Chapter 12

My Life, Your Life, Our Happiness


***Jaejoong's POV***


“So, Junsu-ah how is the wedding preparation?”I asked him.

He smiled but slightly uncomforted about it.

“Junsu-ah, you should be happy, so what’s bother you?”

 “Hyung-ah, indeed, I’m so happy. But actually I’m a little bit nervous.”

“Junsu-ah, it’s ok, you’ll take one of biggest step of your life, then who wouldn’t?”

“Hmm I know hyung, but it’s not just about it. Tomorrow, Yochuun’s mother will come from America, I’m afraid whether she would approve us or not”.

 “Junsu-ah, don’t worry about it you such a cute boy, she will like you a lot, I’m sure about it baby”

I gave him an assuring smile.

He nodded.

“So, how ‘bout you hyung? Did Siwon-hyung still tried to get you back?”

I gave a sighed. Rested my back to the arm couch.

“He never give up. I still saw him for couples time right across the street. He thought I didn’t notice it”

“Gosh… it’s scary!”

“Of course, but Yunho convinced me he wouldn’t dare to touch me while he’s around”

Junsu grinned.

“What?”I asked perplexedly.

“Well, why’d yunho-hyung act so protective to you jae-hyung? Are you sure you guys don’t have other relationship but just a roommate?!”

I was startled.

Did yunho being overly protective to me?

“Yah! Junsu-ah, what do you mean? He just acted like a good friend, that’s all.”

Junsu grinned evilly.

“Well, hyung, he’s generous and undoubtedly hot, are you sure you don’t have any other feelings toward him?”

I was taken back by junsu’s words.

“Omo~ hyung, you’re blushing..!”

He laughed happily.

I smacked his head.

“Akkkkhhh…it’s hurt hyung!”

“How dare you tease me huh!” I said while pinched his cheek.

“Akhhh.. ok ok hyung, I’m sorry, but you guys just cute being together. Seriously!”

I released my hand from his cheek.

“But we’re just friend, su!” I said calmly. He rubbed his almost swollen cheeks.

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

“Umm, I don’t know, he never mentions it!”

“Oh, so he never brings a girl before? I mean come on, with that look just so impossible if no one attracted him”

I thought what junsu saying was quite right. I never saw yunho hang out with a girl before. Maybe he just don’t have one right now.

“Hey, what about your part? Have you finished it? We got to report it by Monday.” I suddenly changed the topic. I don’t know myself why but I just feel not comfortable talk about it.

“Just a few more edited hyung, I’ll send you the copy by tonight ok!”

I smiled proudly. Junsu was so reliable.

Suddenly, yunho’s head popped up from the door.

“Joongie-ah, I’m done, let’s go home!”

I gave junsu a wave good bye and I can sense him chuckled from behind my back.


***End of POV***




***TOP’s POV***


I closed the box carefully. I treasured every single piece inside it and won’t let anybody stain it. I wont forgive them not even myself.

I took the box from where it was placed before. Turned my head around make sure no one saw it.

Then I dragged myself to the window, watching bird soaring in the sky, sun peeping behind the cloud, wind blew quietly. Everything coloring one common thing, a peace. Unfortunately I cannot feel that in me.

I wont deal with my suffer. I demand everyone feel what I’m feeling.

If I cannot be happy then no one can, especially him.

I grabbed my phone, and dialed my man.

“Get my car prepared!....….No, I’ll drive myself!”

When I was about to get into my car, one of my man ran after me. He bowed politely.

“Sir, your wi-”He hesitated to speak. I glared him. He’s getting sunken into his fear.

“Tell her I wont be here by tonight,”

“Then will you’ll be back again, Sir?”

“She no needs to know!”

I leaved him without any explanation, I wouldn’t care if he will be in trouble because of me.

I drove my car again to that place. At least once a week I came to that place. No matter how busy I am I always made myself available to pay a visit.

A young woman greeted me in the office.

“Mr. Choi, I’m sorry, Dr. Chen couldn’t able to see you today. Her son was coming from Germany today” she said with a smile.

“It’s ok, I just want to see him”

She led me to his room. I saw him sitting on his chair facing the window. Eyes stared blankly to the sky above.

I approached him. He seems didn’t notice with my present, like always.

I greet him, he keep on silent.

I called his name again, but he never turned his face to see me. Not even replying my words.

My heart was torn apart. It’s always like this. No matter how many times I pay a visit, he would respond it with the silent and mute. And for countless time, my heart was shatter into pieces again.

I tried to hold back my tears. Seeing him like this was so excruciating for me. But I always keep in faith that he will be back again to his self.

‘If it’s not because of that , this wouldn’t be happened. He should pay for this.’ I cursed mentally.


***End of POV****


Yunho took a sip of his coffee yet his eyed still glued to the book in front of him. He flipped the page one by one. He’s been doing this for about 2 hours already. People came and gone by those hour but he still not moved from his position. The café was not a quite place but seems warm and cozy. And he wouldn’t hesitate to spend all day by reading a book in this spot.

‘Hmm… what material should be great for the main gate…’ he mumbled himself.

Suddenly he heard a cried. He turned around and saw a little girl cried. He look around to search her mother but found nothing.

Yunho ran towards the little girl.

“Hey pretty, what’s up?” he asked.

The little girl looks confused. He just sobbed and tried to answer but no words came out of his mouth. Then yunho realized, the little girl was blind.

