This is it!!

Lust or True Love??

A/N: Shampoo dongsaeng... Here's the update as promised. I had a great day at work today :) hehe.. Hope you enjoyed it!!



We arrived at the main concert hall 2 hours before it is due to start. It's a good choice to arrive early and get used to the surrounding than getting nervous and panicky when the whole things start.

My parents and Oppa found their seats as I excused myself to the backstage.

"________, you're finally here!!" I was greeted by my best friends.. All of them look georgeous in their black dress..

"Hi, everyone!" I tried hiding my nervousness.. 

"Wow.. look at your dress!!" Tiffany nudge my shoulder..

"Well.. Omma sew these sequins.. she's done a great job, right?" All of them nods in agreement.

Well.. everyone of us were dressed in black dress.. and the guys look good in their black suits too..

I think I hid my emotions well until I spotted Jae Joong looking at me.. I think gazing is the most suitable word to describe.. He quickly turned away when he realize that I noticed him gazing at me.

Time went by quickly.. 

But my thought on Jae and Jae Joong never left me..

"Everyone.. be ready. We'll be up in 3 minutes..get ready!" The voice of our maestro brought me back to reality.. I will just focus on this and then let the other go by..

Before we knew it.. we're seated on our respective seats in front of the audiences.. I could tell, this concert is really a big one! The hall was occupied with thousands of people.. I tried looking for my family members.. and I actually didn't find it hard finding them as Oppa is holding a bright neon light  on his hand as he waves toward me.. what a silly thing to do, Oppa!! This is not even a K-Pop Idol concert.. Haha

Every eyes are on the maestro as he lift his stick signalling us to prepare..

This is it!!... The concert lasted for about 2 hours... It was really fun. Then it dawned me.. now that the concert is over, the contest will be starting...

As the maestro went forward I gasped..

"Good evening everyone!! I am very happy to be able to present such a wonderful collections of music pieces with this town's amazing and talented musicians.. Thank you for coming!.. This year, we're going to make something different. I believe each of us has our talent on music.. so I am opening this time for anyone to come up front and take participation in this special contest." He's making the announcement..


I looked at Yoon A, Jesscia, and Tiffany. They're as nervous as I am..


Jae Joong on the other hand looks so calm. Ha!


The crowds are whispering among themselves..


"As announced.. I would like to invite the participants to come up front and take place at this stage.." The Emcee announced.

"The winner will win a package trip to England for two.. and will be given the opportunity to visit the Royal School of music..." The Emcee added..


More sounds were heard from the crowd. My best friends and I took our seat at the appointed places. I am actually thankful that we're seated right in front of the stage.. just next the VIPs.


One girl came up front and introduce herself as Yoon Mi.. She started playing the cello.. She's quite a talent!

After she completed her rendition.. big applause was heard.

More participants came up to the front to present their music.. All of them were really talented.


As expected.. Jae Joong too, went to the stage with his violin..

'Oh, no!! Now... what am I gonna do?' I am totally wrecked..


"Good evening ladies and gentleman.. I am kim Jae Joong. I would like to dedicate this music to one special girl that won my heart.." The crowds awed at his introduction.. How I wished God will just take me away at this very moment..

Honestly.. I really cannot sit right and still even. Jae Joong looked at me directly on the eyes..

I am actually surprised and I can feel my cheek blushed.  Fortunately the light was dimmed right or else...  I won't know where I should hid this  face of mine.

He placed his violin firmly over his broad shoulder and grip his violin bow. He looked up to the sky.. hold his bow up.. and started playing.. A music entitled Close to you filled the air.. My heart flipped for a second.. How can he look so damn good playing violin on stage.. just like Appa!..

I stole glance over at the place my family were seated to find Appa looked amused at Jae Joong's performance.


My smartphone blinked.. I just received a new text message from Oppa..

"It looks like Appa fancied Jae Joong more.. hehe..."

"Yah.. it's still too early.. Jae haven't showed up yet"

"Is he really going to show up?"

"I don't know.. I will not make any choice until he showed up.."

The audiences applauded really loud as Jae Joong finished his rendition.. He was walking toward me when the Clementine music filled the air.

Jae Joong stopped.. I actually stopped breathing for few seconds.. The audiences gasped in shock to see what's in front of them...


I looked at my bestfriends.. they're speechless.. their wide eyes tell how surprised they were.. Oppa was practically standing up too shocked.. I can see Omma closed with her hands.. 

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Thanks everyone for reading :) Stay tuned for many more fanfic to come!! Have a wonderful day!
yeah its true.. it was a happy ending!

kamsaminda also unnie for not failing us! you write it so awesome!

a great story and a fantastic author!=)

awww that was a beautiful ending *dabs eyes with tissue* :)
@chapter 34

yes! yes! yes!

i knew it! mwahahaha

unnie, i really liked this! you really jjang!

but im must be prepared for the final though..

a box of tissue!
'couse i knw ill be crying a lot!hehe

always be your #1 fan!

xoxo ^_^
@chapter 33
unnie,somehow the smog cleared out already..

and i feeling whom she will choose now!hehe
unnie, i fell on my bed after this!..waaah..

i cnt still decide!

jae gives good reasons too!

this is harder than making a 24 layered cake!!
Oh No Way! why i never thought about that!!
their twins!!! "screaming"

otakae!!i thought all along that they are same person!"shock"

unnie u made me cry here for real! i was so heartbroken dsame as she feels ryt now!huhuhu

i dnt knw wat to say really!!

now, i was devastated! silly me on not thinking any posibilities! i just stuck in one box! waaaaah!

i dnt knw whom to choose!

i will hear jae side first!

"still sobbing!"=(
You can't leave it there, I want to know what happens next
omo! omo! unnie your killing me!!!

hahaha..i was reading very slowly with peeking eyes...

unnie your so mean to me!!!

in a good way though! ke ke ke

i love you unnie! even though or given a heart attack! xoxo ^_^
Haha.. Can this be worse?? I wonder who will she finally ends up with. Thanks for the update, Unnie!! Sarangheyo :)