Chapter 1

My Life, Your Life, Our Happiness

The raven man shook a tall handsome man’s hand firmly. He smiled generously. “Please to see you!” the handsome man said, showing his perfect white teeth. The other man, replied it with a simply but caring nod. They both exchanged look for several seconds, tried to get knows each other personality by their appearance.

‘He looks nice, and hopefully capable enough as a partner for this project’, jaejoong said mentally examined a tall figure in front of him. At the other party, yunho admitted jaejoong beauty. Wishing that big doe eyes in front of him able to cooperate with him for their own good carrier. While both of them still tried to figure out their new ally, their busy thought of each other personality was cut by their manager.

“Guys, hope you can get along together, because it’s a great project. Please put your best effort for it. Well I guess we’ve done for today. I’ll be waiting for your first report next week. And I wish to hear a good news”, Mr. Lee said straightly.


Everyone already left the meeting room except three people, Kim Junsu, Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong. While Jaejoong busy with his papers, Yunho paid to much attention for project file in his black shiny laptop, Junsu scream happily all of sudden. Jaejoong couldn't help but gave a shocked look. He smacked Junsu head who stood a meter from him with stack of papers.

“Ouch..! hyung! Why did you hit me? What did I do wrong??!” Junsu exclaimed then shows his cute pout.

“Yah! Kim Junsu you just screamed hell so loud just like a monkey!” Jaejoong pinched Junsu’s nose. The younger man pretends to being hurt yet it was not at all.

“But Chunnie said I am more like a dolphin than monkey…!”

“Heh?! Hmm, I guess your Chunnie is quite right for this one…” He paused for awhile, “well then you are the noisy dolphin huh?!” Jaejoong let out a chuckle.

“Fine, but still I’m chunnie’s lovely dolphin.” Junsu pulled his tongue out to mock Jaejoong.


Jaejoong wants to pay back but he noticed that Yunho was laughing saw them acted so silly. He just couldn’t stop himself from laugh and want to say some comment about their behavior. But he managed himself to keep it silent consider he’s a new geek in this unit.

“Hmm Yunho-shi sorry did we disturbs you?”

Yunho snap his hand in the air.

“No, actually no Jaejoong-shi, I can see that both of you are really get along together, so it’s cute to catches your joking around here” Yunho said frankly and added “Oh please just call me just Yunho”.

Yunho smiled to his new partner.

“Fine, and then you better just call me Jaejoong!”

“Yeah…and you please call me Junsu!” junsu exclaimed with a smile.

They started to chat about their job desk. This project is totally something new for them. So every detail things need to be discussed together. Even though Yunho been handle similar project with the previous branch office, he definitely need to learn many stuff to accomplish this project.

“Junsu, what do you think about the layout?”

Yunho hand junsu a paper.

“Is this what Ms. Yuko send to us?”

Jaejoong took the paper in junsu’s hand.

“Yeah, and this is the detail of the lay out!” Yunho gave another paper which explains about the layout.

“Hmm…. I still don’t get it, why did she demand such a contrast composition at this area” jaejoong pointed his finger to a spot in the paper.

“Well yeah, at first I was wondering about it too but maybe she wants to make a hall looks modern yet classical”.

Jaejoong nodded.

“Hyung, take a look this detail…, I guess Yunho quite right about the design”

The three kept on chatting about the design and each perception till the office hour passed bye. They bid a good bye and separated to their own path.


Yunho drag himself to the grocery store before heading to his flat. Being a bachelor with no servant leave him no choice but kept him independent with every daily chores including cook.

Having some grocery in his hand, Yunho lead his way to his flat. He decided not to get in the bus since his flat only few blocks away. While walking to his destination, Yunho’s mind trailed the day that he just through. The first day being cooperated with his new ally wasn’t that bad after all. Actually, he was kind a happy that he could get along with the two ‘Kim’. Junsu, with his childish but come so serious when it reaches about the work. Jaejoong, with his lovely figure yet assertive in every plan he drew. The two looks caring each other, which Yunho thought it was cute. He smiled remembering those two figures talked about their bad habit to spoil each other. Yunho could only feel grateful that today went so good.  He feels like he can’t wait to meet tomorrow.

Yunho’s reverie was distracted with the voice that he feels familiar with. The voice was more like a yelling and groaning.

He was about to turn around when a body bounce him abruptly.

“Ahh… so-sorry..!”

“O… it’s o….Jaejoong!”

Yunho hold his breath, tried to assuring the man in his arm was his new partner.


Jaejoong eyes widen when acknowledge the figure in front of him.

“What are…..” Yunho couldn’t able to finish his words when he noticing that jaejoong face was kind a messed. His eyes were slightly swollen and he swears he could see a blood in the corner of his lips. Not just about his visage but his attire was totally disorganized.

They had frozen for a moment. Each still figure out what other was doing here.

 “Jae!” a voice that belong to another man yelled, which Yunho just realized another presence.



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Chapter 17: I've just read all chapters in one go,please, don't give up and keep writing! !
Please continue, this is awesome!
yunjaemrcnn #3
@ yunjaemrcn: haha.. well, i've been busy for some stuff, i'm glad you still read my fic. thx, it means a lot for me :)
yunjaemrcn #5
waaah!! yunho to the rescue!!=DD<br />
i hope they'll be a lovebirds soon..ahe^^
Hmm~ Okay, so it isn't Seungri, it's GD d: OKAYY, YAYY, YUNHO IS HEREE!!! <3<br />
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*Puts on kick- superhero music*<br />
Dan Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-DANNNN!!!<br />
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MiszCJung #8
Yunho came to rescue... :) <br />
Hara?? As in Go Ara? <br />
Ermmmm... Whats TOP gonna do?? I expect more action. <br />
And more difficultiesss! :D TOP, dont soften up that easy! :D <br />
yunjaemrcn #9
yay!! u finally updated :)))
*Smacks TOP* Imma stealing Seungri away from you >:(<br />
Yunho go! Yunho go!<br />
<br />
And-haha, it's my habit to stay up late and wake up late (I'm like an owl *Hoooot*)