A Song For My Love


Seung Hyun’s POV

I don’t really know how to love

I didn’t know it would come to me like this

My heart doesn’t act like how it wants to in front of my love

If I knew I was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have started it in the first place

Like a fool,  I’m regretting this love

I wished that you wouldn’t be my love

I wished that it wouldn’t be you

You deceited me, telling me that it’s not love

I hope that it would be a passing by fate

Because painful wounds would be left on me

But even when I know this, I’m still greedy

It keeps getting me sad

I thought it was a wrong start

I thought so easily 


I finished singing and strummed the last note. I looked up at the sky. There were not stars in sight. I sighed. I always have fun whenever I spend time with So Eun. But every time, I say goodbye after sending her home, I always wonder if it will be our last goodbye. I acted like I was strong enough to lose her, that I could overcome it. God knows I’m lying. I can’t do it. I can’t lose her. She’s everything to me.


I live alone. My parents passed away when I was six. Grandma took care of me, until she left me too, when I was 10. She left me this house. She left me alone. I had to survive on my own, find my own independence. I didn’t know what love was, until I met So Eun. I didn’t know how love felt, until the first time I laid eyes on her. And I definitely didn’t know, that a rich person like her, would ever talk to someone as low as me. Who has to work many different jobs just to support my daily expenses and education. Who doesn’t get to enjoy life like how other kids his age gets to do. A guy who can’t even buy his girlfriend proper presents once in awhile. Who can only afford to bring her out and send her home on a bicycle.

I wonder what does she sees in me. I wonder why does she still stick around with me, when she has a much more better guy, waiting to make her his wife.

Sometimes I think I’m selfish, still keeping her by my side, when she definitely deserve better than what I can give her. Maybe, I should learn to let go.

But everytime I look into her eyes, watch her face lit up with my jokes, hear her angelic laughter, listening to her sarcastic comments, her bashful innocent face, I lose it all. I can’t. I’m not ready to give her up yet.


“I didn’t know you can play the guitar,” So Eun’s eyes widened when she saw that I had brought my guitar along for our date.

“I’m a man full of surprises,” I winked at her.

As expected, she rolled her eyes.

“I really should stop praising you.”

“Please don’t. It makes me feel so good.”

“Sing me a song then. Let me see how good you are.”

“I only said I could play the guitar. I didn’t say I could sing.”

“Neh, a good guitarist always have a beautiful voice. Come on, or are you afraid?” she started to tease me.

“Fine. I’ll sing you a song that will blow you away.”

She folded her knees close to her chest and waited eagerly for me to start. I took a deep breath and strummed my guitar. Then, I started to sing.

I always want to be the only one

There is such a person

I only hope that at me, only to sympathize with

I feel lonely

Even by my side, and I miss

As lonely as people who made me miss

I love you

Love you so

Slowly open your heart to me, please

I will be here

I will only look at you

I hope one day you will accept me

I want to be your only man

Uneasy feeling always make me feel sad

As sad as you make me a happy man

I love you

Love you so

Slowly open your heart, please

I will be here

I will only look at you

I hope one day you will accept me

I want to your only man


I finally ended my song. I glanced at So Eun, to see her reaction. I found her staring back at me.

“So how was it? Did I blew you away?”

It took her a moment to answer.

“Hyun-ah...” her voice trailed off.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, now worried.

“I...” her eyes started welling up.

I put my guitar aside and held her.

“Eunnie,” I called her urgently. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

“That was so beautiful!” she finally blurted out and threw her arms around me.

“Song Seung Hyun,” she continued. “You don’t know how sad that song made me feel. But it was so beautiful. Your voice is beautiful. You are beautiful. I could sit here and listen to you sing for hours.” She had her arms still wrapped tightly around my neck.

“Eunnie,” I said gently.

“No, let me finish,” she insisted. “I know, how badly you’re hurting inside, just like me now. I know, this situation is not getting any easier for us. And I know, every passing second, is one second nearer to my wedding date.”

My face changed instantly when she said that. I knew, it was coming. But hearing it from , makes it seem so final.

I tried to pull away, my own tears are already threatening to come out, but she held me closer and tighter.

“But believe me when I say this, there is no one else, and there will never be anyone else for me. You are my only man Song Seung Hyun. Now and forever. My only love. I can’t bring myself to love anyone else. I love you.”

The floodgates opened. My own tears came streaming down.

“Kim So Eun,” I whispered fiercely, trying to fight my tears. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If there is any way, for me to fight for you, to keep you by my side, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you ask me to. Because life has no meaning for me without you.”

“Seung Hyun-ah, mianhe. Mianhe,” she sobbed.

“Shh. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Not your fault.” 


Okay, I know this is probably a little bit boring but I love the songs so I just had to add in the lyrics to make the mood really sad :)

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great fic, thank you!
oh my god. I just finished reading and I'm crying. The ending was so sad T.T are you a fan of sad endings or something huhuhuh T.T
i loved the fic! It was beautiful.
okay so i just started reading :'D
yayy another seunghyun fic. And you didn't disappoint me, I loved this fic, just like the other fic I read :D
I'm so curious about Seunghyun's background right now and I hate her appa for the arranged marriage ;w;
gonna continue reading now!
Awww, thank you :)
treasurelove #5
i cried .. :(<br />
i love this story...
treasurelove #6
nice ^0^
Hey. Thank you veryy muchh ! :))
Thank you veryy muchh for your wonderful comment :))