely touching the kitchen tool. He didn’t like cooking but not hating it too. But since he starts dating with Yochuun he knew he needs to please Yochuun with food. As time goes by, he learnt how to cook from Jaejoong. Even though his still far away from his master, he confide himself to give a shot. And dinner with Yochuun’s Mom was his debut. He wants to show her that he really capable to be Yochuun’s wife. Imagining this, Junsu couldn’t help but blushing.

‘Well, I need to say thanks to Jaejoong-hyung! He’s a really good trainer’ he said eagerly. When he’s about to enter Jaejoong’s office he stopped when found no one there.

‘Umm, where is he? He’s not coming yet?’

He threw a glace around but still couldn’t found Jaejoong.

Then he saw Yunho. Yunho the workaholic geek looked spaced out. He sat on his chair with palms supporting his chin. Frowning like thinking extremely hard. But Junsu didn’t see any single paper or file that he read.

Without any second thought, Junsu came towards him.

“Yunho-hyung!” he called him.

Yunho didn’t bugged till Junsu call him for the second times.

Yunho snapped from his thought.

“Ah Junsu-ah, did Jaejoong contact you?”

“Huh? No. Why? Actually I was wonder where is he hyung?”

Yunho slumped to his chair. Junsu was getting confused with his hyung reaction.

“What’s wrong hyung?”

Yunho told Junsu about Jaejoong. As expected, Junsu was worried like hell when listen it.

“Hyung I guess we need to report it to police station, they might be able to help find him!” Junsu suggested.

“Umm, Junsu-ah… but don’t you think reporting it just will make Jaejoong like a real missing person?” Yunho couldn’t hide the glint of denial in his words. He still can’t believe that Jaejoong still not showing up.

“I mean… it’s not even reach 24 hours since he’s gone” he added it.

“Yeah, You’re right! Hyung, I wonder… could it be Jae-hyung ex boyfriend..” Junsu hesitated to continue.

“I’m afraid so…”




Jaejoong opened his eyes. He felt a horrible pain in his head. A head massage would be fine he thought. When he tried to massage his head, he realized he couldn’t move his hand. He opened his eyes wider and just met another surprise. He barely recognized the room. As far as his eyes reached the view in front of him he couldn’t recognize every single piece of this room. Then he recalling what had happened last night. He was shocked. Fear suddenly took him over. He struggled to release himself from rope that held his hand tightly. Instead loosen up the binding, accidently he let the rope held undyingly tight. He would scream for help but the tape that wrapped his mouth forbids him let even a single word out. Jaejoong cried helplessly.




Hmm… so how was it?

I’m waiting for some comments here…



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Chapter 17: I've just read all chapters in one go,please, don't give up and keep writing! !
Please continue, this is awesome!
yunjaemrcnn #3
@ yunjaemrcn: haha.. well, i've been busy for some stuff, i'm glad you still read my fic. thx, it means a lot for me :)
yunjaemrcn #5
waaah!! yunho to the rescue!!=DD<br />
i hope they'll be a lovebirds soon..ahe^^
Hmm~ Okay, so it isn't Seungri, it's GD d: OKAYY, YAYY, YUNHO IS HEREE!!! <3<br />
<br />
*Puts on kick- superhero music*<br />
Dan Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-DANNNN!!!<br />
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MiszCJung #8
Yunho came to rescue... :) <br />
Hara?? As in Go Ara? <br />
Ermmmm... Whats TOP gonna do?? I expect more action. <br />
And more difficultiesss! :D TOP, dont soften up that easy! :D <br />
yunjaemrcn #9
yay!! u finally updated :)))
*Smacks TOP* Imma stealing Seungri away from you >:(<br />
Yunho go! Yunho go!<br />
<br />
And-haha, it's my habit to stay up late and wake up late (I'm like an owl *Hoooot*)