Chapter 10

My Life, Your Life, Our Happiness

Okay here’s the update. Sorry for being late for updating it.

Hope you guys stay tuned for this fic.

Comments are loved, so please do, hehehe



Jaejoong stood dumbfounded. His step was halted in front of building.

Yunho walked vigorously to the main gate, ready to joint with a few people who have already made a line to buy tickets in the locket. A man around late 30 was ready to give some brochures and guide book.

Once again jaejoong reading the line right above the building

Museum of Art

‘What the hell...’ jaejoong cursed mentally

Then yunho noticed jaejoong not followed him.

“Jaejoong-ah, come on!” he grabbed jaejoong arm.

Jaejoong stared confusedly to Yunho eyes.

“yunho-ah, what are we doing here?”

“Ehh? We’re going to have a museum tour jaejoong-ah!”

“What?? Why should we joint this stuff? I thought you said that we’re going have some fun?”

“Errr,, do you think this is not fun?”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

“Jung yunho, I thought you would take me somewhere to spare my mind off my problem!” he said helplessly.

“I just thought that probably by taking you to a place that will inspire you would be great.”

“Okay this one is good but in some other time, I’m not in the mood for taking this tour for now, I just don’t wanna think about my job or my pathetic love life, I just need to… yeah… relax for awhile”

Yunho paused for seconds, watching the beauty figure in front of him pouting cutely.

‘Damn’ he cursed mentally.

“Then what are you suggesting?”




“yunho-ah you should hit it powerfully!”

Jaejoong encouraged yunho for the numerous times.

Yunho wipe the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.

“You can do it yunho!”

Jaejoong gave him an assuring smile.

“Yah, why should I do it? You’re the one who wants that stupid teddy bear, so why don’t you tried it for yourself?”

Jaejoong pursed his lips, “yunho-ah, you are strong; I know you can do it better than me!”

Yunho cursed himself for being so weak just by single praise, or was it just about who gave that praise. Gathering all his power, Yunho then hit the block with the hammer and it reached it highest point. The bell rang loudly, everyone whose been watching them from the first time were cheering him up for his good job. Jaejoong jumped hilariously.

“Yayyyy! Yunho you did it, I know you can do It man!” jaejoong hugged yunho tightly.

Yunho already drained out. Jaejoong take the price that was already claimed was his.

“Let’s go, I’ll buy you a drink!” he said happily while holding yunho’s hand on the right and the teddy bear on his left hand. Yunho followed him reluctantly.



The waiter came again with another bowl of ice cream.

“Here’s your order, Sir!” she said with a smile, but her eyes was directed to Yunho who seems didn’t notice it. Jaejoong smirked sarcastically.

“Do you want me to get you something else, Sir?” She said trying her best to get yunho’s attention. But the other just mumbled ‘no’ to her.

She withdraws herself and leaves those two men alone.

“She likes you!”


Yunho sipped his lemon water.

“That waiter”

“oh,,,really?!” he said calmly but more uncared.

“Can’t you see her eyes, it keep glued to you! And the girl in the bumper car also did the same to you, and yeah… the high scholar girl in the main gate keep staring at you till she almost got tripped off”

Yunho just chuckled.


“it can’t be helped, I’m so irresistible”.

Jaejoong turned his head away and mumbling, “Such a cocky!”

“But, anyway, thank you, you such an observer!”

“It just you who’s being insensitive” Jaejoong pulled his tongue out to mock yunho.

Yunho pinched Jaejoong cheek.

“Hey, I gave you a credit, why did you--“

Yunho phone was ringing. He withdrew his hand off jaejoong, take a look at his screen and read the incoming message. Suddenly his cheer expression was changing into serious one.

“Sorry I gotta make a phone call out there, it just too noisy here” he said leaving his chair.

Jaejoong just nodded.

He saw yunho phoning someone outside.


*** Jaejoong POV***


I wonder with whom yunho talking to.

If it’s related to the job then it should be related with me to right?

Hmm. Maybe it’s about his family. That’s why he keeps it for himself.

By the way, I never heard him told anything about his family.

Yeah, I gotta asked him about them someday, it’s not that like I need to know about them, but I just want to. We live under the same roof so it should be fine.

Oh God, I just realized it.

I totally forgot about Siwon since we had fun today.

Well, maybe had fun wasn’t a bad idea. I should go out more from now. Maybe I should visit another place. Hmm, where could be the next?? Platinum Garden? Nah, it just too crowded. Zoo? Well, I think Iits been awhile since I had my last visit, in high school if I’m not mistaken. Hmm, should I go alone? Or will yunho…

“Yah jaejoong-ah, stop daydreaming, don’t you hear me, let’s go home, it already dark!”

Yunho was cut my imagination.

I didn’t notice that he already stood next to me and ready to take a leave.

“Ah yunho.. wait for me..!




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Chapter 17: I've just read all chapters in one go,please, don't give up and keep writing! !
Please continue, this is awesome!
yunjaemrcnn #3
@ yunjaemrcn: haha.. well, i've been busy for some stuff, i'm glad you still read my fic. thx, it means a lot for me :)
yunjaemrcn #5
waaah!! yunho to the rescue!!=DD<br />
i hope they'll be a lovebirds soon..ahe^^
Hmm~ Okay, so it isn't Seungri, it's GD d: OKAYY, YAYY, YUNHO IS HEREE!!! <3<br />
<br />
*Puts on kick- superhero music*<br />
Dan Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-DANNNN!!!<br />
<br />
MiszCJung #8
Yunho came to rescue... :) <br />
Hara?? As in Go Ara? <br />
Ermmmm... Whats TOP gonna do?? I expect more action. <br />
And more difficultiesss! :D TOP, dont soften up that easy! :D <br />
yunjaemrcn #9
yay!! u finally updated :)))
*Smacks TOP* Imma stealing Seungri away from you >:(<br />
Yunho go! Yunho go!<br />
<br />
And-haha, it's my habit to stay up late and wake up late (I'm like an owl *Hoooot*)