Yunho tried to console her. He gave her a warming hug and nice words. Soon, her cry was over and replaced with a smile.

“Omo~ Hyuri!”

A woman ran panickly. Yunho released the little girl from his arm.

She held the little girl tightly.

“I’m sorry, I told you not moved from where you were…. Ah I thought I lost you!”

She wipes the tears over her cheeks.

Yunho noticed that this woman must be her mom.

Yunho was about to leave those two, when the woman call him.

“Sir, you’re very generous, thank you so much for accompanied my daughter.”

“No, it’s not a big deal.”

“It’s true, you are very kind, I’m Hara, and you..”

She extends her hand.

“it’s Yunho”, yunho shook her hand.

Yunho bid goodbye to Hara and Hyuri. He walked home when his phone was ringing. A text message popped up.


                I’m in lab now but I cannot focus on my experiment. My heart seems flew away to Seoul. I miss you so bad. What should I do? =(


Yunho replied it

                You want me to become your guinea pig???


A fast reply came

                That should be fun, kekekekke… Arghhh.. I need to take some rest, and you too… ! you have a full responsibility to take care of that y body okay! That’s my property, =D


Yunho replied it again

                Oh ! I gain weight lately. But I’m still hot, kekeke…okay, bye.


A message came again

                Hey hottie, say you miss me too =(


Yunho replied it at once

                I miss you <3


Last message popped up

                I know you do… =)





***Siwon’s POV***


I heard someone knocking my door. I hurried my self run to my door

“Yeah, I’m coming…”

I opened the door, and…


I saw my TOP- hyung, he looks so desperate. He never been looks like this before.


He hugged me.

I was startled by his sudden move.

I hugged him back.

“What hap-“

“I want you to bring Kim Jaejoong to me!” he hissed.


***End of POV***




***Jaejoong’s POV***


Stuffs started to threw up from the bag, but I still didn’t found what I am searching for.

“Yunho, where’s the onion?” I asked Yunho but didn’t get the answer. I turned around and not found him.

‘Aish, where is he?’

I moved to his room but he wasn’t there, then I heard shower from bathroom.

“Yunho-ah!” I knocked the door.

“Yeah Jae...”

“Where did you put the onion I couldn’t find it in the bag”

“Umm, I think I forgot to buy it, Jae…”

“Ah great yunho, then what about our dinner..”

“I’ll buy it after I finish taking a bath okay?”

“Never mind yunho, I’ll get it by mysef”

“But Jae…”

I didn’t listen the rest of his words, I lead my self to the minimarket nearby.

‘Oh, there it is!’

I grabbed a bunch of onion and smiled happily. Then I saw watermelon in a very cheep price, the price cut almost 20% off. I was about to reach its counter when a hand held my arm.

I was jerked off.


My eyes widen.


I was frozen for about 1-2 seconds.

“Let me go! You hurt me” I calmly demand him.

He released his grip.

“I’m sorry.. jaejoong-ah!” He talked nervously. I catch a bit of sadness in his face.

Honestly, I missed him but I don’t wanna see him anymore.

I was about to leave him when his hand held my wrist again.

“What are you doing Siwon?”

“Jaejoong-ah, please, we need to talk”

“Siwon, we’re over, just deal with it!”

“No Jaejoong, I-“

“Yes, we’re done Siwon!” I cut him.

“Jaejoong-ah! I just wanna…”

Luckily, there is an ahjumma interfered our conversation. He tried to get some carrots but her legs was tripped and fell towards Siwon. Instinctively Siwon held her, but she just too clumsy and let her hand grab the tray that full of carrots and eventually all carrots fell apart down there.

I grabbed this opportunity to runaway and didn’t bother to turn around.

 ‘Phewww, that was close!’ I sighed in relief.

I walked heading to my apartment when I heard a sound behind my back. Someone seems like stalking me here.

‘Damn it Siwon! He just so persistent!’ I mumbled to myself.

I took all the courage in me. I need to face him bravely.

I turned around.

“Yah Siwon, why d-“

I couldn’t finish my words. My body was trembling. My knee felt so week. That’s him. A face that I tried to avoid for all these years showed up right before my eyes.

“Kim Jaejoong, how are you? it’s been awhile!”




Hi my precious readers,

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Chapter 17: I've just read all chapters in one go,please, don't give up and keep writing! !
Please continue, this is awesome!
yunjaemrcnn #3
@ yunjaemrcn: haha.. well, i've been busy for some stuff, i'm glad you still read my fic. thx, it means a lot for me :)
yunjaemrcn #5
waaah!! yunho to the rescue!!=DD<br />
i hope they'll be a lovebirds soon..ahe^^
Hmm~ Okay, so it isn't Seungri, it's GD d: OKAYY, YAYY, YUNHO IS HEREE!!! <3<br />
<br />
*Puts on kick- superhero music*<br />
Dan Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da-da-da-dan! Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-DANNNN!!!<br />
<br />
MiszCJung #8
Yunho came to rescue... :) <br />
Hara?? As in Go Ara? <br />
Ermmmm... Whats TOP gonna do?? I expect more action. <br />
And more difficultiesss! :D TOP, dont soften up that easy! :D <br />
yunjaemrcn #9
yay!! u finally updated :)))
*Smacks TOP* Imma stealing Seungri away from you >:(<br />
Yunho go! Yunho go!<br />
<br />
And-haha, it's my habit to stay up late and wake up late (I'm like an owl *Hoooot*)